Lets have a laugh at the expense of Dr “Rachel” Levine who has been appointed assistant secretary of health under Biden, just because he looks like a clown in a dress.
“trans” men are mentally ill gays .Putting someone in charge of health who is mental just shows the trajectory of senile, Biden and the mental Dems.
P.S Google has removed the most hilarious pictures.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
Creepy slow Joe Biden, what a cunt.
I don’t fancy yours much.
Get yer tits out
Get yer tits out
Get yer tits out for the lads!
Aye up Rach, you look like Thora Hird,
Can you swallow a jumbo sausage luv??
(Umm, have you taken your morning meds yet, MNC? – DA)
Its them hormones im on admin,
Thinned me beard and my voice has gone up two octaves!
In the bright side im a cupsize bigger than the missus!
Dr (dr no less!) Rachel Latrine is piss poor as a women,
So doubt shes upto much as a secretary of health?
Shave its head, quick medical kicking then a relaxing 20yr stretch in the saltmines.
Cured as in bacon? That’s a lot of butties.
Literally lipstick applied to a kosher pig.
Thora Hird ?
Brilliant MNC
Quite a looker though – I wonder if it’s single..
FUCKING HELL! That will keep the kids away from the fire.
(But it will give Ruff Tuff Creampuff the horn no doubt – DA)
Not just Ruff Tuff.
(My apologies, Cunstable – DA)
It’s picture would keep the dogs away from the fridge.
Fucking brilliant lol. Haven’t heard that one before, definitely stealing it.
Perhaps “mum of the year” Katie Price should have put a photo of it on her fridge, maybe then young Harvest Moon wouldn’t have got so fucking fat☹️
Jesus Christ… it makes Mrs Doubtfire look like Catherine Deneuve.
Look on the bright side – he’s gonna piss a lot of people off with his policies and there’s gonna be a lot of laughs on the way. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
How the fuck are you supposed to take this seriously?
Altogether now:
“It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.”
I wonder if it has a small, white yappy pet dog?
That is how trannies are in real life. Serial killers (or they plan to be).
Science beootches!
Looks like a Frankensteinian cross between Henry Kissinger and a Dawn French. Still, cant be as shit as Matt Wankcock!
The Hammer House of Joe Biden.
She looks as though she’s suffering from a ten chin deficit disorder.
is it a bird … is it a plane …. they seem to have forgotten that trust is a two-way street … who the fuck would trust it???
Levine, a surname common to a group of perpetually whinging cunts who think they are beyond reproach, unfortunately this “whatever” is not going to guilt trip me, Trans is wrong, okay cunt!!!
Strange fact: The talented actor, Ted Levine, played the murderous tranny in Silence of the Lambs.
“Errr, was she a big fat person?”
Every fucker went on about Hopkins or Jodie Fosters’ performances, but I thought the mad tranny cunt stole the show in Silence of the Lambs.
Don’t recall seeing him in anything of note after that. Tremendous actor.
Apparently Twatter suspended a Christian Group because it committed the utterly heinious crime of referring to Levine as a “man”.
It is a man in a dress. Even if he is sans plums and saveloy, he is still a man. Even with female hormone treatment to sprout titties – he is still a man.
Twatter – the modern day equivalent of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Probably run by latte-slurping, beta soy boys with patchy facial hair and soft, overweight bodies lacking any muscle and shrunken gonads.
It’s Klaus Schwab again, doing his drag act…
Fuck a duck! Imagine going to the doctors with something that involves dropping your trousers and that thing is sitting there.
I think Biden just signs whatever is put in front of him, the ga ga cunt doesn’t know what is going on.
He does, I posted a video slot on another nom where he can be heard mumbling ” I don’t even know what I’m signing” while Pelosi Bride-of-Frankenstein tells him to sign it.
It’s going to get worse.
ah yes … a classic ‘hot mic’ piece that was.
My favourite Robin Williams film without doubt is Mrs Fire….
I assumed Diane Abbott on the front bench of a Labour government would always be the most ridiculous appointment one could make, ever.
One could not have foreseen this. A sane mind would never dare imagine it.
Fucking. Hell. ??
Funny enough, the Flabbot has always reminded me of the late John Mortimer in drag…
So people are expected to take this cretin seriously? Fuck me sideways!
I remember the days when politicians had the decency to keep their perversions private. Rent boys, mistresses, s&m gang bangs, uniforms and amil nitrate filled satsumas were often the kinks of choice. Not cavorting around like a pantomime dame.
God bless America. Land of the free? More like land if the fucked up!
The lunatics have taken over the asylum, and this is just the start. Uncle Joe and Che Kamala’s ‘people’ will be a freakshow that will put the Groovy Ghoulies and the Munsters in the shade.
Transbender toilets over jobs, homes, police, and farming, that will be just one of the new ‘priorities’. I wonder if US voters realise that they have sent their country to hell?
Should have guessed when their campaign poster was the cover of theDoors people are strange..
Strange Days indeed, Miserable.
That said, the bint on the back of the Strange Days sleeve is a veritable glamour-puss compared to that thing in the header pic!
Never judge a book by its cover though. ?
Its a good Job Rachel got the job when she did Ruff.
Id booked her as the stripper for the ISAC party.
Was hoping to get Fiddler pissed and fingers crossed ,laid!
Even Edward Tattsyrup would turn down this Levine ghoul.
‘What’s all this shouting? We’ll have no trannies here!’
Rachel (for fuck’s sake) Levine is blessed.
At least it can have a piss standing up.
I heard (not sure if it’s true) ‘Rachel’ has had the full op. Fake minge and everything (all allegedly).
Well, fellow cunters, I have witnessed the lowest of human ‘sexy-time’ standard on this very website, but I don’t think anyone here would do the lovely Rachel.
If he, I mean she (they, them whatever the fuck) has got the finge, then it will have a rather unique aroma. Due to the different body shapes and length of the area between arse and sexual organs on real men and women, when a man has his nob turned inside out and a ‘passage’ is made, it ends up stinking of shit due to the natural differences mentioned.
I bet even the most depraved collosal perverts on here wouldn’t go down on the delectable Rachel.
I don’t feel very well…
Sorry MNC, hope you’re not seeing your lunch again a bit early.
Jesus Cuntybollocks,
You put some gruesomely graphic facts on here!
Wonder how deep trannies shitty fannies are?
Like a proper growler or shallow?
This is just idle curiosity by the way, not a endorsement!!!
I heard it from some science cunt on YouTube a while back, not sure who, it may have been Professor Edward Dutton, but I could be wrong it was a while back. I almost barfed hearing it myself lad.
If one craves the almost real thing I suggest a Colonovaginaplasty (not sure if that’s the correct spelling but I’m not a surgeon cashing in on the latest fad) Appears that part of the persons colon is removed the bit from the rectum to the first bend or something said piece is inserted into a surgical incision to create a vagina with depth, as the piece of colon has blood vessels attached it should refrain from going gangrenous. I suppose the remaining colon is stretched and reattached to the rectum. According to the literature the colon vagina is self lubing as the colon has mucus generating tissue. So there you go a deep, self lubing fanny that most likely stinks like an arsehole if one gets a tad sweaty. What a wonderful World.
Anne Widdecombe looks like Miss World next to this thing.
Ffs talk about hit with the ugly stick.
Another vote winner.
“Here put this dress on, take a couple of these hormone pills after eating, you’ll feel like a new man in no time!”
“You sure doc?, I’m only here to top up the coffee machine.”
The Circus Freak Shows of a century ago make a high profile return.
Fucking tremendous.
Yeah just need some ‘pinheads’ now for a full house.
Sorry for the interruption but a petition for Article 16 is doing the rounds.
Signed. 97000 and counting.
It’s up to 101,000 now.
Cheers, Cs, signed!
109K and rising.
From Hell’s heart I stab at thee…?
Maybe this why they are talking about anal swabs for covid testing?
Already in use in China.
Do the Democrats have any decent women one could have a good wank over?
That Cortez woman might do a turn after about three pints.
Maybe four…
You’d have to bring a cartoon book to illustrate to her what to do, she is so fucking thick I’d rather shag mud.
Looks like Ren Hoek from Ren and Stimpy.
A veritable bug eyed beaner from Venus.
Not one Demo-rat who is worth a Thomas The Tank.
German MP, the aptly named Julia Bonk would get a proper seeing to though and no mistake.
Queen Rania of Jordan is a rather lovely bit of fluff.
Totally milfmongous, pop pickers.
If you google it Michael Obama pops up, that would be your call though.
This putrid pile of cunt looks like the Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock.
The mighty USA, the land of the free us fucked. Xi, Pukin and that turbaned cunt in Persia must be pissing their pants.
Another fucker that looks like Chewbaka, as if you could ever mistake that twat for a woman