Apparently, being a social conservative (and a cunt), I suffer from this. (Professor Cristina Beltran, above)
Fuck off. (I have not used an exclamation mark so as to enhance the seriousness of my off-fucking).
As most of you well know, I am of a darker hue (I am a coloured). This phrase and its users fucking boil my piss, my blood, my lymph fluid and fucking any other fluid in my body.
Some feedback for the cunt that came up with it.
Unkle Terry, you’re going to ramp up your facilities.
I fahkin’ ‘ ate these cunts.
Nominated by: Dark key cunt
Why doesn’t she just come out with it and call them “Uncle Toms”? Exactly the same as Biden saying “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.”
The Democrats, like the Labour Party, just assume they have the ethnic vote. Therefore there must be something wrong with you if you don’t vote that way.
I seem to remember Labour used to assume the Scottish vote and the northern working class vote and look where that got them! This bitch is living in the past, a professor of shit.
This should be called ‘left-wing racism’. The belief that ethnic minorities are incapable of forming their own opinions, critical thinking and making informed decisions of their own without being told what to think by these sort of twats.
Spot on LL. ‘ I want you to be the equal of white people but you are too stupid to make the correct decisions. By correct decisions I mean those I approve of’.
Even a ten year old can see the illogical nature of such a situation. NYU appears to be employing some spectacularly thick persons; I refuse to refer to them as academics.
The left used to do exactly the same thing with class. “False consciousness “they called it. Then the working class all voted for Tatcher, then Brexit and Trump. Drove them insane.Drove them deranged. The cunts simply cannot comprehend that people dont agree with the mental bollocks that makes people angry, bitter, unhappy and poor. Now its race. When that doesnt work theyl find something else, the cunts.
The left appear to be very slow learners. In the early 1980s Labour chose Peter Tatchell to stand in the Bermondsey by election. He turned a safe Labour seat into a Liberal one with 10,000 votes to spare. The voters of the constituency did not want a gay from Australia to represent their interests in Parliament.
Tatchell, Thatcher,Thatcher Tatchell lets call the whole thing off.
What a condescending tart…seems to think that Coloureds are too stupid to form their own personal opinions..can’t accept that not everyone sees things the same way as her…so busy calling people “thick” that she can’t recognise just how offensive her opinions actually are to the “deluded minorities” that she claims to understand so well.
Kick her in the Cunt and tell her to Fuck Off.
What a silly cow she is DF, she obviously doesn’t realise I vote for the BNP. ??
I don’t vote for any Cunt. I just go along and spend 5 minutes writing libellous abuse against the name of each candidate…sometimes I draw little pictures to emphasise my point…a surprising amount of people who stand for election are either predatory Gays who molest people in public-toilets or lesbians who need a good fucking from a real man.
I sometimes wonder what people think I am actually doing while stood in that little booth giggling away to myself.
Your the Grand Wizard of the UK branch of the KKK are you not B&W?
Morning DF, at least you write truths about these MP and I vote for the racists…that Ruff Tuff deliberately spoils his vote. The man should be ashamed of himself.
I am the first mixed race KKK member LL, I managed to get in due to Bertie Blunt putting a word in for me. I was so surprised at who was at the meeting…Allan, Miserable Northern Cunt, and Cuntfinder General are all long term member’s.
You daft twat B&W-that wasn’t a clan meeting, that KKK was the Kitty Kat Klub-if you had hung around longer, you would have realised they were dust sheets covering several bar stools because they had been redecorating the place?
The strippers that night were particularly good for a Tuesday night.
Clan meeting is 2 miles down the road on Thursdays.?
I now realise yours, MNC and Dicks plan…get me to move up north so you can make me a human sacrifice. I’ll be staying down here.
This brings merriment to my heart.
In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the ride, I used to get pissed off with these attention seeking morons and the outlets that publicised their incoherent waffle but now I’m of the opposite view. I celebrate the same publicity and the vacuous twaddle spouted by these narcissists, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your enemy hoist by their own petard.
Let them demonstrate their goldfish IQ wherever and whenever they so wish, it’s all grist to the mill, why waste your own
ammunition when your foe is busy shooting themselves in their grossly oversized clown foot?
One day these Leftards are going to run out of epithets to hurl at those whose views they disagree with.
On another note, she looks like she could eat an apple through a tennis racket, so there’s one achievement she can lay claim to.
The cunt.
Yes yes that’s all very interesting Professor.
Now I’ll have scrambled eggs today with breakfast.
And font forget the black pudding this time.
You dozy cunt.
Professor, yes egg flied lice an chicken curry,
Sore finger on the chi.
You look a bit like Jackie Chan.
I think it’s this quote from the good professor, in the article linked above, that made me give up trying to read it:
“For voters who see the very act of acknowledging one’s racial identity as itself racist, the politics of multiracial whiteness reinforces their desired approach to colorblind individualism.”
If any fellow cunters can decipher that properly and explain what it means, you’re a better cunt than me. It seems to be the kind of deliberate word-shite designed to make the author (in this case, the ‘professor’) seem more intelligent than they are.
And as a cunt of the darker persuasion myself, these leftist wankstains boil my piss.
I think she’s saying that if you realise that you have a heritage, listen to her because she’ll change your mind…
Anyone who begins a long, rambling pseudo-explanation of where their peanut brain is at with the word “So” clearly has nothing of any substance to impart and therefore should be ignored by default.
Morning, RTC.
Yes, I spotted that as well. Mind you, it was less starting the sentence with “so” that bothered me, than the overly long, overly convoluted barrage of shit that followed. She really needs a good editor, and perhaps a good seeing too as well.
Christ, it’s been too long… Balls like fucking pumpkins.
Good morning LCN.
She is a dippy cow. There’s a simpler explanation as to why those blacks and latinos voted for Trump: they were all white supremacists born in the wrong colour body.
Reminds me of that brilliant Dave Chappelle sketch, about the blind white supremacist who doesn’t realise he’s actually black.
It’s funny how these leftards are all for self-determination and autonomy for ethnic minorities, until those same minorities decide to think differently than the leftards, in which case they’re suddenly in need of re-education.
That would make a good cunting.
Look the bottom line is this…..she’s a cunt.
She is a racist fuck who hates ALL whites and won’t tolerate any whites or anyone who votes Republican.
It’s a pathetic attempt to guilt trip any latino or black who voted Trump.
Another trendy ,lefty,feminist, man hating ,anti white munter who hates the fact that she lives in a predominantly white country which was built by white men. Before any cunt starts slaves only provided a small amount of labour and some slave owners were black and native north Americans. The brain power, the planning,infrastructure, the constitution,laws were put in place by whites.
Oh and by the way it was the Republicans who wanted to end slavery not the Democrats.
She’s as bitter as fuck that she and her sisters and others of her ethnicity did FUCK ALL to build America so these cunts now seek to wreck America and start again to make themselves feel more valued and important.
That is all.
I can’t wait for the silly bitch to be intellectually demolished by Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder.
Or even Mr T…
Fucking so and so.
What the fuck is she even on about? These numpties have attempted to make their own nonsense philosophy some kind of science. Multi-racial whiteness? The title contradicts itself. She might as well have saved herself 5 minutes and just said what she means, she thinks blacks, Latinos, Asians etc. Are only ever racist because they’re imitating white people. Excusing the acts of these extremist groups. Keep excusing their behaviour all you want, all that will happen is you’ll give room for more of them to pop up.
I am White, would I vote for a black candidate in an election, well yes but not for Lammy, Butler or Abbott, would I vote for a peaceful, absolutely fucking not!
Note, capital W and small b ?
Will they just fuck off with this divisive bile.
More racism and condescension from the clueless left.
Lily Tomlin has let herself go.