White privilege (2)

I am the dark key cunt. Brown and proud and also middle class.

I went to school in a working class area (Holloway, N London in the 70s) and I can assure you that there was no white privilege there.

My parents owned their own home but I had mates in the 18 storey council blocks across the other side of Hornsey Road who I saw regularly. They came to my gaff. I went to theirs. No fucking issues.

I then went to a public school because the schools in Islington borough were shit. Class privilege, not white privilege.

I now teach my wonderful subject (Physics) to the kids where I now live. I am literally giving back.

As JTC would say, Get to Fuck.

Nominated by: Dark key cunt 

45 thoughts on “White privilege (2)

  1. I dunno if I’m offended or not, seems to me you’re using my white privilege or maybe you’re not privileged at all apart from the fact you live in an advanced society where with a certain level of intellect and hard work you can get ahead regardless of race, creed or colour.

    Privilege is relative, a black kid living in shit social housing from a broken home with a drug addled mother is privileged compared to an Indian street orphan literally eating out of sewers in Delhi.

    Tired of hearing about privilege from the very privileged who have no clue about real life.

    Life isn’t a fairytale, there are no unicorns, it’s a lottery of luck by where you’re born mainly in the greater scheme of things.

  2. Well said DK cunt. No such thing as white privilege, just privilege of where you were born and to whom…

  3. I had so called “white privilege” in Rhodesia until the 3rd March 2001, in this country we have “minority privilege” where we cave in to every degenerate and tanned types whims, the dar quay population of Britain should be thankful, most have contributed fuck all towards it, but taken and pillaged so much, real chip on the shoulder cunting this topic is!!!

  4. Well you certainly sound like you’re a better physics teacher than the one I had in yr 10. Good grief she was wretched – think a slightly toned down Miss Trunchbull and you get the idea. The type to give out detentions for yawning.

  5. Funny thing is that it’s the white privileged who do the most shouting about race inequality, gender inequality, bender and trannie inequality, save the world by not driving or flying (which they do more than anyone the cunts) etc etc. Look at any demo (the ones where the coppers do fuck all not the other ones) and it’s a sea of white, latte liberal, fucking wankers bussed in from the Home Counties.
    They’re the ones with the white privilege and all they do is moan about it. If white privilege is so terrible give everything away and go and live with the peacefuls in Bethnal fucking Green you cunts.

  6. I’m not privileged cos I’m white. I’m privileged because I was lucky enough to be born and bred in the UK, to responsible and industrious parents who generally had my best interests at heart. Same rules apply, regardless of colour, race or creed.

    Blacks lucky enough to have been born and bred and living in this country should be worshipping the ground on which Edward Colston’s statue used to stand.

    • One of my ex students is the most level headed under 25 I know . Granny cam ever on the Windrush whilst other grandparents were Jewish Romanian refugees from Hitler. Fiercely British, he will not tolerate any woke behaviour . He is the embodiment of being British is a state of mind rather than colour.

  7. My parents grew up in Sheffield – my father in a small terraced council house, raised by a single mother after his father died, and my mother in a small council flat after her parents divorced.

    It was purely because my father wanted a better life, so he worked hard, studied, and went to work in a bank, eventually being promoted to a senior managerial post in London. We lived in a nice (3 bedroom) house in Buckinghamshire and our family now live in what a lot of people call luxury.

    Because my parents were hard workers. Nothing to do with the colour of their skin.

    Fucking white privilege my arse.

  8. I’ve yet to witness anything that could be attributed to the mythical white privilege.
    I have however witnessed plenty regarding black privilege.
    Useless bastards employed for no other reason than they have dark skin so as not to appear racist.
    People having crimes ignored so as not to upset the ethnic community.
    Laws being altered to accommodate the customs and beliefs of immigrants.
    News reports twisting the facts, or leaving out information so as not to make ethnics look bad.
    The insistence of having black people in every advert, TV show or film, whether or not it makes sense.
    Is there an example of white privilege? Or is it just that our forefathers worked much harder to build the UK into what was once the envy of the world.

  9. “Deprived” children of all colours ( particularly white traditionally working-class especially these days) are being failed by the education system apparently. No,they are not…they are being failed by their parents who no longer seem to care. It is the same for blacks and whites…parents who pass on lazy,slovenly lifestyle choices where a “Fuck bettering yourself…the “Govt.” will provide” attitude prevails.
    Nothing to do with colour or privilege..all to do with a corrupt “take no responsibility for yourself or your kids” attitude particularly from parents of white and black children…asian-types,less so.

    • Indeed. A society where the ‘working class’ no longer work and racism towards white people has been re-branded as ‘diversity’. I’m by no means a political activist in any way, but sooner or later Whitey is going to say ‘fuck this shit and fuck the consequences’ and another Hitler will be born.

  10. Just more leftist woke bullshit, invented by warped white people in privileged positions. These cunts must suffer from a guilt trip. I dont so fuck off. Up the Millwall.

  11. Loved it yesterday when those Millwall fans used their white privilege to express what the vast majority of people really think about all this bollocks.

    Well done lads.

    • If anyone should be taking the knee it should be blacks taking the knee to whites in this country whose parents and grandparents fought and died in WWII to defeat Hitler and his murderous regime, thereby saving the black race from genocide.

      • Absolutely RTC. It is so obvious and yet these ungrateful cunts simply cannot get their heads around the fact that had that “nasty racist” Mr Churchill and millions of other “white supremacists” (because the overwhelming majority of them WERE white) not taken a stand against Fascism, they would probably never have even been born because their ancestors would have been systematically annihilated.

      • What about blacks and asians from the commonwealth that fought and died in the wars? My Grandads brother included. My white Great Grandfather fought in WW1 also. I respect ALL who fought evil. Lets not lets the facts get in the way though eh.

  12. I have worked hard for my white privilege and now these woke bastards are trying to make me feel guilty for having it. Thank Dog I am not black, I don’t think I would be happy having black privilege ?

  13. I saw an ad for GOSH yesterday. The children and parents shown in it were all white. This is, of course, highly unusual for TV advertising in this age of woke. Could it be that the clever advertising execs realise that white people will do most of the donating, and they do not wish to alienate them? Could it be that they are smarter than lard arsed, cunt faced “comedian” Lenny Fuckwit Henry?

  14. It’s just Communism by the back door.
    Destroy everything.
    Undermine everything.
    Control everything,beginning with social media.
    Every dictatorship started in this fashion.
    Frankly the groups involved in this network of evil should be gassed.

  15. Dark key cunt, Your position in life is the payback for your parents and your hard work. Good luck to you mate, reap the rewards of that effort.

    • I never realised I had privelege,
      If I had id of abused it shamelessly.
      Funny thing is the people telling me im priveleged all seem to have bigger houses, newer cars,
      Went to posh schools while I was grafting,
      And never struggled to pay a bill.
      Maybe this privelege thing isnt a exact science?

      Good nom Dark key!??

  16. Talking of Lenny Henry, I see his corpulent ex Dawn French will be seen taking a knee and supporting BLM as the Vicar of Dibley Christmas special.

    Well done the BBC (Black Bullshit Cunts)-stunning and brave, stunning and brave…

    • The production team will have to attach a harness to her and then to a crane to get that fat bitch up off her pudgy knee.
      Say what you like about that prick Lenny Henry, CG, but he’s a braver man than you or I, getting near that barely-washed, never-groomed hirsute fanny (after using all his strength to heave that wobbling apron of overhanging gunt flab out of the way).

      • Mate at an old workplace told me that his house was near Lenny & Dawns place. The rows they used to have were in his words fucking hilarious. Apparently she’s got some gob on her.

      • Cunty-she used to live in a small village near Reading-she was constantly flirting with one of my mates, whose parents owned an old farmhouse there-I reckon she could be a right dirty bitch?

        &@ Thomas:

        Brave indeed-one can only imagine the horrors, barely contained in ms French’s underwear ?

    • Bet its edited out. Gone viral. The cunts want to ram their shit down peoples throats on xmas day. Time they were liquidated.

  17. What about yellow privilege? You can poison the world with a man made virus and…………nothing. Yellow cunts.

  18. Good Cunting Dark key cunt,
    White privilege is generally a load of bollocks, the UK is still in my opinion the best country in the world in most aspects, and as mentioned before it’s generally the attitude passed on by parents that influence the child’s attitude to the world, work and bettering themselves.
    I was raised in a working class household, my white side are all from working class stock and my Jamaican Grandfather came here in 1953 and worked hard to make the best of the opportunity he was given in living in the UK.
    Someone said to me working class is a mentality and it’s true with regards to how you conduct and articulate yourself. I am still proud of my working class roots but people still in those areas probably look at me as a flash, middle class cunt.
    I suppose I am middle class now and I don’t care to be honest. It’s the luck of where you are born that affords you privilege and even the poor can still rise up if they apply themselves as the UK still offers opportunities.
    People shouting abaaaaaht white privilege are generally middle class whiteys who feel guilty abaaaaaht what they have and can afford. Look at me for example…came from a working class background and now my female fans are bombarding the Is a cunt office with used knickers and requests for my phone number.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • I hate to pour cold water on you B&W – those used knickers are in fact admins elderly cleaning ladies incontinence pants.
      The requests for your phone number are from HMRC, Public Health England and the CSA?

      • Oh bollocks, I wont be going there to collect them then CG. I’ll probably get arrested as well and have to start paying for the 17 kids I have fathered whilst aaaaht and abaaaaaht.

  19. I am starting a new protest group called ‘Stop the Black and White Cunts privilege’. As anybody will have noticed black and white cunts are taking over the gaff, we are in all the TV adverts and are generally the most good looking people in this country, and we have the advantage of being raised by whitey’s’ and blackies so can spot the cuntishness on both sides culture and use it and not use it when we see fit and also draw the very best of both cultures to our advantage.
    God bless the UK.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  20. I’m confused, I’ve been looking for the meaning of white privilege and I havnt found it , what the fuck is it ? Where does it exist? Who benefits? Because I don’t know no cunt that does either

  21. I also live in a council house , my mum and dad did , I work in construction, don’t have a posh car , didn’t gain much at school , live on an estate (not a bad one !) but I’m happy and live my life ! But that’s just it that’s life just get on with it and accept your lot in life , instead of blaming everyone and everything! Cunts

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