LGBTQ etc millenial, Gen Z twats think they invented poofs. My best mate since primary school is a shirt lifting, pushing mud uphill, homo, bummer. I call him a poofy cunt to his face. He agrees. I had to endure bummers snogging at the London Apprentice in Shoreditch when I was 16 as he “came out”( almost made me puke, but you get used to it). Then onto Heaven, “the love muscle “in Brixton and Trade at Turnmills with E and fabulous music .I grew up with benders. They were subvertive, hilarious cunts of the highest order. The trannies were even better and not bitter. I miss them. “gay” culture was punk rock. Now its Mrs Mary Whitehouse.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
I get told off by the ladies of the house for laughing at the highly popular Gays and Thespians.
I have to remind them that as a teenager in the 80s such things hadn’t been invented then.
They still think I’m a cunt though.
What is it about women that they readily accept buggery, poofery, blackery and sawmping as “normal”> Normal it ain’t, Acceptable ( Not in my fucking book )
Chris Eubank wanted to be a thespian. Only word he could pronounce correctly.
The modern tranny appears to be from the same seed as the Jesuits.
The following link has some resonance with the nom here, it’s another example of pious Leftards eating themselves, foot first:
Honk Honk.
Alan Turing invented Homosexuality.
It’s no coincidence that The Gayness and Computers emerged at the same time….and the common denominator?….Turing.
Turing was ( I should say IS because he now goes by the name of Bill Gates) a Nancy-Boy who was bullied at school for being a swot and not a rugby-player…”Serves the Cunt right” you may say (I certainly do)…but Turing swore his revenge on Real Men and spent his time when he should have been out huntin’,shootin’ and fishin’ hiding away in a laboratory inventing Gayness and computers (which would carry The Gay Virus and harvest peoples’ shopping preferences). Early attempts at forcibly injecting innocent men in Public toilets were unsuccessful due to the size of the early machines but with the collusion of Big Pharma and Big Business computers/Gay virus carriers were shrunk to an injectable size.
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, SHEEPLE….they are not injecting us against Corona virus…they are injecting us with mini-computers containing The Turing Gay Virus….in a year’s time the Old Farts’ (if any survived) will be dementedly ordering feather boas, lipstick,high heels and beehive-wigs from Amazon…soon it will be everyone who couldn’t see what is as plain as the nose on your face..everyone will be a Gay.
Morning Dick.
There’s definitely truth in what you say. Keep your backs to the wall cunters.
If I can save just one poor Soul from being infected…my life has not been in vain.Yes. I run the risk of being mercilessly hunted down by angry Gay Eggheads but I am willing to be a martyr if it saves my Fellow Man from that terrible affliction…The Gayness.
Fuck’s sake, Dick.
Mike…I can’t be arsed to set up my own “blog-site”…I’m sure you won’t mind putting a few of my thoughts up on your fine site?…just don’t try and put your own name to them,however tempting it may be…I’ll be watching.
🙂 .
I think you have changed my mind about get the jab ?
I went along for mine but the fucking hospital was deserted..not a fucking soul to be seen…the Cunts.
🙂 .
I just think Flasheart from Blackadder when he shot a kraut and shouted “what a poof”.
No fuck off you shirt lifting fudge packers.
That is all.
I take the piss but ive nothing against gay people.
They make for good customers in the removals business.
Dont like it being weaponised and told im out of order for being straight, but then thats just the noisy minority.
Kenny Everett was my favourite gay,
Least favourite is Anthony Joshua.
Morning Miserable.
My favourite gay is Douglas Murray.
Closely followed up the arse by David Starkey.
Least favourite is Hotfordogcocks
Morning Ruff,
Dick blaming Alan Turing,
I did a job at a big house in Wilmslow (posh part of Cheshire) and it had a blue plaque on the wall saying it was Alan Turings house.
Reason im so open-minded to gay people isnt because im reasonable and fair its because they tend to tip well!!?
Morning cunters, agreed Creampuff, Douglas Murray talks a huge amount of sense, regardless of who or what he puts up his arse. Are your neighbourly gays the vintage old queen variety?
I agree with you RTC. Douglas Murray and David Starkey are the best gays in the house.
My least favourite homosexual is Owen Jones. December 21 is #owenjonesisawankerday. However, for me everyday of the year is #owenjonesisawankerday.
I liked the video of the mongy Owen Jones looking kid getting smacked in the face with a ball.
Morning LL.
Sadly not “vintage old queen variety”, if you passed my gay neighbours in the street you wouldn’t have a clue as to their sexual orientation. More normal looking than me.
Damn sure they abhor the attention seeking, narcissistic, militant trans/LBQTWTF pride bollocks as much as most Cunters posting here. Almost…
Favourite pooves?
Graham Chapman, the funny as fuck mad cunt.
Kit Lambert. The mental Who manager.
Larry Grayson. Shut that fucking door!
Special mention for Katherine Hepburn. A lezza, but talented and sexy as fuck. Would have done her like a shot.
Poofta Kenny advocated bombing Russia when everyone else was to scared.
Yeah, except he was joking, doh!
And I thought he was serious with those massive foam hands.
MNC@ – Marcel Wave was the best gay ever! ??
People are people, do what you do – but using sexuality to diminish others is wrong, homosexuals have equal rights but a strident hateful minority want more rights.
As with many in modern “society”.
Queerness became unbearable when “important” so-called “entertainers” like Elton John and oh-so-important actor laddies came out, made worse by the fucking po-faced politicians such as Adonis, Mandleson, Boles and that frightful Chris Bryant character, who “dare” you to question their dubious habits by hiding behind human rights. To counteract that you have the latter day jesters like Alan Carr and Graham Norton who specialize in blatant poofery. All of them are OTT bores
My granny used to use a phrase as code for who she thought was light of foot.
“Hes very fond of his mother”
What, like Norman Bates? ?
@mis…jimmy clitheroe yay
“He bakes a light sponge” is a goodun too.
In the words of homer j Simpson, I am too fat and bald to be gay….
I have to say Smuggy you seem to have frequented an awful lot of gay clubs in your time, are you sure theres not something you need to share with the group and i dont mean your mates bottle of poppers…..
When you have a best mate since primary school you dont jump ship when he turns out a poofta. I met my horny wife (female) in a gay bar.
I remember Boy George being a gender-bender when I was barely out of nappies (last week) so all of this Gen Z crap bores me.
I have no real beef with the gays as a lot of them seem to be very vocal in fighting this woke crap (Murray, Doyle, Starkey, Rubin, Grimes and Fry to name just a few) and are proving themselves highly reasonable and good-humoured.
More power to their arseholes.
Not forgetting the great Kenny Everett.
We need Kenny Everetts American General in charge!
Where is it Freddie Mercury used to get filled in when in New York? They definitely didn’t invent bumming either but believe they did shit on one another, these modern bumlords are too vanilla ?
Edit : was the Mineshaft club. Hilariously in NYC’s meatpacking district.
You could barely make it up