Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial (7)

Which ever side of the fence you sit regarding the impeachment of the great orange one you have to admit that it is a fucking massive waste of public money.

Fuck knows how much because I don’t. It will be however, many millions and millions of tax payers money. Also certain Trump haters get to ponce about in front of the TV. Self serving cunts.

If they are in that much of a need to see him in court then fund it themselves. Really is typical of Lib socialists democrats to spend (waste) public money like this.

He’s gone and is very unlikely to return you money wasting cunts.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt 

67 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial (7)

  1. Yes, it is a waste of money. But more than that, it’s virtue signalling on a massive scale and a personal, bitter attack on someone who had the audacity to call out cunts who infest the political class. This is what it looks like when the swamp is threatened and fights back.

    The Demoncrats cannot realistically make the argument that they’re doing this to uphold the law, or hold presidents accountable or ensuring that America is seen to do the right thing, blah blah blah. They’ve done nothing but demonise, attack and defraud their political opposition and the American public for years. So trying to seem all virtuous and claiming the moral high ground now is laughable in the extreme.

    Getting Tango kicked off Twatter and trying to ensure he cannot run for public office again is about 2 things. First, to shut him up and to ‘cancel’ him. Second, to act as a deterrent to any other ‘populist’ who has delusions of grandeur in the political realm. It’s just like how the EU made Brexit so painful, drawn out and exhausting. Not because it needed to be, but to send a signal to other nations. That signal being, ‘anyone else try this and this is what will happen to you too’.

    • I agree, JR. There simply isn’t a case to answer. Plus you’re right about the hypocrisy.

      Thing is, underhand, double dealing and surreptitious shenanigans used to be conducted away from day light, behind closed doors and with no one but the protagonists knowing about it. These days, the blatant double standard and mind bending hypocrisy is done in broad daylight for everyone to see. I believe it’s part of the radical left’s agenda to de-sensitise the public to their duplicity and gain acceptance of the matra, ‘It’s OK when we do it’.

      Trump can legitimately be criticised, just as any president can and should be. I’m fine with that, particularly for him being unstatesmanlike, unpresidential and basically uncouth. Given the relentless, vicious, underhand and baseless attacks on him, even before he took office, I believe excuse much of what he’s said and how he’s said it. The provocation alone is justification in my book.

      He’s being judged though on what he’s said, not on what he’s done. That’s what the left wants. Their game is to repeatedly call their target a cunt, over and over again. Waiting for their victim to call them a cunt back. When they do, they shriek in horror because they got called a cunt and then try to impeach them because they said “cunt”. It’s pathetic.

      Anyone who isn’t a deranged extreme left prick should oppose this. It’s wrong. It just is.

  2. The great orange Satan will have his revenge on those cheating democunts like Pelosi, Biden and AOC.

    What these pricks forget is that Donald is free of the shackles of high office which means as a private citizen he can fight back with all the legal tools at his disposal. (Let’s not forget he’s a billionaire)

    It’ll be like Donald Fox in the Democrat Hen house. An utter massacre.
    I predict:
    Donald: 10
    Idiots: Nil

    • It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

      The Donald liked to position himself as a champion of the people. Someone who stood up for the forgotten men and women. People who have been marginalised by the political classes.

      I don’t know what happened on election night or since, but something smells fishy and the establishment do not want to investigate or do anything to give any kind of reassurance the result was achieved through legitimate means. Trump won in 2016. Libtards called foul. Result: 3 year investigation into Trump/Russia collusion which ultimately proved baseless. Biden ‘won’ in 2020, Repubs call foul. Result: nothing to see here, move along. Quite different. I wonder why?

      The real mettle of the man will be seen once the impeachment charade is over. He couldn’t do or say much before because that would have undermined his case. Once the shackles are off, I hope he rises up and goes full bore after those utter cunts who made his presidency and life a misery. Based upon what we’ve seen over the last 4 years, I don’t think he or Don Jr or Eric Trump will quietly walk away with their tails between their legs and turn their backs on the American people they fought so hard for.

      Post impeachment trial, there’s going to be some fireworks. I for one, cannot wait!!

      • I posted a comment on a website that is not primarily political, to the effect that an investigation into their voting machinery could be beneficial to BOTH sides (I wanted to cover my ba k a little)… You should’ve seen the shitstorm that resulted… the IMMEDIATE assumption that I was “swallowing BS”, a hard line Trumpist & c… The womes really are brainwashed.

      • Not surprised by that reaction at all, HBH. Sad to say.

        You’d think that the Demons would want to clearly show there was nothing underhand or corrupt about their election victory, just to rub Trump’s nose in it and show him up to be a sour grapes poor loser. However, a deep and impartial investigation is the last thing they want because they know the whole sham would not stand close examination. Unfortunately for the free thinker, the MSM are in collusion with the Demons, so they won’t push for any investigation or report anything underhand. It doesn’t fit the narrative they themselves have have set, i.e. Orange Man Bad.

        So why hasn’t Trump’s claims of voter fraud gained any traction? It’s not been reported or investigated. Legal cases are dismissed by judges who are in the Demons corner. Even the FBI are anti-Trump and won’t do anything. It’s a bit like an opposition defender tripping you in the penalty area. Clear penalty, right? Wrong! The ref sides with the opposition and you lose the game 1-0. You complain to the FA, but they’re in league with the opposition. So you complain to the Premier League, but they’re in league with the opposition. So you complain to UEFA, but they’re in league with the opposition. So you complain to FIFA, but they’re in league with the opposition. All the while the sports media don’t even mention it in match reports and it’s like the trip never happened. If you collude with enough people and organisations, you can shape reality. That’s what the left want.

  3. Go The Donald. Smash the filthy psycho harridan Pelosi and her putrid hordes to smithereens with the mighty hammer of righteous justice.

  4. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks Trump was a breath of fresh air and a patriot. The economy grew every year he was in power,he was tough on crime,tough on illegal immigrants, tough on terrorists and hated the fucking EU.
    Obama was fucking useless. The economy hardly grew under him and he was an America hating cunt with an axe to grind . Weak on terrorism, illegals,crime and taxed like fuck.
    Once Biden, Pelosi and Harris have finished with the USA it will be a fucking wreck.
    BJ should have backed him all the way come what and told him he was welcome in Britain anytime. Fuck the democunts.

    • In the mean time Creepy Joe Biden has just opened the door to 25000 immigrants (asylum seekers) loitering at the Mexican wall, reversing yet another of the great Donald’s orders.

      Good luck, America, unless you are a trans, blm, pea dough supporting subversive that hates your country by the time the next 4 years pass you will wish Big Don was back every day ?

    • I see you right on all counts, Uttercunt.

      One of the reasons why the left hate Trump so much is because Obama was so useless as president. His lack of leadership and backing for America and the American people created a political vacuum. The Repubs are, generally speaking, too spineless to put the boot in when it’s needed. Along came Trump, booted and suited, ripped the heads off his opponents and pissed down their necks. The Repubs didn’t know what to make of him and the left shit themselves. Meanwhile, much of the American public saw a chance for change with someone who wasn’t going to be conventional and play nicely with others.

      Being conventional and playing nicely with others maintains the status quo. What is that exactly? The upper class get taxed more because that’s a vote winner and great virtue signalling. The poor are more heavily subsidised because that’s the kind and decent thing to do. Again, more virtue signalling and you end up with more poor people who are more likely to vote for the party who gives them more handouts. The good old middle class gets squeezed tighter and tighter and ultimately pays for it all.

      Trump wanted to change that dynamic. How the fuck dare he do that? That’s not how the political game is played. Who the fuck does he think he is? And so the left (and right) fought back to maintain their own gravy trains.

      Trump did some great stuff for America and was, as you say, a breath of fresh air. The left are trying anything and everything to bury him because they didn’t like what he did in office and they’re shit scared of what he’ll do now he’s out of office. That’s why they got his Twatter account closed down. It’s all part of the game of ‘It’s OK when we do it’ and ‘nothing to see here, move on’.

      Trump will be back. Locked and loaded.

    • Don’t forget that Obama was also a warmonger who bombed the shit out of Libya and Syria and facilitated the rise of Isis.

  5. Funny how those BLM filth haven’t been pulled up for inciting violence, eh?

    And didn’t that crabs riddled silicone infested gap toothed sinkhole twat saggy titted old shagbag, Madogga call for the White House and Trump’s family to be bombed? Not a whisper.

    And let’s not even start about those murder loving black nazi slags, Johnson and Duker. Who can say they want to kill whites without anyone in the MSM questioning them.

    But that’s the way it is now. It’s only OK when they do it. It’s only right when it’s left.
    That senile hair sniffing sack of shite Biden can big up murdering filth like the IRA, but Big Don is fair game. What a bunch of cunts they really are..

  6. Trump derangement syndrome lives on. Even though it is obvious he cant be found guilty. This is what Biden and co call uniting the USA by alienating half the population. Masterstroke. God help America.

    • It certainly does CC, it’s infectious too.
      Olympus has fallen and when America implodes, we will catch the fallout.

    • Exactly, CC.

      Hilarious Clinton was caught with her hand in the cookie jar on so many counts, prosecution, mind bending fines and prison looked odds on. Once Trump won in 2016, he let it go. He didn’t have to, but he did.

      Biden calls for unity, then sits back while his own party continue to go after an ex-president who has no case to answer. Maybe Biden doesn’t know what unity means. Very likely. Still, he could easily have stepped in and said, ‘No, we’re not doing this. It was terrible what happened. Let law enforcement deal with the protestors and let’s move on and start to heal the wounds’. Something like that. But he didn’t. Why? Because he’s not calling the shots. That’s why.

      • The only thing that shitty old paedophile Biden knows is how to be a traitor & sell his country to the fucking Chinese Communist Party. I hope someone kills him & his entire corrupt family.

  7. That’s a good trick Che Kamala does. Putting her ankles behind her ears.

    Allegedly, of course….

  8. What utter fools!

    The Democunts should be doing everything in their power NOT to convict Trump and thereby make sure that he is able to run for public office again. It’s in their overwhelming best interests!


    Because the Republicans won’t risk having Trump as a candidate again, which means he’ll run as an independent and by so doing will fatally split the Republican vote and ensure an easy victory for whatever string of snot the Democunts have running for them in 2024.

    The only Party to benefit from impeaching Trump is the Republicans, ergo they should vote to convict. But they’re too dumb to realise that is what they need to do at this stage.

    That is my theory that I have and which is mine and what it is, too.

    Anne Elk (Miss)

    PS: Trump should take a leaf out of Steve Bannon’s book and wear his impeachments as a badge of honour.

      • Evening Willie.

        I’ve been giving it further thought, maybe for 2024 Melania and Ivanka should run as a team – campaign ads of the two of them getting it on would be a sure fire vote winner, eh?

        Hard to beat a bit of steamy girl on milf hot action!

        Melania would win by a landslide that the Democunts could not imagine rigging in their wildest dreams!

    • I see your point, RTC.

      A counter argument might be, the Demons want the conviction AND subsequent vote to prevent him from running for office again because a) it smears the Trump name and helps to dampen any political ambitions of his children/close associates and b) it heaps more misery on the Repubs and makes the left look like a legitimate alternative.

      The Mueller investigation, impeachment #1, impeachment #2, going after Trump people like General Flynn, Supreme Court nominees, etc. etc. etc. It was never about principle, rule of law, democracy, whatever. It was about making your political opponent look bad and therefore make yourself look better by comparison. That’s been the way of American politics as far back as I can remember. The only difference is the depths to which the left will stoop to achieve their political aims and re-gain power. I wish I could say American politics is in the gutter, but it’s several millions miles beneath the level of gutter.

      • Evening I.Y.

        Yes, that is no doubt what is going through the sub-peanut sized brains of the Democuntic National Committee.

      • Evening, RTC.

        History shows that an independent 3rd candidate in a presidential election does exactly what you say – divides the vote and doesn’t win. Last tried by Ross Perot I believe.

        I don’t know which way Trump will go. What he’s said in the moments following his acquittal make it clear he’s not done with politics. For him to stay part of the Repubs, two things need to happen. First, the Repub machine (swamp?) would need to rally round him, his organisation and the MAGA movement. Personally I think that’s unlikely. Second, Repubs who have not backed Trump should be expelled from the party. I can’t see that happening either.

        If I were to make a gut feel guess, I’d say he’ll launch his own social media platform, have various subscription levels which he’ll use for funding and turning into votes when the time comes. Whether he moves forward as a Repub I don’t know. Your argument comes into play here. The conversation could go something like this:

        Trump: Back me 100% now and turn MAGA into an even bigger unstoppable force. I call the shots in return for funding, supporting Repub candidates for the House and Senate.

        Repub Leadership: You’re damaged goods, Donald. A winning ticket has turned into a losing ticket. We’re not sure if we can win again with you as a figurehead.

        Trump: If you don’t back me, I’ll form an independent third party and will be a constant pain in your arse and the demons’ arse. Your call.

        Meeting ends with them staring at each other, neither blinking.

        Put on the spot, I’ll go with a new independent party and fight the next presidential election with either him as the presidential candidate and Don Jr or Eric as Vice, or Don Jr or Eric as the presidential candidate with Ivanka as the Vice.

        Time will tell. Cheers – IY.

  9. What a big sham. Schools aren’t open and businesses are being ruined but all Creepy Biden wants to do is waste money and time on satisfying their hatred on Trump.

    Hoo-eee, what a bunch of cunts,

  10. This impeachment trial isn’t being held to decide whether or not Donald Trump’s conduct was inappropriate. Everyone knows he’s guilty. There is no argument as to what occurred or who was responsible, and there is no possible excuse to be made for his behaviour. No, it is the Republican Senators who are on trial; they have a duty to acknowledge wrongdoing and to put the blame where it lies, not to defend Trump simply because he’s a Republican. They know what happened because they were there at the Capitol and anything they didn’t see for themselves has been shown multiple times on television.

    The Grand Old Party isn’t so grand these days. Through Trump they have allowed themselves to become aligned with conspiracy theorists, domestic terrorists and other questionable fringe groups. It is now in the Republicans’ interests to cut Trump loose and leave him to fend for himself; the sooner they do this the sooner they will regain credibility with the electorate. It is because of Trump that there is a Democrat in the White House. That is reason enough.

    Most of the Republican Senators are looking for any reason, however implausible, to exonerate him. His legal team claim that to impeach a former President is unconstitutional (it isn’t), they claim his speech didn’t amount to incitement (it clearly did) and they can even try to say that the election was rigged (it wasn’t), but they don’t have to prove any of this is factual if these Senators have already made up their minds which way they’re going to vote. The likelihood is that expediency will triumph over integrity, because their first consideration is not their country or even their party, it is their own personal political careers. And we will be reminded once again why politicians are held in such contempt.

    • Trump is not guilty, if he is the fascist Democrats have been proven to foment violence against Republicans. Secondly Trump is not a politician.

    • Allan: I watched the Trump rally in question. I remember him mentioning marching on Capital Hill and protesting peacefully, “always peacefully”. I don’t recall him instructing a mob to break into the capital building, smash property, assault police and staff and generally act in the way that the mob did. What have I missed?

    • “It is because of Trump that there is a Democrat in the white house”. It only thanks to Trumps that there hasnt been more pointless wars, over the last few years with hundreds of thousand more dead.

      • @IY Trump’s tweet after the day’s event seen on television, the carnage etc…’remember this day forever”

        I don’t think it was deliberate incitement but he certainly wasn’t bothered what was happening.

      • @Miles, what context were those words spoken, in favour of his supporters rioting or a reminder that his opponents would do anything in their power to destroy him?
        The vast majority of protesters were outside and not participating.
        Truth will out and the TDS goons will quietly mutter to themselves before finding their next target. Heaven forfend they put their hands up and admit being wrong, it’s not in their DNA. This is the shit that rolls downhill from the Left, admit nothing, dodge, evade, obfuscate, nothing to see here, move along.
        The cunts.

        Troops are already moving into Syria now.

    • Allan@ – The Capitol Hill invasion was planned and executed by Antifa with the knowledge and assistance of the democrats and their backers. MAGA went there to lawfully protest a stolen election and Trump made an appeal for calm, non violent protest beforehand which Twitter etc removed and the democrats and the MSM subsequently lied about and said he had never made the speech until it resurfaced. Antifa went there with the express and premeditated intent of stopping the Senate proceedings which would have proven the election was stolen. And had the security forces not received a tip off then the two pipe bombs planted by Antifa TWO WEKS before the “spontaneous event” would not have been discovered and there would have been carnage. Trump was robbed, the impeachment is an utter sham by democrat lunatics who are now so brazen, arrogant, hateful and insane they seem to “forget” it was themselves who were encouraging violence. Love or hate Trump this is an outrageous theft of democracy.
      Not to worry though – the Patriot Party has been established and in four years either Trump Junior or Candace Owens will be in the White House – if of course there is an America left to govern after four years of communism.

      • Tut tut tut Big Vern. There you go again using facts. Haha. Didn’t you get the memo about Trump still breathing is causing all the CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming?

        We also know a section of the Trump crowd left way before the end of his speech to get the violence underway. By the way folks, the Capitol building was not just across the street from Trump’s rally. It was a fucking trek!

        As far as I know, it hasn’t been established why some Capitol police officers actually let some ‘protestors’ past the erected barricades. I’m not saying they were ‘in on it’ and wanted there to be mayhem, but that did happen and I don’t know why.

      • The Time magazine article recently exposed the betrayal of America. curiously enough, that never made much headway.
        More will ooze from the swamp, rest assured.

  11. Of course all the Biden loving and Clintonite luvvie and movie cunts: the weirdos, creeps, slimeballs, satanists slappers, and joe ronces in Hollyweird will nod sagely and be all for Big Don’s show trial. Then they’ll get back to snorting devil’s dandruff, shagging each others spouses, and sacrificing chickens.

  12. Not a cent spent on reviewing the validity of the election (the MSM say its so – SO IT IS SO) but millions to be spent on castigating the “loser”. Crock of shit the lot of it. The only part of it that made me smile was somebody defecating on Pelosi’s driveway ?

  13. The footage provided by the defence utterly exposed the Democrats for what they are; vindictive and hypocritical.

  14. No point debating with TDS sufferers, they’re fucked but can’t admit it. How far that level of retarded insanity affects other facets of their lives is a problem for those around them, never themselves, their heads are in the sand.
    It deserves its own epithet, perhaps Shithead O’Brian syndrome?


    Orange man bad.

    I’m off to lay another cable, this time in Skeletors rancid, puckered gob.

  15. It’s a pure witch hunt and a complete waste of time and money. Trump will not be going to jail, despite the efforts of nutters like Pelosi.

    The democrats were arguing that not putting Trump in prison would be a security risk. Well, I was almost hoping they’d convict Donny Tango. It would make the ‘riots’ (only riots when conservatives protest and end up with just one of their own getting killed by a cop – but ‘mostly peaceful protests’ when the other lot kill cops and civilians) seem like a three year old’s jelly, ice cream and pass the parcel birthday party.

    Pelosi would never be satisfied with a conviction anyway. She’d want the death penalty. And after that, she still wouldn’t be satisfied and demand his rotting corpse be dug up so she could abuse it in front of his crying family.

    That woman is certifiable.

  16. When this charade is all over, he will come back with his pay per view Trump channel as he kinda needs the money with all the debt he has incurred . Read a article about sources trying to put feelers on wall street for capitol .it could be worth billions if he grabs even 25% of the people that voted for him. He then can spout what he likes live . It will be like Gotham city in America and those broadcasts will make their way to all the social media’s because people will be curious to (what has he said time) Its not over yet.

    • I think either a Trump TV channel or a social media platform to rival FB/Twatter seems likely. Of the two, I think a social media platform for two reasons. First, it could stream video content just as easily as a TV channel could. Second, with so much of the MSM/establishment being anti-Trump, I think he’d have a hard time getting the TV providers to carry his channel.

      The same argument could also be applied to having CSPs host his social media platform on their infrastructure. He’d have to build his own in my view. Not impossible and even a modest subscription would help pay for it, given the size of his voter base.

      I don’t know what he’ll do, but I’m certain he’ll do something and it will continue to infuriate the left even more than his 4 years as president already has.

  17. Oh and meant to say great posts from imitation yank. Met a man from Chicago in my local just before this covid madness kicked this time last year . The inevitable question came up as he asked what we thought of Trump. My response was well diplomacy is not his strong point. The man about 65 years of age then said “you think that we don’t know what Trump is we know exactly what he is ,but he got the country running again and that’s exactly why we like like him”

    • Thank you, sir!

      Trump has been good for America and the world. Like or loathe him, the world is a safer more prosperous place when the US is managed by a strong and decisive leader. With Trump, you get solid common sense policy that achieved results, primarily for the benefit of the American people. That’s what he’s there for. When Obama was in office, we had 8 years of an American apology to the world tour and the rise of ISIS. Thanks a lot, Barak. Cunt.

      Trump does not have the charm or charisma of Obama. But you have to take the whole package, warts and all. Even if the warts make you wince and wish he hadn’t said/done that. The guy you met from Chicago is spot on. Results matter. And that coming from someone who’s from Obama’s home town.

      Now the senate trial is over and Trump’s been acquitted, let the fireworks begin. I hope with every fibre of my being, Team Trump launches a full scale assault on all things left and destroys Biden and his cronies. This should be fun.

  18. Nothing will come of it. He ain’t done nothing wrong. RIP to the people who got caught up in fighting for your nation.

  19. Drum roll please……….Trump has been acquitted!

    It went into extra time, but Team Trump scored again. 2-0.

    Lib Dems – kindly fuck off and die.

      • Hahaha Sleletor Pislosi must have shat here tenna nappy ?

        Goooooooon the Donald ? 2024 ?? Can’t wait to here his after impeachment trail x2 speech ????

        Fuck off democrat party, you sneaked in the win at the election but you’ll lose the long game ?

      • I tell you something else. I reckon if it was the other way around and a load of democrat pansies, trannies, antifa and blm had marched on Capitol Hill with the Donald in the building he wouldn’t of been on his heels either! He’s a mans man, John Wayne type, not like the baby sniffer ?

  20. The BBC newsreader sounded solemn when she announced this story earlier.
    TDS still alive and well.

  21. This was only ever about stopping him running in 4 years. I think when the senile crook has ruined America he will be back. I have to say that Brexit and Trump are my favourite political moments – maybe with Ed Balls losing his seat a close 2nd.

    God Bless you DJT

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