A hootenanny and go pish up your kilt cunting for the Scottish Nazi Party (SNP) Holyrood enquiry into how the Scottish government handled harassment allegations against the former Scottish Minister Alex Salmond.
Already shamed the SNP have paid out £500,000 over their flawed process investigating Mr Salmond but I feel the best is yet to come!
Salmond has accused Wee Jimmy Sturgeon of misleading The Scottish parliament breaching the ministerial code. We Jimmy seems to have had amnesia because she says she forgot a meeting she held with a former Salmond aide days before she met Mr Salmond privately at her home.
Believe it or not the next few weeks will be hilarious entertainment when it comes to the potential demise of Wee Jimmy Sturgeon so go get your popcorn ? This really could be the beginning of the end for this bunch of up their own arse, with visions of grandeur, faux independence seeking EU arse licking cunts! Sadly I doubt it, however with any luck it will be the end of Wee Jimmy Sturgeon, sadly I doubt that too! ?
Ga boil ye hed n fuck off!
Nominated by: Coolforcunts
…and on the subject of the SNP, here’s one from Cunstable Cuntbubble
The apparent stupidity of the Jocks.
Today’s Sunday Times is full of facts and figures about Scottish Independence. It seems that the Jocks feel that wee Krankie has handled the pandemic well compared to Boris.
As far as I can see she has been nae better nor worse that Boris but with the added buffer that the Jocks dont have to pay for the economic consequenses of lockdowns. She also seems to wait to see what England is doing. Easy Peasy.
So lets paint our arses blue and vote for independence. We’ll nae have the English bailing us oot.
But who will? I dont think the EU will be over-enthusiastic, particularly with a harrrd borrrder with the UK fucking up their trade prospects. They wont be a welcome addition to the Eurozone either, without any of the necessary economic factors that qualify.
Never mind all that. We, the Jocks, want oor independence. Because, according to the polls, we are apparently fucking stupid.
… and here’s one for old Krankie herself by Gutstick Japseye
That poisonous little trog Nicola Sturgeon.
This weeks reason to hate this not fandabidozy wicked creature is her meddling in the issue of the EU battling the newly liberated U.K. over the supply of Covid vaccines.
Contrary to the stories of how badly we have and are handling the crisis, we are way ahead of vaccinating our population compared to the clueless inertia of the bloated failing political bloc that is the European Union. Stifled by the inability to act in sovereign fashion, the collective countries of Europe have had to wait until the EU finally got around to ordering vaccines, and now are facing shortages, inevitable under the circumstances, because of limited manufacturing capacity.
The buffoon Boris has found a remnant of testicle, and told them to fuck off, but the poisonous thistle eating wretch in Hollyrood has gone against the U.K. governments wish to keep our vaccine roll out details secret by saying she will tell the EU everything they want to know.
She is currently facing accusations of dishonesty in public office over the failed attempt to prosecute her equally repellent predecessor Salmond for being a sex pest. Perhaps she is trying to do as much damage to the union before she gets her collar felt, as she is acting like Scotland has independence already.
An ugly person, inside and out.
…. and there’s more, this time from Uttercunt
Nicola Sturgeon is a treasonous cunt.
She’s going to publish details,secret details, about our vaccine supply lines and egg on the EU .
This the day after BJ visited Scotland . She said it was unnecessary but BJ did it anyway and by doing so threatened her authority.
She took a hissy fit and then decided to get back at him by exposing details of our supply lines which I would have thought was covered by the official secrets act as it concerns the wellbeing , health and safety of British citizens.
Sturgeon is a cast iron,nuclear powered,gold plated cunt.
Very sadly, I REALLY fear that Krankie is Teflon ++. Nothing short of a nuclear blast will rid the world of this dreadful wimmin.
Has she yet got blood on her hands, in any way similar to the history of Willie McRae?
If Salmond has it in for her she’s as good as toast.
He’s a nasty bastard and after being stabbed by krankie will do all in his power to send her packing. Even Blackford is unhappy with her and he really is a cunt.
I reckon wee jimmy is humped . Will salmond retake power, I’m not sure? But they are looking more ridiculous every day.
One more thing fellow cunters, polls are often taken in SNP friendly areas and as we know from past experience polls are not always that accurate. They can ask specific questions ,word questions in a certain way,only ask certain groups etc….so be wary. From what I’ve heard krankie ain’t so popular.
well said, i am scottish and most of the people i know hate her. the polls are all skewed to suit the nationalist agenda. complicit is all the MSM and especially the vile BBC. They all refuse to cover any negative stories and from what i see even plod was complicit in stitching up Salmond. also no serious opposition in the micky mouse parliment in Edinburgh does not help. i believe if she got her referendum she would get a shock. pity her and salmond cant both lose, the cunts. its independance and fuck everything else. I am at the stage now i would shut down the scottish parliment and abolish it, 3rd raters the lot of them.independence, we would be like venezuela in about 5 years
Agreed. The Scottish parliament should be shut and we should just have politicians in Westminster. I’m a jock and nothing would please me more than to see that wicker basket of a building next to Holyrood palace shut and bulldozed. It’s a fucking eyesore.
Uttercunt, perhaps that wicker basket building might be put to “Wicker Man” purpose?!!
I’m going to wait and see. Krankie looked fucking haggard in a podcast she made a week or so ago. Now she’s a knackered looking onion at the best of times but this was different, looked like her face had melted. Pressure?
I enjoyed Brillo destroying her on a number of issues including Scotland not having enough money to join the EU.
krankie, “Aye but we’ll pay once we’re in and are revenue increases”
Brillo, “ta fuck ye well, ya stuped Wee cunny”
Well that’s how I remember it anyway ?
We need to hold a once and for all referendum for us to decide Scotland’s future membership of the UK.
None of this once in a generation “every 5 years” nonsense.
Give the cunts independence from the UK that they do so obviously crave and the opportunity to go it alone and seek alternative “independence” with the EU.
Scotland is a truly beautiful country and even some of the people are not bad but this continuous “biting off the hand that feeds you” attitude towards the English should be curtailed once and for all.
Cut off all financial ties and see how they get on with the cunts in Brussels. Would love to see Sturgeon grovel without any chance of success.
Sturgeon does NOT represent all Scots . She’s a nasty divisive wee cunt ,spectacular ugly,paralyzingly stupid and at times borderline invertebrate.
Agreed Uttercunt
In that case why can’t the Scots elect a government that is truly representative of the people and not led by a nut job who is both hostile and aggressively anti English?
Something needs to change and for the better in order for Scotland to be taken seriously as a nation.
Mind you, same can be said of this once great country.
Think it’s because there is not one strong opposition party. If there was one the SNP would get a shock. But the other parties are pretty poorly run. The tories did well with Ruth Davidson but she quit. Labour and Tories are now both pretty rank in Scotland.
agree, the Snp are anti english racist bastards. we are all british, the same poeple
Once upon a time, I used to agree with people that said she was intelligent, but I fear she is a classic Dunning-Kruger.
She is a royal pain in the arse.I detest the woman.Boil her in Iron Bru and throw her off a cliff.Poisonous dwarf
I’m with Willie.
Whenever this muck comes up in the news I egg the Scottish Nazis on.
Go independent and take your fucking begging bowl to Brussels.
They can starve for me so long as we don’t have keep handing them billions and that poisonous cunt Sturgeon can’t keep meddling in our affairs.
Either that or take independence of them and tell them to shut the fuck up.
The upper echelons of the SNP are swine and should hang.
Fuck Off.
True UT. They’re evil bastards. If Johnson had guts he would go to Edinburgh, shut the parliament and transfer power to London. I’m sure he’s got the power and he over rules krankie. Attack the bitch instead of appeasing her and the SNP. Go after them and really give em something to moan about.
SNP policy has no basis in fact. They are behind the rest of the UK in most areas, including the NHS. Policy seems to be based on anti English feelings and fuck all else. I am anti London being the centre of the universe, but that doesnt make me gullible enough to demand independence.
I would dearly like to know one grain of evidence that the Jocks would be better off alone.
Poor economy
No currency
Reliant on more handouts than England
Loss of dockyards and forces.
SNP are only in power because Labour appeals even less to Scots that it does to the English, and I havent seen any success stories from their stewardship.
Its Adolf and Rohm all over again .Who’s going to get it in the night of the long knives this time.
If the majority who vote in an independence referendum vote independence then they should be allowed to go their own way. No fucking way should we subsidise any part of the transition to a stand alone country. You want it you got it would be my motto for the occurrence. I have friends and family in Scotland their views are split 50/50. If the majority want it then democratically (choke, splutter, cough touch of the eu plague I think) who are we to shout no. Goodbye, have fun Sturgeon is a cunt but fuck who cares.
Those that want an independent Scotland that immediately wants to rejoin the EU are not voting for independence, they just hate the English.
They won’t get membership of the EU under the current rules anyway, because members need to have a budget deficit of 3% or less, and I think Scotland is something in the region of 16%, although I reckon the EU would waiver that just to be cunts to the U.K.
Sick of hearing the little wasp in a jar that is the SNP. Fuck them, and all that vote for them. Thank fuck Plaid are a laughing stock protest vote here. I would have to leave if they become as powerful as the Scots nazis.
Nationalism and socialism, always a winner….
I can’t stand this awful pound shop Dear Leader.
As I’ve maybe mentioned before, perpetual lockdown enthusiast Krankie’s hairstyle hasn’t changed one iota in 12 months either.
She must be trimming it by her wee self.
Here’s a wheeze.
Let Wee Burney and her Scottish Nazi Party have their ‘independence’.
Pull all British soldiers out of Scotland (including the Guards).
Then, months later, the British Army invade them all over again and take Wee Burney and her cunts out once and for all.
One wonders why with the surname Sturgeon, the nickname Fish hasn’t stuck to the treacherous, rancorous old harridan. She also looks like a failed attempt at transitioning…. From what to what I’ll let you guess.
A sturgeon?
I reckon like a fugu, it’s genitals are highly venomous. A regular swimmer near Dounreay?
The SNP are decisive by nature, their sole reason for existence is built on a platform of division. They have gone beyond dividing Scotland from the Union, they divide the people of this island. Many of us have family both sides of the border but the SNP would have us abandon family and friends to refight battles from long ago.
The SNP have contributed massively to the death of British identity along with the bum ferrets formerly known as the Labour Party.
Scotland is as European as deepest Kentucky, as a member of the EU it will be separated by not only sea but by culture. Do Scots really believe the EU would be a fairer better fitting union?
I think I need help lads.
Sometimes I see a picture of wee krankie sturgeon and I get the urge to bum her ragged.
Help? Certifying more like you foul degenerate ?
I bet I’m not alone on this site though
That’s hardly a recommendation of good taste is it?
The teflon bitch will throw everyone including her pie faced hubbie under a bus. She will get out of this mess, and her worshipers will carry seeing no evil. I find her a totally repugnant, and a total fucking cunt.
Sturgeon and SSnp are more poisonous for Scotland than heroin.