Sue Perkins [4]

A golden dildo, strap-a-dick-to-me lez0-be friends cunting please for the unfunniest woman comedian on the planet please, for her suggestion that Brexit voters were “headbangers, zealots and quislings” and “deeply regretting” Cameron held the referendum in the first place:-

News story can be accessed: here

This woman is as funny as terminal cancer, the only time she thought she was being funny was sitting with her mates in the back row at school farting, the horse faced whore with her thick glasses (which she probably thinks makes her look brainy, but merely makes her look the thick four eyed ugly lezzie she truly is), is just a man-hating rug muncher. She should be locked in a cage with Cressida Dick and Anal-Ease Dodds – they should all be fed industrial strength doses of laxative and all drown in each others excrement. Cunt.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

67 thoughts on “Sue Perkins [4]

  1. She looks like an ex-Cambridge woke leftwing lesbian from Croydon pretending to be a comedienne ( bet she hates that “-ienne…”), so at least she’s not hiding anything. I may have heard her on the radio, but I can’t really be sure so I’ll take this cunting on trust.

  2. Fuck me I’m a quisling, been called many things but that’s a first. The following should be tattooed across her arse. “ A referendum was held, the majority of those who bothered to vote voted leave “. Get over it you arse.

  3. She is typical of the type of cunt who goes off to Oxbridge “to read English “and thinks that they’re intellectually superior.(others include that smug cunt Ian Hislop and that fat slut, Victoria Coren.)
    Well I could read English at the age of three so it can’t be that fucking demanding.. Do a proper degree you rancid-tuna-breathed hideousity!

  4. PS : I bet that if you rubbed a freshly laundered white handkerchief up and down her arse crease it would look yellow with winnit-seeds stuck to it .
    I would love to see her tart Anna Richardson rim her crinkly hairy walnut. What a pair of revolting bean flickers.
    Just what is wrong with these degenerates.?

  5. Remember Nish Kumar being booed off stage at a charity gig in London ( Lord Taverners Charity )He actually said ” go home and kill your Brexit voting parents ”

    I bet this fucking skid mark of an unfunny dyke is mates with this fucking evil turd.

    Can you imagine if he had said that about any other group of people. What a cunt she is.

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