YouTube (4)

O.K I know whoever brought them out need to recoup the squillions they’ve paid out. The level of advertising has now reached piss boiling proportions. Do you really need an advert two minutes in?

The most annoying one is that Anthony Joshua cunt going on about Umbongo dining. Please Anthony do fuck off, while you’re at it shove the Umbongo fine dining up your arse.

Fucking Cunt.

Nominated by: CuntyMort 

62 thoughts on “YouTube (4)

  1. Even worse is all the “Clickbait” videos.

    You see a picture of a gorgeous bird with amazing tits and a fabulous arse, watch the entire video, and she ain’t fucking in it!


  2. The most annoying ones for me are the Shem Tiltok and Serco Covid 19 app ones which I thankfully haven’t seen in weeks. Oh, and any advert by Grammarly but they mostly come up on my laptop and are easily dealt with by Ublock.

  3. The new thing now is you’re 3 minutes in and suddenly it stops to show you a fucking advert! Then it restarts and you get 4 or 5 minutes and up pops another one! Fucking wankers. It’s not even for stuff you would even consider buying and there’s always a bumboy, a rug muncher or a BAME involved. Fuck off with this shit!

    • I agree. They even have the fucking temerity to put adverts in the middle of Havana Hurricane’s artistic and beautiful burlesque videos – they are not that long, but as soon as she gets the nipple tassels twirling, some shitty advert for (usually) a dark key film turns up – and they use the same few ads for days at a time.

  4. I made a disparaging remark about the senility of Biden and was removed from youtube. I wonder why Joshua is such a big cunt? They dont make them in Africa. Two hundred years of breeding. The only reason he is rich and heavy wight champion is because of slavery. Modern black privilege as it were.

    • Not just me then!

      I made a reference to the chinky flu and haven’t been allowed back on Youtube since!

  5. This is possibly because the YouTube generation possesses only a 2 minute attention span.

    The advertisers know this and it probably works for their target range.

  6. How about the cunts that need to comment on music videos. “Whos here in 2020” fuck off you woke cunt

    • KC, always put the musicians name then RIP and a date,
      Even if theyre still alive!
      It drives the cunts mad!??
      300 replies telling you hes still alive,
      If feeling devilish list ‘corona virus’ or Aids as cause of death.
      They love that!

      • I will try that with Elton John and list “freak wig incident” as cause of death.

      • Some bloke put on a comment “this reminds me of my mum”
        I commented “your mum hated this tune, did you even know her?!!!

        Cunt went mad!!

      • I hate cunts who make comments to complain about an act ‘lip synching’ on an old TOTP clip from way back when. They moan about whoever ‘not singing live’ and think that they are pointing out something that no other fucker has noticed.

        Thing is, they have to be millennial fuckmongs. Because anyone around at the time knew that’s how it was in the old days. Every group, from the Beatles to Wham! mimed on TV shows. It was par for the course. Even the likes of Oasis and the Spice Cunts did it in the 90s.

        Also, a piece of millennial arse cress complaining about things not being live? Like anyone they like has or could ever perform live even half competently? Shite like Ariana Cunt, Lana Del Slag, Kunty Perry, or all that Drink It In Di Congo rap and grime excrement? Fuck off! Waste of fucking oxygen. Put ’em down!

      • Norman-several bands fucked off the TOTP producers by making it obvious they were miming?

      • Rush fans are ripe for Youtube baiting. I’ve nothing against Rush as a band, but their fans go fucking dilly-o if the group is criticised even slightly. Comment that another band has a better drummer than the Rush drummer and they go apeshit. Comment that Rush are shit and it’s a nuclear meltdown of Chernobyl proportions.

        Daniel Craig and Jodie Whittakunt fans are also rich pickings for fanboy tantrums.

      • Norman@

        I love music (listening to PIL now) but hate hero worship and im prone to teasing!
        One site, about Bob Marleys ‘I shot the sheriff’
        “He stole it off Eric Clapton!”
        The Doors ‘light my fire’
        “Its ok but prefer the Will Young version”
        Maybe its trolling?
        But just taking the piss in a daft way,
        Anyway, fuck em.
        Cant take a joke…

      • The melt down over Neil Peart (spp) was a mawkish fuckfest.
        The bottom line is:

        Rush were and are as boring as fuck-Pink Floyd for the time death???

      • Rush only ever had one famous song. How the hell did they manage to get any fans off that?

      • Not sure but think Technocunt is a big Rush fan?
        A band I know nothing at all about.

      • I like Rush, great band. I appreciate the musical talent, but it’s the tunes I like.
        Can’t say I have much time for fans of any sort. Cunts who invest too much time in something, be it music, sport or soaps bore me to fucking tears. They can be talking about my favourite albums and I’d still want to burn them.
        Get a fucking life.

      • The cunts deserve it, MNC. If they’re daft enough to fall for it, then it’s their fault. Another good one is when some crappy Christmas video is put up (like Mariah Fatarse or The Pogues), a comment like ‘Why show these and not Gary Glitter’s Christmas hit?’ always works.

        They fall for it and they explode.

      • I like some of Linkin Park’s music and pretty much EVERY video is filled with comments saying RIP Chester Bennington. Obviously it’s sad he committed suicide but such fishing for likes doesn’t half drive me mad.

      • Shouldn’t have told me.
        Childish but tempted to put “Ben Chestington RIP”.

      • Telm them he’s John Podesta’s bastard child, that could get major.
        Speccy slaphead.

  7. Advertisers pay YouTube to show their ads.

    You can, if you want, pay YouTube to stop seeing them.

    YouTube wins twice.

    • Or just not bother watching fucking YouTube.

      Pity there isn’t a virus that destroys YouTube, Facecunt, Instabollocks and all the rest on the online shite.

      • There is…

        Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, known simply as Section 230, is part of a law that protects social media companies from being held liable for the content of users’ posts in the way that newspapers are liable for articles they publish. It enables open forums on the internet to exist.

        But critics of the law say it lets big tech companies get away with making bad content moderation decisions selectively without consequences. Republicans have lodged claims based on scant evidence (y’ fuckin’ what!?) that big tech companies are systematically biased against President Donald Trump and his allies, (no shit) while Democrats say platforms need more legal incentives to remove hate speech and misinformation.(yeah that’s the answer – Ban it! – Ban it NOW! – BAN EVERYTHING NOOOWWWW!!!)

        and that faceless A.I. simulant Fuckerboig can fucking suck my syphy stump. You’d swear there was a service access hatch in the back of his robot neck, undo a couple of catches and the face swings open and you can plug a laptop in.

  8. You Tube are trying their hardest to make you sign up for their no ads premium service which will set you back £11.99 a month.
    However you get a 30 day free trial so I’ve signed up for it and am currently enjoying it ad free.
    Just got to remember to cancel it before the cunts debit my account.

  9. If you want ad-free (on your phone), simply use an app called “Youtube Vanced”.
    It runs Youtube without any ads, I’ve used it for ages, never seen an ad since.

      • Afternoon MNC, how goes it?
        I through periods where I can’t be fucked to post owt for a couple of weeks at a time.
        Nope, no neighbour pulling yet. My ex’s house buying is taking forever, so she’s living with me until Chrimbo, for fuck’s sake.
        Are you a big Christmas fan?
        Despite being a misanthropic bastard, I fucking love Christmas!

      • Yes Im a massive fan of Christmas too,
        In fact go a bit nicer over Christmas, helping old ladies halfway across busy roads etc.
        Love it Thomas, mulled wine,
        Mince pies, turkey, tree,
        All of it.
        Sorry about your ex,
        Tell her youve got corona symptoms!
        Self isolate for Christmas and claim the £500 off the government!
        Theyre throwing money about like confetti you may as well grab some before we all end up boiling our boots next year!??⛄

      • Thomas-I bet you “tap” your ex for old times sake, before December 27?
        Couldn’t blame you-some of the best sex to be had is “breaking up fucking”
        Ho ho ho.

        If it doesn’t work out, it’s all round to Miserable’s?
        Traditional white Christmas-I will bribe my way in by promising to stop Sir Fidler molesting Lady Creampuff.
        Merry Chrimbo?

      • Hehehe, full of eggnog under the tree,
        Feeling all saeve,…
        I mark you right CG!!

  10. This frequency of ads seems relatively new. I know there have always been adverts, but it was never every two fucking minutes!!!

  11. Cunts who comment ‘miming’ or ‘not live’ under an old TV clip or a pop video on Youtube should have their heads put down the bog several times.

    • If it upsets them that much maybe they should have a little marcel Marceau mime artist in the corner of the screen, so theyre aware the band is miming?

      • I hate the sign language cunts that accompany the devolved governments press conferences. Are there that many fucking deaf people who can’t read subtitles?
        Virtue signalling cunts, literally.

      • I saw one the other week who signed really aggressive!
        And it aroused me that much I almost had a seizure.
        Even at our age still learn things about yourself!

      • After you posted about that, I searched it out:

        It was the mouth-aggressive.
        As your analyst, I can tell you that you have a deep seated desire to be dominated by a strong lady, particularly one who can’t voice her complaints when it slips into the “wrong” hole?

  12. Indeed they are full cunts.
    Plenty of ad blockers if watching it through a browser,such as Chrome.
    If watching through a smart TV you might be fucked.
    Some of the content is very good,shame the owner is a blek Gay robot.
    Fuck Off.

  13. Youtube has gone full corporate whore. The trending page is full of spaz music artists, many aspiring architects, gender confused individuals, and assorted crapola.

    Gone are the days of ad free video mashups in fuzzy 240p by assorted oddballs and dedicated weirdos. There have been some real gems, but now its basically TV lite.

    The future is Bitchute and alternative platforms. Let the squares have YouPube.

    • Just running this one up the flagpole but when he’s seen out the coming Presidential term I reckon the Don should be looking into starting up his own broadcasting company. He’s got the profile and he’d have an instant audience base and thus hit the ground running when it came to viewing/ratings figures. The ‘alphabet’ networks would soil their corporate nappies at the prospect.

  14. Any of these type of Youtube cunts. Anyone who…

    1. Does a ‘drunk’ watching Sherlock/Harry Potter/Doctor Who video

    2. Does a ‘reaction’ video to a song or a video.

    3. Posts a crappy fake fan made trailer and tries to pass it off as genuine (usually Doctor Who/Star Wars bellends).

    4. Dresses up their dogs and cats in ridiculous costumes.

    5. Plays ‘prank’ that scares dogs or cats and think it’s ‘funny’.

    6. Posts videos of their young kids all over the shop for every n*nce in the world to see.

    7. Calls themself a ‘Youtube Star’ or an ‘Influencer’ like that ‘Zoella’ slag.

    8. Do ‘unboxing’ videos of CDs, DVDs, or anything else.

    9. Does Nu-footie ‘fan channels’ (you utter cunt and bullshitter, Goldbridge).

    10. Is a grown man and cries on Youtube (a la Sam Smith).

    They should without question be put in front of a 50 gun firing squad. End of.

  15. “2. Does a ‘reaction’ video to a song or a video.”

    Aw now come on… I saw a cracking one of those where a classical concert flautist was presented with Ian Anderson givin’ it rice! Her face was a fucking picture ? And then that brilliant one with the Rush video……

    ” ‘unboxing’ videos”
    Aye, agreed, inmitigated wank all of ’em.

  16. Fucking cunts

    They’re also banning anyone not a libtard nowadays.

    Libtards: YouTube is a private company. It’s up to them who they allow on it. Make your own platform.

    Non libtards: OK, say hello to Bitchute our own free speech video service.

    Libtards: We need to ban Bitchute!

    Fuck off!

  17. They’ve even take off the videos of stunning Japanese ladies with heaving pert bosoms in their underwear on spacehoppers.

    Does anyone know where they went? Asking for a friend.

  18. Reaction videos are utter shite. I wouldn’t mind so much if they just watched or listened to the whole thing and then spoke, but most of them pause it and talk a load of bollocks every few seconds.

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