Amanda Gorman – Poet

The inauguration of the latest POTUS probably deserves many cuntings, that our ISAC contributors will flag up in due course I’m sure

My particular beef is with those individuals who consider themselves ‘poets’. Todays classic for me was the so-called ‘first US poet laureate’ named Amanda Gorman who recited some sort of fairy story, probably with several hidden messages within.

When I was taught about poetry in school, it fucking rhymed! It was not a rant, delicately delivered accompanied by flowing hand movements!!

Fair play though – best award of the day goes to Lady Gaga, who scrubbed up really well!

Nominated by: knobrot 

…and seconded by: mikdys 

Amanda Gorman “writing the poem the world needs to hear”

What a (unt. No, the world doesn’t need your woke sh1te any more than it needs NORAID or Kamala Harris running the USA. F*ck off back to your BLM protests!

40 thoughts on “Amanda Gorman – Poet

  1. “I couldn’t say the letter ‘r’ until two or three years ago, I still struggle with it”.

    Mmm, I reckon she can still bleat “Racism” on command though.

    • That’s very interesting Riberal Riquidator!
      I’m extremely pleased you have finally ‘come out’ to tell us.

  2. There was an old man from Nantucket,
    Whose cock was so long he could suck it.
    He said with a grin,
    As he wiped off his chin.
    “If my ear was a cunt I could fuck it.”

    • Here lies the body of Mary Lee.
      Died at the age of a hundred and three.
      For fifteen years she kept her virginity.
      Not bad going for this vicinity.

      -Quint (Jaws)

      • There was a young man from Belgrade,
        Who kept a dead whore in a cave.
        He said ‘It’s disgusting,
        she only needs dusting,
        and think of the money I’ll save.’

      • At McDonald’s in Guildford in Surrey
        I spilt coffee on my crotch in a hurry
        I had to act quick
        To cool down my dick
        So I stuck it into my McFlurry

    • There was an old hooer from Silesia
      Who said “if my twat doesn’t please ya,
      Feel free to cum,
      In my slimy old bum,
      But mind that the tapeworm doesn’t seize ya”

    • Old Mother Hubbard
      Went to the cupboard
      To get her poor dog a bone
      But when she bent over
      Rover took over
      And gave her a bone of his own

  3. This is the world of affirmative action. Poetry, literature, rap ‘music’ whatever. Never mind the content look at the skin colour. And of course anyone who points out how poor it is is a racist.
    Expect a Nobel prize for physics to be awarded to a stabber who passes GCSE.

  4. “The new dawn blooms as we free it” sounds like the twat Obamas messiah bollocks. Why do Americans fall for this bollocks nearly every four years. Thick as shit , moronic, fat cunts is why. Meanwhile in Chicago blacks are gunning each other down like its Iraq.

  5. A young Dark-key poet fantastic
    Born vocally as a real spastic
    She struggled with “r”s
    As she mixed with the stars
    And her arms work like they are elastic

    Morning cunters?

  6. Cunt looks like a suntanned refugee from Hi De Hi in the picture above.

    Amanda fucking Gormless.

  7. Oh look, another world wise 22 year old given a platform for gobbledygook, with her record of sagacity she’ll be the kiddy sniffers speech writer next .
    I ‘literally’ can’t absorb it all either.
    Verdict: Cunt.

  8. Poets are part of the “Creative” Brigade….along with actors,painters,”serious” musicians etc….anyone,in fact,who refers to themselves as an “artist”…they should all stop boring us with their self-indulgent,pointless twaddle and get a proper job….this tart looks like a career giving Hugh Grant blowjobs in a car off Hollywood Boulevard would be a suitable choice.

    • Creative used to mean being able to think for yourself and artistic meant being able to actually draw or paint, not chucking a used tampon on an unmade bed (Tracy Emin can fuck straight off). I am seriously jealous of anyone who has actual talent in the drawing/painting department.

      Sadly now, it’s any cunt like the nom who can manage to walk and talk at the same time. What a pile of wank.

      Evening Dick, Evening all.

      • ” I am seriously jealous of anyone who has actual talent in the drawing/painting department”….I’m not. I have a camera that can capture a far better likeness than any painter.
        “Portrait Artist of the Year” came on the telly last night…I’d have been fucking insulted if any Cunt depicted me like those artists did their subject….looked nowt like the Cunt.

      • PS….”Art” is nothing more than The Emperor’s New Clothes…load of bollocks…..just look at all the fuss about that “Banksy” Cunt at the moment…fucks’s sake,even I could spray paint in a stencil….as for the “Old Masters”…total shite…I looked at some horse paintings done by Stubbs…the poor fucking animals looked deformed..I’d have put a bullet through the head of any foal born looking like his “horses”

      • I dunno. The ability to draw has always eluded me… efforts look like a chimp with Parkinsons had given it a nudge. I get what you mean by these abstract cunts that make up any old shit, but people who’s scribblings look properly like the subject matter get my vote, especially a decent landscape painting.

        My photography skills are shit as well, mostly pictures half covered by my fat thumb over the lens, or blurred to fuck.

        I am deinitely not arty.

      • PPS….The subject on Portrait Artist of the Year was Tanni Grey-Thompson….I’d have drawn a hybrid of a hobgoblin and a shopping -trolley…y’know…really catch the “essence” of the woman.


      • @ dick fiddler ” hybrid of a hobgoblin and a shopping trolley” ??? fuckin hell, that sir is the quote of the year so far

  9. Racism, robbery, rape, renumeration.
    All vitally important words if your a black american!
    And shes only just discovered the letter R?
    Have they cancelled Sesame Street?
    Oh and black people shouldnt wear yellow jackets,
    Look like a turd in custard.

  10. “Look like a turd in custard” Les?
    Sounds like that could be the title of an Alan Bennet play….

      • …the Bertie Blunt Bumper Book of Hilarious Jokes that you got for Christmas coming in handy,eh Miserable?

      • Morning Dick!
        Yes, its a godsend, only book ive actually liked.
        Add that to your list -bookish types.
        Pol pot had the right idea,
        Any speccy types are a danger too the regime,
        Off to the killing fields.

  11. Sort of get the feeling that she got the gig based on something other than her poetic ability.!!

    rose’s are red
    Violet’s are blue
    Its not what you say
    but the colour of your hue

  12. She comments that she looks up to Abraham Lincoln as a source of inspiration for her poetry.

    How the fuck does that mesh with the narrative from Black Looting Murderers, who were pretty adamant Lincoln was the supreme white racist overlord.

    Methinks the young lady may be getting deplatformed soon enough. If she avoids getting shot by the cunts first.

  13. Creepy Joe Biden, sat on his ride-on, mowing the White House lawn.
    Along came a ñ#gger, who pulled a trigger,
    now Joe is pushing up corn.

  14. Most poetry irritates me to be honest.
    Does anyone recall the name of the scouse fella who the bbc used to wheel out every time Liverpool made it to a cup final? Fucking droning on like a two bob Ringo Starr/Michael Angelis clone. Fucking horrendous!

    • There was a guy called Dave Kirby.
      Who’s poems were vomit inducing.
      Sorry doesn’t rhyme.

      This one does.
      An Argentinian Groucho named Bruno
      Said about sex I do know
      Women are fine and sheep are divine
      But llamas are numero Uno.

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