Dr “Rachel” Levine

Lets have a laugh at the expense of Dr “Rachel” Levine who has been appointed assistant secretary of health under Biden, just because he looks like a clown in a dress.

“trans” men are mentally ill gays .Putting someone in charge of health who is mental just shows the trajectory of senile, Biden and the mental Dems.

P.S Google has removed the most hilarious pictures.

Nominated by: Smug cunt


83 thoughts on “Dr “Rachel” Levine

    • ” Levine founded the Penn State Hershey Eating Disorders Program for adolescents and adults “.

      Love it. Sponsored by Cadburys.

    • “…google got rid of the funniest images….The others must have been fucking ace”

      They were Cs1066, in a way that makes you involuntarily regurgitate yer breakfast! Particularly emetic was the one of this yid freak in a frilly socked pastel blue Alice in Wonderland get up. I’ll have a ferret around the drive as I’m sure I saved the page somewhere. And this creature (part of Biden’s talmudic Chabadist ‘minyan’) has responsibility for the mental health of American youth. All part of the reality inversion so beloved of the true Marxist.

  1. I’m not going to pile on her looks because that’s hate speech.

    Putting aside her looks, its surely ok to ask if she’s any good at her job? I have no idea, however, I did see that she was on some podium the other day about to give a speech and faffed around with hand sanitiser for what seemed like an eternity. At that point, I just thought she was a complete virtue signalling prat.

    • He took his mother out of a nursing home when COVID kicked off then shoved pretty much most of the hospitalised oldies in Pennsylvania into them. Quelle surprised most of them died.

      He’s good at his job in the sense that Harold Shipman was.

  2. Yes, he’s a crap tranny and Emily Howard was more convincing.

    Let’s not have a laugh though, because this and everything else the OBASTURD third term has done in just over 2 weeks, to transform America irreversibly into the most far-left Marxist hellhole on the planet, and they haven’t even pressed the ignition yet, isn’t remotely funny. To paraphrase Reagan, when the lights of America go out they go out across the rest of the free world. This is game over, so fucking glad I’ll never have kids.

  3. Who the hell does he think he is fooling and why isn’t he in a secure institution for strangers to reality?

    I truly despair of mankind for allowing the joke to go this far.

  4. For a second I thought it said penis emergency. If I stuck it in that pile of ranched blubber I’d need medical help.

  5. He removed his mother, after creating a policy whereby nursing homes would readmit residents testing positive for COVID. To say this thing is an utter piece of shit would be a vast understatement!

  6. Not so long ago this demented prick would be wandering around a secure wing of a Mental institute in his slippers shouting “Dog Shit” at the top of his voice, fast forward a few decades and check him out now.!!

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