In 1833 Great Britain used 40% of its entire National budget to buy slaves out of their contracts – 20 million at the time, in todays money – quite a fucking lot! (Gov.UK Freedom of information act).
The amount was so huge it took until 2014 for UK taxpayers to pay it off – note “taxpayers” – you, me and everyone else who pays tax – not those who had profited from this despicable trade but us mugs. Mention this established fact to BLM as you hand them your part of the bill.
So, short, sweet and simple – where’s our reparations’ you ungrateful cunts – don’t make me don my white panther outfit and burn down the fried chiggun shops now!
That is all.
Nominated by: Vernon Fox
It would be a fascinating study to see how many of the descendants of the recipients of the vast compensation given to ex-slaveholders are still in positions of power and authority.
This picture seems appropriate for this nomination…
Wtf has that goat worrier got to do with Scotland? It may have escaped his attention but Scotland is about 92% white so get on your carpet and fly back to you sandpit curryboy.
It makes you just want to get in front of that Yousaf prick and say ‘and…?’
Print it and send it to the Guardiloo and all the other lefty apologist rags out there and see if they print it. Place your bets.
Blm whiners owes us big time. And I mean British tax payers because we were the only country in the 1800s going round the world stopping slavery. We invaded Brazil to break up slave gangs,bought land in Africa from the Germans and released the slaves,pressured umpteen European countries and intercepted ships carrying slaves and freed them so we want thanks and our money back you miserable ungrateful knuckle daggers.
Freetown, Sierra Leone anybody?
Forget informing the libtards, they’re too far gone and all you’ll get is but but but.
I’ve said it before, but blacks lucky enough to have been born and brought up in the UK should be worshipping the ground on which Edward Colston’s statue used to stand.
It’s not only whites who are the beneficiaries of the slave trade in Britain today.
Blambo don’t do thanks whitey. CUNTS
Most of the black and Asian guys & gals I associate/work with, don’t give two fuckety fucks about all this BLM, slavetrade, reparation shit .
They’re not particularly happy about what happened 2 or 300 years ago, but they take a very pragmatic view that they live in a country that isn’t all that bad by and large, and they wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!
They also conclude that most of this race-baiting is indeed the work of the libtard chattering classes with nothing better to do other than to bait the plebs for the most tenuous of things that happened centuries ago.
And perhaps we should send a reparations’ bill to Germany, France, Italy, Denmark and other countries that invaded Britain over the last 2 or 3,000 years and killed/enslaved the indigenous population for financial gain!
Thomas Sowell (definitely NOT a cunt)…
“More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.”
Very true but they is White innit bro
I’m subscribed to both his and Larry Elders channel. It’s very refreshing to hear their talks, if I was on (anti) social media I’d be posting links to Owen Nancy and the Grauniad ‘journalists’ for as long and as often as possible.
3-2-1 boom!
Well deserved cunting. With every passing day my contempt for these ‘bliks’ keeps on rising. As much as some peacefuls are disliked for their so called beliefs and other races for services to children etc etc, it’s these screaming race baiting, white hating banshees that have pushed race relations back into the dark ages (no pun intended) It beggars belief that anyone gives this nonsense air time, let alone keep caving in to the whims of these savages. And lets be honest, thats what they are. Lawless, violent, no morals, criminal intent and beyond, destruction of their own habitat with uprooting of statues and vandalism of property wether public or private. I’m only glad that almost all of the souls that fought in the war and lived through proper heartbreak and gut wrenching experiences to prevent the German invasion are no longer here to witness the unchallenged invasion of the awful BLM.
Slap a huge tax on da fried chiggun,charge for any time in prison, reclaim benefits paid and finally compel them to provide the Child Support Agency with a DNA specimen ….that should cut the bill a tad.
PS…Make them swim a length of the local pool before handing them their cheque.
Did your ancestors build the Towers with money gained from the slave trade, Dick?
Great-great-great-great granddaddy Fiddler have a huge plantation in the West Indies? Perhaps you are distantly related to B+WC.
The money to build my magnificent abode was honestly earned,Mike….The Border Reivers were way ahead of their time when it came to “tax-avoidance schemes”…Philip Green has his yacht,we have vast country-estates.
Does stealing from Scottish people count as a crime in the great Kingdom of Northumberland?
Depends if we think that they might punch us on the nose.
Next time you go for a raid, steal the Krankie woman’s special massager. That should be good for a laugh.
I live in Cumbria which borders Jockland, and on a clear day I can see Scotchside from across the Solway Firth. And at the start of the pandemic last spring and the first of the lockdowns there were hoards of Scots crossing the border into Carlisle, Whitehaven, Maryport and Workington, panic buying loads of bread, booze, ciggies, bog roll etc.
A local challenged one Scot, who had about 9 boxes of beer and toilet rolls in his shopping trolley, and asked him what the fucking game was.
He said it was their right to “invade” England and take what we’re entitled too after centuries of persecution and oppression!
And then fucked off
Booze runs from Scotland over the border are commonplace these days, since the Krankie slapped huge tax on it. For example 18 cans of Strongbow cider England £11. In Scotland expect to pay £20 for the same.
Now you tell me. I’ll need to get the Express down to Carlisle and load up. How about crisps are they cheaper in Cumbria? Krankie is fucking us up big time.
The cunt is stock pilling vaccine I’ve heard. No doubt she’ll give it to the EU or some flea pit in Africa in an attempt to make herself look good,thereby denying some old biddies the spike and endangering them by exposing them to the hideous chink flu.
I live on the other side of the Solway yet my Asda deliveries come from over the border in Carlisle complete with English drink prices and offers 🙂
Yes to cheaper alcohol and multibuy offers.
Do they do prison time? I thought they were untouchable in Whitey law. Even attacking the Cenotaph carries no sentence. Unbelievable.
DF@ – I am still abaaht (with apologies to B&WC ?) – just mired in a load of legal stuff and arranging funding for a new political party I am creating – things are a time consuming pain in the arse but will be worth it in four years when the parasites who run the Country get the biggest shock of their fucking lives at the ballot box!
A dish served cold..
Vern….We may disagree about a couple of things but you’re a miss….site wouldn’t be worth a shite if we all agreed with each other all the time.
🙂 .
Say we did swallow this and pay out billions in repatriations? How long before Aborigines, Maoris and North American Indians came calling? If we had to pay compensation for that lot it would make repatriations to blacks seem like pocket money.
Would we in turn go to French and Danes etc wanting compensation for their invasions and enslavements?
History is full of examples where someone should be paying compensation to someone else if we apply this sort of logic. It’s bollocks and we shouldn’t even consider bowing too it.
Compensation for a chip on your shoulder?
Britain diverted significant naval resources to stopping the slave trade whilst in a protracted war with Napoleon who had conquered most of Europe. Additionally, it was legal for women and children to work in coal mines and other ghastly establishments for nearly 40 years after the suppression of the slave trade. I doubt if 1% of the BLM brigade are aware of this. I would love to try make that Sasha Johnson realise how uninformed she is but I am certain that she is too simple to take even basic truths on board.
The biggest problem is History a subject that a large majority of people of all hues and beliefs have very little knowledge of. This lack of knowledge can be used by those in positions of influence to their own advantage. For many logic and reason are redundant nowadays so the right sort of rhetoric repeated enough times is a match to a charge of addled facts. Unless counter factual arguments are aired in the public domain and seen to be correct there is no way of halting the slide to the cesspit of irrational childish action that is taking over almost all public debates.
I didn’t vote for anything 250 years ago, I didn’t put anyone in chains…..
All these idiots keep banging on about repartition should focus on the here and now, Black culture in the UK and USA is toxic, nothing to do with slavery, giving these idiots money wouldn’t change anything.
White lives matter because without whitey the UK would just be a chillier version of Nigeria or Somalia.
Send the bill to Africa. They are the ones that sold the slaves.
This shit just makes things worse for race relations. It pushes people to have an opinion about something that shouldn’t be an issue, and as will become apparent, not everyone is going to be on message like the BBC and the guardian.
That someone expects money for something that didn’t happen to them or their family just comes across as fraudulent at best and criminal at worst. How anyone with a brain could even consider this stupid fucking idea show how far up its own arse western civilisation has gone.
If I was asked my opinion, I would tell them to worry about the future, because that is real, and stop being a cunt and asking for money you have no right to.
And a massive fuck off to the white enablers, they will have blood on their hands if it kicks off.
Vernon, just make sure your white panther costume isn’t washed with your red one at the same time…
Haha 😀
Spoonington@ – Mine is so old and washed I am now officially a member of the grey panthers – I’ve no idea who I am supposed to be lynching anymore! ?
Vern ! Good to see you back.
The brainless cunts that support causes like slavery reparations have no knowledge or understanding of history. The frightening thing is that even if they became aware of the historical truth it wouldn’t change their views a jot. Post-enlightenment morons.
Good cunting Vernon, I’m pig sick of hearing this B lack Bullshit..Why now 200 or more years ago.. Who the fuck was alive then??sick to fucking death of hearing about it.
Many current wrongs need addressing…
Make Blek Lies Mither and all this other communist muck illegal.
There’s plenty to fix without these filthy cunts trying to upset the apple cart.
All of them just want money that haven’t earned,that’s the core of the matter.
They deserve to be shot out of hand.
Should have just left them in aFREAKa to scrat around in the dirt shagging and eating each other.
The ‘keys have never EVER invented or produced ONE SINGLE THING.
Some of them are just about now getting it. EG leaders of countries that said fuck off to all the Covid shite and are doing just fine.
Leave those of them that are evolving evolve.
I’ve just had a my solicitor send off a couple of sternly written letters demanding compo for the lack of achievement in my life and the massive chip that rests on my shoulder.
One is on its way to Scandinavia and one is on its way to Rome.
The cunts better cough up.
We all know that reparations for slavery 200 years ago isn’t about righting a wrong.
It’s about a bunch of lazy cunts making enough noise and disruption until they get a free handout.
Half these BLM scum bags couldn’t even point to Africa on a modern day map let alone understand the complex issues of the slave trade 200 years ago.
If the so called liberal elite weren’t such cuckold pussies then reparations wouldn’t be on the table and BLM would all be behind bars for terrorism (where the cunts belong!)
Liz Truss’s eyes are too far apart. And her eyebrows look like they belong to David Ferrie.
Try again….
Didn’t some cunt nominate burn loot murder for a Nobel peace prize? They managed to leave out all the stuff which legitimately gives people the right to refer to them as I have. Hardly peaceful is it? Did the instigators ever distance themselves from the violent disorder that they inspired? If so, I didn’t hear about it.
And they will probably get one.
Fucking Gerry Adams and Stalin will get nominated soon at this rate.
Time for reparations from Germany, it is not long since we stopped paying the Yanks for all the kit we bought in WW2. We want your money for 6x greatgrandfather umbongo. Fuck off thieving cunts.
Stop the racist blm movement now, it’s already fucked football, what next.?
The £20million it cost them then is the equivalent of £2.4 BILLION today.
My money is on a posthumous Nobel Piss Prize for Hitler, sponsored by Time Magazine and endorsed by Tel Rashida Tlaib.
for the first time in 60 years i signed on the dole, sick of not being allowed to earn a fuckin living and sick of paying taxes to lazy cunt blacks and over weight overtime fiddling dancing nurses, i now no longer have to pay tax and the fuckin cotton pickers can cunt right off the lazy shites won’t be getting a penny from me.
Give a white man a pile of bricks and he’ll build you a civilization
give a black a civilization and the lazy cunt will turn it into a pile of bricks