Trendy Woke Parents

Trendy Woke Parents and their Obsession with Social Meedjah

Fair to say there are plenty of things in this World which cause us old bastards to grumble and chunter. This growing band of cunts – (seen as harmless enough when trendsetters Geldof and Paula Yates just gave their daughters stupid names and a fondness for Class A substances – I wonder how that worked out?) – seem determined to ‘out-woke’ each other and deserve to be high on that list, as epitomised perfectly by some ditzy bitch called Busy Philipps, a soap opera actress in USA. (And although this a very American example, the unnatural and bizarre clamour amongst so-called ‘Influencers’ to divulge their most inner secrets – and those of others – is becoming more evident all over.)

The recent vogue for gender-neutral pronouns is another ‘on message’ load of shite which these twats feel they need to accept, rather than boot back down the little fuckers’ throats.

41 year old Busy (a cunt’s name, but might not be her fault) is mum to 12 year old Birdie Leigh (cunt name to give a kid) and 7 year old Cricket Pearl (for fuck’s sake).

Not satisfied with airing her own trivial, pointless life on a Podcast “Busy Phillips is doing her Best”, this stupid munter has now gone public to showcase and discuss the ambivalent sexuality of her own 12-year-old daughter.

In the same Fire and Brimstone country where the unwashed hordes are calling for the head of our beloved and noble Prince Andrex, just because of an alleged dalliance with a 17-year old blondie here in London, (where such behaviour is perfectly legal, by the way, although she probably shouldn’t have been in the nightclub), it is more than a little ironic that they happily promote beauty contests for little girls just out of nappies and seem to think it acceptable to use a child’s most personal and private ‘issues’ to pad out their vacuous Blogs.

I quote “ Busy explained that her eldest child had asked her to use they/them pronouns for them, and had come out as gay at the age of 10”.

“Hello Mum, I think I am a poof”.

“Hang on love, I better put that on Facebook and my Blog”

Well, just to show that I am as modern and as open-minded as the next man, I will gladly use the pronoun of preference in my message to little Birdie:

“You is obviously a pooftah,” (in fond memory of the late Windsor Davies) “and your Mother is one of them cunts”.

Nominated by: Gunner Sugden

51 thoughts on “Trendy Woke Parents

  1. Never heard of the daft old bint and to be honest dont want to. Its obviously a first class cunt. Mind you I wouldn’t chuck it out of bed on a wet saturday night, especially now the pubs are closed.

    • She looks just like a Swedish bird I was porking in the early 90’s.

      Probably just as vacuous and annoying too.

  2. That Busy sounds like a right vacuous can of can’t.
    Why broadcast to the world personal things?

  3. Woke trendy parents raising a new breed of monsters.
    Hysterical at criticism
    Sexually confused
    And funnily named.

    Glad my kids ThunderCanary and Moon unit have been raised
    To be grounded, level headed, citizens, our jobs as Reiki healers saw to that.

    • Thundercanary is a traditional northern miners name.
      Or something.

      Good morning Miserable?

      • Morning CG,

        Back in the early 70s a kid at our school called Merlin!!
        I was impressed.
        Hippy parents possibly?

      • At my school there was an incredibly attractive red haired vixen in my year called Bettina with whom I became well acquinted years after leaving school.

        She had sisters called Clementina and Merlin who were nowhere near her level of looks but one would’nt have said no if there was a paper bag handy.

        And a younger brother called bob, baffling until I met the eccentric and alcoholic toff parents.

      • I have a vague recollection of two sisters in my infants school called Constance & Patience-white girls, too.
        I suppose their parents were either pretentious types or upper class folk fallen on hard times.
        I was too busy playing with my best friends, Whippet Flatcap, Sugar Butty and Leccy Meter?

      • I cried and I cried when I was old enough to realise the implications of my Christian name and the lifelong shame it would cause me.

        Then I found out it wasn’t pronounced ‘Gooner’.

        Thank fuck for that.

      • Heavily into Zappa in the 70s, enhanced with various chemical compounds…………..

      • Yeah his kids Dweezil and Moon unit aren’t they?
        ThunderCanary one of his bandmates kids.
        Not a Zappa fan though CC,
        Preferred Captain Beefheart.
        Although loads of Zappa fans on here.

      • Ruff@
        I know a biker lad called Rigor Mortis!
        No shit.
        Although changed by deed poll rather than named by his parents.

      • In the late ‘90s I gave my firstborn (girl) the middle name of Aphex, after Richard James’ Aphex Twin. Still stand by it today, though cunt ex father-in-law pointed out it should strictly be Aphesia. Tit.

        Last gig I went to was with said daughter to see A.T. in Manchester a couple of years ago. Scored two copies of the vinyl he was selling only on that night. £20 each, next day £400 on Fleabay. She and I have still got both, obv.

        First gig? The Beat in Telford town centre as part of a Beacon Radio roadshow, circa 1978. I was 8.

  4. Having read the link, it is clesr cut case of chickens home to roost.

    When two complete “me-me” cunt breed, the resulting progeny is going to be a cunt.
    As evidenced here.

    Encouraging your child to be gay at 10 years old, purely to shine a light on your own woke credentials, then further encouraging them by enabling the use of gender neutral pro-nouns, is tantamount to child abuse.

    The absolute fucking cunts.

  5. I believe there is a term for this, something like emotional incest.

    Total cunts

  6. There is a tragic example of these narcissistic social media obsessed parents.

    It’s a documentary called ‘American murder: The family next door.’

    Both parents incredibly social media obsessed. They basically can’t do anything without having to post it on social media. The documentary is good, but they barely touched on the point of their social media narcissism being at least, interesting, when it came to what happened in the end.

    They portrayed a perfect family life. Perfect kids. Perfect house. Loving caring husband and a hard working career driven wife.

    The truth was debt, affairs, huge arguments and ended with the cunt if a father killing his wife and kids and hiding the bodies and denying everything.

    Tragic stuff, I take no joy in any of that, but it does show that the ones who post how perfect everything is in their lives every two minutes, are usually the ones hiding the darkest secrets.

    Beware the like hunters. They’re usually mentals.

  7. This daft whore is (predictably) part of the #MeToo movement and strangely enough ‘Busy’ isn’t her real Christian name.

    Perhaps she needs to find other productive activities to keep her occupied, such as inserting prize-winning marrows into her front and rear entrances on Xhamster.


  8. Quicker the CCP take over the world a liquidate these cunts the better. Fuck em, fuck em all.

  9. If I had my way, the poor offspring of this sort of self-obsessed cunt would be taken away and bought up in mountain retreats by experts in the martial arts. Meanwhile the parents would be re-educated, or fed to wild pigs. It may sound harsh. Maybe it has been tried before, but it makes a lot of sense. If urgent action is not taken along the lines I suggest, things may get out of hand and I can take no further responsibility.

  10. Most parents are cunts. My particular bugbear at the moment is fucking families shopping in supermarkets. Yes, the cunts are still doing it, with all the restrictions, these brain dead selfish wankers think it’s perfectly ok to take their maskless brats wherever they go, who do what they want, their grubby little hands over everything.
    In peacetime I found that most parents of young kids I know are always coughing and sniffing, from some germs their little bundle of joy as brought home from school, so when the government advice was that kids were unlikely to catch the chinkyflu, or be a carrier for it, I thought there’s a first. Yet at the same time, they were saying you could catch it of money or a mobile phone up to two days after it had been touched by an infected person. Of course, the first real spike in cases wasn’t when pubs and restaurants opened in July, but mid September, after the little cunts went back to school. Last week, some virologist cunt on radio four admitted that the top cause of infection was schools, then hospital, then care homes. Yet I still see parents raging on social media about people walking up Pen y Fan, then moaning that the schools are shut.
    Now supermarkets are being told to limit shoppers, as restrictions tighten. They should start with kids. The cunts.

    • GJ, where I work everyone is supposed to wear a mask when in the shop. I do see some children wearing them but not all do. I don’t think I’ve seen babies or toddlers wearing them either.

      Children should stay at home especially the ones snotting and sneezing.
      I understand that some parents can’t leave their children at home though.

    • I totally agree:

      There were plenty of cunts at the supermarket last Friday.
      It ain’t rocket fucking science☹️

    • Although she is a vacuous cunt, I would love to use Liz Hurley as a human sexy doll-every hole filled?
      Her creepy kid can fuck off to Busy’s house, whilst I get busy, getting down to business with lizzy.
      At the business end.
      Oh yeah!??

  11. Unfortunately, this type of share-the-fuck out of absolutely every waking moment of one’s sad little oxygen dependece has become the new abnorm. Nothing is excluded from being plastered over sowshal meeja. Who gives a cunting fucking fuck about these idiots’ latest tantrum about not being able to find a gender neutral khasi is the middle of a fucking war zone. These cunts get fucking moist during the act of posting “updates” (like anybody is fucking interested) on the oh so unique gender identity of their little shits at the same frequency as Thai lady boys change their sheets. It’s pathetic and it goes to show a a bunch of fucking nerds in silicon Valley have addled most of the developed world on little dopamine hits obtained from an electronic gadget. Get a fucking life you cunts.

  12. If I have children I will never broadcast every single second on social mejia.Sad bitch.Burn them all in hell.

  13. Talking of parents and kids, Katy Splosher is putting her 29-stone progeny, Harvey Raspberry into care.
    As a good deed, I might go and visit him… I hear Whipsnade Zoo is short of cash…

    • Oh good-at last “mum of the year” Katie will be able to take a well earned holiday?

      • The stupid bitch wants to get married yet again and drop another weirdly-named sprog out of her massive black hole-sized cunt.

  14. Laughably shallow cunts.
    All their kids turn out to be fully mental.
    Keeps the dozy fuckers busy I suppose.

  15. Here is a clear case of child abuse from Australia.

    For starters they called the poor little sod Zoomer. Zoomer? FFS! That kid is going to have the most miserable school experience ever and will spend most break times having its head rammed down a toilet.

    Apparently, its mother ‘Kyl’ (WTF?) decided that it should choose its own gender. Which, at the age of 4, Zoomer has decided that it wants to be a boy… This week.

    Obviously, the fuckwit parents have plastered this bullshit all over social media, desperate for likes and attention.

    What they actually got was a torrent of abuse and demands that the kid be taken away by child protective services for its own safety and sanity.

  16. Every slag I see out and about smelling the place out with their fishy fannies, has an ipad sized phone in their back pocket or its surgically attached to their fucking cunting hand. They can’t go anywhere or do anything without their electronic dummy. They have the IQ of a fence post and have the 1000 cock stare. ALL OF THEM.

    These inbred looking cunts with their skinny jean wearing, poofta manginas, are raising nasty little gobby cunts who are allowed to run riot in shops and yell and scream without the slightest bit on discipline. They could benefit from a well delivered uppercut. Have that you little cunts.

    Lost my train of thought…..Fuck it. Where am I? Oh yeh…Suck my dick you clown pocket wenches and fuck this bullshit world.


    • Bad L:

      You need to take a deep breath, sit down and enjoy a nice “Cup o’ Cawfeee”, before you burst a blood vessel ?

      • You’re god damn right man, I chased the dragon earlier and feel a little better. This fuckin cawfee from Burger King tastes like ass tho.

  17. Please my dark Lord Stan, nuke this fucking planet from orbit, I beg of you. Evaporate these walking wastes of flesh out of my life. In return I’ll give you my collection of nudie mags, bag of jelly beans, and i guess my soul you cunt, but you ain’t having my opium stash because you smoked my last lot cunt.

      • Wondered who the fuck Stan was. Still in the greenhouse with some tins, the sun is shining and the birds are singing, therè is still some hope on this planet earth.

      • I do love watching my opium poppies grow in my secret garden. It really is magical. I’ve used some good soil and compost from a few neighbours I vanquished.

        Fuck I’m boooooored.

  18. I read somewhere that goggle eyed tart of no fixed talent, Zooey Deschancunt named her child Otter.

    What a fucking twat, eh? I have also heard that she is a complete and utter cunt to ‘ordinary’ people and acts all Big I Am Bollocks.

  19. God knows what that pretentious tuneless crappy stage name right on harridan, Lana Del Twat will call her kid when she has one.

    Probably something like Palamino Blanket On The Ground Tammy Home On The Range Sundeep Billie Jo Marlboro Wichita Lineman Del Twat.

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