
Have you seen the TV ad? There’s some Ranjit on it that is an abomination. How does one spell Neil with this cunt? Given that he’s a Suneel/Suneil or Aniel/Aneel (I have skin in the game here. My brother both spells and pronounces his name Anil).

And then you have Joey Essex. A white cunt who is browner than me. Cultural appropriation, you fahkin’ fake cockney cun’. From a true cockney who’s braahn


Nominated by: Dark key cunt

58 thoughts on “ [3]

  1. According to my wife it’s not Joey Essex it’s some professional puddle jumper called Rylan Clark.

    Another X-Factor wannabe celeb.

    Married his Big Brother housemate Dan Neal who according to Wikipedia is a police officer who took part in Operation Yewtree investigating Sir James Savile and co.

  2. This arse bandit recommending what cars to buy? Him and that other fudge packer phillip Schofield have no qualification to advise anyone what car to buy as Michael Barrymore is qualified to advise anyone on what swimming pool to buy, fuck off, afternoon all

    • A gay belittling a straight white man and empowering a tinted wimin. ‘you’re in the driving seat now, Britain’ , where Britain is represented by said tint-ette..


  3. That Rylan is the most irritating of crafty butchers ever to grace our idiot lanterns.

    The cunt look like he has borrowed his choppers from the Dick Emery Show props department (vicar’s comedy teeth).. I’m sure his other half, Dan, breaks out into a cold sweat every time Rylan offers him a loving nosh and approaches his throbbing bell end with those orthodontically wayward pastry crimpers.

    • That bent beegee at the top takes the mick out of that indian bloke taunting him about being neutered.
      Id tell the cheeky cunt to fuck off,
      Maybe accidentally throw a kettle of boiling water in his goofy cockney face.
      Bandits think taunting family men is funny till theyre sobbing down the burns ward.

  4. I can’t stand Rylan Clark-Neal !
    He’s a fucking Massive Cunt plastic Thunderbird puppet.
    His cunt face, his cunt voice & his cunt existence piss me off.
    Every time the wanker appears on my TV, I want to punch the fucker in the face till he deflates like the inflatable cunt he is.

    Oh, and ‘Cinch’ can fuck right off.

  5. They have tried to make this fecking ad so PC and woke. Prancing poof presenter, Asian called ‘Neil ” et al.

    But have you seen the alternate ad? Rylan refers to the boyfriend as “good bodywork but nothing under the bonnet.”

    So that’s ok then. A gay man can be as sexist as he likes about a straight man. What if he had said that about the girl or the Asian? Different story then. But typical these days, the white man shown as down trodden and dim.

    Fecking double standards as usual.

  6. Rylan Clark puts the z in z-lister.
    We can thank Simon Cowell for yet another non-entity.

  7. I have owned nearly 30 cars (never, ever an Alfa Romeo again – bags of fucking shite!) – there is no magic trick – check them out, get them as cheap as poss, be polite and respectful in the negotiations and look after them until the costs outweigh the value of a replacement – then get another. (I do miss the big Rover SD1 though).
    I don’t need some false tan wankbag telling me what to buy.

    • With you there Vernon.

      Alfa Romeo: Something new dropped off or packed up every day. It ate money. My worse ever car and I include my first – a Reliant 3wheeler!

      Rylan Clark has the most prominent pair of gnashers since Sir Freddy Mercury but not a single oz of his talent. And the essex / estuary way he pronounces “brit-un” makes me puke.

      • I had one of those 147 Twin Spark thingies. The engine decided to melt itself internally. Limped the cunt up to North Yorks on a business trip at 50mph, got AR main dealer to look at it. They said it would need a stripdown and advised me not to drive back down south home.

        Fuck that, I drove the cunt flat out. Parked it up in the works car park and waited for the lease company to retrieve it. What a huge pile of Eyetie automotive wank.

    • Despite what Jeremy, James and Richard on Top Gear say about Alfas, have never ever seen the appeal, aesthetically or practically.

      • In the interests of balance. My 2007 159 had 140,000 miles on the clock – never , ever broke down and I sold it with the original exhaust , shocks , steering rack and turbo. Best fucking car I ever had.

        As a bonus – not German.

  8. These cissy, woke, cringeworthy ad’s would put me off buying from them even if I was stupid enough to buy a used car sight unseen. If the MSM is to be believed lots of people lap this “woke sh1te” up but would the same people spend hard cash on it? I wouldn’t be surprised if these (unts catch a cold with this one (or Covid even?).

  9. I cunted Rylan Clarke Neal a while back.

    Cannot stand the multitalentless wanker, and would go as far as to say I hate absolutely every single thing about him.

    He, Russell Brand, Joanna Lumley (and Theresa May) always ensure my reflexes are lightening fast with the TV remote.

    How the stupid wannabe twat is is worthy of screen time with millions in the bank is totally beyond my comprehension.

  10. Oh dear! I just opened the link and now I can’t unsee that cunt. Visible from space those teeth, like many others who choose that manmade deformity. Looking at that twat makes me nauseous.

      • Puke inducing, totally nauseous…yuk…he’s a monkey fucker…! Ive seen prettier gobs of shit !

      • Oh for fucks sake! Great grandad Liquidator was bayoneting Huns on the Western Front when he was his age.

      • That is a beautiful clip Willie. Thanks for sharing.

        Only the hardest of hearts could fail to be moved. ?

      • 38seconds. I couldn’t manage the challenge. I won’t be trying again and will concede defeat. I have in my head an imaginary pit of fire that I push cunts into. The line of cunts doesn’t vary much as to their place in line. Winkelman, Tarbuck, Alex Jones are always jockeying for pole position but I now have a new contender. It’s better than counting sheep. My way of dealing with cunts.

      • Cheers Mr Stroker
        My only thought when that cunt is wailing with its mouth open is drop a cyanide capsule in it.

    • What does this fucking sh1rtlifter know about family cars? Massive cunt gets everywhere.

  11. What does this fucking shirtlifter know about family cars? Massive cunt gets everywhere.

  12. There is something deeply disturbing about this shirtlifting wankstain. I know not nor care where it came from but there is something not right. Savilesque perhaps?

  13. Like litter from McDonald’s the cunt is everywhere and a complete eyesore. I think he was a ginger cunt when he was younger, and now goes through more just for men than actual men. He is symbolic of the soulless existence that a modern gay man aspire to. Pretentious empty talentless cunt.
    They say you can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter. He’s living proof of that.

  14. FYI he is probably not a fudge packing batty boy. Probably straight as you like but some clever agent told him he is so talentless that being gay would enhance his chance of suckcess (if you get the pun…).

  15. Who the fuck would buy a car without at least seeing the fucking thing first….that dim bitch married to the curry boy puts on such a stupid expression when she gets her shiny new (used) German rep-mobile.

    Ahhh say the advertisers, it proves you watch the ads then? to which I reply I would rather eat my own shit than buy a car from your shitty website.

    Like JamJar, Carqauke etc etc they will be a five min wonder.

    • I think you mean “Autoquake” – you’re right though, they only lasted a short while before going bust. Maybe you’d buy a new car online, for the best price and delivered to your door, but a used one? No way.

      • Sorry yes, Autoquake…you had to pay a “refundable” £100 deposit to view the wanked out banger of your choice…cheeky cunts.

      • Yeah – mostly clapped out ex-fleet motors and money spent on photographing and advertising and none on servicing or repairs. Then a hard sell on “ad-ons” at point of handover at their “depot” (big extra charge to deliver to you).

        I’d bet this lot aren’t much different…

    • Just a way to dispose of old daily rental and ex driving school rubbish that was leased cheaply with a buy back clause.will be badly prepared cheap tyres mobile smart repairs no spare key or service book seen it all before.but it’s the new way all done on finance with loads of add on products you don’t need or know about .All stock on stocking loans gone are the days of proper franchise dealers who actually cared

  16. I clicked that link Willie posted.

    And the aCUNTamy award for best performance in a reality show goes to……

    Fucking rediculous man-baby prick.

  17. To be fair he’s scored a few goals for Chelsea and France!
    Can hardly tell the difference between him and Olivier Gironde. Both have had a few hard tackles from behind as well.
    He really grates. But being an annoying gay cunt ticks all the woke boxes.

  18. the only adverts I see are for old bastards as I only watch Yesterday and the Smithsonian channel.

  19. If you have ever seen this cunts mum on Gogglebox then you would be surprised that this cunt ever learnt to speak as his mum is the thickest peice of shit I have ever seen.


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