Covid holidaymakers

Covid holiday cunts and the government are retarded cunts, well this going to be a two part counting.
Part 1 the government, have these stupid cunts not realised yet that when they announce a new restriction, bone headed stupid fuckers flock like flies around shit e, g pubs, clubs, shopping and now travel abroad, what did they expect, dumb ass cunts..shut down the fucking airports…

Part 2, the stupid fuckers who go straight online to book a cheap holiday abroad as soon as travel restrictions have been announced, so the cock wombles deserve a bit of bat flu, these are the same cunts who will be crying when they are stuck in some crap hole hot version of Barry Island with all the prices quadrupled , leave the fuckers there I say, by the time they have completed the long swim home they will have completed their quarantine period absolutely zero fucks given for these arse clowns…

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

42 thoughts on “Covid holidaymakers

  1. Chuck that old zimmer Captain Tom in the ocean too. Daft fuck flys off to Barbados and expects applause now that he’s fallen ill? Fuck off.

    • Ladies and gentlemen, we are now commencing our approach to Bridgetown Barbados
      The weather is fine with approximate temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit
      The sky is blue and the palm trees are really cool
      Captain Moore and his crew hope you have had a pleasant flight and that you will fly Coconut Airways again
      Captain Moore has set a record today by being the oldest pilot at 100 to fly a Coconut Airways jet.
      There will be a collection on leaving the aircraft to cover his return flight.

    • He didnt catch it in Barbados, that was a month ago. Still at a 100 he wanted to go good on him, he knows is time is about up, enjoy! You should have condemned the cunts who appear to have the right to go on holiday. Back in the day we could only afford to go to Clacton for a week, every 2 years. Fuck em, crowed beaches, fuck off cunts.

      • Call me wrong, don’t call me a cunt.

        Fuck Tom. I’m all for crumblies doing what they want, hell shoot up a speedball for all I care. If I make it to 100 I’ll be doing that myself!

        But fannying off to Barbados whilst children are forced to suffer the collective neurosis of every lockdown supporting adult in this country? Get to fuck. I side with the kids wellbeing, not the fucknut insane adults in this land, especially those who’ve already lived a full life.

      • Don’t me a cunt ? Why what you going to do tell ya ma remember everyone is a cunt. And if you don’t like being called one you’ve no right calling others one. Cunt

        (Let’s just hold it right there please. – DA)

      • Yes, everyone is a cunt, including me and you. Site etiquette and rules though.. you don’t cunt other members and attack them.

  2. I did a week in Corfu at the beginning of September. All legal, no Covid, back safe and sound. I am a cunt!

    • I did two weeks in Portugal during September after my third attempt to get out of the country.
      No covid as I was a careful cunt.

  3. Nah. I want a holiday had to fucking cancel 3 that were booked. Half the problem is people behaving like reckless cunts when they’ve been away. Here during last summer or abroad. Behave like you don’t want to catch the fucking chunk flu when on a holiday or at a pub etc Don’t get rat arsed and slobber ? over fucking strangers. Use your facking loaf ya daft cunts

  4. Surely holidays abroad have to be written off this summer at least?

    The EU countries are way behind the UK (well we already knew what incompetent idiots they were) with vaccines and not enough people will be covered to make it safe. No doubt the under-25s will flock to Ibiza if they are allowed, eager to pay €50 to enter clubs and then €15 per drink. Stupid feckers, no wonder they can’t afford to buy their first home.

    Perhaps an Ibizan strain of covid will target the young swingers.

    • The Spanish will be doing all they can to get brits back. Without us holidaying there they’ve no fucking money.

      • The British also drink 1/3 of all Spanish beer produced, so they must really be missing us.
        I bet they also hate all the restrictions the EU are putting in since Brexit

  5. The holiday companies are pretending holidays aren’t fucked.
    But they are lying of course.
    It’s a very uncertain shitheap that I wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.
    Vaccination passport anyone?

    • That Ryan air cunt is telling us there will be holidays in Europe this summer.
      Wake up ya dozy fuck. Never happen.

  6. I’d like Captain Tom to settle down and marry a new lady friend and leave everything in his will to her, thus leaving the publicity hungry cunts in his family with nowt.

  7. Cheeky old cunt, fucking off to the Bahamas while the world wasn’t looking…well he’s about to meet his maker and Hades is a tough boss.

    See you in the mess hall in Hell you old cunt.

  8. Maybe we should open up some holiday camps in the UK complete with special showers for those who really want to get away.

    Dumb cunts.

  9. Saying that, I would normally be one of the first to slag off tacky holidays to the Costa Del Sol or Elsbels but I would be the first on the plane if it meant getting away from the fat lying cunt Johnson or the smirking fuck smear that is Hancock.

    Just think, warm sun, beach, cocktails and no fucking BBC and its constant barrage of Covid and cuntery.

    BTW, Hancock can choke on a plateful of my shit and the beg for another bowl.

    • That plastic clown-face plumber Mullins lives round those parts and I’d rather not waste my holiday in a Spanish jail for helping to remodel his face further.

  10. British Airways are cunts for giving him and his extended family a free holiday. I bet there are some people still waiting for refunds. Cunts.

  11. Live and let live, holidaying in a place full of the cream of English cuntitude with the added bonus of foreign cunts has never appealed to me but if people like that kind of thing, go for it.

    However, if your decision to go on your jollies during a world wide crises where travel restrictions are constantly changing don’t whine like a pig in a blender when your plans are changed, especially if you end up stuck abroad and didn’t take any cash to cover unforeseen events that Stevie Wonder could of seen at night with a hood over his head.

  12. Maybe they see this as a last hurrah.
    Might be that they’ve been told that their job has gone when furlough ends and they’ll be joining countless others who are gonna lose theirs too but haven’t realised it yet.
    Maybe they don’t believe multi millionaire Chancellor Rishi Rich, “That we’re all in this together” or the Bank adverts, “We here for our customers.”
    They won’t be in eighteen months when it gets brutal.
    Maybe they’ve weighed things up and thought, fuck it, daft or not, lets go….

    • You are spot on, JR. One of the main reasons this shit show has gone on so long is that the cunts in government are crapping themselves about what will happen when the restrictions are lifted/furlogh ends. The the wreckage will be there for all to see. Scary shit.

      • Fucking right – compared to what is to come the lockdown will seem like a daydream.

        It’s going to be total carnage

  13. Captain Toms been on holiday?
    Good for him!?
    I don’t begrudge him a holiday in the sun.
    Hes a old soldier, I saw him Id send him a pint over,
    Some cunts would grass their own mothers up.
    Hope he got a knee trembler off some charitable pissed up Doreen.

    • Fuck him and the zimmer he rode in on…he’s going to Hades and he can discuss how he got there with Hancock’s dead half brothers uncles cousins mothers former room mate…..the one he got all chocked up about the false plastic faced cunt.

    • The old bugger is in hospital with breathing difficulties, pneumonia, he also has Covid (according to reports).
      He didn’t get the jab because of his medication.

      If he lives he will be a hero
      If he dies he will be a hero

      He can’t loose.

  14. I stick to the rules but SAGE and onion party want to ease restrictions “slowly”.I want to boil them in piss and chuck them all in Unkle Terry’s oven gas mark 6

    • As soon as the most vulnerable are vaccinated then lockdown and all these tyrannical restrictions on freedom should end immediately.

      But I’ll bet you a penny it fucking won’t though. They’ll pull some shite out of Hancock’s magic hat.

      Hopefully then it will dawn on everyone that we’re being led up the garden path. But I’ll bet you another penny that won’t happen, as the public is too stupid and docile.

      • With you on that one big chunky cunty. No point booking a holiday

        In May they will discover a new variant from somewhere like Basingstoke. It will be 1000 times more deadly and 2000 times more transmissible than any other variant and be called something like the Hampshire Stokie.

        It will mean having to extend lockdown beyond 2023.

  15. People are naive about Captain Tom, best of luck to him himself.

    But the whole thing was set up by a his relatives publicity company, and they are living of the fame.

  16. If I was the old fucker, I’d have gone on holiday too. It’s not like at his age he can put it off till next year.
    A lot of hate for an old soldier, a bloke who only tried to do a bit of good, which was overexposed in the media, leading to those with minimal attention span to despise him. And he did more hobbling around a garden in one week that most bellends will ever achieve. And humble too, as most cunts thought they deserved an OBE for clapping once or twice on a Thursday.

  17. The docile old cunt is being used to keep this propaganda cuntfest going
    Be a shame if the poor bastard carks it at such a young age though gawd bless him

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