I nominate rear window de-misters.
Is it just my car, a humble Focus, or do they all have the same fault?
You switch it on and by the time the journey is over, it might just have cleared a millimeter on either side of each ‘heating’ element. If they can fit effective front windscreen de-misters, why not at the back too?
Nominated by: mystic maven
I remember once arranging to meet a client in town. I didn’t know exactly how to get to the work- site so he told me to park up opposite a school and he’d drive down,meet me and I could follow him to the site…no bother,I thought. Parked up,poured myself a steaming hot cup of tea,got the paper out and propped it in my lap against the steering wheel. I’m a stickler for time so knew that I’d have 30 minutes to wait until the client turned up. I did notice a lot of kids walking past as I occasionally looked up from the paper and wiped the condensation caused by my mug of tea so that I could keep an eye open for the client…it was as I wiped a side-window and leered out that I saw some old bag advancing…she knocked on the window and I wound it down…she peered in at the steamed up cab and the paper propped up agin the steering-wheel and asked me what I was doing..I could see by the look on the trout’s face that she thought I was the type to have Gary Glitter playing on the radio and a “I’ve lost my puppy,will you help me to look for it ,little girl” dog ready to hide in the undergrowth. I explained just what I was doing to the nosy bitch and she seemed satisfied..even if she did take a note of my number-plate…..I did consider telling her that if I was “that way inclined” the chavvy, fat,swearing “kids” that apparently attended her school would have had even Jimmy Saville stumped but thought it probably not the wisest move.
Oh how I laughed when the client eventually turned up and I explained to him that I was probably now on some kind of Police register.
“……and that, your Honour, is the case for the defence.”?
Hmm, simply hoof a brick through the back window – that should cure it! ?
Sensible Fox solutions..
I feel your pain M.M Ford Transit driver here, Start van in the morning, switch on demisters, passenger side clears, drivers side still frozen. Ford are CUNTS
It might just be Ford’s = Fix Or Repair Daily
Found On Road Dead…
I’d rather push a Ford, than be seen driving a BMW, Audi, VW…..
Check the connection where it goes on to the window. It’s probably filthy and not letting enough current through, a toothbrush will do the trick. Make sure it’s connected properly. It’s either that or the element is damaged in the screen. This is my one good deed today.
Thanks Rob Knott, I’ll check the connector. The elements themselves are not damaged. Front screen is fine, but the rear is a cunt.
Focus and Mondeo suffer from the connection getting damage or broken due to close proximity of wiper motor arms. PITA to remove the the trim but fixable once you are in there. Plenty of how to fix on YouTube.
I love my ford. 2.0litres of diesel magic. Greta and the Penguins can fuck off. If electric car batteries are anything like my iPhone, the fucking thing dies in the cold in the matter of seconds. Internal combustion is the future. Undeniably so.
Im a convert.
Served me well over the years.
Why worry, if you cannot see out the back you cannot see the 40 tonner inches behind.
Only had this in a couple of cars, both fords and both worked really well, if we are talking about heated screens, downside cost a fortune to replace so make sure you have windscreen cover.
Volvos have excellent heaters and demisters (he said, smugly)… ?
So should Ford – Volvo only have the elements in the windscreen as they are owned by Ford and it was a Ford invention.
Sounds like the elements are not working, MM. If you are handy yourself you may be able to investigate. If not then it sounds like you need to get it looked over.
My old Rover 75 doesn’t have elements in the screen, but I have just had the thermostat changed and it does demist within about 2 mins on a cold day, i.e. below freezing. I do make sure any ice or slush is removed from the outside first, only using an Icebreaker scraper, no less.
Mine is an old V40, which is made up of Ford and Mitsubishi parts.
Volvo is Chinese owned now, so guess the build quality will decline soon…
My Focus has excellent front and rear heating systems which means you can normally drive away within 2 mins, after you scrape the ice from the side windows.
The real cunting here is those cabbages who insist on driving around with a tiny porthole scraped in the front window and the rest of the car completely iced up….cunts.
Land Rover Defenders (old type) are the worst.
I have owned 2 1/4 petrol, 2.5 petrol, 3.5v8 , 200tdi, 300tdi, td5 models over the last 30 years.
Only the 1990 V8 had a decent Heater / demisters.
Sold my last one quite recently-miss the car, don’t miss it taking a 30mile journey to start to vlear?
How come a 1991 Ford Orion I had many years ago had a perfectly functional heated windscreen yet this technology has yet to appear on most cars?
More recently had heater fan failure on a BMW, never bothered fixing it and found a squeegee to be more than adequate although a bit inconvenient.
But the real cunt in this is bus companies, anybody ever tried driving a bus with crap or non existent demisters with a bus full of soggy public cunts? Disaster waiting to happen.
If you’ve got aircon I find that better than most hot air demisters. Does the thing good to give it a blast in winter from time to time too.
Then you have to stick on the hot air to warm up your frozen knackers……
I don’t see why rear seat belts have been law for 40 years but heated screens aren’t. And why is the rear screen standard and not the front, how many people drive everywhere in reverse when the windscreen is steamed up?
I have the same problem with my Triumph, it’s always been a problem. I’ve been told that I would be better off wearing an open face helmet.
I have a 68 plate Toyota Corolla Hybrid and the demisting function on it is, in the words of Captain Blackadder, about as much use as “an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping “. Other than that it’s a belter.