Apparently this pair of attention-seeking twats only have sex on Christmas Day…
This is really several mini-cuntings…
1/ the modern media for taking a prurient interest in what really should be kept private. And the desperate attention-seekers who let the papers publish the most intimate details of their lives.
2/ Jen Stephens for claiming her boyfriend is happy with this arrangement. I don’t know about fellow cunters but when I was in my teens and twenties I pretty much wanted it every fucking day. Come to think of it, that’s still the case in my 50s.
3/ Rob Walker for going along with this shit. What the fuck is it with all these sad Beta-males these days? Happy with one shag a year? Fuck off, get some self-respect and get down the fucking pub and shag a couple of drunk birds for fuck’s sake – you know it makes sense.
4/ Myself for reading a story from the Sun.
Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt
I wonder how many of the degenerates on this website will get the horn?
Posted another Jam song. Reliving my youth…
Not with those tattoos!
The soppy looking cunt looks like it takes him all year to build up to it.
I’d bet he takes her rolling pin strap on every other day of the year.
Tats on a bird.
Worse than genocide.
I bet she isn’t going a year without, the dirty strumpet. I’m sure that kiddy is hers too.
His, even (thick cunt)
I thought it was another trans shit story looking at both of them. Media print some shit.
Cunts, hooray looking lefty and mother earth looking cunt.
Fuckin daft cunt probably is happy having it once a year, however I expect cock is one of her 5 a day! Gas mark 6 please unkle Terry
She got a dildo the size of a vacuum flask – the slut 🙂
Three comments in return for the nom:
-I had broader shoulders than that freakish looking cuck, when I was 12. He reminds me of the “one” with a long neck and buck teeth, from the “Monster Munch” adverts.
-I don’t believe any young, virile, normal male would tolerate his situation. In fact, the more one looks at the mom photo. Can we be certain “it” is a male?
-Its the sun. They very rarely print real news.
Fuck me, this is unbelievable on so many levels!
Well done to CMC for finding a wanker even soppier than Harry the Half Wit.
Oi Rob ! Get your fucking hair cut you daft spanner. He probably spends most of his time cottaging.
Well, one way or the other, he spends a lot of time on his knees judging by the holes in his strides.
Sad cunts, best thing for them is exterminate, exterminate, exterminate, what has the world come to, I blame the parents, probably God botherers or something….
Bloody hell, I’m getting grouchy already cos it’s been 4 days and Mrs Mitten is ‘up on blocks’ and I’m in my mid 50’s.
Sounds like a load of bullshit to me to get their 15 minutes of fame. Either that or he’s addicted to pornhub and she prefers a dildo to his micro penis.
I’ll bet his bedsheets are as hard as a board at the end of the week. Fucking airheads.
“According to a recent survey, published in The Guardian, 40 per cent of 18-24-year-olds have never had sex and six per cent have sex less than once a year.”
I suspect this explains a good deal about what’s happening in this country.
Too busy sending photos to each other to pleasure themselves over do you suspect Moggie?
How bloody sad.
Sex? FFS walk past any coffee shop with young people sat at a table, they’ll all be on their bloody phones, not talking to each other. Sex for them is like it was in Demolition Man, non contact.
Yes the Guardian would say that……in their world if you are not a bender or a trannie you are even lower than a brexiteer!
If my experience is anything to go by, once they’ve had the kid he can forget about sex on Christmas Day as well.
You took the words right out of my mouth, Moggie.
They’re using a euphemism for him being a wanker, is there something to do with baby jebus about all this?
Millenial cuckery programme.
What a cunt he is: like how SHE says he is ok with it.
She only has sex with HIM every Christmas. Each other day she runs a glory hole in a public shitter.
The slut.
A bit of wee came out.
So what has happened here is she has got pregnant on the one time they had sex that year.
Rob me boy she ain’t playing on the same level field you think she is.
But if your that pussy whipped you won’t push for a paternity test. Even when the kid comes out a darker shade of pale.
Rob, watch Me, Myself and Irene if you are allowed you cuck cunt.
If there was ever a man who enjoys being pegged, this is him.
What a pathetic cissy.
Bring back National Service!
Well it is her brother….
I’m sure I’ve seen her in xhamster being pummeled and peed on by 8 dark keys and a midget Rob lad, you daft cunt.
Oh fer fucks sake. What is wrong with the Cuntlennial generation? They’re all called they them him/her that/them twat/twot, they Mickey Mouse around making up new names for wanting to shag someone of the same sex and now they can’t be fucked wanting to dork someone of the opposite sex at all?
It’s pretty tiring. I wouldn’t want to Have it off with either of the twats even if Santa was watching.
Once a year?
……jammy twat.
Indeed. Millennials are so desperate for attention that being sexually humiliated in a national newspaper aimed at complete morons seems like a good deal. What a fucking world eh?
Looking at the state of the cunt, I’m surprised he’s even got one good un’ in him.
Shaved head, damp sponge, chair, electrical connections until smoke emits from his ears.
As for her, tats. Enough said, Unkle Terry’s oven.
Aye they are a waste of space.
And cunts to boot.
Lockdown oven special it is.
She sounds a controlling bitch, but she might well miscalculate – give it a couple of years and her sagging tits and stretch marks, he won’t even want it at Christmas from her – his “spirit will hunt after new fancies” as Shakespeare had it (in Othello if I remember right). For all she knows he might be getting it elsewhere already – either that or he is a champion wanker.
Well, looks can be deceptive but i’m going for champion wanker.
I couldn’t give a fuck if they both die in pain and rot where they drop.
Pray tell who the fuck are these cunts??
It’s pregnant? Most likely used a turkey baster filled with jizz scooped off a shit stained Virgin Rail lavatory seat.
More likely he only gets sexy on Christmas Day.
I reckon Rob isn’t as sex starved as he makes out. He looks like he takes it up the bum on a regular basis to me.
One up the bum, no harm done.
I bet she does him in the ass with a 13 inch black rubber cock.
A beanpole and an ink-stained bitch. Who gives a fuck about these attention-seeking cunts? Have to say though, they’re having more sex than I am.
Just to add to no. 3 – make sure you shag those drunk birds in the pub bogs. Whilst not spilling your pint.
“We only have sex on Christmas day”!
“Actually my mental munter – YOU only have sex on Christmas day – I spend the year spraying up your younger and more attractive Sister like a fire hose”!
Somebody stop these fuckers breeding. And breathing.
It’s a pity peacefuls don’t have sex only once a year. The world would be a better place and the UK benefits bill would be much smaller.
Once a fucking year!!! Fucking hell, if my missus so much as lingered over doing her shoelaces up she’d find herself in receipt of a length. that’s why I replaced the oven with the eye level grill, ate a lot of burnt toast after that!