Black Supremacists

Black Supremacists are cunts, aren’t they.

A school in Iowa has said it’ll be participating in the Black Lives Matter At School Week Of Action during the first week of February. Out of Black Lives Matter At School’s thirteen guiding principles, two or three will be discussed each day with students. These topics are offered as pages in a “coloring (sic) book” for younger children.

Forget Maths, English, sciences, or languages; click here to view the full menu though not advisory if you’ve recently eaten:

If an angry-looking black feller handed me this as a leaflet outside Brixton Tube station muttering about “white supremacy” I’d gladly scrunch it up, drop it, and saunter away, chuckling. However, this is in a school. How quickly would you be removing your child from somewhere they couldn’t read or write but knew which gender they preferred to be that day.


Book-burning is shite but I might make an exception for Colouring books.

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

69 thoughts on “Black Supremacists

  1. Do the books come with crayons ?
    Any colour you like, as long as it’s
    black ?
    Get To Fuck.

  2. Cowboy hat and beaver teeth arent a winning formula deshawn.

    I wouldn’t let my kids be preached this bullshit.
    As we all know God made all races, and the one he made superior was the white race.
    Because the others being made from inferior material needed bosses.
    People who could invent, think for them, tell them what to do.
    Its quite simple even a American could understand it.

    • The guy in the photo looks like he had a bad crash or fall whilst swinging in the trees.

      If my kid brought that colouring book home, I’d rip it up, write “white violence” on the shreds, take it to the school and ram it up the teacher’s arse.

  3. If black people are supreme why is every black run Country in the world a murderous third world shithole?
    People are people, good and bad in all races and ethnicities, but when racism is disguised as equality we have a serious problem.
    The narrative does not fit the facts.

    • Ok the Supremes started this shite!
      Diana Ross an her unfounded claims of black superiority.
      They should of been shot .
      By Marvin Gayes dad.

  4. “Fostering a queer-affirming network” by “freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.”

    I knew I had to do something today.

  5. Little known fact.

    Malcolm X had an extension built on the side of his house for his sister Anne to live in….

  6. White people are not supreme. Were just much better, thanks to having to survive in the northern hemisphere at problem solving. The Chinks have higher iqs but didnt invent a fork. Its all complicated. There are clever blacks (its a bell curve) but not many of them unless they have white people in their past. Subsaharan Africans cut off from the rest of the world and Aboriginal Australians cut off by Ocean are thick as fuck. This is all “racist” but unfortunately true.

    • I think as a rule aborigines (abos, as they prefer to be called) are equal to a goldfish in Iq, and blacks smarter being the equivalent of a dog in IQ.
      The chinks arent smart but cunning, possessing a natural sly quality , similar in IQ to a dolphin, a evil one.
      Its all scientifically proven.

      • I think dolphins are a bit sly Ruff.
        Always grinning like theyre superior, bet theyre upto something?
        Crack on their all friendly,
        Meanwhile building a underwater armada to wipe out the land dwellers ..

        They need watching.

    • Psst.. if you mention bell curves and black people in the same sentence while in certain cities full of woke, middle-class whites (London, Bristol, Brighton) you will be spat at, hog-tied then burned alive.

      They are enlightened and progressive, though.

  7. This shit is slready in our schools. Here’s a story for you; my friends son had a Religious Education lesson on Friday and the topic was ‘Racial Prejudice and Discrimination’. He was asked to watch a couple of videos, a BBC3 short about racism in Britain, another BBC short about racism in football, but the worst by far worse about BLM. He wasn’t happy about that, so his dad told him to write to the teacher and ask what this had to do with RE. He’s had an answer asking why he raised the question. He hasn’t replied yet, watch this space…
    One sided discussion by any chance?

  8. The leftwaffe will be getting their little panties wet with the proposed probe into far left extremism in BLM and the Tree huggers.

    I would have posted the Telegraph link but it subscription so this one instead with a nice picture of one of our favourite black women

    The only thing blacks are good at (other than the 100 metres) are looting, shooting and stabbing.

  9. Only black men who were genuinely up there with the greats are Sidney Poitier, Pele and Eusebio.

    I would also say Jimi Hendrix and Arthur Lee, but neither man was entirely black.
    Motown had a few fine artists, but apart from that and the gentlemen mentioned above, what the fuck are they better or superior at? Apart from crime and victimhood, that is…

      • Greatest blackmen in MNCs book of boogaloo achievements
        1) Jack Johnson
        2) James Brown
        3) big George Foreman
        4) smokin Joe Frazier
        5) Ali (racist or not still the CHAMP)
        6) Charlie Williams
        7) Richard Pryor ( Marlon Brandos boyfriend!!)
        8) john Lee Hooker
        9) uncle Ben
        10) uncle Remus

        Thats it.

      • Good list, MNC. Pryor was as funny as fuck, a genius.

        Add to that…

        Big Cyril Regis
        Marvin Hagler
        Norman ‘Desmond’ Beaton
        Dave and Ansill Collins
        Winston (aka Marigold)
        Chris Eubank (mad cunt, but a great fighter)
        Otis Redding
        David Ruffin
        Remi Moses
        Errol Brown

      • Oh yeah, forgot Chris Eubank!
        Love that mad bastard.
        And my grandad rated Marvin Hagler as the best boxer hed ever saw.

      • Remembered another!

        Joe Jackson.

        His use of the belt on MJ made me laugh for 3 days straight.

      • Don watts
        Clive ironfist myers
        Bootsy Collins
        Theres loads.
        But dont want people to think I believe in equity,
        So im packing it in there.

    • Like Barack Obummer – mixed race, but a “black’ president. Brought up by his white mother after black father fucked off and left them.

      • Obama black? tchoch.

        My mate Adrian from Buka would say “that’s no black man. Look at me THIS is black.”

        And he’s right he’s so black sometimes the light off him looks purple.

        Get so tired of 1/4 to 1/32s calling themselves black.

  10. If blacks are so fucking superior, how come they’re more than four times as likely to die* from Covid than whites?

    Possessing an inferior immune system and being dependent on white man’s medicine and technology doesn’t make you supreme. At least not in my humble opinion.

    * Allegedly…

    • Something to do with melanin I believe.
      When I grow up I’m going to be a super spreader.

  11. Black supremecist? Contradiction in terms or what?
    Check out sub-saharan Africa like Sudan or Chad. Very superior countries.
    Or even, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Libya, Sierra Leone and Mali.
    These countries are surely the bastion of equal rights for women, homosexuals, disabled folk and children. These countries are at the forefront of science, education, engineering, medicine, finance, technology and good old human rights.
    You can just see the dingies full of White europeaners scrapping each other to make the perilous journey across the med to North Africa……..

    To be fair, despite once being a centre right, non political average go lucky kinda guy who wished good for all and judged people on merrit, I’d now quite happily welcome an appartheid world whereby Blacks can live, shit and die in their own filth on a continent far away from my country and way of life.

  12. The reason the white man is superior to the black man, is a result of geography.
    The black man never had to think about keeping warm, he could lounge about all day with nothing on.

  13. I’ve eaten chicken supreme before. Very tasty especially with bacon, new potatoes and green beans. 🙂

      • Evening Jack, How do? 🙂

        I’m not too keen on mushrooms. Edible ones or otherwise. Do you like mushrooms?

        Don’t tell our Ruff Tuff Creampuff. He loves them. He’s the doctor of psychedelic enlightenment, I believe. 🙂

        Evening all. 🙂

        p.s I just thought. I do like those coconut mushrooms.

      • Evening Spoons, Jack.

        Psychotic Enlightenment actually. Mushrooms are an essential ingredient in the traditional full English breakfast.

        And in prawn vindaloo, which we’re having tonight!

    • Good evening.
      This is jolly.
      In an esoteric way.
      Chicken Supreme and Prawn Vindaloo, wouldn’t want to get those two mixed up.
      Although psychotic enlightenment would go with both.
      Hold the mushrooms, even though they be magic.

  14. All this shit is a game of Catch Up.

    They know full well they are inferior with tendencies towards complete unprovoked savagery.

    So they shout the loudest about being kept in place by white people.

    All lies.

    As a race they are a complete failure.
    Especially at Olympic swimming.
    The backward cunts.

  15. I watched Marvellous Marvin fight Alan Minter – Minter was a good boxer but Hagler annihilated him, Hagler and Hearns hated each other, that was savage and I fully believe either Man would have been happy to kill the other.
    And Laurence Turead, AKA “Mr T” is the real deal as well – a good boxer, hard as nails and by all accounts a good guy.
    I am still waiting for any signs of “black supremacy” from any Country on the African continent though.
    And I think “racist whitey” Tyson Fury could be the best heavyweight boxer I have ever seen – his only flaw was not driving forward to maximise punching power, and he has fixed that now – I would not fancy being stood in Anthony Joshua’s big pink perfumed stilettos when those two meet.
    On other news, the snow is still hammering down – much more of this I am building a fkin igloo!

    • Hahahaha ?
      Mr Ts real name is Larry Turdhead?
      Hehehe ?
      Fuck off Foxy,
      Your winding us up!!
      Heee hee
      Get on that plane mr Turdhead.

      • MNC@ – I kid you not – Mr T’s real name is Lawrence Tureaud – and my spelling gets worse! ?
        Turdhead works as well though! ??

      • Heeeheee ?
        Saw him interviewed Foxy,
        Your right he comes across as a decent bloke.
        I like a character, and hes definitely a character.

  16. The Free Speech Union has already had parents complaining that their kiddywinks are being fed BLM propaganda. Personally i don’t think it’s that new. I was fed a lot of bullshit when i was at school in the late eighties and early nineties.
    1) Newspapers don’t lie.
    2) The V1 couldn’t be shot down or intercepted (they thought it was the same as the V2 but a bit smaller – duh)
    3) Vegetarian Day

    The last one got me in detention as i shouted ‘what a load of rubbish!’ As soon as the teacher mentioned it.

    I guess she was offended. My classmates weren’t.

    • Imagine being told instead of Vegetarian Day there will be ‘Veganuary’ for a whole fucking month.

    • I went to a college of further education in 1971 to do O’levels (I previously left school with English Literature only) and the teaching staff was predominantly of a Marxist persuasion even then. It all goes back to the 1945 Labour government, turbocharged in 1997 by Blair and his policy of indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination.

  17. Vegetarians? I’ll have no truck with those carrot murdering brutes!
    And maybe we could persuade the “black supremacists” to go vegan – it might stop the buggers eating each other!

  18. With an average IQ similar to 10 year old white children…….:

    The only advantage blek counts gave us positive discrimination ?

  19. I phoned Dominos and ordered a thin, crusty Supreme.

    Diana Ross turned up at the door.

  20. Oh dear…

    We learnt about Sikhs. I asked if Sikhs were called that that because they were Sikh-ing God.

    I got a detention. That was 1995.

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