Coca Cola are complete and utter cunts.
Coca Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to “try to be less white.” Seriously, they really are doing this.
These pictures are from an internal whistleblower and I for one will now permanently boycott their overpriced teeth rotting kidney damaging fizzy dishwater.
So alongside Sainsburys,and the BBC, ‘The Real Thing’ can fuck off with their dreams of apartheid. They can shove it up their racist arses.
Nominated by: Norman
Coca Cola is black – outrageous racism!
Right, back to the plantation – these idle buggers won’t whip themselves, and that new mulatto slave Megain looks worth a r*ping from Massa Foxl! ?
Is that a r*ping or a roping? Either would be be fine by me.
ACM@ – depends on how much cotton she picks and how much she perspires doing it – it would be quite a trek to the creek to wash her down!
Naughty – off now! ??♂️
Do these corporations want any white customers?
This is another bunch of cunts who have just been added to my veto list.
“The Real Thing” is another BIG LIE.
Coca-Cola has not been “the real thing” since 1929 when they removed cocaine from the ingredients, the cunts.
Modern Coke is obnoxious shite but I’d be tempted to drink the original recipe?
I was watching this on Salty Cracker, the guy is brilliant. How can a whitie tell people they are too white. She is white supremacist, obviously there are no blacks good enough to be the job. What a bunch of brain dead fucking cunts. Bet comes profits will start to drop now, NFL in the shit. Fuck em all.
If true, it’s a disgrace. And the libtards say anti-whites do not exist?
What a load of shite.
They’re fucking everywhere and making the younger generation hate their own skin and their history. It’s making the dark keys want to fucking kill us off too. I’m not even kidding here. Where do these cunts think all this will lead to? Well, it won’t be kumbaya around the fucking campfires, I’ll tell you that.
Fucking poisonous.
Where are you Boris? You should be telling Coca Cola (if this is true) they can’t sell their tacky shit here anymore if they’re going to be racist bastards.
He’ll probably celebrate it though, like the true ‘conservative’ he is.
The people who produce these so-called unconscious bias and white supremacy programmes must think that blacks and other people of colour are inferior. If they didn’t think this way, they wouldn’t produce them. Therefore, they are the real racists, not normal white people.
Yup. It’s all true.
Here’s the woman who came up with this shite
Hey Coca Cola. You’re now on my boycott list. I’ll be looking out for anything made by Schweppes too.
Fuck off you anti white racist bastards.
Include Gillette in your boycott list – bunch of cunts. Along with the UK companies who use TV adverts full of black, Asian and Oriental types, with the odd white woman, usually a redhead, thrown in. Only time you see a white guy is when he’s getting the piss taken out of him. Even the horse is black in the Lloyds Bank advert.
Add in the following:
Ben and Jerry’s
Walkers Crisps
Fuck,I forget about Disney.
Gillette were already on my list after that appalling anti white hate filled advert.
And Sainsburys.
Coca Cola – Fanta – Nazi Germany – Profits
It’s all subversion.
Global corporations are all over it.
The subtext is that they couldn’t give a fuck about ethnic mitherers but play along just in case they get called out by a commie or blek on Twatter.
A shameful set of cunts indeed.
I don’t like Coke.
I try to be less white in the summer.
How can you be less white? Is it some attitude I will have to change or should I black up…hold on that’s racist so it can’t be that. So I’ll have to change err I don’t fucking know.What I would like to alter is from living to not living in a agonising way for these white cunts, and I’m 100% certain it’s pale shite who came out with this. How many neighbors of a darker hue have these cunts got? Answers on a postcard to Neverland.
“Less white”?
Shall we start hacking peoples heads off then?
Only honkeys.
Black people in the states have always drunk Pepsi. Its cheaper. This is just a capitalist move for market share. Wankers. Racist wankers.
I wish certain people, especially ones that come to live in Britain, forever moan about Britain, endlessly call people racists, have unpronounceable names, demand free everything, have chip-on-their-shoulder braided hair, behave in a chintz way, expect to be treated in an unmeritocratic way, fiddle the system, litter the streets, look for the ‘compo’ in every situation, and have nought respect for native Brits, would be less ‘black.’
Over the years I have found ISAC a good source for book, film and music suggestions. I always like to give back when I can and can thoroughly recommend the book Belching Out The Devil by comedian Mark Thomas.
The cola company are far from all things good and wholesome.
Perhaps Coca Cola could be less white in places like India where their piss factories are destroying the water table.
I am trying to be less white. I am going in for looting, stabbing and rape.
Ive never liked Coca Cola.
Even as a kid.
Fizzy yank piss.
I like Barrs minerals,
Cream soda or something.
Now I know theyre Black panther types they can get fucked.
Fentimans do nice mineral,
And their a British firm.
Picture of a German shepherd dog on the bottle.?
Barrs or Ben Shaws were the best. One reason we go to Morrisons is that they sell Tizer and Cream Soda.
And at least boycotting Cunta Cola will make one’s teeth more white.
I am now waiting for that other junk peddling corporate monster, ‘Maccy Dees’ to make an anti-white gesture. So they can poach all the sambeaus that infest KFC on a regular basis.
Fentimans Cola is very tasty. Knocks Coke shat into a cocked hat.
Come census day on 21/03/21 I’m definitely going to be less white. The ONS website clearly states that “we also want everyone to be able to identify as they wish”.
I’m toying with the idea of identifying as Polynesian on that date, specifically a member of the Yaohnanen tribe in Vanuatu who believe that Prince Philip is divine being. Putting The Cult of Phil the Greek as my religion beats being Jedi any day of the week.
Try to be less white? Would it not be easier for her to be less of a cunt?
Can’t see Khan using ‘try and be less black’ to reduce knife crime in London somehow.
What a fucking racist insult this is! Fuck coke, it’s poison whatever colour you are.
Less white, eh? Well, I’ll help make their customer base less white by boycotting their extortionately priced fizzy brown piss.
What a fucking thing to do though. Who the fuck is in charge at Coke these days, Gerald Ratner?
Never put wimmin in charge of big business and big names. Never fucking ever.
Robin Di Angelo, Barbara Brocolli and Kathleen Kennedy are three recent and glaring examples.
Try to be less white mug the corporate suits of cocaCola.
Try to be less white – start carjacking and looting.
Barrs cola is perfectly OK if needed and is only 1.60 for 2 bottles in our local Farmfoods. It also taste better than that septic tank overpriced fizzy gozz.
Pepsi also always tasted better and all. The directors of Pepsi must be pissing themselves laughing. How stupid are Cunta Cola, eh? Mind you, that is what happens when you put a demented woke tart in charge. Just ask Lucasflim…
I went skiing in Austria many years ago. Also staying at this quaint little guest house was some gorgeous blonde who worked for CC. We got chatting and she told us that Pepsi is known within the halls and corridors on CC, as “The P word”.
How childish I thought to myself as I mentally undressed her.
If that tart in the picture is the cunt who instigated Cunta Cola’s apartheid campaign, she has woke, misandrist psycho and tuppence flicker written all over her mush. Wonder if her electric dildo is shaped like a coke bottle? A black one, of course…
Why alienate white people in favour of a race that does not purchase your product. Everyone knows that the spear chuckers only drink UmBongo, or cholera infested water if back in their homelands.
Oh well. At least I can add the cunts to my black list a as alongside Sainsbury’s, Virgin, Sports direct etc etc.
Mind you, Cunta Cola are no strangers to racial cleansing, are they?
Remember this classic?
I don’t drink coke it’s shit.
That is all.
Be interesting to see the racial make up of the Coca Cola board of directors.
I wonder, will ‘Coke’ be putting star shaped stickers on their white employees?
Be less white implies, by definition, more BAME.
Wouldn’t that be ‘cultural appropriation’?
Should I black up? Nope, I’d be arrested probably. Certainly fired.
Talk like a black or Asian person living in Britain? As above.
Join a gang and stab people? Buy a taxi and join a ‘grooming gang’?
Stupid cunts.
This is probably only the tip of the iceberg where Cunta Cola is concerned. I wonder if any anti-Semitism will surface or crawl out of the woodwork any time soon? It wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Coke will end up as the official drinks sponsor of BLM next.
But this creates a marketing opportunity – Cunters Cola!
This time next year..
Great idea Vern. We can fill it with crap like that Jolt Cola that was available in the 80s. And remember Tab? That clear cola that pretentious ponces and yuppie twats drank? A clear cola that is full of dangerous shit? It’s a sure fire winner and stupid cunts will buy it by the gallon.
Woke a cola.