Piers Morgan (13)

Piers Morgan is a cunt, even Jeremy Clarkson thinks he,s a cunt so what can you say, cunted by a cunt.

This argumentative gobshite cunt just gets on my tits for being a cunt, i cant even narrow it down theres so many reasons this piece of shit needs a cunting, from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed he,s an uba cunt and he never seems to stop.

Give it a rest Piers you don’t have to be a cunt everyday of your life, take a break, it cant be easy and don’t pretend you don’t try really hard to be like this, i don’t believe it come naturally, you wouldn’t still be around, I’m sure your parents would have seen to that.

If only i could time travel, i could go back, give is old man a johnny and a good hard kick in the fucking giblets…..fuck you Piers your a cunt, sounds like the lyrics to a Lilly mong song doesn’t it….

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

27 thoughts on “Piers Morgan (13)

  1. The problem with cunts like this cunt is that they exist only because they’re self-proclaimed cunts!

    Cunts like him feed on attention and controversy. He knows he is universally despised, which only adds to his vain kudos.

    If he was a bland “yes” man, no one would give a shit, and he’d be just another boring turd in a field of boring turds. But the very fact that this cunt has now received 13 nominations on here, proves that being a complete and utter odious cunt does wonders for one’s career!

  2. He Irish and a plastic Brit, so therefore a cunt by default, even before his individual cuntishness has surfaced, the only exception to this rule was the late Patrick Cosgrove!!!!

  3. A boring g list celebrity posh cunt. Just makes a living out of being contentious on shit tv. No real views or morals. Has a finger in the wind strategy for whether he will offer left centre or right wing opinions daily. Always first to tweet an opinion as if anyone really thinks he says anything worth listening to

  4. Media tart.
    What else do you expect?
    Theyre all like this cunt.
    For someone sacked for printing faked photos and phone hacking he’s a moralistic little cunt!
    Faux outrage, playing at being the hard boiled right of centre voice of commonsense,
    Then hysterical that makeup gave him the same lipstick as suzzanah Reid.
    Fuck off ducky.

  5. I would love the chance to fucking deck this suppurating cunt, even though I never watch his shit.

  6. Plastic Gooner is Piers. Hardcore Arsenal fans despise this odious cunt. Only ‘became’ a Gooner in the wake of Wenger’s success. A proper johnny come lately twat.

    Still, Morgan has his good points. Hacking Steve Coogan’s phone made the coke guzzling slut screwing poodle haired luvvie cunt go into a Chernobyl level meltdown and a tantrum to rival Violet Elizabeth. That was funny.

    Now I’m thinking about Susannah Reid and a bottle of chip oil.

  7. Has anyone else noticed a Recaptcha symbol in the right hand corner since yesterday’s password shenanigans?

  8. He is an odious excuse for a human being. When he was in America, he started poking his nose into the gun issue (whatever one’s view, it is an issue for the US, not a cunt from the UK media). Mind you, someone started a petition to send him back to the UK, which was met with a counter petition in the UK to keep him in the US. Plenty of people get my back up, but this piece of shit is the cunto-di-cunto. I would gladly smack him one if I ever saw him – any fine or prison sentence would be worth it.

  9. I make it a rule never to clap eyes on this Ultra Cunt.
    Naturally I will make an exception today as he’s resurfaced like a half drowned Libyan on this fine site.
    He should get given a very strong dose of The Mouth Pear.
    Fuck Off.

  10. I understand the whole point of his existence on telly is to be a fake moralist and often controversial and without these attributes he wouldn’t have a career. What gets me is that he has absolutely no right to moralise over anything with the previous he’s got. The City Slickers scandal ( for which he should have done time) and phone hacking. Yet he prides himself on holding interviewees to account although he wasn’t very keen on such treatment when enquiries were made about the above.
    ITV are the real cunts for paying this arsehole knowing full well his dodgy past ( and a fucking sight more than we know I bet ). And people like my missus who think he’s great and watch his insincere drivel are just as bad.

  11. Another cunting for ‘the voice of reason’
    Sad state of affairs when a cunt like this despite being widely recognised as a total cunt is never short of a nicely paid TV gig.
    Tells you pretty much all you need to know about the media and its employees.

  12. If you look up “cunt” in an encyclopedia, there’s just a picture of this slack-jawed fat posh cunt.

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