Equal Treatment?

Here is a Cunt with some admittedly pretty unsavoury views…but 4 years inside? I suspect that he was made an example of to show everyone the dire threat posed by all the “right-wing” extremists that Neil Basu keeps banging on about. I wonder how many Peacefuls have encouraged terrorism to a greater degree than this fella and just been “monitored” or “given words of advice”.

Lock one up…lock them all up.


Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler 

34 thoughts on “Equal Treatment?

  1. I thought they usually waited until the terrorist actually went on a killing spree to take action?

  2. Jesus, cant even have a hobby now.
    Tougher sentence for rightwing terror than jihadi terror?
    He’ll never have a job, mortgage, car, whatever.
    He’ll be on some list that fucks him the rest of his life.
    Wonder if they auction his stuff off?
    Worth a pre emptive bid?
    Best leave it eh?…

    • MNC, you can have your hobby, maybe some his stuff would fit very well in your dungeon ?

      • See you at your 4.15 appointment.
        Weve lubed up Bertha for you again…?

      • I can’t make it, have booked a ticket for the 5 O’clock Boris Blunder and Bluster Show. ?

    • So he was a sheep shagger in Sudan, I assume once he has done his jail time he will be flown straight back to his homeland.


    • After quite a lot of ungentlemanly behaviour the judge called him a gentleman. When quite obviously he is not one!

      Same stupid terms often in the police or department:

      Gentleman = dangerous criminal

      Male Individual = man

      Helping police with their enquiries = he’s in the basement and the biggest boys on the station are kicking his fucking teeth in

  3. Its all well and good focussing on and demonising ‘right wing terrorism’. Does this then give the authorities a get-out clause from investigating terrorism of the smelly, carpet riding, goat fucking variety, where they may be accused of ,heaven forfend, “structural/institutional waycism” by the usual Waddingtons playing card fraternity.

    Terrorism is terrorism, irrespective of where the terrorist’s political motivations lie or where the authorities’ political bias lies. Jail one cunt and jail them all as far as I am concerned. Black, white, yellow, God, Jedi or Moosie lovers. Fuck them all.

    • Just out of interest, I wonder if there’s a similar investigation on-going into (capitals) Left Wing Terrorism.
      There seems to be some pretty unsavoury types kicking about in the likes of BLM and XR.

  4. It stinks like you said lock em all up.. Sorry not peaceful’s that would be wracist.. Could lock this cunt up though just for his fucking face Yuk.!!

  5. So he had Nazi stuff in his gaff?
    Boxset of Allo Allo?
    A panzer tank? Stuka?
    Or just a flag?
    Oh he had a machete!
    So what?
    Ive a couple, (calm down GCHQ all work related you ducky cunts)
    Did he have a swastika (yawn)?
    So did Lemmy and Freddie Starr.
    He’s just a fantasist, a girlfriend would cure him!
    But bet when he gets out of nick he’ll be the real deal.

  6. Any Hamiltons arrested and jailed for attacking young white women or our friendly neighbour blm/antifa cunts jailed for last years riots and vandalism of our monuments?
    What about the fuckwits I saw with an old cccp soviet hammer and sickle flag selling communist, leninist literature? A murderous system which killed millions being openly flogged in the street.
    Talk about double standards.

  7. Thought crime, I wonder when “potentially dangerous” will be in the statutes?
    Orwell wasn’t a predicter, he was a whistleblower.

  8. A GMTV style shouty tube up your arse cunting please for Kate ” don’t you forget about me” Garraway. Still appearing weekly on the daily fail site with news of er ubby.
    Sorry don’t know ya, don’t care

  9. I don’t care for Nazis. My Grandad, his brothers and his brothers in law faught against the bøche, wøgs, Vichy and Japs. Some died the rest were irrevocably damaged, anyone within the Commonwealth purporting their cause is a dirty traitor. This cunt deserves no concessions.

    • Afternoon,Shackledragger…..I quite agree that he deserves no concessions…my argument is that he seems to have been treated more harshly than certain other potential terrorists.

      • A very early good morning to you Sir Richard, quite right. My father was rather unhappy at the indignace of the Malays after he risked his life to save their arse from the Indons. All terrorists slimey’s or for that matter papists or any other cunt deserves no quarter. Fanatacists regardless of their idealology need to be ended.

    • Both my grandads fought in WW2, my paternal grandad said the biggest mistake they made when returning was handing in their guns.
      Said they should of turned them on the politicians.
      That kids no nazi, probably a computer geek.

      • MNC@ – he was a daft lad who had no real grasp of the evil that comes with being a nazi, but for the authorities to compare this clown with a real nazi is ridiculous
        I rather enjoy the thought that my dim and distant relatives sent some of these Hun rats to their eternal rest.
        I had experience of 2020 nazis very recently as I was innocently minding my own business picking flowers near some sort of “anti lockdown” protest – I believe the experience will stay with them for a while – nothing like waving a gladioli to teach the brutes a salutary lesson! ??☠?‍♂️?

    • Shackledragger, my Dear Ol’ Pa found himself in the same conflict (amongst rather too many other ones), It sowed the seeds for his early demise.
      There are plenty of ungrateful/ ill informed people out there.

  10. He’s not the new Hitler.

    He’s just a very naughty boy.

    I wonder how many stormtroopers he recruited?

    By all accounts there are thirty thousand Jihadi sympathisers festering within the UK.

    What to do I wonder?

    • I do feel that a squeezing of unacceptable behaviour would help the unwanted to fuck off from this country. I’d start with the inhumane slaughtering of animals for food.The only thing jews and carpet munchers have in common is the vile way they want those animals to die .
      Jewish people have contributed to the U.K. but as far as I am concerned animals deserve respect. The other lot can just fuck Off and infest somewhere else.

  11. Poor old white man is getting a bum deal at every turn now.
    My local authority screen saver changed today advertising training for BAMES only to help them get promoted to board level. I now feel invisible and marginalised. I think I’ll buy some Nazi memrobilia this weekend to cheer myself up. Retail therapy is supposed to do thar.

    • Surely that is illegal?
      Send an E-mail to Alex Bellfield or Sargon (Lotus eaters on youtube)??

  12. With followers of Mo’s “Islam” running riot and never integrating into British society you need to invent Owen Joneses Nazis. What a joke.

  13. The left know they’re hypocritical, but they don’t give a fuck.

    We need to stop playing by their rules.

  14. The whole fucking world is trying it’s hardest to go lefty woke at break neck speed. What the fuck is going on?
    It’s like a bad fucking dream!

  15. I’m not condoning his actions but when you have uncontrolled mass immigration on the scale we’ve had in the past 25 years you will get people like this. The MSM, the left and the woke condemn you ‘racist’ or ‘right wing’ even by suggesting a reasoned debate on the matter. If we had debate and controlled immigration the odds are incidents like this would reduce. Im not holding my breath on the matter though.

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