Germany (3)

Germany is the target for tonight. After the French getting shitty over trucks coming from the UK and the Dutch police confiscating truckers ham sandwiches, and generally showing us what dicks they are, it seems the Hermann’s have become the latest victims of a new, and terrible virus. No, not Covid, BDS or Brexit Derangement Syndrome.

BDS is caused by the realisation that the second largest contributor to your shitty, corrupt, proto-Soviet club was actually serious about leaving, and having taken their financial contribution with them, there is now a very large black hole in your proto-Soviet club’s finances. Another symptom is the realisation that the richer, remaining members of said club are going to have pay more to fill that black hole.

Well, Germany have succumbed. It started with Mutti Merkel referring to the ‘British virus’ when talking about the prevalence of the Kent variant in Deutschland, without mentioning that Kent was merely the place where the variant was first discovered, rather than where it originated.

And now, we have the Sour Krauts asking Argentina for permission for a cruise ship to dock in the Falklands, and Lufthansa suggesting it will recognise the Argies false claim that the Falklands are rightfully theirs.

It’s as petty as it is pathetic, and is done solely to slap the UK in the face, knowing full well the depth of feeling this issue generates, for having the audacity to exercise our legal and democratic right to leave the EU.

And while we’re on the subject of the Sour Krauts and the German led EU, the Republic of Ireland were recently slapped down for wanting to do its own deal with the makers of the Oxford vaccine, to ensure there was enough for their people.

The EU completely crushed that idea, even though Germany has been doing the exact same thing for the past few weeks. Rules for thee, but not for me.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

47 thoughts on “Germany (3)

  1. The recent antics of the EU must make even the most ardent remoaner think that Brexit was not such a bad idea after all.

  2. Two kickings taught em fuck all? Right, I shall assemble the IAC crew, MNC can bring the longbows, Sir Fiddler will be there with his punt gun and we shall set sail on The Black Pig!
    Fkin Hun.

  3. With our £39 billion golden goodbye, the equivalent of 4 years NET membership payments, they should be okay for a few more years yet.

    £22 Billion has still to be paid as part of the so-called Divorce Bill – this money is to be paid over a number of years until around 2060. It contains £10 billion to pay for the pensions of EU officials including Barnier, Jean Claude Druncker and former commissioners like Lord Peter Manglebum, so that’s alright then, the Gravy Train has a way to go yet.

    Hopefully Covid will bring an end to the 4th Reich sooner rather than later. Every cloud….

    • By zen, ze EU vill haff changed its name und become somesink verry similar. I suggest ze Confederation of ze European Slave States of ze Federal Republik of Germany und ze greater German Empire but it vill still have its parliament in a neutral shizen-hole like der Brussels for ze pretence of fairness as long as everybody keeps to he buying ze volksvagons, yar.

  4. Just when I thought I knew everything cuntish about those silly bastards I am educated once more by this fine site.

    We should have left the whole fucking country to the Russians.

    Stalin would have learned them.

    Fuck Off.

    • No way José!

      Sorry, I mean Terry.

      The Huns gave us Krautrock, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

    • Agreed UT.
      We should pull our armed forces out of Poland, Estonia and Germany and give Putin a clear signal he can do what the fuck has wants and occupy kraut land.
      Theses sausage munching cunts will never stop trying to dominate Europe or get at us because they know Britain and Russia are the only two countries in Europe not afraid of the square heads. The rest are shit scared,especially the French. Beret wearing cheese eaters.

  5. I’m waiting for the Covid variant that only finishes off Cunts.
    Why aren’t Astra-Zenica working on developing that ? Then the 4th Reich Bastards would really have something to moan about.

    ps. Am I the only one that’s noticed that in the adverts for the new (weak) spitting image, that Merkels puppet is Paul McCartney in a frock ? 🙂

    • AZ should send vials of distilled water over to Europe. It would be ironic if a mass placebo scam were more effective.
      I bet Russki vaccine is U-238 strength.
      I’ll let you know if I am invited to Fortnum & Mason’s mass vaccination centre…

  6. Jerry has had a long standing friendship with the argies, as it welcomed with open arms all those Nazi war criminals that the Vatican sent them. Must be a mutual love of facism. That the Vatican has got away with hiding and smuggling to safety some of the most despicable people that walked the earth has baffled me.
    Then there are the argies. When are they going to fuck off back to their country of origin and return what has become Latin America to its indigenous population? Oh that’s right, they can’t, they wiped them out.
    Latin America is full of cunts, overbreeding the norm, thanks to their stupid religion that looks down on contraception, but seems ok with murder. And a load of them are heading north, now there isn’t going to be a wall to stop them.

    • My best mate did his PhD in Venezuela over 40 years ago. After traveling extensively through the continent he came to the conclusion that most of them were ‘Monkeys with clothes on’.
      I have yet to hear a better description; mind you , he reckoned that some of the women were magnificent shags.

  7. Tu, was ich sage, nicht wie ich!

    Sums the whole, stinking, EU up as well.

    Back in 1982 we didn’t have much in the way of defences in the Falklands. We now have Typhoons with Sidewinders and Mavericks. We also have a right to defend our territory so, if the Krauts would like a Sidewinder up their Luftwaffe or a Maverick in their Deutsche Marine, they are going the right way about it.


    • Last time I looked they had fuck all luftwaffe to talk about. Militarily they’re fuck all. Next time they step out of line we should detonate a 50 mega ton warhead over Berlin. That should make em think. Who would stop us? No one.

      • I agree that it was only ever going to be a matter of time, for the Fourth Reich to rise.

        Along with Krautrock, ze Germans do a fine line in tasty bitches, fine automobiles, great quality white goods and fine sporting rifles-all of which furnish my house and garages, with the exception of the tasty German bitch?

        They also did a fine range of gas appliances, as I am sure Unkle Terry can attest to?

      • That’s something that can be blamed on Ursula Von Der Liar. Before her current role, she was the German defence minister, and went through several controversies while she was there. I think Mutti shoehorned her in the EU job to get her the fuck out of Germany.

        And here’s a fact, Von Der Liar is a gynaecologist. Appropriate, considering she’s such a cunt.

    • Yes indeed. Less arrogant homicidal arseholes in black Audi’s tailgating everyone they view as beneath them.
      Bring it on ?

    • I’m very keen on a tariff war with the EU.
      Seeing as they being such pedantic cunts with our attempted exports I would start it at once.
      German cars.
      French cars.
      Whatever the fuck the Spanish make..
      Etc etc
      Oh and tell them if they want the Astra Zeneca vaccine they’ll have to invade.
      Shitty little rats.

  8. Although it has been cited in several variations, the original quotation was given by Resichsmarschall Hermann Göring in a speech to his Luftwaffe in September 1939, after France and Britain declared war and the industrial Ruhr district fell within range of their aircraft. “No enemy bomber can reach the Ruhr,” he assured them. “If one reaches the Ruhr, my name is not Göring. You can call me Meyer.” Meyer and its other regional spellings is a very common name in Germany. Some sources, for added irony, later re-quoted his boast as “If one enemy bomb falls on Berlin, you can call me Meyer.” The fact that Allied bombers did pound the Ruhr, however, was reason enough for Germans to start calling air raid sirens “Meyer’s trumpets,” among numerous other sarcastic references.

    • The Hun are still crying because they could not beat “Ze inferior Englander” – and from our kids experience of the Argentinian military in ’82 they are “less than keen” on Paras! ☠☠

      • Didn’t fatso Goering say after Dunkirk “If we lose now, we deserve to have our arses kicked out”
        Or was that invented for the Battle of Britain film?
        Funny either way ?

  9. The rattling of the EU’s rubber sabres is deafening. Send Gove over to stab the cunts. Biting of thumbs at the Frogs and Krauts should become a regular for
    20.00hrs on a Thursday on the nation’s doorsteps. Come on, Boris, make that law and you will be back on top.

  10. It’s about time we presented Germany with the bill for the last 80 years. The bill for the Second World War will be a stinger, then there’s the money we sunk into the country to help rebuild it, and the bill for keeping them safe from the Russians.
    Pay up, you cunts.

  11. Germany is one of those NATO countries that doesn’t meet the 2% of GDP spend, on defence, along with Spain and a number of others.
    Trump was right to berate those who get their defence at cut price .
    We should fuck NATO off. Let the eurocunts fend for themselves.
    I blissfully drift off to sleep at night, with the comforting knowledge that my uncle dropped a vast tonnage of high explosive on the krautcunts, during our second leg battering of the square headed twats.
    Master race, my arse.
    Tally ho !

  12. It’s not war we should fear, but what the Germans do in peace.

    Getting out of the corrupt German led EU was absolutely essential. Still amazed that Remainers cannot see what cunts the EU and the Germans are. Fucking idiots.

  13. The Krauts never lost the war, they only lost a battle. Krautland has now resurfaced, replenished and sporting the same arrogance that they always aired, being the pompous pricks that they are. I have always held the view that my dear departed Dad used to hold. ( of Germany ) “…best viewed from the bomb sight dear boy, ..from the bombsight”
    The old boy never did like krauts and he could not believe that we even signed up to the “Common Deception Plot” He always believed that the 4th Reich was not only in existence but that it was flourishing on the contributions of the subjugative class. Germany deserves all the shit that is yet to come, and I would pay good money to see the Fat Fuhrer Cow kicked in the cunt by an invading Vlad and his army. Rescue the Krauts? Fuck Off !

    • LOL. I was going to put in my post that Germany is best viewed through a bomb sight.
      Great minds think alike.
      God bless you, Father.

  14. After 1945, the Krauts should have been policed for all time. By the Brits, by the Yanks and by the Ivans (the Frogs did fuck all, so they get fuck all). And that fucking wall should never have come down either. A ‘reunited’ Germany means trouble, one way or another. They were trouble then and they are trouble now.

      • Some even dare to suggest that the Snail Botherers were much more cruel colonial masters than the British Empire.
        I wonder what the Grauniad’s view on the subject is….?

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