Joe Biden (7)

(Old Joe probably wishing it was a pair of girl’s knickers he was strapping on! – DA)

Sleepy Joe Biden is a weird, lefty, hypocritical cunt.

That was after signing an executive order mandate in face coverings worn on all federal property sleepy Joe is not wearing a mask at his inauguration party.

The White House”s/Bidens new press secretary and ex-character from the Muppet show stated when asked about the incident….

Jen Psaki replied that he was “celebrating an evening of a historic day” and that there are “bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time”.

Yep, once again another prime example of the hypocritical woke Left’s mantra, Do as I say, not as I do!

Fuck off!

Nominated by: Coolforcunts 

…and speaking of the “Sniffer”, here’s one from Quick Draw McGraw

There’s a great anecdote from his inauguration. Presidents have, for a while, worn earpieces into which a member of staff will prompt them to do certain things regarding etiquette. At certain times, it’s customary for the President to salute the Marine guard, like when getting on or off Marine One, the Presidential helicopter.

While walking toward the White House’s Presidential quarters, Biden encountered a row of Marines stood to attention in their dress Blues. “Salute the marines”, the prompter said in his earpiece, which was an instruction to raise his right hand and salute them. That was too simple for sleepy Joe. Instead, he exclaimed: “SALUTE THE MARINES”.

The next couple of years are going to be a nightmare of wokery, but there will also be much hilarity to be had from this utter dipshit.

…and here’s one from Cunstable Cuntbubble 

Joe Biden, the wooden horse of the woke, the precursor of extreme liberalism.

He has signed an executive order giving free reign to misfits and weirdos to claim whatever sex takes their fancy. Executive order, as dictated to him by extremists in his party. No debate.
This denies both biological fact and women’s rights. A degenerate can now claim to be whatever sex it wants and join the forces, use women’s facilities and as Martina Natratllova has pointed out (subject to the usual abuse and death threats) compete in women’s sports.
Expect Eddy Izzard to be competing in the next US Open.

This nonsense goes way beyond anything Trump could be accused of. God help America. This is just the start.

50 thoughts on “Joe Biden (7)

    • I’ll be honest I thought Joe was just some old well-meaning skellington at first,
      A touch of dementia,
      Maybe someone to pity really.
      But I dont now.
      His address too the nation where he did his Clint Eastwood acting the tough guy and the fake calling to ‘heal the rift’
      I think hes a full on willing to go along with it commie nutter.
      Either way its to the detriment of the American people.
      Its all gonna end in tears.

      Yippee Kay ey motherfucker ?

  1. I’m surprised they allowed a question from a journalist criticising the Hair Sniffer-in-Chief, if that had been Trump he would have been front page news as a superspreading bat flu BAME effecting granny killer.

  2. Extreme liberalism? Contentious contradictory statement.
    But I agree where you are coming from. American Democrats are really fascists stamping out any form of opposition. Cunts.

  3. Leo Veruka waits eagerly for USA/Eire ‘special relationship’, and he’s fucking welcome to it.
    This demented fucknuckle is going into a mahoosive tailspin already, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn will be on his underground rotisserie at the thought. I’ve got buckets of popcorn and eagerly await the next turn in the corridor of the ghost train.
    You couldn’t make it up.

  4. (to his wife) “This is my little sister, Valerie.”

    (during the election) “four more years of George….erm…”

    “200 million Americans have died of Covid.”

    He said he was “he was “running for Senate” not for being the president.

    “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

    “Executive orders are used by dictators.”

    “The virus originated in Luhan.”


    On Obama: “I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

    • Did he go to the same President school as George ‘Dubya’ Bush?

      “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we”.

      “I’m the commander see. I don’t need to explain – I do not need to explain when I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe someone needs to explain to me why they are saying something, but I don’t feel that I owe somebody an explanation.”

      Well that’s cleared that up, at least Bidet can blame his increasing brain fog.

    • I don’t think he’ll be dead, but I’ll be surprised if he’s still President in a year. I think the 25th Amendment will be enacted.

  5. Morning all.

    The Donald and Brexit were bumps in the road that the convenient Covid-19 ‘crisis’ took care of. Now it is full steam ahead for any cunt, pervert, terrorist and freak to fuck us over. Hair sniffing Joe is a shill.

    • And then some. All this because Billy Boy Gates stole someone’s OS 30 years ago and even then fucked it up…but then realised what a winning formula the unintended consequence was.

  6. Still can’t quite believe his crack smoking son has just slipped under the radar. The same son who has also potentially been compromised with underage girls if the rumours are to be believed – where is that laptop of his..

    Revolting family. Covfefe!

    • That fucker will come to the fore again Mr Chunky cunt if the decrepit old twat stops doing what he’s told

    • They’re not rumours, sadly. It all started haemorraghing out from some suspected Taiwanese CCP opposition, and was all over alternative media sites for a couple of days in September, before the Almighty spotted and summarily scrubbed it all just in time for the election. Absolutely sick stuff, also implicating Pelosi’s son. Way to start a fucking Sunday morning that was. Then gone, just like that.

      Trump had it, hence his referencing it in one of the very last rallies (‘the laptop from hell’), before going on to play clips of Joe’s greatest hits on the Jumbotrons, including pledging to mobilise ‘trunalimunumaprze’ at one of his own ‘circles for 10’ rallies, and regaling a poolside full of black children about how kids like to go in pools with him and feel his ‘hairy legs’ so the hairs stood up, and ever since then he’d ‘liked kids jumping on my lap’.

      That’s the curse of the sheer size and speed of the techno age we live in now. If it doesn’t suit the narrative of who’s paying, it can literally be killed off in real time. Back when we had four channels and the radio (or the ‘record player’ as Biden called it during his ‘campaign’), and only physical print media, every single instance of dodgy Biden-dom would have made daily headlines and front pages. People could stay either side of the aisle but digest it for themselves and make up their own minds. Now they don’t even get to see it for it to pass any muster.

      The internet and social media, 24/7 news cycle and most sickeningly, the rise of the ‘fact checkers’, are one big collective fucker of a rug, and a very elite few wealthy and powerful people hold the sweep.

      Here’s the husk of scum-sucking filth just brazenly giving a little girl a literal ‘titty-twister’ on camera, totally unperturbed and unfazed by the room full of press and cameras.

      Hopefully this will resonate with those of you with kids as to what a MONSTER this cunt really is, and what you would think and want to do if he’d been put in charge of our country.

      Good morning!

  7. The real elephant in the room is the fact that China is sabre rattling in the south china sea . They claim it’s all theirs now. The Americans are out gunned there and the chinks may feel they will never get a better chance. With the inept sleepy joe at the helm the prawn crackers must think now is our best chance.
    Stand by for WW3 folks.

  8. I saw the daft old bugger on telly yesterday.
    Not long for this world that cunt.
    Sounded like a pissed robot.

    Can’t wait for whatever is next!

    • No. I’m too lazy so if you have a link I’d be most grateful as I’m a lardy arsed cunt.
      Thank you.

    • I have now. The only surprise was why the author wrote it and why the magazine published it.
      Neo-liberalism really is a mental disorder.

    • I made the mistake of reading it Friday morning. Can’t say vomit goes particularly well with Bran Flakes.

      Substitute ‘2020’ for ‘2016’ for most of it, and you realise what when wrong in 2016 – they had everything they thought they needed set up, but didn’t have mail-in voting. So for 2020, come hell or high water or ACHOO, whoops, ‘scuse me while I self-isolate, they had that one covered.

      Don’t tell me that the breadth and scope of those involved, and the amounts of money the article talks, all sprouted and mobilised from a collective seed within a couple of years of the 2020 election. They were self-assured that they’d gone far enough to secure Hitlery in 2016, then when that medicine ball of a clusterfuck dropped on their toes on the night, the kill was quadrupled down upon for next time.

      • I see Mike Lindell of MyPillow fame uploaded his documentary on YouTube on Friday outlining the skullduggery and nefarious goings on in the Election back in November.

        Suffice to say it was promptly removed.

        It’s amazing isn’t it – there is all sorts of bollocks on there: people acting like twats for their 15 mins, proponents of the moon landing hoax, Ancient Alien garbage, JFK and 9/11 conspiracy theories etc all promoted no problem, but woe betide you question the legitimacy of the 2020 US Election?!

  9. Democracy is dead and so is America.
    Watch while it gets really ugly. Biden has signed something like 45 presidential directives since he came to office. All pushed by Harris and Pelosi. Trump had signed about 3 in the same time period. Why? Because he read the fucking things.
    Biden is going to do some terrible damage in the USA.
    The USA could conceivably become an enemy of Britain’s. Biden,Harris and Pelosi all hate Britain so let’s see how this pans out.

  10. My biggest concern is the global economy and how a Post Brexit Britain will fit in now that it’s almost-totally divorced from the EU, and Biden’s US doesn’t give to shits about doing trade deals with us.

    Moreover, if Wall Street starts getting cold feet over what Biden/Pelosi/AOC are delivering, it might tank the economy, and thus bring other Western markets down with it, thus giving even more leverage to Chinese stock exchange, especially when investors start pulling out of Western markets along with all their wealth!

    Western economies are already staring into the abyss (unless you’re a rich cunt, and therefore it doesn’t matter so much). And Biden doesn’t strike me as a man who knows basic economics, and left in the hands of whatever government dumbfuck is in charge of the economy, it could all end in tears – and Trump will be laughing his balls off!

    • The prawn crackers have lots of problems. The great thing about the west is we always adapt. We ain’t perfect but we are great.

      • Indeed. Without a functioning west, they would be fucked for technical development. The last thing those cunts invented was gunpowder. I wonder what their vaccine is made from, tiger feet and panda tears?

  11. The cheesy old bastard does appear to be fitting a “musk mask” to his face. I have been told that the position of the gusset is of great importance, do masks have gussets?

  12. Creepy Joe Biden.

    Can’t take this guy seriously, the most important man in the world.

    An old codger who will be soon no more.

    • But then that horrendous cunt and political ‘goer’, Che Kamala (Two Three! Knickers Down!) will ‘inherit’ the presidency and then bring Kilary Cliton into the equation.

      The nightmare has only just begun….

  13. News on Epoch Times suggest that “voting irregularities” likely to be investigated in October… 8 months is an eternity in politics…

  14. “If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism”.
    Ronald Reagan.
    America is fucked.

  15. This disgusting old Cunt would sicken the Marquis De Sade, the United States equivalent of Ian Huntley.!

  16. Biden likes to be perceived as a noble staunch figure for anything socialist related. His serious looking mug that the media always uses is a joke. What about the unflattering pictures of Trump the media constantly uses in comparison? There’s something noticeably wrong with that.

    His photos look like he’s busy with some sort of socialist causes. Decrepit, beady-eyed, with a serious look.

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