Prince Billy and Katherine of Arrogant (sic)

Who have just made it back to Norfolk (formerly a low-risk Tier 2 county) from London, as London is bumped up to Tier 4 / total lockdown. You’d think they knew in advance, wouldn’t you?

No doubt they had a police escort detail…

But hold! Entertainment for all here; the EDP, Archant’s East Anglian rag, reports a worrying rise in Norfolk Covid cases: West Norfolk – where Sandringham and Bill’s bolthole, Anmer Hall are located – hitting record levels this week, and now above the national rolling average

Will Billy be volunteering for the Air Ambulance again?
Or will the darlings of the nation find themselves back in The Smoke for Christmas?
Don’t ask me, timewasters. Ask the Daily Express.

Nominated by: Komodo 

48 thoughts on “Prince Billy and Katherine of Arrogant (sic)

  1. Havent they been parading round the country in a fucking train all to themselves and their 300 flunkeys to raise moral? At huge expense. Fucking parasites.

    • The thought of Kate visiting Portmeirion and sitting on my rock hard throbber raised my morale no end!

      • ‘Mr RT Creampuff is a dirty dirty minded man’.

        M Whitehouse, outraged housewife and self-styled guardian of the public’s morals (deceased).

      • I’ve forgotten more about what you told me about inappropriate horns Cuntstable than you’ll ever know.

    • The best way they could raise moral is by boarding a fucking plane to LA and join up with his equally annoying half brother Ginger cunt Hewitt and his bossy overbearing bitch wife in la la land permanently……..

      • Afternoon RTCP

        Tbh it was a tad harsh but I wanted to start the NY properly , I feel I’ve been slipping of late and have gone a little soft on cunts ….

    • could be worse, could be that ginger cunt traitor and his anti-white whore, the self obsessed bitch in a dead chinese real hair wig who only fucks white men and pretends to give birth to crosseyed ginger bastards…that kind of worse

  2. Used to quite like these two but they’re proving lately just how out of touch they really are. Once the Queen dies the Monarchy to all intents and purposes is finished.

    • My view entirely.

      Vernon Fox as our first president, miss Busty as our First Lady.

      Four more years?
      Four more years?

      • I like it CG! I can see it now – sunglasses, big hat, medals, death squads – laarvly!, and a nice parasol for MNC so he doesn’t overheat in the summer humidity!
        And Miss busty is up for it if she can wear a bikini!
        (Naughty girl she is – trouble is she’d have some poor buggers eye out with them, and probably concuss them too!)
        The entirety of IAC as my cabinet and Admin occupying the House of Lords!

  3. Well Baldybollocks has to pay attention to his mental elf which he is always droning on about. If one doesn’t get away to one’s country pile one might go bat shit crazy. Who is that bloke on the extreme left of the photo? He looks a right thick cunt.

  4. Haha look how angry Harry Hewitt is.
    You can see him stewing and a devious plan brewing in his ginger napper.
    “I’ll fix you ya cunt. I’ll marry a tan and fuck you all up. Piss off to multi ethnic land(USA) and grab all the attention for myself by becoming a door mat and making an arse of myself by supporting trendy right on causes hahaha ” ……and so on.

  5. Look at the header pic above,
    A scowling little ginger face in the background, Hewitts bastard, the cuckoo in the nest!
    Talking of cuckoo if willy has mental elf issues he should be removed from succession from the throne!
    We’ve had kings who were nutters before, it doesn’t end well!
    And for his own safety take that gold rope off his jacket.

    ISACs a bit obsessed with royals of late, like HELLO! Magazine.

    • Ps
      In the picture theyre all looking towards the camera except for Billy bipolar, whats he looking up at?
      Talking to god?

      • First thing I noticed about the pic, Miserable. What a jolly soul he was. Still, he’s found happiness with his lady love and the rest of the airheads in California. Bless.

  6. Prince William doesn’t come across as being the sharpest tool in the box. General TSO summed it up for me very well. These two were once the fairytale hopefuls of the Royal Family. But the Harry Hewitt debacle has hammered the final nail in the coffin of the Saxe Coburg dynasty and Uncle ‘Ernie’ Andrew fiddling around, fiddling around (allegedly) has shown the people what a real bunch of parasites the Royals are, aside from Brenda and Phillip.

    Apparently Remembrance Day is sacrosanct to Brenda (and quite rightly so), so much that she wouldn’t allow Hewitt Jr and Me-Me-Megain to lay a wreath. Would Ol’ Jug Ears or Wills the Bald carry that tradition through with so much regard and protection? Nah, Charlie’s too bothered about the environment and Wills is just an out-of-touch bellend.

    Fuck them all to hell. I foresee dark days ahead when Brenda and Phillip both shuffle off.

    • Yes when Liz and Phil pop off game over. Harry and Will ain’t too sharp but then what did we expect with Lady Diddums for a ma. She was a bit limited to say the least.

    • First generation immigrant Prince Philip is a great exemplar for multiculturalism. As Ol’ Jug Ears said: “The diversity of our society is its greatest strength.”

      Re Remembrance Day: from what I’ve heard, Ol’ Jug Ears and Wills the Bald are barely on speaking terms with Hewitt Jr and Me-Me-Me-Again, so doubt they’d be in any hurry to see those cunts back here disrespecting our war dead.

    • Willie’s always been a big Villa supporter, so he tends to get an easier time from me. Could have ended up taking the easy option by supporting a ‘fashionable’ London club, or even worse, becoming a plastic Manc.

      • Yes, he was forever in Brum having a pint with his pals. Big supporter of Aston Bromwich City apparently.
        Up the baggy and clarets in blue!

      • @Ron Knee:

        Plastic Manc?
        What part of Aston was Will from???
        He just chose a team to be different from those other football fanatics at Eton.
        Etons main sporting prowess being Buggery, wanking and midnight feasts?

  7. Why don’t the royal family just go full trash and make a reality TV show? 30 minutes a week with the nations biggest benefits recipients.

    For all the money they get they are meant to lead the nation with impeccable behaviour. We’ve had scandal after scandal, from Mountbatten onwards the family has been tainted with the worst kind of allegations, best friends with Savile, Mountbatten recorded in CIA records, Prince Andrew and love island with Epstein.

    Time to end it now, if they can’t live up to the standards expected they should be dispensed with. The Queen has been a good servant but she must know what’s been going on.

    I don’t mind living in a monarchy but I resent them being above the on law then preaching to the rest of us.

    • Have you ever seen ‘Viz’ comic’s take off of ‘Oor Willie’ and ‘The Broons’, called ‘The Broon Windsors’?. Absolutely hilarious!

      • I get a Viz album every year Ron-my favourite characters are the real ale twats-having suffered real ale cunts over the years?

      • Yeah the ‘classic’ days of Viz might be passed (you don’t get The Brown Bottle, Modern Parents or The Critics anymore) but there’s still plenty of piss taking to be done. The ‘Twats’ are class.

      • Modern Parents and The Critics were created by the great John Fardell, who was un-personed by Viz several years back. He also did Ferdinand the Foodie (a pompous old cunt who strongly resembled Ted Heath) and Desert Island Teacher.
        From cheerfully subversive comic to “woke” establishment tool.
        Heartbreaking… ☹️

      • Somebody sent me the Viz 2021 annual this Christmas. It has the Brown Bottle, Fru .T. Bunn, the Real Ale Twats, the Broon Windsors, Eight Ace, Thermos O’ Flask and Wee Radge Joe in it. The best one they’ve put out for a while.

  8. It will collapse within the next 10 years or so and a wheelchair bound Elton John will buy Buckingham Palace and paint it pink with rainbow gates.
    Fuck em.

  9. The Royal Family are some of the richest people in the world.
    By all means wave your tiaras and unearned privilege around – just don’t expect me to fund it.
    Get a fkin job like the rest of us – and send that Kate round – we pay for her so it’s only fair we should have a turn on it! ??
    Queen and big Phil? Outstanding servants to the Country.
    Rest of them? Unkle Terry has the answer, and I quite fancy that flash gaff they have in London to store my prized book collection (Beano hardback annual1973 and Mein Kampf)

    • National lockdown to be announced later, till April.
      But it was always the case, why the Siess grant has a 4th pending grant from end of January.
      They knew back in November.
      Best thing Ive learnt on here recently was Boris’s great grandad was topped for treason!(Komodo)
      Its a family trait.

      • Can’t wait, it will make as much difference to me as the first national lockdown.
        Might pop down to the local health centre and demand my jab (in the arm).
        I want the AZ one, don’t fancy a -70C shiver ?

  10. Wonderful decent couple. If you don’t like them fuck off to North Korea. Other end of the scale the slapped Katie Price is in calf again. Number 6, not bad for someone who is bankrupt, not only monetary but morally. Hopefully the bitches cunt will rot from the inside out. And the cunt who done must be desperate.

  11. I always wonder what royalty do when indoors.
    Do they watch television, read books, write letters, sleep all day until dinner time?

    When her Majesty the queen dies, I wonder who will become the next on the throne.

    • Spoons:

      Philip spends all his spare time on IsAC-his screen name is Dick Fiddler?

      Lizzie has platinum memberships for Pornhub and Plenty-orf-Fish

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