Below a BBC report (inevitably)
‘Black people over the age of 80 were half as likely as their white peers to have been vaccinated against Covid by 13 January, a large study suggests.
And the reason for this?
Primitive cultural values and practices?
Birmingham-based business owner Tru Powell told BBC Radio 5 Live of a “lack of trust between the government and people of colour”.
“People of colour have been subject to institutionalised racism within the healthcare system,” she said.
“We are five times more likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act and four times more likely to die in childbirth.”
Yes, it’s our fucking fault. Despite all the efforts to persuade these cunts to accept the jab, it’s our fault.
5 times more likely to be detained under the MH Act because it is known that these cunts are prone to breakdowns. And fucking violence it should be noted.
5 times more likely to die in child birth? Is it being suggested that medics discriminate? Or might primitive cultural values and practices be involved. Again. Not to mention the number of fucking kids these cunts have.
Also no mention of language, female discrimination by ethnic males or fucking babyfather culture.
I am fucking sick of this country being accused of this bullshit, institutional and cultural racism, aided and abetted by the fucking BBC.
Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble
…and on a slightly different tangent from the Cunstable
Black bullshit. Below courtesy of the BBC:-
‘A scientist working on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine says he hopes he can inspire other people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds to realise their own life-saving dreams.’
He is black. He is a scientist. Good man.
However he is one of a very small minority of black scientists. He is not representative of the stabby, rappy, violent cunts. He is an exception.
So why the fuck is he held up as a saviour amongst the predominantly Asian and white scientists, world wide, working on this?
Answers on a postcard to:
Fucking dark1e$.
Piss off out of our country if you don’t like it, you third world savages.
They can cling onto undercarriage of some Luftwaffe flight to Chairmany… .. On arrival, they will be oven-ready, deep-frozen as it’s about minus 16 over there.
Good nom – I am getting pig sick of hearing about this.
Let’s just fucking leave them alone, let them not take the jab – let’s stop persuading them.
Two thoughts here; either we treat them how them how they used to be treated – forcefully detained and jabbed up or leave them and let nature take it’s toll. Why has is suddenly become our fault that a majority don’t want immunisation. Each time I do venture out (mainly to buy liquor) to the shops I guarantee those who are not wearing masks are mainly likely to be BAME’s. Like shagging a lady of the night without a hood – you wouldn’t go there..!
If they wish to bring an indirect cull on their own souls then who are we to argue – less to worry about and more to go round in the future, which after the financial mess this country is in may not be a bad thing.
Or, shut up and fuck off back to rag head land, Bing Bang Bongo, or Ting Tong Town.
You can rely on the media to manipulate any ‘news ‘ to suit the warped agenda which they are currently promoting.
Interestingly, I was talking to my highly educated 28 year old neighbour who is an engineer at RR and he mentioned that he had stopped his direct debit for the tv tax as he was fed up with the bias. It looks like the BBC has a fight on its hands to scrape together enough money to pay for the Linecunt & Co.
When did any of us vote for a multiracial and multicultural society? Seriously, where was the debate, when were we informed of the mass of issues it would cause? When were we told our kids would be taught to hate their own culture?
Institutional racism, what does it actually mean? Does it mean that there are issues with lack of integration caused by mass migration into an existing hegemonic culture?
Is it possible that white supremacy is not even fucking possible in a country of white people where the only non whites are immigrants? White supremacy was real in South Africa, the immigrant whites ruled over the indigenous people, that was a state of affairs the rightful rulers of the country rebelled against and I totally get it.
This crap has to stop, if an elderly black person requests a vaccination no one is going to tell him he can’t have one in this country, no one is even going to think it. We are a tolerant nation, far too tolerant at times.
We were never fucking asked!!!
If ever there had been a referendum on mass immigration into the UK then the cunts who have ruled over us wouldn’t have got the result they wanted.
That’s why it was decided for us and for us to accept wholeheartedly or else.
Agree, getting so I can’t be bothered to even read the news anymore. Kicked the telly into touch a few years ago. Fucking cunts. Very angry.
Cunts like the BBC keep pushing this ‘institutional racism’ bollocks-
Not gonna end well for them is it?
(Hence the term, go woke, go broke)
I want the likes of the BBC, including MSM to harp on more about this shit…….
Everyday day they do it, more normal cunts switch off and stop funding them. End result- R.I.P BBC.
Fucking win, win in my books.
Just more excuses to try to cover up their vast idiocy.
Nothing at all to do with trust.
More to do with fucking Voodoo.
Daft cunts.
Oh and Fuck the BBCistan.
Are the same jabs available to all? Answer: Yes
Does everyone have the same right to decide whether to have the vaccine?
Answer: Yes
Nothing to see here then for anyone other than race baiters.
From the first part of the Nom:
“People of colour have been subject to institutionalised racism within the healthcare system,” she said.
Hang on, aren’t we constantly informed that immigrant nurses are the backbone of the NHS? OK, are you saying these same people are prejudiced against P.O.C then? You cant have it both ways.
Another example of the Left eating itself. Why can’t someone explain joined up thinking to these fucksticks?
Someone could, but I’d rather they didn’t. Let them eat themselves until the platter is clean.
In other news ….. I’m going for my ears to be sucked out, today. I’ve been driving Ethel bananas by shouting ‘ Whaaa ? Every time she speaks to me.
Good morning.
Why can’t you get her a normal car, or even just a pushbike?
Good morning Jack
Morning all.
Had mine done last year. Fucking ace when I heard in stereo for the first time in a while. Good luck.
I can now hear the woman next door but one having it off.
Although, to be fair, I have hacked into her baby monitor.
If you went with BUPA you would have got a “twofor “-
Ears sucked out / knob sucked off?
I went to a private clinic, as the last time I went for lughole analysis on the NHS, it was hopeless.
Today, I was in and out in fifteen or so minutes, no waiting or fucking about, job done.
Wouldn’t have wanted a blow job. The lady was too porcine for my taste.
Didn’t get a free lollipop.
Which was a shame.
Institutional Racism eh?, these cunts don’t know the meaning of the word, I have yet to see a sign in Britain saying:
“The amenities provided are for use by White Europeans only”
Trust me cunters until these cunts find themselves on the business end of a sjambok or in a township they don’t know how lucky they are, they should worship the ground Whitey stands on, fucking Käffir cunts!!!
Everyday on the news, it’s all about BAME.
There is a lack of understanding of white people, we are getting sick of hearing about it.
One of my friends who is not racist has stopped watching football because of the knee bollocks.
There was some cunt on this morning who said that some of these ethnics can’t even read information in their own language let alone English, well I guess that’s our fault for not teaching the cunts to read and write in p*ki
Fuck the cunts, once most of the white over 50’s are jabbed, the hospitals will have enough room for these thick cunts to croak.
Well, I`m in 2 minds whether or not have the jab.
I had mine this morning, despite initially deciding not to, and so far all seems well.
Apart from the fact youre a cat Moggie.
When I need a carer, I want one like Robert Fripp’s.
At 0.19 the guitar would have gone over my left shoulder and I would have carried out my famous ‘ double grope lunge ‘
Oh my giddy aunt, just look at them !
Robert Fripp, you are a bastard, a lucky, lucky bastard.
(There is a nomination in the pipeline regarding Toyah & Fripp. Get your socks ready – DA)
What a rack, how on earth did he maintain his focus?
I fucking hate Toyah but that gave me the right horn.
I would cure Toya’s famous “lisssp” with my world famous “meat injection”.
Taken orally, 3 times daily??
Well I would too. Lovely like a litter of puppies in a sack. Gave me trouser arousal too
Oh my!
And she’s 62 years old.
My king would definitely be crimson if it was in Toyah’s vicinity.
(Cymbal Crash!)
It’s the lefty fucking whites at the BBC, Sky and the MSM in general stirring up this racial shit who are the real villains of the piece. Even the majority of BLM activists are white, lefty white guilt trippers on steroids. They spout shite about diversity, but division is the name of their game, fuck them.
Oh, and the Labour Party of course – in fact most of the cunts in Parliament have swallowed this shit and washed it down with bottled water spiked by the Russians.
This Country Is Finished.
RTCP@ – But very little “ethnic diversity” in the all white areas of BLM’s strongest supporters..
“We’re all for equality Toby, but we don’t want one living on our street obviously”.
The black community is suspicious of the jab because, unlike whitey, they still retain a strong instinct for when they’re being bullshitted. Whitey is just fucking dull, braindead, “educated”, and hopelessly hypnotized by authority figures.
Fair play to them.
Fuckin’ hell Chunky, is there nothing you won’t twist to fit your agenda?
Is you blek?
If we recognise the, shall we say, more tribal instincts amongst that demographic, then surely you understand the flip side of that. Their psychology is different to ours, and that includes heightened suspicion, paranoia, of people outside their tribe so to speak; they still retain more of their animalistic intuition than whitey because they needed it for survival more recently than us domesticated lot.
Our paranoia has taken an intellectual route, in terms of whether to trust authority. Unfortunately the public has been blindsided by ‘the science’, which bypasses that safeguard unless one examines it thoroughly (most don’t) to ascertain the truth.
Street smarts. Whitey just doesn’t have it.
TBCC@ – If they are that smart how come all the African ones didn’t turn down the offer of a free cruise all those years ago? ?
“Institutional Cuntitude” is far more widespread…
“Institutional racism”.
The practice of demonising, undermining, outbreeding and ethnically cleansing the indigenous white population of the UK by those who cannot do it with battle or skill.
Institutional racism.
The BBC says: “Warning – the next part contains colonial attitudes and racially offensive language”
Don’t like my Country? Then fuck off back to the third world you ungrateful savages.
Working for a local authority, I get bombarded by this shit from our Turkish run council all day long.
There is starting to be some push back with staff refusing to go on diversity and BLM courses. Even black staff.
Take a leaf out of Lammy and Henry’s book. These cunts don’t need any more white saviours so let them get on with it. If the don’t want the vacine then let’s hope they get flu manchue and die.
‘Peers’ is a word normally used in school to in the course of teaching kids social skills. Not referring to OAPs ffs. Yet more bastardisation of the language and infantilisation of the herd.
Never mind blacks over 80 being half as likely, all octogenerians should be twice as thankful than this time last year that they’re not dead.
“Black people over the age of 80 were half as likely as their white peers…” is not a bastardisation of the language.
A peer is someone at your own level. The word comes from the Latin “par” which means equal. When you are on par with someone, you are their peer, or equivalent.
It’s not fucking rocket science.
I know that creamy, no need to get semantically tuff… Of course ‘peers’ is a word, just as much as transubstantiationalism is, but overall the general use of ‘peers’ these days is confined to when referring to the younger groups. That’s not rocket science, it’s English parlance!
I remember when Norman Tebbit was pilloried back in the eighties for suggesting the BBC had a left wing bias. Fucking right wasn’t he?
This subject is very much in with the MSM at the moment. There was even some shit on the TV news yesterday about how hair products are racist. I kid you not. What a total load of bollocks.
If you want to stop racism do what Morgan Freeman suggested and stop talking about it and upping the ante.
Vitamin D. Bames cannot turn sunlight into vitamin D as well as white people. That is why we are white.Nothing to do with supremacy. Just evolution to live in the Northern hemisphere.
Institutional racism implies that ‘the system’ itself discriminates against you based solely on your race.
There is institutional racism in Britain.
It is perfectly legal in Britain, in cities with non white majority populations too, to advertise for jobs that bar white people from even applying. Doesn’t happen to any other race.
Politicians and media figures can use phrases like ‘Pale, stale and male’ without any fucks given. You had that Pakistani in the SNP complaining about too many white people having jobs in 95% white Scotland. He kept spitting out the word ‘white’ like it was the worst thing imaginable. No problem with that though.
You’ve got the state broadcaster doing nothing about a black, anti white piece of shit saying that ‘blacks really do want to kill whitey.’
Nothing to see here.
Now there is your institutional racism, you chippy cunts.
Fuck off.
Still, a lot of our tanned friends are very trusting when it comes to free money, housing and healthcare.
That could be a clue in deciding whether these grifters are being honest about their relationship with the state.
Douglas Murray says all you need to know about dealing with this fuckwittery.
And he’s a bummer. So there.
Black Lives don’t seem to matter to black people if you’ve seen what the Royal College of GPs has said about the uptake of vaccine amongst the fragile BAME folk.
That, and statistics on violent crime.