Back in 1970 I worked for the BBC for several months. My immediate manager addressed me by my christian name and I was expected to address him as “Sir”. I was informed that the shortfall in the BBC’s income relative to it’s expenditure was nothing to be concerned about. I was also told not to expect to be sent on OBs (outside broadcasts) if I did not dress smartly.
In 2019 I worked in Broadcasting House for a short period as a contractor. I only saw one person in the building who wore a tie and he was NOT the DG. I saw managers who wore their hair in a bun, had beards of which the average vagrant would be ashamed and turned up in jeans with the knees torn out. Many of the windows sported large semi-circles consisting of the colours of the spectrum which I understand to be a symbol used by propagators of equality for homosexuals.
Further thoughts; guess the point I am making is the way the BBC changed from “auntie BBC” which I think most people would have regarded as being a right wing institution into a far left PC brigade. Certainly not a change for the better I think most people would agree.
Nominated by Arfur Brain
(Ordinarily, a nom about the BBC would be moved to the dedicated BBC link here. But this an exception as it’s from someone who has actually worked for these cunts – DA)
The BBC got taken over by whippersnapper know-alls and took the woke pill.
However, it still relies on the paying publics reliance on these old fashioned principles, long abandoned now for financing. When that starts to fail, some good old fashioned threats with menaces become the norm as goons turn up to your homes and try to coerce you into their traps.
Less than 50% of the population trust them now so they should be barred from using the term ‘British’ in their title.
Cunts to a non-binary mutant.
50%?? Are you using Dominion??
More like 30% still cling on to the cunts’ every words. Yes the percentage that ‘watch’ and still pay them are much higher, but those are the ones who just stare at the box whilst pressing the button, not the ones who care about what any of it means.
The BBC died the day they dropped received pronunciation.
Now they champion the complete opposite.
There’s your ‘cultural revolution’.
The best thing for the BBC now is to defund the fucker. Stop paying the telly tax and let the cunts fend for themselves.
They won’t do that because they know the vast majority of the British public are not interested in the pushing of their woke/anti British values.
Instead, if forced to drop the enforcement of the highly unpopular and unfair tv licence will look to try and get their revenue though household tax or equivalent.
As a white middle aged heterosexual male I truly resent having to pay for a tv licence when the corporation uses the money to insult me and millions of others, forcing their ridiculous agenda for the few and not the many, and deriding the values we believe in.
The BBC used to be a highly respected operation and the envy of the world.
Nothing more now than a bloody joke that I cannot bring myself to watch.
BBC and Capita absolute cunts.
You don’t need the Government to defund the cunts – just stop paying the telly tax. C 500,000 did this last year I believe. Do your bit?
Cancelled mine last year. Fuck em all.
Sounds like the ABC in Oz. Utterly Unbearable tripe that uses every syllable to promote woke agendas
NOTHING whatsoever for simple e n t e r t a i n m e n t
Publicly funded all right, using taxpayer money, no option to butt out from the butt fucking
Good to see you again Mr. Stroker!
I moved 18 months ago and my new place had a tv licence so I applied for a rebate they demanded a utility bill with my new address. All the bills are in Mrs Guzzi’s name and on line. I sent my polling card in December 2019- no dice, no rebate.
We moved three weeks ago to our brand new build ,dream home in Cornwall. It has a stream at the bottom of the garden and the neighbours the lovely bemused folk one hopes for.
Our first piece of mail was from Crapita demanding £157.
Fuck ‘em; not a penny is going to those cunts.
It’s like the scruffy bastard coppers you see nowadays. Fucking tattoos everywhere – and that’s just the bird coppers. Mind you, once all the equality quotas have been filled, you’ll never see a straight white bloke copper anymore.
And they’re all chubsters. Some look like they’ve been sleeping in their uniforms. How can you possibly respect them?
Manky cunts.
There was a magnificent copper called ‘Tug’ Wilson who patrolled Nottingham Market Square up to the early 1980s. Ex Grenadier Guards, he was a pall bearer for King George VI. Seven foot two inches to the top of his helmet , he was always immaculately turned out and never had to raise his voice or say something twice.
Waugh was interviewed by the BBC. He fictionalised the encounter in ‘Pinfold’.
The book eas published in the early 60s so either Wahgh was beiing very perspicacious or the rot had set in as long ago as that.
‘Out of the car there came three youngish men, thin of hair, with horn-rimmed elliptical glasses, cord trousers, and tweed coats; exactly what Mr. Pinfold was expecting. Their leader was named Angel. He emphasized his primacy by means of a neat, thick beard.
When the electricians had made their arrangements Mr. Pinfold sat at his table with the three strangers, a microphone in their midst. They were attempting to emulate a series that had been cleverly done in Paris with various French celebrities, in which informal, spontaneous discussion had seduced the objects of inquiry into self-revelation.
They questioned Mr. Pinfold in turn about his tastes and habits. Angel led and it was at him that Mr. Pinfold looked. The commonplace face above the beard became slightly sinister, the accentless, but insidiously plebeian voice, menacing. The questions were civil enough in form but Mr. Pinfold thought he could detect an underlying malice. Angel seemed to believe that anyone sufficiently eminent to be interviewed by him must have something to hide, must be an impostor whom it was his business to trap and expose, and to direct his questions from some basic, previous knowledge of something discreditable. There was the hint of the underdog’s snarl which Mr. Pinfold recognized from his press cuttings.’
Were the other interviewees called Dangermouse and Silas Greenback ?
I bet Waugh never dreamt his works would be turned into a fast paced action cartoon. His other great character, Honk Kong Fluey was also a massive hit!
Waugh! What is it good for?
Absolutely nuthing.
Edwin Starr.
Freddies mixed race brother from another mother.
“The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold” by Evelyn Waugh was published in 1957, Miles. The BBC interview you refer to was, I suspect, one of a series of quasi-biographical programmes called “Face to Face” with John Freeman as interviewer. The Waugh interview was broadcast in 1960, and the subject of Pinfold came up far too much in my opinion. Freeman was himself a pompous git and faced with Waugh he had nowhere to run.
Freeman was obviously completely out of his depth faced with Waugh, although his encounter with Bertrand Russell in another installment of Face to Face was rather more congenial. Satisfyingly, Waugh referred to (J B) Priestley as an “arse” at the end of his Face to Face interview, with which I wholeheartedly agree.
Yes Ajax the ‘arse’ refers to Priiestly reviewing ‘Pinfold’ and saying there was a conflict between Waugh the Artist and Waugh the country gentleman. You cannot be both he said. He said Waugh’s mental collapse was due to this conflict. Very funny retort by Waugh.. Priestly had used in his review psychological stuff and at one point ‘he’s gone over to the other side’ (supposedly against Artists).somehing like -‘Hold on Priestly I mean when someone starts to talk about ‘going over to the other side” maybe its time they had some psychological problems.
they maybe sorted their own psychological problems out
Can’t remember exactly.
I know he ended it with something like –
‘…free from our modern day angst….’
Yes, Miles I know. I have read all of Waugh’s work, including his 1957 Pinfold novel. I read the piece (I’d stop short at calling it an review) by Priestly in The New Statesman where he attempted to attack Waugh over the country squire “dichotomy” and Pinfold – and I read Waugh’s reply in The Spectator. A lot of clever dick BS I have rarely seen the like of since.
I’ve plainly also seen the Face to Face interview, and understood these nuances very well.
I just thought to clarify your earlier comment to avoid any confusion.
Here is the interview:
Cuntarama, NewsShite, Six O’clock bollocks, Casuistry, Dr Poo, Uphill Gardeners’ World, Cuntry Vile, fucking piss poor.
Brilliant – jut about sums up bbc
Does Linekunt do commentary on “Fucking piss poor”??
Sounds tailor-made for the gobshite shitweasel.
I was in inside Television Centre for a moring back in 1995.
It was for an episode of Live and Kicking and the runners talked to us like cunts, shunting us on and off the stage and putting us in our pen, a small bland room with seats and a couple of monitors. Meanwhile my dad went to the cafe where he saw loads of actors and presenters and ate very well.
Total cunts. defund the bbc asap. cunts massive cunts. Bit of info should you wish to take defunding the cunts further.
I signed the petition ages ago
I urge everybody to read ‘The Noble Liar’ by Robin Aitken. For those who haven’t yet cancelled their TV Licence, helping defund those Marxist, BLM-kneeling, anti-white-British cunts at Broadcasting House, you will be sorely tempted.
Read it, and yes it’s great.
It’s a disgrace and riddled with communists.
The whole fucking thing is an expensive sham that should be dismantled at once.
I’d prefer the whole rabble to be summarily tried as spies then shot.
Fucking 5th Column Cunts.
I would add a considerable proportion of the two Houses to those being tried.
Tied up and shot, That’s about the right response!
Oops tried and shot. Well, that too
The BBC women can be the very worst – the likes of the walking Oxfam clothes rail, Kirsty Waugh and that self-absorbed Laura Kuntssberg. Both would likely be employed picking sweetcorn out of Keir Starmer’s shit if they didn’t have the taxpayer funded BBC gig.
Good nom.
Back in 1958 when I first watched the BBC, the newsreaders wore dinner-jackets and ties and everyone who worked at Broadcasting House and beyond was required to speak the Queen’s /Oxford English aka Received Pronunciation.
Failure to adhere to these minimum standards was a hanging offence, and rightly so.
Halcyon days indeed. None of this regional accents nonsense, if you didn’t sound like Richard Dimbleby, Kenneth Kendall or Richard ‘lemon curry?’ Baker you could fuck right off. The lower orders knew their place and were all the better for it.
By the end of the 1970s the BBC resembled nothing less than Sodom & Gomorrah on steroids and it was all uphill gardening and shîtcake baking programmes from thereon in.
Boomers Lives Matter
Generation X Rocks
Millennials Suck
The rot set in when they allowed people like Fred Trueman on without dubbing over his grotesque Northern accent!
And that scruffy little steeplejack Dibnah,
Up a industrial chimney without a tie on.
I’ll see thee.
Oh an that tramp John Noakes!
Ruined Blue Peter!
Dont know what Biddi Baxter was thinking?
Like a ruddy miner rather than a children’s tv presenter.
I wasnt allowed to watch him.
Or his fleabitten mutt Shep.
Fred Dibnah.
Legend MNC
Indeed Herman.
A hero of mine.
As is John Noakes.
Fred Dibnah was funny as fuck and a true man of the North.?
Never took to Blue Peter. Was always a Magpie viewer, thanks to the delicious Susan Stranks and Jenny Hanley.
Just when John Noakes was on it Norman then the spin off ‘ go with Noakes’.
That it was marvelous.
But then Id watch ‘one man & his dog’ also.
My dads fault.
Used to take me sheepdog trials.
I had a mate who was just like Fred Dibnah-turn his hand to anything and as brave as a lion. Never heard him swear. Always polite too.
They don’t make em like that, anymore.
Fred used to go to a steam Rally out in Cheshire, and id go as a kid with my dad and uncle whos into all that.
All the blokes there are just like Fred, oily and happy.
Other year out on the field with the dog, heard this noise,
And it was a steamroller on its way to the show,
Nice to see.
Mind you, Janet Elllis was quite saucy in a naughty school teacher type of way.
Thinking back, I know exactly what you mean?
The BBC should bring back Bill & Ben The Flowerpot Men.
Little Weed didn’t half give me the fucking horn!
The BBC would probably have her double-plugged by B & B nowadays.
Don’t knock John Noakes. I remember him climbing Nelson’s Column back in the ’70s on rickety ladders with no rope, helmet or any other safety equipment.
And Lesley Judd nearly being smashed onto the rocks getting off the Bishop’s Rock lighthouse – see approx 4′ 40″
No ones knocking John Noakes.
If you read the posts its a joke.
Your not a American are you?
RTC is right about standards and the decline from the later 1970s onwards. I hated it when Come Dancing ceased to be in black and white and shown midweek at 11.30pm (if memory serves). All those women from the North East doing the Veleta was compulsive viewing.
Thanks for your support of Generation X – the last generation of decent and intelligent people.
They say they are value for money.Ha ha ha no.De fund the BBC.Biased bloody clowns
In the 70s the BBC was managed by people in suits who covered up for sex offenders, now managed by scruffy cunts who think deviant behaviour is right on.
Some self parody from the BBC who probably never realised how close to the reality it was then and remains today.
Is that arch cunt Ben Elton?
Yes it is, he didn’t have to do much acting there.
I see that Bastard Cunt Lineker has been sneering on Twitter about Andrew Neil’s new news channel GB NEWS.
Neil says his news channel is the antidote to SLY & BBC Wokeness. Let’s hope so.
This slippery smirking ex-goal hanger with no qualifications to speak of thinks he is an authority on everything and has to have an opinion and he has let every cunt know it. His snotty school swot way of looking down on people boils my piss, and one day the slimy little arselick will fall and there are plenty of people who are waiting for their day against this little woke turd.
Remember Keegan and the baseball bats? If only….
When Keegan was “Mugged”, it was aren’t both he had picked up.
Good friend of mine (DCI) put me straight(which Keegan aint) on that sordid, little incident.
*it was a rent boy he had picked up
**fucking Apple
I heard the gruesome and sordid tales about Keggy and his motorway antics at the time, CG. There were Man United players at the time who knew and who took the piss out of it. Another rumour was Big Ron was going to go for Keegan, but Robbo and other United lads wouldn’t entertain the idea because Keggy was you know what. Keggy must have had some deal with the tabloids, as they never got a sniff at the time. But it happened, no doubt about it.
Just remind him of that p4edo special of brass eye where he said a nonce coukd touch children through their computers using special gloves.
He’s a thick wanker and has nothing to sneer about.
They should bring the old interludes back.
This one would do for a start.
Well, that’s better than the one with the potter’s wheel ?
I have no sympathy for cunts who STILL pay the licence fee and moan about the Beeb.
It’s never going to fucking change unless it is wholey defunded. This can only happen when average joe-cunt stops paying the license fee.
I hate the sheep cunts who say ‘we don’t have a choice’- YES YOU FUCKING DO!
Stop paying your license today!!
I stopped paying mine 5 years ago and I haven’t looked back. I (and the Mrs + Kids) have far more choice now on what to watch than ever before.
I pay £150 a year for both a Netflix account and an Amazon firestick, which is £10 less than a license.
It was the easiest & best thing I did.
The best part is I’m completely legal. Nothing the beeb can do as I’m not watching TV live. Fuck em.
I’m happy as Larry knowing Linekunt, that Lazy eyed Jewess Winkleman and all the other wōofters, dark-quays, Parking Stanley’s and lefty spakkers that infest the Beeb ain’t getting one penny of my hard earned.
Sorry for the rant but it boils my píss to hear people moaning about the beeb and not doing anything about it.
You have the power, phone up your bank tomorrow and cancel your direct debit.
BBC are almost finished. By cancelling your license you can watch the BBC and all the 22,000 vermin who work there go for good.
And any company that employs the squeaking Rod Jane and Freddie reject woke femstapo inept wooden useless bitch Jodie Whittakunt as Doctor Who (not to mention her Parkin Stannit and Sambeaux sidekicks) are intercontinental thermonuclear surface to air cunts.
Ah, Winkleman.
An utterly horrendous woman and a complete cunt.
And that stupid fucking hair… She looks like a Furby impersonating Joey Ramone. She’s an unkempt goggle eyed cunt.
I hate that utterly useless Lazy eyed, talentless oxygen thieving Jewess cunt with every fibre of my being.
She epitomises the complete cuntishness of Beeb to me.
Last time I saw her face on my screen I nearly put my foot through the telly.
She boils my piss so much and was one of the key reasons I cancelled my lisence.
In fact, I’m going to include her in all my future dead pool nominations………..
Fucking horrible bitch.
I think The Winkle is from Middle Earth.
Or is related to Cousin It.
Evening, Norman.
Evening, all.
Winkelman reminds me of the black-marketeer inge character in The Third Man
“Vinkel; Doktor Vinkel.”
Mind you, she looks batshit crazy, and I’d take her from behind. She appeals to the bestial in me.
I jacked in the licence fee a while back – when they started preaching that the countryside is racially prejudiced on Country File that was the last straw for me. I feel so much better not supporting the cunts and I’m saving money (just paying for Netflix so far in).
It’s easy to do – just stop paying and tell anybody that turns up at your doorstep querying why you stopped (unlikely to happen unless you are a single mum on benefits I’m guessing) to fuck off.
Do it now?
Do people do Direct debit for cunts like the BBC to raid your account whenever they feel like it? That’s boiled my piss to salt plasma levels right there
Get off the fucking direct debits. Better to you have to physically pay a bill for these cunts annually, the anger at each episode will boil over and you’ll cancel to end the torment
The BBC should professionally re-colour classics like Steptoe & Son (the ones that were made in colour, but no longer survive) instead of spunking money on Doctor Whoke, Ru Cunt’s Drag Race and other woke and deviant shite.
At least someone is having a go at it.
Not The Nine O Clock News. Those were the days.
Pam Stephenson’s tits alone were worth the admission fee.
Norm: I used to have a framed poster of that NTNON sketch taking the piss it of Amex.
Pamela looking seductive, with a quote, something like, “American Express-that will do nicely. Now, would you like to rub my tits?”
Used robe in my office, in my old house ?
This channel explains all you need to know.
Also the website TV license resistance
That’s a great link – hadn’t seen it before – message in brief: stop paying/bin letters/shut the door on Capita goons?
Ho ho ho ! Just been watching some of the YouTube videos of the tv licensing goons.
Love the titters and giggles from behind the camera when they fuck off down the garden path.
That hideous erection-killer and monstrosity Winkelman bitch reminds me of one of those cheap rubber “shrunken heads” that were usually sold in the toy shop above the newsagents and tobacconists that served my home town back in the late sixties.
Never thought that I’d get to see a real live one on the telly.
Winkleman looks like a Troll Doll with a Beatle wig.
The stinking desperately untalented unwiped shitcrack could at least have the common decency to let her stupid fringe grow long enough to completely hide her wonky panda-eyelined terracotta spunk-splattered face.
How fucking dare the BBC pay the mangy cunt all that money to inflict such excruciating pain on the eyeballs of the decent British public. Every time the bitch’s face is on screen it reminds me of a lump of dogshit on the beach festooned with rancid seaweed.
Joe Biden is a pedophile. There are endless video examples of him doing pedophilic things. Anyone that doesn’t believe so is a brainwashed MSM useful idiot.
The US has a senile pedophile for a President. Votes stolen on live TV from Trump to Biden, and yet still useful iditos believe the mainstream narrative of ‘no fraud’.
You deserve everything you get you fucking masked idiots. Can’t wait to point and laugh at you being directed into the camps.
Ken Bruce, is the only sensible broadcaster left in broadcasting house,- or Wogan Towers or whatever it’s called nowadays.
And I do like that Victoria Coren Mitchell doing that impossible quiz show. She doesn’t seem too opinionated.
The rest are just a shower of shit that have swallowed a bottle of woke pills.
An example that actually happened recently (in Salford). Bbc take on disabled and bames without any jobs, just to box-tick. HR woman phones up editor to say that she has a few spare disabled hanging about and can he use some as they won’t cost him owt. Ok, he says, I’ll have a couple of midgets. Hr woman says great, but first she needs to send health and safety person round to check office is suitable for said midgets. H&s person turns up – a blind woman who proceeds to bash into office furniture and hurts her hip on the desk.
Not sure how the midgets got in, but I do know there was also a blind video editor there who had to have a sighted “helper” for everything. Place is a fucking madhouse.