I would like to nominate outdoor mask wearing.
Seriously, what is the fucking point? I can understand the rationale behiind wearing one in a busy city street, even if the virulence (or lack of) of Covid outdoors does make it somewhat unnecessary. But people are doing this in my small town as well, where social distancing is practically the default and where their risk of catching the virus outside is about the same as the risk of being trampled on by an elephant. There’s even one stupid woman who wears those surgical gloves as well. How paranoid can these morons get?
Nominated by: General Tso’s Chiggun
…and on a similar note, this from mystic maven
Covid mask droppers are filthy disgusting cunts. You see these manky blue things all over the place, just waiting for a small kid to touch and catch all those stinking germs, or maybe a dog to swallow it.
I hope all those cunts catch the virus and die quickly, save the NHS having to waste their time treating them.
…and this from Sixdog Vomit
Face masks are a cunt.
I wear one where required because it makes other people feel safer not because I believe they really help fend of the plague. I am not going to be wearing two at a time though, not a chance.
What really grinds me about face masks is the way they are casually abandoned in the street. With three dogs in the house I do a lot of dog walking. During the dog walks I encounter face masks strewn on the pavements, hanging from bushes, see people discard them without a second thought, I see more discarded face masks than I see other people’s dog shit that lazy cunts think they are above cleaning up.
Now if anything is a potential source of covid a used face mask must be near the top of the list, you’d think that there would be fines above and beyond littering for improper disposal of the fucking things. You’d think there would be strict rules for the disposal of face masks as medically contaminated waste.
But no, in the middle of a pandemic that’s lead to economic catastrophe, that’s caused over 100k deaths, where people have been placed under what amounts to house arrest the majority of people and the government don’t seem to see improper disposal of the legally mandated face wear worthy of a second thought.
It makes no sense at all in context of the narrative.
You forgot the fannies that wear them in the car when they’re alone.
Dozy cunts.
It was so cold the other day, when I went back to my car from the shop, I actually kept mine on in for a few minutes, until I realised I looked like fucking moron and it was a Balaclava I needed, not a mask!
Me too. I wore mine on the way to the shop and back because my face was frozen. It helped.
As far as these masks being strewn around all over the place is concerned, you’d think enterprising women could collect them, wash them, roll them up with tissue paper and cotton wool and use them instead of menstrual pads. Money saving tip of the day. Just a suggestion.
They type of people who wear masks alone in cars are probably the type to wear condoms to prevent STIs and unwanted pregnancies when alone and indulging in onanism.
It’s been shown that many Irish people who wear two masks at a time are the same ones who wear 2 condoms. . . . . . .
To be sure, to be sure!
Every rozzer I see driving around our way wears a mask in their car.
Still, they aren’t recruited for their IQ are they?
I wanted to work them into the nom too but couldn’t find a way to do so without it becoming rambly.
I hate wearing one.
But will for the benefit of others,
In shops, supermarket, peoples homes etc.
Mines a big cotton bandana like a polo neck jumper, so breathable.
But soon as outside its off.
First time I saw someone in a mask (nearly a year ago) I started laughing.
Never realised we’d all be shortly doing the same☹️
Fair enough if they want to wear one inside, outside, in their car, under their duvet, in the bath, anything. They should do what they like but let the rest of us continue normally.
I detested them from the get go, knew the sightings of one or two back then would end up with this fuckwittery now.
Cunt of a thing when you’ve got a beard. Not only pointless but it slides up your face and gets in your eyes. And this is coming from where it was only mandatory for 13 days ‘cos some parquay guard sniffed the dirty laundry of some bint in quarantine.
Wearing a mask with glasses is worse because of the constant fog up. I’ve tried the Kleenex method but it only works for limited amount of time before fogging up again
I only have a partial short beard still annoying as fuck sometimes but not nearly as if was a full style one like you have, I’m assuming
If your fogging up that easily, then the government have a lot to answer to.
I would apply for condensation.
Your on fire tonight Bertie, is Punstobble.com sponsoring the grandkids Sunday football team or something?
Evening Libs. I’ve now managed to catalogue all the puns for easy reference. I’ve got to keep it out of Miserable’s hands as he’s worse than the Chinese for plagiarising stuff.
I like it. Hides my condescending, sneering, smug grin as I circumnavigate puny mere mortals and till slaves in Waitrose ?
Joking aside ? I wear it for the benefit of others so they can feel ‘safe’, old people, high risk etc. I don’t think a mask does it damn thing for covid safety, but hey.
Fortunately, I`m a surgeon, so I wear one all the time.
The masks are the least of all the Covid issues, the home made ones and cheap blue are one thing but I saw a report on the news that some scientists want to make the higher grade masks compulsory in shops and transport.
Who the fuck is going to buy high grade masks at £50 for a pack of 10 and they are of no greater use that the cheap ones unless they fit and are worn properly.
I have seen a few masks either lost or discarded, I guess from the same sort of cunt who throws litter on the ground.
In the news today, as well as supporting the world wide vaccine distribution to the tune of 250 million they also want to give away our excess vaccine supply, paid for by the UK tax payer.
Mask dropping should come with a ten year prison sentence minimum.
To be honest General, there are some cunts who need to wear a mask at all times. Ie the liebore party front bench, and Layla Moran.
Good point Harry
Is the bloke above piloting BWC’s new face mask for the discerning tongue tickler.
I don’t understand the whole mask thing. It won’t stop the spread of the virus, but will stop filthy cunts sneezing on you. Wouldn’t it be better to educate those dirty fuckers to use a tissue, then dispose of it? My mate who works for TfL said that there have been people in taking swabs of the underground staff offices as the unions are stirring it up about the danger of covid to staff due to it staying on surfaces. They found no covid, but plenty of desks, phones and keyboards with faecal matter (that’s shit) on them. The thought is that it is the muzzer staff wiping their arses with their hands.
Smeared shite is nothing to do with us, is a faecal matter…
Union of muslim workers
London is full of dirty cunts.
Wash hands after using the toilet, that’s a fucking laugh.
that’s it the wipe their arses and hold their phones with their left hands, the sinister bastards.
This so called Pandemic is leaving some people with obsessive behaviour because of the fear that has been instilled into them.
For example I was about to enter the main entrance of my Flat a few nights ago . In front of me was this woman who lives in the block using her key to get in instead of tapping in the code. She was scared of catching it off the entry code and was also wearing a mask ( on her own ) and while speaking to me from a distance was constantly wiping her hands with hand Gel.
This lunatic behaviour will never stop for all these sad bastards even when it’s over She will carry on wearing a mask .It will stay with them for life.
I don’t wear a mask for the safety of others fuck them. I simply wear one because I’m a compliant introvert who doesn’t want to make a scene or be denied entry to shop
Wearing a mask outside seems nonsensical to me especially if low contact to other people and you are not in a crowded area. Sneezing and coughing sick cunts should be wearing masks tho pandemic or not
Also I’m getting annoyed at the hand sanitizer thing. I like it there as a option but I was gestured to use one by security before entering the store last week. Like I already got fucking mittens on you burnt bastard I don’t need any of that soapy gunk shit too
I’m an introvert too, would rather leave others to enjoy their own delusions, but this bullshit has to be resisted. Give an inch of compliance and the government will inevitably oven you.. they’re all a hop-skip-jump from unleashing their inner Nazi. All of them.
I got the store manager out today because the store entry ‘guard’, who looked like he came off a fucking dinghy yesterday, asked ‘where is your card’?
6 months in and these dickheads don’t even understand the rules they’re enforcing. You are OBLIGED to correct them, because again, given the right conditions these braindead fucks WILL allow the government to oven people.
It sucks but if everyone just grew a fucking pair and stood up for truth for that one moment in the day then this insanity would all quickly end!
Masks are political obedience training. They should be resisted. Fuck peoples feelings, fuck them. Get educated and you’d realise you don’t need them in the first fucking place.
Fully admit to wearing a mask when outdoors, but only in cold weather.
Over the last few years I have developed a niggly cough whenever I inhale cold air.
Air conditioning in the car also triggers it.
Probably have the start of lung cancer, fucking typical as a lifelong non smoker.
Masks, inside or outside, do not stop viral transmission.
I fucking hate them, and despise the clueless brainwashed sheeple who walk around outdoors with them on.
I despair.
I despise anyone who wears them, period. It shows they are intellectually lazy and cowardly, or just dumb. There is no scientific basis for wearing them at all and they cause real damage to peoples health if not treated with great care. At best a breakout on the face, at worst bacteria pneumonia.
Political obedience training. It’s fucking embarrassing. The public sucks.
I am not disputing your take on masks as a government plot but people wear them (lots of different grades) regularly in many industrial settings and what many people wear in shops, the blue surgical masks, are also worn by staff in hospitals and have been for years to prevent spread of infection.
Simple logic dictates that all mask wearing has negative effects, it’s just a case of how adverse those are. We didn’t evolve with synthetic materials restricting our air flow, and unmasked is ‘zero’ or baseline.
Just because others wear them is not a convincing argument – how do you know they’re not being injured or won’t develop complications later?
I’m not interested in being a statistic later on and receiving feigned sympathy for it. I trust nature knows best.
Chunky – You’re becoming so obsessed with the question of
mask wearing, I think you’re slowly turning into a public
If people want to wear nappies on their face, knock yourselves out! What I object to is mandating something that has no scientific backing (the opposite is true). I’m quite comfortable with other people believing stupid shit or harming themselves – I will always speak the truth to them and help if possible. But this delusional behaviour is interfering with my freedom, so it’s now personal.
I jerked off in a field once in the middle of nowhere, that’s as close as I’ll get to being a public pud puller.
“I despise anyone who wears them, period. It shows they are intellectually lazy and cowardly, or just dumb.”
That’s your definition of being “quite comfortable with other people believing stupid shit or harming themselves” is it? ?
mask wearers of any description are utter disease infected morons who obviously prefer to do as they’re told by scum media and politicians who are not at all interested in their health, rather wish them dead so they can divide up the spoils when they’ve gone – the more compliance with the tyranny the more the tyranny continues – but hey, it’s for the benefit of the public, right?
How long has this shit being going on now and what has changed – nothing – the tyranny continues as all the morons now believe they will never ever die – pity’s sake …. you do know that the latest financial figures indicate global debt is now 356% of GDP – and guess who’s going to pay? Not Klauss Slob and the unknown fuckers behind him that’s for sure!
and just in case you’ve forgotten – there is absolutely no mandate for wearing masks outside in Britain, all the time – originally it was thought it would help people go out and shop again after being imprisoned for a few weeks by the same bastards that are still doing it today – the compliant are killing this country
When out on my daily walk coming towards are sometimes the outdoor mask wearers. I move slightly as I would prior to this shit, to let them pass. Not enough, they either step into the road or onto somebody’s driveway. Then comes ‘that’ look. Why didn’t you move further cunt? I’ve stopped moving now to annoy the fuckers.
When this shitfest kicked off Whitty, Hancock and Van-Tam said masks are ineffective and you do not need to wear one, so what changed.
So called experts moving the goalposts on a daily basis.
Anyone who still thinks this is only about a virus needs their fucking head examined.
I’m on board with the tin foilers. This fucking stinks.
I can’t believe people are still buying this shit.
Revolution through non-compliance.
Bacofoil is the new toilet paper….
What made you change your mind, Mr Cuntley? Always intrigued to know the ‘why’.
I think more people will smell the plate of festering shite under their nose when everyone who wants the vaccine has had it, yet we’re still not back to normality. That was the original pledge; vaccinate the vulnerable, open up and return to normal.
The fact that Blair is piping up again should be a loud warning to all. That cunt happily destroyed Iraq. With a track record what makes you think he won’t destroy ours too?
If there really was a plague that was gonna kill us all, would we need to be reminded every minute 24/7, or would we work that out ourselves.
There’s definitely a virus out there that’s picked off some of the elderly and vulnerable but doesn’t that happen every year. Fortunately flu disappeared in 2020 apparently, but I don’t believe that for a second.
The carrots dangled by the government were another clue.
Promising someone something then taking it away but promising again is a psychological weapon probably being used for when the real bombshell is dropped, and the bomb is the usual suspect, money. It’s always about the money but this time it’s lack of it.
Just three weeks to flatten the curve then we’ll be okay.
Just one more lockdown then we’ll okay.
Then another, but we’ll okay when the R rate goes below 1. It did.
Just wait until we get the vaccine, (which technically isn’t a vaccine) but you’ll still have stay indoors and wear a mask should you dare to go out.
These lockdowns are here for a while with these new variants. Look out for Antarctic variant, to be followed by the island in the middle of nowhere where no sod lives variant.
Schwab WEF openly stated ‘believing that the world will return to normal after Covid is fiction.’
The re-set is coming, for some banks and governments it’s a get out as they cant go on as is.
Cash will disappear, why are banks that mocked cryptocurrencies originally now getting on board.
They need something to blame the shit state of finances on and the virus is the fall guy.
So now it’s vaccines, health passports, soon to be biometric chips, which will be a step we take while sleep walking into a surveillance state/dystopian nightmare.
If we let this happen, not only have we fucked ourselves we’ve let down future generations who will ask, why did we let it happen?
It’s always money….
I compared masks with dog shit in my original nom and the amount of masks I see discarded in the street is competing with the amount of said dog shit left lying around.
Fucking geezer up the road just accused me of throwing dog shit in his garden. “I’ve seen you with my own eyes!” Says he.
“No you haven’t”, says me, because I don’t throw dog shit in anyone’s garden ever. The cunt then try’s to tell me the neighbours have seen me. “Go get them and let me hear them tell me I’ve done that.” says me.
The cunt then admits he hasn’t seen me Drop shit in his drive it at all, he was bluffing me to see if I’d admit it,
I think maybe he’d realised I was getting a bit of a head of steam up and apologised. He then says he’s seen the lad do it, why didn’t he say something at the time? Because it never happened. What a cunt. I don’t know if someone’s been dropping dog shit bags in his drive but I do know it’s not been anyone in this house doing it.
I’m trying to live a quiet life and leave my volatile past behind, but questioning my integrity is one thing that can wind me up quickly. When are they going to have a vaccine for cuntishness?
I’d have shat in his garden myself
Off topic. Katie H is hosting a bottle of wine online party at 8pm whatever the fuck that is. This bit about pubs is distressing.
Never wear a mask outdoors, comes off the moment I leave the shop.
I still think you should also take off the tights and cape!
You trying to get me arrested for indecent exposure?
It has no effect by the 15th time Ruff…
By the 15th time, Miserable is used a training exercise for rookie coopers when dealing with anti-social behaviour and eccentric locals.
No.No.No.Mine comes off as soon as possible.Hate them.Pointless.SAGE and onion party thrown in the bin please
I wear a minimum of four masks at all times. The expects have told me I am most likely to die and the hospitals will have so many sick people that If I get only get ill then I can only be treated in a skip and then buried in an unmarked mass grave after I have died in agony.
Actually I might start wearing five because that statistical wizard Neil Ferguson has just said things are still really really really bad and the virus is everywhere, it’s even hiding under my bed and it could kill me in my sleep, easy.
A very fine and relevant nom.
Mask wearing outdoors is way beyond ridiculous.
Mask wearing in shops etc is still completely fucking retarded in my opinion but I can at least try and empathise with the elderly, vulnerable or perpetually frightened in that case.
It’s all still a distant second to wearing them alone in cars though.
It is gullible stupidity and weak minded shit housery on an industrial scale.
I don’t give a fuck how old you are or how educated, or responsible you think you are, wearing a surgical face mask outdoors in the name of covid makes you a total cunt.
2020 – 2021 will be remembered as the years that inhaling good old fashioned fresh air, immune systems and common sense became a thing of the past.
Good Evening
The Yummy Mummies drive round in their Range Rovers wearing a mask with no other cunt in the vehicle.
Fuck knows what’s going on apart from Herd Cuntishness.
I wear mine in the supermarket in order to prevent serving a jail sentence for lamping a Stanley security guard.
Bat Flu Overkill Rules!
My stance on this is shifting.
I originally thought covid was bollocks, hysterical mardarses overreacting.
I dont now.
I knew id not get seriously ill,
And I didn’t.
And I said they could shove the jab up their arse.
But Israel has introduced ‘covid passports’ and maybe they will here?
Cant go in anywhere without proof of innoculation.
Cant go the boozer or gym.
Cant work.
If they do that they can inject me with anything they want,
Just shoot me up doc!
Because more than anything I want to work and earn,
I like money.
Covid im not arsed about
Im Sage for it.
I just walked to the shop, and on the way there was a guy walking towards me wearing a mask. It’s pissing down, yet this dullard is still wearing a mask outside, not only that, as we get near each other, he steps on the road to avoid being anywhere close, like I’ve got fucking lobsters jumping off me.
I wear a mask in shops to avoid hassle, and that’s it. Get the mentals to wear a proper mask that protects them, and give the rest freedom of choice.
And the cunts throwing them in the streets need birching, a task I offer my services for, the dirty filth.
I suppose that by living in Spain I will be in for a well deserved cunting but here are the restrictions that we have been subjected to for almost a year.
Face masks are compulsory everywhere regardless of any fucker is nearby or not.
If you are out at midnight on a deserted street walking your dog and the bastard police stop you and you are not wearing a mask then expect a 600 euro fine. This fine is increased to a maximum of 6.000 euros for repeat offenders and then you will get a jail sentence if caught again.
Face masks also have to be worn on the beaches for fuck’s sake!
If you are alone in a car then you can do without wearing a mask, but you need one with you in case you get stopped at one of the many roadblocks set up by the Guardia Civil.
Boxes of the blue surgical type of mask can be brought at many places. They are made in China and have ‘This product will not protect against Covid-19’ clearly written on the packaging in English.
Most people use masks either knocked up at home or with their favourite football team badge on, brought from a discount shop.
The result of this continued cuntishness?
The second highest covid rate in Europe.
Welcome Artful. Thats an interesting if not dire synopsis of how it is in Spain ?? Thanks for sharing ?
Good post Artie!??
My brother lives in Berlin where outdoor face muzzle insanity is more heavily policed than here in Blighty.
Absolutely fucking terrifying that this can even pass for normality.
They do get used to us eventually. Had a bit of a barney a while ago on an expat cunting but they seem quite friendly now ?
Reply to artful^^
Cloth face masks.
At this very moment I am wearing a rather trendy pair of Calvin Klien boxer shorts under a pair of jeans.
I guarantee that if I drop my guts, either by producing a window rattling fart or a sneaky, silent stealth bomb fartette, then I will upset the wife by stinking up the house.
Think about it!
IS this a Coincidence?*
“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline who *(*by coincidence*) owns Pfizer! (the one who produces the vaccine for the virus that *(*by coincidence*) started in the biological laboratory in Wuhan, which *(*by coincidence*) was funded by Dr. Fauci who is *(*by coincidence*) promoting the vaccine!
GlaxoSmithKline *(*by coincidence*) is managed by Black Rock finances who *(*by coincidence*) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation) which *(*by coincidence*) serves the French AXA!
•By coincidence Soros owns the German company Winterthur which *(*by coincidence*) built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz which *(*by coincidence*) has Vanguard as a shareholder which *(*by coincidence*) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which *(*by coincidence*) controls the central banks and manages about one third of the global investment capital.
•Black Rock *(*by coincidence*) is also a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, the property of Bill Gates, who *(*by coincidence*) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which–you remember? is selling the miracle vaccine) and *(*by coincidence*) is currently the first sponsor of WHO!!
*•So now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China infected the ENTIRE PLANET!!*
The Great re set has started early
GSK own Pfizer, when did that happen, if it did i think it would have made the news.
“Old man Soros!”
“Like yikes Scooby Doo-looks like there was no g-g-g-g-g-pandemic, after all!!!!!”
“That’s right! And I would of got away with it, if it wasn’t for these pesky, interfering kids and their stoopid hound!! Bah! Oi vey, my life already!!!!!”
I was going to do.a mask droppers nom yesterday but forgot. Good thing MM was on the case.
The fucking Umbongo variant from Nigeria is the one to worry about. According to SAGE it can pass through reinforced steel. Only wearing twelve masks at once when entirely alone will give you a chance of avoiding toxic bullshit.
Masks? Fuck off. I love the way the cunts run into the road to avoid me.
PS Some cunt told me that we should wear them if it makes others comfortable, even thought they are ineffective. What a total load of wibbely shit.
Excuse me, for some reason I am even more angry than usual this evening. Had a bellyful of the Covid cuntery this week. Someone said something snide to Mrs Twenty yesterday and the only reason they are still breathing is that they were female.
The Nigeria variant is easy to spot without any need for genetic sequencing, once infected the victims hair becomes tight curls and and a pronounced thickening of the lips, in extreme cases there is an uncontrollable desire for fried chigun.
Ah, yes, but it can be effectively vaccinated against by imbibing a 300 ml glass of Umbongo served at 0.5 Degrees Celcius.
There keep being efforts to make using racist language in the home illegal. If mask wearing becomes come commpulsary in the home there we will be sat in front of the telly muzzled.
Just though muzzy women are muzzled from an early age.
The dangerous dog act. Maybe that will be extended to the home.
Yes sll settling down for the evening, mum, dad, the kids and the dog all muzzled.
Staring silently at the telly.
And how would they know if you’d used racist words in he home? Hey google????
Alexa…. play… Melting Pot by Blue Mink.
Exactly – how will they police this hate speech at home bollocks? Funny that child spies Act is a thing. Does this mean little Timmy will call up some political Child Line and spill the beans? Alexa is always there to help with hate speech I’m sure.
Btw, some say the vax will make you more obedient so less hate going round. We’ll just have to see if the cuntings start becoming benign to see if its true!
At this point I don’t know what difference it makes. The sold are sold on it forever. Even if Wanksock came on the MSM news and announced “Yeah it’s OK now, panic over”, a certain very large proportion of the GBP have set these past year’s habits for life.