I thought I’d have another go at getting a nomination published. I don’t have anything really quirky (like errant butlers) or interesting (like tales of (untry folk) to b1tch about but I hate politicians and the way the f*ck us all over. So here goes:
Council tax & national property tax
Council tax. A tax that house occupants pay based on the value of the house they live in relative to its 1991 market value.
We all know about it, most of us pay it, and quite a lot of us don’t benefit from many of the local services that it funds. A lot to pay “to have your bin emptied twice weekly” as it were. It didn’t use to be so bad until the late 90’s when New Liebore caused the cost of it to triple. It’s now an almighty big bill to pay and weighs heavily on most people’s domestic budget.
So far, so bad, but there is now the idea of a “national property tax” being mooted to rake in yet more income and justified because “house prices have increased dramatically since 1991” and “it’s not fair for the younger generation to pay for the ‘Covid splurge”.
The same brief has been given to various outlets. Here’s one:
When you search a bit more you find that the proposed idea is to tax properties annually based on their current value starting at .5% and ramping up. AKA up the current payments by 50% and keep on squeezing. Just like New Liebour over again. Except this is SUPPOSED to be a Conservative Government FFS.
Q: What relevance does the notional value of a house you are living in have to the cost of local services?
A: None what so F’ing ever!
Taxation is a (unt, Council Tax is a double (unt and National Property Tax will be a triple (unt!
Nominated by: mikdys
Eeey, exactamundo ?
Anyone with any savings whatsoever will be ripped off to pay for the current shit show. Raids on bank accounts (known as ‘haircuts’ in the trade) will be part the necessary adjustments to personal wealth as the ‘Great Reset’ gets fully underway.
Never mind, eh? We can all clap for Uncle Tom tonight.
Excellent first cunting Mikdys.
If the virus doesn’t get them, then this grossly unfair tax will affect the oldies (over 71) who are property rich and cash poor.
It’s basically designed to get old people to down size to a care home near them to provide more housing for immis.
This was Labour’s plan 10 years ago to bully old people out of their houses which had ‘spare’ bedrooms.
Tessa Jowell (deceased) unfortunately had to sell her house before any old folk had to!
This “National Property Tax” sounds all too reminiscent of Labour’s “Land Value Tax” which was rejected overwhelmingly by the electorate at the last General Election:
Ace maiden nom, mikdys!
Same dog but different spots.
Doris is probably thinking, having sold BRINO as Brexit, he can sell this as “levelling up the red wall”.
If you look up some facts and do a few calculations, relative to the mooted .5% starting rate, “bands C & D” in the “red wall areas” might actually drop a few hundred £ (before it all gets ratcheted up). In the south “band C” and above is likely to suffer a 50% increase just for starters.
There is urgent need if a proper debate over council spending and central government funding because this has been spiralling out of control for years. My local conservative council wants to apply to the government to raise this years council tax by more than inflation to cover over expenditure by the previous (conservative) administration. How the fuck is that my problem & why should I pay for their fecklessness? Why can’t central government issue a bollocking and guidance on basic accounting and make them find savings elsewhere?
If central government is starving councils of cash, someone needs to say so. If councils are frittering away our money senselessly then say so. But no! Just up the bills again and again whilst simultaneously threatening to slash the social care budget like they are in my parish. Cunts!
I must add that this is not an anti Tory rant. Liebour are just as bad if not worse. But it’s a prime example of how fucked we are if a conservative government cannot control a conservative council regarding matters of finance.
Boils my fucking piss…bet I’m paying 5 times the amount that some of those fucking incomers with their “wee ‘uns” in their converted farm-workers’ cottages are paying.
I could dig a pit,shove my rubbish in every week,backfill it when full and save myself a fucking fortune…there are no other Council services (that I use) in my area.
That’s the British way Sir Dick:
-welcome one, welcome all!
-get a part time job in the petroleum station (owned by your uncle) and get into the bandwagon-free shit for life for you, your wife and 11 fucking sewer rats that emerge from her non indigenous cunt☹️
Meanwhile, Granny Smith, eho worked minimum wage for 55 years and paid her 2.4 kids way through life, gets taxed into the fucking ground.
Fucking cunts?
“Meanwhile, Granny Smith, eho worked minimum wage for 55 years and paid her 2.4 kids way through life, gets taxed into the fucking ground.”
Do you mean Mrs Rashford, General?
No Bertie-I mean the indigenous working class woman who had 3 jobs to support her husbands “white privileged” income, until he died aged 38 due to a lung condition caused by his “white Privileged” job, then stoically marched on, raising the sort of white cunts in here, like me.
That’s who I mean?
I thought Granny Smith would be loaded after selling all those apples.
Granny Smith has been removed from history Moggie-now it’s Mother-Sister Precious Mbwebe and her Sweet potatoes.
DF@ – yep – I (unwillingly) pay 2 grand a year for fuck all.
Money I could be spending on pies, Guinness and jackboots!
Fat bitch down the road with her tribe of hoglets produces more waste than America and pays zero – ‘cos she got anxiety and depression, innit.
And we need to build new homes for the influx of Hong Kong residents – on the powdered bones of my defeated enemies! ?
Right, time for a walk – I want my moneys worth from these new hiking boots!
I’d happily pay £2000. Haven’t paid that amount this century☹️
And with us all in ducking lockdown, local elections cancelled and with gatherings of more than two pigeons punishable by death, protest marches against a new “poll tax” won’t be be taking place?
Job done?
They should have never done away with the Poll Tax!
Yup – the goal is wide open…
The Council Tax discount of only 25% because I live on my own boils my piss. Why isn’t it 50%? Either side of me live married couples, both working and probably pulling in 3 to 4 times my minimum wage/salary. I find it very unfair on single working people.
Borrow the money from China, then default on repayment and tell them to fuck off and eat each other.
Tell the banks that if they’re here for us, stop charges and take a hit for the team, we’re all in this together now get on your black horse and jump off a cliff.
I am retired. My house is worth a few quid. I get enough in pensions to get by comfortably. I have decent savings which give me fuck-all interest. Well below inflation.
My council tax is hefty. The council (N Lincs, Con) is ok but at the end of the day my hefty council tax pays for bins, the library and using the tip. Perhaps some road maintenance and streetlights.
I dont mind paying something for the covid measures but I object to the fact that 90% of my council tax subsidises others. The home grown feckless, workshy immigrants from Somalia and Pakistan, fly tippers and so on.
Fuck the property tax.
Where I am the bin gets emptied every three weeks by the council at around 2 or 3pm. We pay a separate independent firm 20 quid a month and they empty the bin every week at 8am, good as gold. And it’s well worth it, especially in the Summer months.
There are also always holes in the middle of the road, and we only see workmen if there is an election imminent.
If a house is owned outright (which mine is) and is not a council property, then they should stick their council tax up their arses. I get fuck all ‘service’ from the council anyway. I pay a proper firm to empty my bins because the council don’t do it, and both the local libraries closed under Cameron and Clegg’s pigs years ago. Two of the last remaining local pubs have been demolished and the council are building ‘affordable’ housing on the sites (and we all know what that means). And, speaking of which, the nearby council flats that used to be for the OAPs are now crammed with Somalifilth. That is what we are paying for. Council tax my arse.
Here’s a top tip for getting potholes fixed:
(Offends the woke so gets instant action?)
That was a tactic used by someone who “cunts” on here.
Obviously I know “naffink abaaht it”
©️B&W Cunt
I couldn’t care less if local councils collapsed completely or were abolished and all sitting members shot.
It’s such a mess that if I ever found myself unemployed I’d have to consider never paying it again by claiming handouts and being a right cunt,just like millions of others.
I’d like to pay for the services I use,the rest can Fuck Off.
Property Tax? That should be fun,good luck with it.
Off topic, but this just made me choke on my lunchtime ale. Apparently Fuck Wankcock had told people to eat what is in their freezers rather than go out!!
Well, he can eat my shit before he tells me what I should do with my own property. Fucking gaslighting scum masquerading as a minister of the crown.
You just know he’ll have hordes of clodhopping mouth breathers doing just that.
It’s a pity people don’t show so much unity when it comes to taxes and lack of services.
Presumably, once you’ve scoffed the contents of your freezer you start on your pets, then the neighbours
Dennis Nilsen could have lasted indefinitely eating anyone who happened by.
Getting rid of stamp duty sounds good. I pay £300 a month council tax. However, if this goes up to £1000 a month under some new name I might as well kill myself.
Why don’t they sack off foreign aid and a few Quangos? Better still all the Whitehall types can take a pay cut to help pay off the Covid bill. Plus they can stop stop rolling out the red carpet for people who have jumped the queue to get here. Oh and get bloody Google and Amazon etc to pay their fair share. Cunts.
Bloody hell, £300 a month, do you live in a 6 bed mansion ?
From the figures you’re quoting I’d guess you live on the outskirts of London? If so, you have my sympathy. Why should you be made to pay an exorbitant amount of tax based on the assumption that the value of your house has risen exponentially due to factors outside of your control? You’ll still only get your rubbish emptied twice a month ( if you are lucky!) and I’d bet the area you live in hasn’t improved from your perspective.
Like a lot of these things though I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just a “pre-budget frightened” to get us to be grateful for a 5% council tax increase (when inflation is running around 1% at most).
The question is “double (unt or triple (unt?” We should find out on 3rd March (unless the budget gets delayed ?).
What pisses me off are all the fucking dooshka cunts and p Stanley types who are in a two up two down terrace and have 8, 10 or 12 people in them paying one fucking council tax, or more likely getting it paid for them
5 bed as it happens.
You will have to start a B&B to cover the increase cost ?
I was close with my guess ?
Trouble is I can’t use two of those rooms due to Cluster Flies and woodlice. I need to do a smoke bomb or three up in the attic. Fuck the bats and grey squirrels who live up there. I don’t see why bats should be protected and I have to live in fear!
Taxation is how the trough gets filled. How long before your house is compulsory purchased and demolished to make way for a trough extension?
Wooah! Slow down everyone.
Here is a bit of an eye opener. My local council, RBKC had £300m in the bank when the Roman candle of illegal immigrants called Grenfell went up.
The shitbag Labour MP for the borough at the time (Emma Dent-Choad) said she would spend all of it on rehousing those poor gimmegrants who were now slumless.
Note, she said rehouse. Not deport. The stupid cunt.
My home county council in Kent lost £150m in the 2008 crash when the Icelandic banks went under, as did numerous other councils. Such is their greed and incompetence.
Why has nobody asked what a bunch of leftard fuckwits are doing with that amount of OUR money sitting in foreign bank accounts, while simultaneously pleading poverty and demanding more and more money from us, their employers and betters.
This is England, not fucking Zimbabwe. You thieving marxist filth.
Just as corrupt as that fucker from Dark key land that Miserable nominated?
Opposite me there is a house with a couple of people, the obligatory several dogs, and three tucking cars outside. All free. These cunts don’t pay for a fucking thing, all on the bennies. The fake crippled cunt had a brand new Kia Sportage a couple of weeks ago.
My council tax covers them, and many like them.
Ain’t life grand.
Seems the more that some people ‘need’ the more the altruistic system cascades their way. Some cunts end up paying sweet FA, watching daytime TV with their feet up, heat up their arse and a well stocked fridge.
I know one fat, faking cunt just like that. She has milked the system dry and her hubby is now her ‘full time carer’. Nice new Kia people carrier sits on the drive – not a fucking penny paid by them. The only thing wrong with this woman is obesity. Needs to have her arsehole wired up.
I actually liked the poll tax .It was fair and based upon how much people used local services.
Why should a couple who’ve worked all their life and whose utility bills are negligible and who never need to summon the police or ambulances have to pay more than a household of lazy filthy foreign (or for that matter,homegrown) fucks who live like pigs in shit and are a constant drain on society ,call out athe ambulance at least once a week and have the coppers around nearly every day?
I’m sick of having money taken off me against my will to provide for these feckless cunts,