One-eyed Scottish cunt (no offence intended in any of these words cos they are all simply descriptors) and failed 5-minute stand-in PM, Gordon Brown, has just said that the U.K. “runs the risk of becoming a failed state” unless it rejoins the EU.
Nobody cared a fuck for any of his bewildered dog shit burbling when he was actually in the public (one) eye. Why does he think anybody gives a fuck now?
Hey Gordon. Guess what. Nobody cares what you think; and everybody thinks your a cunt.
Nominated by: Brian Stoat
For some reason this came to mind, presented by the most famous of BBC employees…
Thoughts on modern ‘debate’…
Go back to your remote castle and drown in the moat.
Oh, that fat cunt who smears the population as bigots.
Then has to make a groveling return in a pathetic attempt to ingratiate himself back in the publics good books.
Guess what Gordon? Nobody wanted you, then, as now, you play second fiddle to the despicable B-liar, not much of an achievement is it.
PS: We wont talk about you selling the gold at car boot prices.
Verdict: Fat, boss eyed cunt.
Good morning. Get stuffed.
Gordon has about as much of an understanding of how the economy works as much as I understand advanced particle physics.
Why can’t this slack jawed cunt just fuck off and expire. This is the hopeless cunt that sold the UK gold reserves at a bargain basement price and arse-raped our pensions.
Anyone can see that the EU is heading for serious problems and it is just typical of this cretin to dribble nonsense like this out of his prudent mouth.
The cunt.
Shit prime minister.One of our worst ever.Makes the Bojo seem intelligent.Crawl back into your cave you cyclops
Seems to me that apart from Thatcher all of our recent Prime Ministers have been shit.
Hated Theresa May the most I think, for being a totally fucking spineless liar. Thatcher at least had some backbone, decisiveness and British pride about her time in office
Brown may be a Cunt for many things but people shouldn’t forget that he stopped Blair signing us up for the Euro…Brexit would have been a hell of a lot harder and more expensive had we been tied into the Euro currency.
I’d forgotten about that Dick, nonetheless, I’m not going to let a mere frippery stand in the way of my contempt for this greasy stack of lard.
Got snow daaaaarn Saaaarf here in the shires for once.
Don’t blame you.
….I’m not wild on the man either but compared to some of our Glorious Leaders he is a mere winnet bobbing around in a sea of turds.
Brown prevented Blair adopting the euro out of a childish rivalry, not for principled economic reasons. If Blair had been against going into the euro, Brown would have argued in favour.
The country got lucky, that’s all.
It’s a pity Blair didn’t argue in favour of selling of half the country’s gold reserves when they were at the bottom of the market, then Brown would have done the opposite. Instead he sold them, losing the country an estimated £12 billion in the process.
12 billion saved? You could buy a useless Track and Trace app for that amount………
Showing your true wishy-washy liberal side, Dick? Are you and the hounds off to the LGBTQXYZ Pride parade along Hadrian’s Wall later?
Snowed off I’m afraid,Mike…I’ll have to pack my arseless leather chaps away until it warms up.
Just heard that a couple of the Pubs that I occasionally used to visit on The Wall..The Milecastle and possibly the Twice Brewed won’t be reopening after Ching-Chong flu….a dark day indeed.
Trust you’re still roasting your knackers off?
Many years ago I stayed at a pub on the Wall. I think it was at Badon Mill (?) but can’t for the the life of me remember the name. There was a youth hostel next door and I walked to that tree that’s in the Robin Hood fillum.
Rain now so humid as well as hot.
Aye,that’ll have been The Twice Brewed,Bardon Mill…the rural Pubs are taking a fucking hammering…fuck knows how many (or few) will be left in a year’s time.
This is one of my main concerns with the Chinky flu Mr Fiddler.
Me and a friend did every pub I in Enfield, North London in 2007 and there were 102 back then. There are only 72 now and that includes 2 new pubs. It is worrying times for the boozer and we noticed the main decline was in areas where the peacefulls have taken over.
God knows how many are going to fold due to the Covid 19-84 lockdown.
Always makes me laugh that Robin Hood film…the Cunt lands at Dover announces that “tonight we dine with my father at Nottingham” and then hoofs off 200 miles out of his way up to the Roman Wall.
Alan Rickman was tremendous though.
It was October half-term when I was there. Walked for miles along the Wall. Lovely and sunny at the time, some great sites.
Don’t recall any pissed up Vincent Price lookalikes in the Twice Brewed.
That is true Dick. That’s the one and only good thing he did.
That aside what is it with a certain breed of politico in this country? They have no faith at all. We have the 5th,I believe,largest economy in the world, member of the security council, one of the founders ,I believe, of the UN and NATO. A member of the G7 and a nuclear power with a history of fighting for freedom.
Outside the EU we have the 4th biggest economy of all the other over 150 countries and yet this devious dram swigger, who signed the Lisbon treaty in a basement away from prying eyes, says we are a failed state.
No you cunt south America, Africa and Asia are full of failed states . That’s why the inhabitants of these rat holes try to get to Britain or and English speaking country.
Now fuck off back to fife and disappear.
Fucking remoaner cunts. They never give up. The Labour Party are remoan to the core. Fuck them and fuck Broonie the wanker.
A true Cunt is Brown. His failings ( apart from the Gold sell off ) include Tax Credits – a system the Inland Revenue and Civil Service warned against – mainly due to the fact that peoples income fluctuates- this cunt who left education and went straight to Westminster had no concept of this – the cunt. It cost us billions.
On a bright side and more important than not joining the Euro he introduced the ‘ progressive beer duty ‘ this means while a small brewery charges 38p pint in tax they only hand over half so making small independent brewers viable. Why we have over a 1000 breweries now. Was he clever- No ,the cunt copied a German system.
Did I mention he is also a Cunt ?
Good old Google Eye. Like Blair, the dogshit that sticks to your suede shoes. Inadequate not just as PM but as a gurning wretch of a human being.
I can never hear ‘Gordon Brown’ without then thinking ‘…texture like sun’.
#metoo Chimp Licker.
The cyclops has tainted the Stranglers for me.?
Brown=Toalie. True. (Look it up )
Gordon Brown > Dunblane, brings up interesting results Fr.
This little ditty from November, about the Broon cunt:
Cuntfinder General on November 18, 2020 at 12:56 pm said:
Gordon Brown
Texture like shit
Gravy train
See the cunt in it
His trousers down
Pro Eu clown
Never a frown
With Gordon Brown
Gordon Brown
This is the thing
Kingdom of blind
One eyed man king
He sold us out
He pulled us down
Never a frown
With Gordon Brown
Gordon Brown
Sucks Bidens dick
Help us remain
The mendacious prick
Lift up the lid
Watch this turd drown
He’ll never flush
Cause he’s Gordon Brown
Nice one , CG. And I reckon that would give JJ Burnell a laugh. The thing with Brown was he should never have got the PM job. A Prime Minister isn’t someone who ‘inherits’ the position. When Satan Blair quit there should have been a General Election and a new PM voted in. Instead though, we got the despicable jobs for the boys mentality of New Labour.
I still hate them for the way they turned a place I loved working at into hell hole filled with Somalifilth. The country is dead now, but the first nails were hammered into the coffin in 1997.
British jobs for British workers, and then…..
The invasion from the EU.
Brown, like Blair was yet another Globalist/EU shill posing as the people’s Labour champion.
Brown and Blair together royally fucked the very fabric of the UK between them. They opened the doors to unparrelled mass immigration, signed us up to the Lisbon treaty, sold off gold reserves cheap, two illegal wars in Iraq & Afghanistan (which lead to Islamic terrorism on mainland UK), gave the supreme court ultimate power, destroyed law and order and destroyed Britains international standing/reputation in less than 13 years.
To say the cunts have alot to answer for is an understatement.
In a just world they would face charges and end up on the gallows for treachery however we all know these pair of bastards will be stealing oxygen for many years to come with the respect, wage and gratitude of their globalist paymasters.
I just hope Satan is reading this and is sharpening his trident ready for eternal torture and damnation when Brown + Blair (hopefully soon) depart this mortal coil.
Is this the same Gordon Brown who sold state owned and very profitable bookmakers William Hill to his chums for a pittance and a contribution to Labour party funds? Sold off our gold reserves for half their value?
Why yes it is!
Like every failure of yesteryear he just can’t handle the fact that nobody gives a flying fuck what he thinks, says or does.
But he still collects one hell of a pension.
Right, the snow has finally almost stopped, I’m going outside – I may be some time..?
Gordon Brown has all the appeal of The Elephant Man.
The same Gordon Brown who wants a ‘World Government’ because of Covid and pushed this country to the brink of bankruptcy.
Sinister slack-jawed cyclops.