An esoteric little literary cunting for, yet again, the BBC. They are currently repeating a programme on 4 Extra, first broadcast in 2015, called “Mr and Mrs Nobody”
Which is, stripped of its camouflage, a straight dramatisation of “The Diary of a Nobody” by George and Weedon Grossmith. In which Carrie, the waspish and rather unpleasant wife of the hero, Pooter, plays a minor role in the book, but has to be played by Judy fucking Dench in the broadcast. (subcunting – a spectacular bit of miscasting. The Pooters are as common as muck )
What I am cunting is the feminazi requirement that a well-known and much-enjoyed Victorian comic novel must have the authors’ title, which has defined it for over a century, bowdlerised in case some woke cunt notices it is not really about the wimminz.
Coming soon: “Mr and Mrs Hamlet?”
Nominated by: Komodo
… and here’s another from cuntator
The BBC giving untalented unfunny so-called “comedians” their own shows.
This is nothing new but all you see on the Beeb now are trailers for programmes featuring that Romesh Jamraganathan arse and the equally annoying donkey-faced Sarah Passhole .
It seems to me that once someone’s got their little woke foot in the door of the rotten institution they have a job for life.
Don’t get me started on that Joe Lyclit specimen and the revolting Brand cow.
…and this from Cuntsince1066
BBC and it’s selected forgetfulness
My puss boiled when I saw the trial of the murderer of three people in Reading in a park in August pushed to the regional pages and output of the BBC. Even now you might be thinking what is cuntsince1066 going on about. Even when you find the story, the story of an Islamic terrorist killing three innocent people is dressed up as poor little peaceful one, his mind was only twisted for a little bit and he should be forgiven for this temporary lapse. Even though he murdered three people and let’s ignore the fact those he murdered were also gay,
What also fucks me off about this deliberate forgetfulness can be summed up by this. Go ask anyone the name of the French teacher killed by the muslim peaceful brotherhood in France.
Alternatively ask anyone the question
Have you seen what that cunt Samuel Paty has done.?
99.9% of the time (incidentally the same as the Covid survival rate) people will not have a clue who he is or who he was. Why because the media and the BBC in particular has only one narrative and is totally and utterly bias or deliberately forgetful in this country on issues of race and religion If they don’t fit their narrative.
George Floyd meanwhile is now a saint, his funeral was covered wall to wall and I can bet on the 25th May the BBC will be running GF one year on pull outs.
Also As I type some fucking alleged trump supporting nutters have stormed the capitol building in DC. The BBC, Owen Jones et al will be lapping this up as an example of everything that is wrong in the world….Meanwhile the Reading three and Samuel Paty are relegated to a section just below the local ads and will be as quickly forgotten about as possible.
….and a very late entry from Smug cunt
The roll out of “education” to children on the bbc is a cunt
In my view our children are much better off not going to school. Having your brain filled with crafted indoctrination bollox for years on end is not only a waste of time but a sure fire way to an unhappy life .
Fuck the BBC “roll out of education” ( fuckin ell these fucks sound more and more like Beria, Goebbels, Campbell (end) ).
(Please note, there is a separate thread on the Home page, called “BBC Shit”, for nominations such as this. So please use that, unless you think your nomination is above and beyond. In which case we will consider it. Thanks – admin)
The bitch who said KILL WHITEY is under investigation for a hate crime. Of course the BB FUCKING C said it was fine. That about sums the cunts up.
My faith in humanity will be restored if they hit this fucking bitch cunt with the book and give her 2 years in prison. You can add the director general of the BBC too.
I’m not holding my breath though.
It’s up to the powers that be really. If they want white people to become incredibly racist and start voting for Adolfs, then just let everyone carry on with their anti-whiteism and letting non whites commit racist crimes at will, without a sniff of a charge.
It’s up to them. Us honkies can be pretty fair if everyone is treated fairly, but absolute fucking bastards if you think you can encourage racism against us. History proves how brutal us honkies can be if needed.
On trail too should be the likes of the BBC, The Guardian, quite a few in Parliament and many universities.
Sort these cunts out if you know what’s good for you.
Cuntybollocks , if we lot on this site (and few of us are MENSA material) can see that the agenda of the BBC et al will cause a violent backlash then why can’t those supposedly clever fuckers see that?
It beats me, but I think it’s a case of career protection. Somehow, wokeism has taken over to the point that unless you become anti white, you won’t get anywhere in places like the media.
The cunts are too cowardly to stick their neck above the parapet. Trumpy will probably end up in prison for doing such a thing (and meekly).
And he’s the fucking President of Yankeeland, for fuck’s sake.
Dangerous times we’re living in. I can sadly see civil war or the potential genocide if the honky man ahead of us.
All it takes is for mainstream politicians and media to call out anti whiteism and for the police and courts to deal with it fairly.
They can either stamp it out, it let it fester and cause their own genocide or civil war.
If some umbongo goes out and kills a whitey will she still think it was fine to say it on air.
Duker the fucker needs to be put back of the plantation and regularly whipped.
The BBC add to their list of misdemeanours daily – here from today;s “news” page they have chosen to print an especially horrific photo of Nancy Palosi – a woman who would scare off even the ugliest British bulldyke. As they are fond of issuing trigger warnings they should have done so with this picture – it would even make Jess Phillips shat in her pants:
That thing is not a corporeal being in any sense of the word. I take it you saw her literal ‘reset’ on live TV where she went ‘Good morning, Sunday morning’. It was genuinely one of the most disturbing visual moments of 2020.
Argh we can only hope she’s got lung cancer and the spots in her face nappy are the various organs and fluids she’s being coughing up
Why do we even bother with this lot when it comes to cuntination. I’ll have a shit this morning that’ll tell me more with honesty that the Buggering Boys Cult.
How many cunters on this fine site have cancelled their TV licence?
I’ve finally cancelled mine and look forward to the day that Crapita sends one of their goons round so I can give pointlessly give him an earful about him being complicit in being an accessory to pædos, traitors and commies.
Never had one to cancel Thomas, I do, however, have a large collection of their threatening letters amassed over the last 6 years or so. And 3 visits. Fuck them.
The first one I ever had was 3 years ago, I had it for 2 months before I cancelled it and got a refund.
The best part is there is literally nothing they can do about it, unless you’re cunt enough to get caught watching it, or you’re cunt enough to get tricked into admitting you’ve been watching it.
Other than that it is just empty threats from them. If you do get a visit and don’t want them to come back anymore, email them telling them that you are revoking the right of implied access to them or any of their representatives.
Game over ?
Ditched the TV tax four years ago.
Never regretted it…
Capita, the worst company ever to have the experience of dealing with whilst joining the Navy. Complete cunts.
Shit “logistics” companies like that bunch of money-grubbing bastards should NEVER have been allowed to meddle in military recruitment of any sort – at one time they wouldn’t have won a contract to clean the latrines
No private company should have any involvement in National Security. Its a unmittigated disgrace and the cunts who let it happen should hang.
Not content with recruiting peacefuls and snowflakes, the Army is now keen to add failures to its ranks:
If you fail, you’re dead. What strategy is that.
Afternoon RTCP ????? ( diversity inclusivity)
That’s a cunning plan by Army recruitment but I think they should be less ambiguous as what one person considers a failure another may see it as an achievement so it should be far simpler….
Do you lack moral fibre ?
Are you frightened of your own shadow?
Are you unable to walk up a flight of stairs ?
Are you unable to hit a cows arse with a banjo?
Don’t fret maybe theres a place for you in today’s ( modern) touchy feely army ……
fucking hell I wonder what former soldiers think of that load of woke bollocks?
And fuck the BBC!! Thought that new boss man was going to sift out the turds? Drain the swap ?
Appears it’s business as usual , fake news! And heaps of political indoctrination that’s been poisoning our country for far to long …… cunts
Far too long
My son in law is a senior civil servant. Impressed with a temporary member of staff he advised them to apply for a forthcoming permanent vacancy.
As son in law sifted the applications , he was surprised that the talented one had not applied for the post. It turned out that Crapita had excluded the person as they have a contract to do preliminary sifting. Son in law was not happy but was able to get the talented one an interview which was successful.
And the cunts still get contracts with HMG.
”…One TV advert shows a white male soldier face down in the mud while another features a black female struggling to keep up on a training march…”
So many contradictions in the above my brain just went “fzzzzt-zap”
TtCE@ – cancelled mine a long time ago – I do not pay for lies and propaganda, but what does rather disturb me is that people who have watched the bbc for decades do not realise how much shit they are being fed.
Licence cancellations running at around a thousand a day, shows pretty clearly what people think of lies, propaganda and BS they come out with.
Make it subscription only.
I live quite near the BBC building in Bristol and it has been very noticeable in the last couple of years that there is practically no activity in there and it is starting to look a bit ropey especially the garden. Today at about 4.30pm there was just one light on in the place. I sincerely hope this is a sign of the evil deviant cunts going out of business.
The more people who defund it by stopping to pay the “telly tax” the better – as for the future of the BBC WGAF!
I don’t know what is wrong with the Jellyfish. Ever since I first heard of him (a long time ago) the BBC have relentlessly slagged him off. For the last year he has had the power to fuck them up but he’s still shit scared of the wankers. The whole country, except the usual libtard remoaner cunts, would back him to the hilt if he kicked their heads in. He’s a weak little cunt that’s all I can say.
I’m not so sure he’s weak so much as a double agent! Just to be safe let’s not vote for the fucker next time around…
Well cunted Komodo.
Another minor masterpiece of classic English literature ruined, sacrificed upon the alter of Wokedom. Only surprised the Pooters weren’t cast as a mixed race couple.
Sir Judy fucking Stench – even more overrated and ubiquitous than Olivia fucking Colperson.
Well spotted Kom.
If only the BBC were alone in this cuntishness! Feminazi re-writing is everywhere. If you look on Amazon you will find that women in supporting roles are often mentioned before the actual star in the description of DVDs. It is only a matter of time before we are told the classic 1971 cop drama “Dirtry Harry” starred Mae Mercer, and also had Clint Eastwood in a supporting role.
Similarly, a glance at the menu for Netflix will almost inevitably show a picture of a female in the film or series rather than the main, male, protagonist. Unless, of course, there is a member of an ethnic minority that can be bigged up.
I’m assuming cunters are not ordering a takeaway to settle in and watch the woke revisionism named “The school girl who helped win the war”? As I understand it a young lady assisted her father in calculating the required mathematical data to prove fighter planes should use 8 guns instead of the 4 originally specified.
She was good at math so her dad got her involved in his work. Her father was a science officer for the Air Force, I expect his math was fairy solid and that he daughter got her math talent from him.
The issue with this is it was her father who came up with the idea, her father who did most of the work. Woke revisionists must however put his efforts second to those of his daughter.
This is the problem with the BBC, reality is bent to fit agenda. That’s why the BBC needs to be dismantled, the BBC is pure propaganda and by its failure to act against the BBC the government must be complicit in this brainwashing of the people.
As for the “8 gun idea” – it probably was dreamed up by a girl. Rifle ammunition wasn’t much use against armour plate and modifications had to be made replace the “peashooters” with cannon!
When I wanked this morning, the jizz looked like Jesus in a piece of toast, or something.
Meanwhile, the zomboid masses will be watching and digesting the latest fear-porn from the Boy Buggering Cunts.
Glimpsed the local news on BBC at lunchtime yesterday. There was a lengthy report about the degenerate Rue Paul and a gaggle of his/hers/it’s transvestite catamites bemoaning their fate in lock down (I think, quickly changed channel).
Is this fucking important news?
Again Albeeb reveals itself as purveyors if decadence.
Terry’s oven the lot of ’em!
Good noms all.
Bravo gentle cunters, bravo.
When the first anniversary of St George of Chicken arrives are we all expected to take the knee and hold aloft a piece of fried chicken in the air?I despair
In tribute (it’s what St Chiggun of George would’ve wanted) you’ll need to rob a woman alone at home at gunpoint, as your mates ransack the place, Then star in a cheap porno with Aids riddled dark key hookers. After that, take loads of drugs and drive to a shop to buy stuff with forged banknotes.
I would prefer we all find some black criminal (can’t imagine where) and kneel on their neck until they stop squeaking. That would certainly be more fitting. We could also apply that to general left-wing wankers in general and BBC management in particular, although we needn’t wait for any special day.
Zero fucks will be given at CuntyMort towers.
I’m just saying it because the board seems dead. It’s half ten on a fucking Saturday morning for cunt’s sake!! All those with hangovers, all those with coffee enemas, get cunting!!!
The laptop/tablet saga is getting fucking tiresome, the useless BBC just keep banging on about it, rolling out footage of umbongo and mixed umbongo families (actually more like tribes) receiving a laptop donated by some cunt.
I laughed my guts out when one was placed in the hands of a junior umbongo, the little fucker looked so disappointed, either he thought it was something to eat or just pissed that it wasn’t the latest iPhone.
I emailed look north Leeds to give them my considered option of this bullshit.
When your fingers don’t involve pulling strings of shit out of your arse, and letting your kids fight over feeding off it, what else is one supposed to do? How non-compassionate you cunt.
I was very compassionate in my email, I suggested that text books, paper and pencil may be a useful option along with a focus on Maths and English.
I did suggest that many if not most of these devices will be used for gaming or end up on a shelf in cash converters.
Give it 5 years and ask a coffee-coloured offsproglett to do something instinctive with an abacus.
Then you’ll see the future of mankind.
Umbongo? You need a lecture from the BBC’s chief Umbongo, June Sarpong, professional racebaiter and head of their new £100 million diversity department. 75 grand a year for 3 days “work” a week.
I wonder what she does on those days? Phones up her mates and asks if they’ve got any new ideas for winding up whitey. Fuck you BBC.
I wrote a nom on that bitch Freddie, hope admin haven’t fogotten it ?
Sanctimonious “wokeness”. It’s pervasive and has infiltrated every channel to an extent, albeit the BBC are leading the way.
You can’t watch an alternative, you can’t vote for an alternative, and pretty soon you’ll risk ending up in Room 101 if you even dare to think against it.
But, here’s the thing, while you can’t vote against it, you don’t have to continue funding the BBC to preach about it.
Simply stop paying the BBC Licence Fee. It’s perfectly legal (if you stop watching “live TV” – and let’s face it very little is “live” anyway).
Not only will you feel much better, having “done your bit, as a nice little bonus the BBC’s friends at Capita will regularly send you some lovely, combustible, A4 letters which make excellent firefighters.
Way to go ?
As I’m not watching BBC, live tv or BBC shIt-Player, thought I’d cancel the license. It seems you have to call them. Imagine how long that’ll take in the ‘pandemic’, about 3 hours on hold. Then when you finally get through, some incompetent will fail to log your case.
Cuntologist@ – Fill in the online declaration, every year they email you asking you to fill it in again.
Capita are the “enforcement” agency the BBC use – Capita have no legal right to enter private property (not just the home but anywhere around it – they are not allowed past your front gate, they know this but try and blag and bullshit their way in)
If someone appears at the door and asks for “the householder” without identifying themselves – that’s Capita – ask them who they are, film them, ask them to show their ID which they hate doing and give them no information, and do not under any circumstances let them in – they do not have any legal right to enter your home.
Tell them they are trespassing and engaging in illegal harassment and instruct them to leave. And people have the option to “politely assist them off the property” if they refuse.
The only time they can legally enter is with a Court order which they will not do as they are terrified of social media exposure for what they are doing, and they are on very ambiguous legal ground even if this is the case.
I used to work for Capita – they are as dirty, rotten and crooked as they come.
@Vernon Went onto yesterday. I might have missed it but could not find an online declaration. Possibly they have done away with it recently? When I went to FAQs, I was instructed to call a telephone number.
Will defo do the filming and refusing entry. Have boned up on what they can and can’t do. I’m also going to delete apps off my telly, try and factory reset it so no channels are tuned, tape up the aerial socket, that kind of thing as proof so if and when they do get right of entry, I can show them – look no channels and no BBC shIt-Player! Don’t have Sky nor a recording device either.
Don’t open the door to them, should they turn up. Tell them to get off your property and don’t engage in conversation. Better still, get a Ring doorbell and tell them to go forth using that.
Whatever you do don’t sign anything (on of their tricks is to get you to sign a false “confession” on a false pretext).
I wouldn’t worry too much about technicalities, like taping up your aerial socket, as the Capita people aren’t technical. They are agents on commission and get paid per licence/fine that is paid. They will only be interested in tricking you into signing/saying something to convict yourself (whether or not you even have a TV probably!). Hence, don’t let them in, tell them to go away, don’t sign anything. As for cancelling, just stop paying (there is no legal requirement to tell them squat!).
I cancelled mine ‘legally’ a number of years ago and don’t watch the shit bound idiot lantern.
I still have the letter they sent confirming I declared I don’t need a licence.
Best fucking thing I did. It’s better than shagging, knowing that cunt Linekar and the host of woke wankerati that hate white Middle Age Males don’t get a fucking penny from me.
Fuck em. Bunch of cunts who hid and denied the crimes of Harris, Hall and Saville.
As for the capita goons, I’ve never heard another thing from them. A work colleague said they pick their targets to harass, mainly older pensioners or young people with families. Old crotchey cunts like me who live alone tend to give them shit so are avoided as its too much trouble when there are softer targets.
Also with the amount of licences now being cancelled they don’t have the staff to ‘police’ it and keep up with demand. If course the more that cancell, the less revenue they get, so encourage every cunt you know to ditch it.
I sent an email to the BBC regarding their bias and hatred of white-working class folk and their agenda of pushing BLM as a decent organisation. I asked for a reply, still waiting it’s arrival, but not surprised anyone has got back to me.
Alcohol is a dog sending grace ?
They never reply to emails, the only way to get a response is to raise a complaint through their online system.
They just come back the usual bullshit and if you escalate it to the next levels all that happens Is they close ranks even tighter.
They are cunts.
Cheers sick of it, may as well pour myself another drink and reminisce about the past and remember how fucking happy I was before the days of wokedom.
I find the best way to get a response is to simply cancel your direct debit, you can guarantee a letter within the week telling you you need a license. The one I got last year, I scrawled “FUCK OFF!” on it, turned it round so my address didn’t show and wrote ‘Return to sender’ on the envelope.
I’ve complained to cunts many times. Their smug replies tend to be phrased ‘on balance we think we got it about right’.
They really are cunts that need to be defunded.
OffComm are no better, I fact I may in put a nom together for those fekkers. Mainly staffed by ex BBC types.
Esoteric, intended for only a few. About sums the fucking beeb up. Cunts
If the BBC made Hamlet, the lead would be a non-binary female referred to throughout as ‘they’ so who knows what kind of creature Ophelia would be, some HRVY type. Hamlet is too white anyway, they’d have to change that. Lenny Henry might play the new King and Gertrude would be Eddie Izzard.
On a related note, I had the misfortune of having to watch Star Trek Discovery. Everyone in it had a ‘thing’ and I couldn’t have cared less about the characters. Just woke bollox.
I’m for gassing everyone who works there.
I declare Unkle Terry the new Director General of the BBC! ??
Derek and Clive were years ahead of time when they did a sketch that involved writing a letter to the Director General of the BBC.
the address was given as CUNT LONDON
It was on his desk they next day.