The Republican party is a spineless cunt.
Trump is the only reason they won in 2016. They wont win again if they abandon Trumpism.
They are a dead duck. Fuckem.
The war on Brexit was mirrored in the States with the complete refusal to accept his Presidency. Make no mistake its the same war.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
…and this from Allan
You wouldn’t have believed it could happen in the United States, the land of the free, but a landslide Republican victory was somehow nullified and overturned by voter fraud, deception and fake news. The Democrats, knowing full well they were going to lose, pulled out all the stops and employed every underhand trick in the book. Millions of people voted illegally including some who had already died, votes for the country’s saviour Donald Trump were deleted and machines were fixed so that Republican votes were turned into Democrat votes. Added to the total were votes from non-citizens and people bused in undercover from neighbouring states. All of this took place under the noses of incompetent Republican election officials from Georgia to Arizona, every single one of whom naively claimed that no fraud took place.
When Trump’s lawyers went to the courts to protest about this flagrant injustice, their cases were dismissed by corrupt state and federal judges, some of whom he had appointed himself. Then ten House Republicans were bribed to vote to impeach this unfairly maligned Christian even though everyone knew he had done nothing wrong. We all know what happened two thousand years ago. This was history repeating itself.
You have to ask yourself how all this illegal chicanery could be allowed to take place, after all we’re not talking about a banana republic here. The blame must lie with Trump’s aides who were inexcusably complacent, they should have expected these dirty tricks and been ready to counteract them. The Democrats succeeded in usurping a great American patriot and portraying him to the world as an unstable narcissist. He was let down badly by his so-called friends, his advisors and his legal team. It’s a tragedy that his selfless hard work and magnificent achievements will be disparaged and confined to oblivion through no fault of his own. We are left with no option but to conclude that the citizens of America didn’t deserve him.
In retrospect, this has been a modern day story of betrayal, treachery and blatant opportunism. You just couldn’t make it up.
What is this ‘Republican Party’ you speak of? There is no such thing. There’s a couple of odd senators, such as Josh Hawley, but otherwise it’s a redundant notion.
I’ll spare my clemency for the day Tulsi Gabbard crosses the floor.
Yeah, Tulsi Gabbard is smokin’. I would.
Trump won…end of .
I agree with this.
The first thing Commie bastard Biden did was make 75,000 people unemployed. I can’t wait until all these lefty cunts who helped the bastard suddenly find out what a huge error they’ve made. I hope the Commie bastard destroys their lives completely. Karma is a wonderful thing.
The one party system has arrived in the States. The doors of the people’s prison have clanged shut. The key is in their globalist’s gaolers’ pocket. They will now persecute The Donald and hound him into his grave. I wish there was even a scintilla of light for our decent American cousins to look to, but there is not.
The UK is already well along the same path: free speech under savage attack, elections suspended, no debating of public petitions by parliament, open door immigration, inflation on the increase – three rises in petrol prices in a week, surveillance society, police out of control… Fuck it. It is only 14.30 something and I already need a drink.
Ah, 1974’s Earthquake, a monumental classic of veritable American politics.
Ava Gardner: “Goddamit! If it wasn’t 7.30 in the morning, I would have a drink”.
Charlton ‘pull-ups’ Heston: “I didn’t realise you were a clock-watcher”.
Along the same path?
I think we are well ahead of them.
We don’t even have anything to defend ourselves with; much less off the cunts.
The Republican Party are toast for the foreseeable future.
Because Trump – or one of his disciples – will stand as an independent at the next Presidential election and split the Republican vote straight down the middle.
The Democunts will think all their Christmases, I mean “festive seasons”, have all come at once!
In fact it would be in the Democunts’ overwhelming interest to ensure that Trump is able to stand again. No doubt Biden will give him a pardon.
Trump won’t stand again. It’s his ‘trump’ card to not to, pardon the pun. He’s done his job. He exposed how exactly corrupt, venal and downright evil pretty much every single sitting American politician is.
He knows damn well that from here on in, he has a guaranteed voice of approximately 75 million people. That’s a powerful voice if you know what to do with it. And I think he does know.
Well he’s certainly exposed himself for what he is. No-one will be in any doubt about what they’re voting for next time if they vote Trump.
Yes. He’s exposed himself as a patriot that 75 million Americans with second amendment rights stand behind.
Carry On Behind:
“We are uncovering pictures of Roman paving. One of them is showing a wenis”.
“Don’t you think it would better if I wrote the report?”
“Who is expert on Romans professor, you or I?”
“You are”
“Then we shall continue. Next to her is your man, who is holding in his hands his er, his… what is English word professor?”
“Well you’ve… rather a large choice!”
“No, tis one short word for long weapon.”
“Oh you mean a bow”
“Da. He is firing harrow, which is hitting people in hearse”.
“Hitting people in hearts.”
“Oh you mean there!!”
Fuck me take me back to 1975.
Elke Sommer. Oo yeah…
Biden will be dead and buried come the next election. Nancy Pelosi or AOC will threaten to sit on his face!
As for the GOP, well they really have fucked themselves good and proper. And given the way the Democrats “allegedly” manipulated the last election, they will probably do the same in 4 years time, but with less effort.
The Reps need a Great Reset of their own before anyone can take them seriously
Piglosi is working on that right now, don’t you worry. If anyone seriously believes she’s willing to die without becoming POTUS, they’re as gullible as the average DEMONRAT voter.
I think you’re right, RTC.
An independent candidate has been tried in American politics before and it hasn’t worked. I think the last time is happened was with the late Ross Perot. A fairly popular and successful businessman with deep pockets. It didn’t matter.
This time around though, Trump does at least have a track record of high office and 75+ million supporters most of whom would vote for him. He also has younger children who have been prominent in his publicity and administration. I think Don Jr and Eric would make formidable and aggressive politicians and who wouldn’t want to see more of Ivanka. I know I would.
Trump will do something. Not sure what, but my hunch is he’ll launch a new social media platform to rival Fecesbook and Twatter and go from there.
I’d love to see him launch his own tv channel.
Come on big Don. Biden is a senile old duffer and the Democrats will lose huge support due to their insane policies. All Trump has do what he’s been doing. Attack the cunts and play the patriot card.
The Democrats are fucked eventually. Why? Ego within their poisonous party will cause rifts and splits.
It’s a nice idea UC. I’m not sure a TV channel is the way to go though. I only say that because launching a TV channel means you have to get the TV providers to carry your channel. The MSM is anti-Trump to begin with and if they were to collude and decide with the TV providers not to carry the Trump channel, then it’s dead in the water.
It’s a good idea no doubt, but hurdles would remain. That’s why I think a social media platform is more likely. That said, unless he built his own infrastructure to host it, I cannot see Bastard Amazon, Cuntish Google or Gates-of-Hell Microsoft hosting his platform in their clouds.
I am certain Trump will be back at the races doing something to stir things up. Ex-presidents, even vilified ones are still box office. And let’s face it, Biden is ripe for being taken down and shown up.
You’re probably right IY
We are in dire need of a website to counter these lefty cunts.
They cancelled Parlar so he would have to start from scratch but if anyone can he can.
I think that sack of shit will be pardoning himself furst and that other cunt???
Oh yeah. Hunter….rhymes with Cunter!
I know there’s been some back and forth about the legitimacy of the election on this fine site. I’m sure this point has been made before and whether you think the election was stolen or not, it doesn’t change the following facts:
Trump “won” in 2016. The Left immediately claimed the election was stolen/manipulated/undermined/whatever due to Trump’s election team colluding with the Russians. There was no evidence of collusion. However, the mere accusation, plus a fabricated file of non-evidence (the Steele Dossier) paid for by the Clinton campaign, plus the MSM piling in led to a 3+ year formal investigation, costing 10s of millions of dollars which culminated in the Mueller Report. Aside from the fact Mueller’s investigative team contained numerous ex-Clinton aides and hangers on, the report concluded there was no evidence of any Russian collusion and the Trump campaign team had done nothing wrong or illegal.
In 2020, Biden “won”. Trump’s camp immediately claimed voter fraud and all manner of underhand and illegal shenanigans. The Left said everything was perfectly above board, Trump’s just a sore loser and the MSM piled in with ‘nothing to see here’ blanket coverage of the election, even announcing Biden’s victory weeks ahead of it actually being certified. Questioning of the legitimacy of the election – a cornerstone of a civilised democracy – was not allowed and we all moved on.
Obviously there’s a massive difference in the aftermath of these two elections. So the question becomes, why isn’t there going to be a 3+ year investigation into whether or not there was voter fraud? It’s not good enough to just dismiss the accusation in one instance and yet champion a massive unjustified witch hunt in the other. At the very least, it is massively inconsistent. Trouble is, there is a basis for suspicion this time. I don’t know if there’s any evidence of voter fraud on the scale that is claimed by Trump. What I do know is the Demoncrats changed election law pre-election to relax the rules and make it easier to vote without proper ID and to increase the mail in vote method of voting. Such changes to election law can only be made by the state legislature. However, they were changed by lower courts which makes them unconstitutional and illegal. Where this was done favoured Biden. Odd that. You’d think it would be right and appropriate to investigate how and why this was done, but the establishment machine (swamp) isn’t interested because they got the result they wanted, so why rake over old coals.
Love or loathe Trump, you have to admit there’s something fishy here. America has gone from ‘there was no voter fraud’ to ‘there may have been some but not enough to overturn the result’ to ‘what’s done is done so let’s move on’ while the world watched in amazement.
The bottom line is, the Left can accuse the Right and there’s hell to pay and massive fallout. The Right can accuse the Left and nothing happens. The Republican Party let this shit happen because they have no backbone, no moral compass and no will to fight a machine which consistently has them backed into a corner.
Yes you are right. The Electors Clause in the US Constitution (Article II, Section 1, Clause 2) is quite clear that only the State Legislature can alter State Election law and not the State Executive branch.
The US Supreme Court should of taken the Texas v Pennsylvania case and ruled on the matter, because there appeared to be a clear prima facie violation of the US Constitution and that has in turn facilitated the nefarious shenanigans with the Mail-in ballots in the contested States.
Cheers TC. For me, it’s a tale of two underestimated election campaigns.
The Clinton crew took their foot off the gas and underestimated how effective the Trump ground game was, thinking the result was a slam dunk.
The Trump crew underestimated the extent to which the Demoncrats would rig things in their favour. It really beggars belief what has gone on here. I just cannot fathom why it is the MSM are so in the can for the left. Why aren’t reporters and news channels interested in at least the possibility of voter fraud? The Left have become so extreme as to be completely un-American dare I say, anti-American and the establishment, instead of recoiling against that in horror, instead cheer them on. I don’t get it.
But we now live in a world where the Speaker of the House can rip up a sitting president’s speech behind his back on live TV and NOTHING HAPPENS. That’s the level now. It’s shameful and the fucking Republicans just sit there, tut tutting, mumbling under their breath and go crying to mummy because the bully took their ball away.
Yes it’s puzzling that after four years of non-stop “Russia, Russia, Russia” from the media, which was investigated on completely debunked false allegations and ZERO evidence, they now claim that this election is all fine and wonderful and completely above board.
The talking heads in the dishonest media have been programmed to repeat ad verbatim that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud, despite there being clear evidence of duplicitous and very questionable goings-on taking place.
For instance, aside from the blatant violation of the Electors Clause of the US Constitution, there is video evidence of ballot stuffing, batches of ballots turning up at the count at 4am all for Biden after counting had stopped, poll watchers being removed, whistleblowers to shady goings on at the count, chain of custody issues with the Mail-in votes, the suspension of counts early in the morning without proper explanation, the number of deceased on the relevant electoral registers casting votes and the Mail-in votes in general being so lopsided for Biden.
All this requires a reasonable adequate explanation and non is given nor is any investigation carried out. As I have said previously, there should of been a full audit (not just a recount) then this would of shut both sides up. But how the lying media can ascertain that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud when the facts seem to point to the contrary, and the fact they ran with the ‘Russia’ scam for the last four years despite them literally having ZERO evidence I don’t know?
What I do know is though is that the dishonest lying media have abandoned all sense of investigative journalism and have taking to being embarrassing slavish propagandists of the Democrat Party and this is not good for the folks in the US.
Not good at all.
The MSM & all the lefty cunts involved in this are all bought & paid & controlled for by the Chinese Communist Party.
Great points, TC.
You would think that the merest hint of anything underhand would be enough for there to be an investigation so that ALL sides can be confident the result is safe or not as the case may be.
One thing’s for certain, the extent of the fraud nationwide was not a series of isolated incidents hoping to turn a few votes this way or that. It was a coordinated campaign and strategy to rig things in favour of one candidate. I do think Trump’s crew underestimated just how deep the swamp is.
When the swamp is threatened, the swamp fights back and this is what it looks like. The Russian collusion was never going to turn anything up and Demons knew that. That wasn’t the point. The impeachment was never going to work either, but again that wasn’t the point. Everything the demons have done over the last 4 years has been designed to undermine and discredit the sitting president and if you repeat the same lies, accusations and misinformation, they know enough people will start to believe it. It was also a tactic to divert attention away from what the Trump administration were trying to achieve. I can’t imagine how Trump coped with it all.
One thing I do know is the left is focused on one thing and one thing only. Power. They can’t govern, the evidence for which is abundantly clear but conveniently not reported on because the MSM don’t shine a light on it. The have no plan, no strategy or any clue how to manage and Biden’s administration will unravel sooner or later. For now they’re laughing it up because they’ve got the keys to the kingdom. Trouble is, they don’t know what to do with them and the tide will turn. I just don’t know if the Repubs will be ready to take advantage without another Trump to champion their cause.
I know the media pump out hit piece after hit piece after hit piece on Trump, usually from “anonymous sources”, and then the uniformed amongst us (of which there are many) lap it up and pass it off as ‘fact’. There is no attempt at impartiality or just old fashioned investigative journalism, it is just relentless partisan bile and anything truthful or relevant that questions their narrative is just tossed.
Does Trump deserve criticism and scrutiny – yes. But nothing like the absolute garbage heaped upon him during the last four years and the abuse he continues to receive post-office. So many are being manipulated and programmed into thinking a certain way by the dishonest media, and the disturbing thing is the sheep among us cannot see that they are doing it.
Unless this bullshit with the Mail-in votes is sorted out, there won’t be free and fair elections again – regardless of who runs.
Now that the DEMONRATS are in power, there won’t be elections ever again, full stop.
“Grab em by the pussy!”
Donnie famously said.
And he did, if only for a short time.
He was fighting modern culture (snowflakes) the demonrats(snowflakes)
And nervous types in his own party (snowflakes).
I dont have any illusions over what the Donald is,
I dont think hes a moral man particularly,
Or a honest man,
Hes a bit of a dodgy cunt lets be honest!
But to get things done and upset the lefties, he was a heavyweight champion.
Ill miss his little orange face,
He made me laugh in a world where laughs are slowly dissapearing.
The Republican party are fucked now, but thats for them to sort out.
Fuck em.
MNC that is by far and away the best post of yours I’ve ever seen. I salute you, truly. You’ve said the truth in one short line of sentences. It’s brilliant. 🙂 🙂
A present for you, Miserable….
Made me laugh my arse off…
Heehee ???
Cheers BB.
Cheers Wokey.
Normally at my best writing ransom notes and hate mail too immigrants,
But I overcome writers block to do that for you.??
That’s completely ace in every way, BB.
Good to see the author highlight the fact Cunt Google demonetized the guys channel. Bastards.
If you keep going hard left in any country eventually the population will turn hard right.
It’s going to be fun,unless the disobedient have to go into concentration camps,sponsored by Google.
In which case, can I swap this potato for 3 smokes ?
The stupid greedy venal appalling cunts.
Fuck Off.
Yup smug cunt and Alan they are dead as a dodo, like you say “spineless Cunts”. The dems will let all the illegals in and that’s America as a world leader fucked…
Public apology to the entire board. Yesterday I did a blitz on my years’ and more worth of unopened mail, and discovered about £30 in Clubcard freebies. Immediately went and got Smirnoff and a cheap knock-off with it. You know the rest 😉
Sometimes these things just have to be done…?
It’s the lack of “#Armed Resistance” that has most disappointed me.
I think he was the QAnon Shaman Fiddler.
The lack of unarmed resistance here bothers me, when America sneezes we catch a cold.
Now the woke narrative will play out but as Unkle T said, the nearer we get to the Weimar Republic the nearer we get to Dolfy.
Fucking Bozo, the useless fat toff.
I see what you did there Dick. ?
I miss him too. Hope he’s OK.
Whatever else is said about Trump you knew what he stood for. If you wanted “climate change culture and immigration kicked into touch” (to name two prominent issues) you voted for him and he tried to deliver.
Over here, in the UK, many people thought they were voting for a conservative government and Brexit last December. Once in power, however, we got a handbrake turn to the left and we were bent over for the EU to shaft us hard.
In the US it would seem you can’t vote against the (unts. In the UK they are (unts whoever you vote for.
We are truly f*cked!
I see you right, mikdys. That’s how it’s played out. I can only watch the UK from afar and I shake my head daily at the shit my fellow Brits have to put up with. The Jellyfish has been a massive disappointment and hardly an upgrade from Treason May.
The dinghy dwellers being welcomed with open arms and freebies while the indigenous and tax paying population are lectured, brow beaten and persecuted makes me fucking sick.
Its probably a good job the general population doesn’t have access to firearms IY. I couldn’t believe the amount sold in the US last year, maybe because it was an election year and/or Covid / anticipating a Biden win.
You’re right about that LL. Estimates range from 7M to 8.4M new firearms owners in 2020.
The bigger issue is actually the ammo shortage. If you figure each new gun owner buys 2 boxes of ammo (50 rounds per box is common), that’s 8.4 million x 100 rounds = quite a lot of ammo. Add to that what existing gun owners buy and you have an ammo shortage. A gun’s no good without a full mag!
The Demons always try to win sympathy with the public by mouthing off about stricter gun laws, blah blah blah. The public panics and gun sales go up. Simple. The Demons like nothing better than a decent school mass shooting incident to make political gains. If we the people aren’t allowed to have guns, then neither can the secret service who protect these cunts. Strange how they’d be allowed to be protected, but man-in-the-street can’t. Odd that.
Ronnie Reagan was alright. He had it taped when he said fascism would rise again in the guise of liberalism.
He didn’t have any Kilary cunt or Che Kamala slag telling him what to do either.
Too right, Norm.
RR was ridiculed at every twist and turn during his presidency. Mocked for being too old and an ex-B movie actor starring alongside monkeys. As it turns out, history has shown what a smart, patriotic and great president he was.
Remember Spitting Image?
Not The Nine o Clock News?
Reagan had a smear campaign conducted against him by the British media back then.
History repeats itself…
The establishment wanted rid of Trump, the people didn’t. Same here with Farage he doesn’t follow the fucking “naŕrative”. I like loose canons it shakes the professional politicos on the spot. All cunts every one of them. Fuckem fuckem all.
Great stuff Allan. English irony at its finest! ?
Why thank you sir. I was beginning to think no-one would notice.
one of president trumps greatest achievements is that he kept that evil,vile,incompetent cunt hillary clinton out the white house
That was fantastic, seeing that crooked bint with a face like a Bulldog licking piss of a wire brush grasping the fact that she ain’t won.
Hard to believe the hate, bile and lies thrown at Trump never seen the like, set international records for pure cuntishness. At least we know the Russians had nowt to do with Biden’s win. No his win was down to a homegrown army of cunts who soon will be paying the price.
This whole election looked as fishy as the CIA building collapsing at 9/11
Who ever you vote for, the government always win.
Just got modded posting a new nom. Not sure what caused it and was definitely being careful with my language. That said, I’m a bit fucked. Tesco’s Aussie £4 a bottle wine is too much to resist. Two of my five a day.
Interesting tongue in cheek nom (one of them at least) and while I agree that too many got too carried away about the ‘injustice’, I will say this.
There has been and continues to be a smear campaign against Trump. This is undeniable. If you look at the way the media and the establishment treated Trump from minute one, it’s hard not to see if.
The Russian bollocks. No evidence but the media and his political opponents wouldn’t let it go. Then, contrast them trying to put his closest advisors (and the POTUS himself) in prison. Cavanagh was smeared and they did all they could to out him in prison. Again, the media were all over it, ruining this man’s life. Why? Well, because some bint had a recent dream that Cav got rapey with her when she was pissed at a party about 30 or 40 years ago. I shit you not. No evidence. A fucking dream. Her mates, who were at that party all said it didn’t happen. It still didn’t stop the smears.
Contrast with anything done by the other lot? The way the media were quick to totally dismiss allegations of election or voting fraud. There was some evidence of this (indeed, some recounts increased Trump’s vote by quite a bit) but the speed the ‘journalists’ dismissed it all was most interesting, shall we say. Wasn’t exactly investigated by the journalists like Watergate was, was it? Standards really have slipped and journalism is now rightly mocked as the shyster trade it has become.
Look at the difference the way protests/riots were covered. Dozens dead after the George Floyd riots were, media wide, reported as ‘mostly peaceful protests’. Remember that? Well I fucking do! And how were the other side who got into the senate in DC reported? One death remember (a Trump supporter), not dozens – not cops being ambushed and executed. We had a few retards from Qanon turn up though (whom the media focused on, of course). How was this reported? Insurrection. Violent and deadly riots. Chaos.
So while I get the tone, I’m refraining from sneering myself, as I find it hard to mock the situation when the media and the entire establishment show such bias. It fools too many people for it to be a fucking big laugh.
And yes, we get it over here it’s not just Yankee shit…look at the BBC’s reporting, for example.
But I will get some sick enjoyment out of watching America get totally fucked by those idiots in control now. The libtards will complain when Biden’s climate tax completely fucks them up and only rich cunts are allowed to drive a car. And when BLM come for their homes and he does nothing about it. Or when their careers are ruined for calling a chippy fagggot bloke ‘he’ at work., but reap what you sow, beeeottches!
Popcorn grabbed.
Fine comment CB.
I see what you did there ?
Remember zero evidence, yes that’s zero evidence of anything underhand because CNN and the BBC said so.
It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so horrific.
I know simply repeating ‘no evidence’ identidem seems to be the new legal standard
An American acquaintance of mine found out that his parents voted for Joe Biden and he was so pissed off that he’s stopped visiting their graves.
That’s freaking classic. Well played, sir.
People ask me why I switched my registration to Republican.
My answer: “The Republicans annoy me 87 percent of the time. The Democrats scare me 100 percent of the time.”