I am sorry to say the Hewitt-Windsor News Bureau (HWNB), are at it again – fuck Brexit, fuck even Covid19, Mrs. H has something to say, and you’ll goddam have to listen to it till it’s talked away:
“Harry dear – we haven’t been in the newspapers a WHOLE day, what can we do?
Harry: Quick old girl, drink this bottle of gin, I’ll run you a very hot bath and take a knitting needle in with you”
I wouldn’t put it past the attention seeking arsewipes.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
And seconded by: Captain Quimson
Seconded WC,
I must say I was most distressed hearing about a small collection of half caste foetal cells being ejected from the Duchess of da corn bread, hearing cunts like this go on about miscarriages reminds one of “the United appeal for the dead” off Kentucky Fried Movie,
miscarriages are not babies Megan, doctors can legally terminate a pregnancy till birth under the 1967 act so stop trying to hog the limelight from Wills and Kates dog, okay hun, utter cunt of piss boiling proportions!!!!
Your fault your former highness, without the aid of royal doctors a lizard baboon hybrid was never going to survive.
It’s a damned shame that her mother didn’t suffer a similar mishap 39 years ago.
Is it possible to miscarry a moonbump?
As much as I detest mr and mrs Hewitt, they literally make me feel sick when I see them (especially her fucking phoney “empathy” face), it’s a tough situation to suffer a miscarriage, even with their ‘interesting’ gene pool; so I wont stick the boot in. However, it’s open season on the cunts for just about everything else. On a side note, I bet her vag looks like a ripped sofa.
Took a woman into ED who was having a miscarriage. One of the saddest journeys I’ve ever had to do, and it was my turn to attend. What the fuck do you say?
It’ll be a ‘miscarriage’ of justice if these two don’t win Cunt of the year award.
Probably never happened, just another publicity stunt. If it did happen the bitch should be ashamed of herself for making money out of writing about it. That’s if she did write it in the first place. It read to me like some tear jerking bollocks produced by a Mills and Boon staff writer. The woman is a shameless whore.
I must say that a similar thought crossed my mind .
It was the first thought that crossed my mind.
Losing a foetus is not only heartbreaking for the couple, it is also not something the woman goes gushing to the whole world about.
She is a shameless media whore who would anything to stay in the limelight.
What a bitch!
More like she missed one rag week and then had a good bleed the following month.
How can we say there’s no comedy anymore when we have this pompous bitch lecturing people every day whilst simultaneously playing the victim?
Hoo-ee, what a cunt.
Is i just me, or does Me-again look like a swarthy “Nooky Bear” in the nom photo??
Bravo Admin, bravo??
After everything thats been up there is its going to take alot of work to get it right again id think
What sums up this publicity starved, correction, ‘privacy seeking’ cow is the need to share it with the world.
We’ve had two MCs. They’re awful and devastating and can take a long time mentally to recover from. But they were private to us and we wouldn’t have dreamt of telling anyone whatsoever in some desperate need for sympathy. Not even parents and siblings.
Sparkle and Hewitt are despicable specimens and are surely shoo-ins for Cunts of the Decade on here by 2030. I wish them abject misery in their fruitless search to be meaningful. Now get on and build bridges with your father, you loathsome bitch.
Truly the Duke & Duchess of Windsor for the modern era.
My sister had a miscarriage nearly 40 years ago but she only mentioned it to me last year. Such a sad occurrence is intensely private and should remain so.
Miscarriage happens on a daily basis hundreds of times a day. There are countless places to seek help and get counselling if your family or friends are cunts and won’t help you through a difficult time. I think every woman I have had a relationship with has had one ( only one through me I might add) and some dealt with it one way some another.
It is heartbreaking especially if your after a child.
My ex missus had 4 before having 2 kids. Did she go plastering it around norwich. Non.
Why do celebrities feel the need to tell us all about their woes and how we should fix it by taking their privileged advice.
Meghan your a cunt.
What sort of cunt who apparently yearns privacy writes a piece in a National newspaper about something so personal.
If a woman in your street had a miscarriage would she write a piece to the letters page of the local rag.
Bizarre behaviour….
The only reason this poison cunt is sorry about having miscarriage is that she didn’t have time book the photographer from ‘Hello’ ( should that be ‘ Goodbye’ ? )
This is the Cunt who had a photographer arranged for her and her Ginger puppet when they did a Remembrance Day stunt. She she thinks it is her who should be remembered , after leaving Britain for privacy.
If Lewis Hamilton was an Ugly, Shit B list Actress – it would be her. What a cunt.
And before any fucking snowflake moans , me and the Mrs lost our 2nd this way.
That day was almost as big a cunt as her.
The silly cow will be soon be complaining about tabloids writing stories about her and crying all the way to the lawyers.
Screw as much out of the fucking Duchess title as you can before someone in the Royal Family says fuck off and be plain Mr and Mrs Hewitt.
This Sympathy Whore is a real piece of work.
I’d ply her with strong drink, then fuck her up the arse, while HH rustles me up some egg and chips, she could have a really good moan then.
Terrible weather we’re having.
Boo hoo, there’s no eggy wegs left for me, she cries.
Cue another arse fucking.
Looks like my ex in this photo she was a fucking crank aswell great shag but fucking nuts,
Shovel, hole get the fuck in
Interestingly, most of the best shags I’ve had are with women who were completely mental. The only one who wasn’t was a young woman who’s now a lecturer in leadership studies and in gender & organization theory, whatever the fuck these are. This was in Magaluf in the late Eighties and a great time was had by all. We had a shag on a pedalo in Magaluf Bay and disturbed a old Spanish fisherman on a nearby pier. The pedalo had drifted, as we were in cowgirl mode, so she was looking out to sea and I could see fuck all. The shag was immediately curtailed and I had to have a wank in the beach bar toilets as my balls were painfully full. We’re no longer in contact but what fun at the time.
An entirely private matter for most people but of course not so for this cunt.
There’s a surprise.
She didn’t look up the duff.
For fuck sake any one intruding into her life is a scumbag, villain with racist motives as well but her telling us about one of the most private events in her life is brave and courageous. You can’t have it both ways you total cunt.
What a sad excuse for a human you are. Always the victim. Fuck off.
Grief is private when losing a child Me Gain.
Take my word on that one, and shut the fuck up.
Its private.
Its not Private if you a failed B list Actress with a Ginger unemployed husband.
What is “self worth” . I remember an interview about twenty years ago when this bollox was just getting started.
woman ” its the most important thing a human can have”
man ” I have no idea what your talking about” He was a second war veteran.
How the fuck can you be “woke ” when you live in a palace with 14 bogs. This fuck is Marie Antionette. No wonder all the super rich have homes in New Zealand.
Let’s hope the Markle creature gets the same ending as Marie Antoinette.
I would prefer something along the lines of ‘Scanners’.
Meghan Markle Honey Child Fried Chiggun Colour Purple Fucking Ono is one of those rare freaks of history. Just like how an ugly one bollocked cunt with BO and a screw loose became (for a time) the most feared and powerful man in Europe (Adolf Hitler).
Or how a gap toothed dried pea nippled STD infested talentless Detroit blowjob artist became (for a time) the biggest recording artist in the world (Madogga).
Now it’s a low rent E-List bit part actress with less looks, charm and talent than a dog turd and less morals than a rat on crack becoming royalty and a global celebrity. Meghan Markle Fucking Ono, of course.
Nothing but a money grabbing whore.If she did have a miscarriage which i doubt very much as Harry the halfbreed would have to have fucked her first.These two are the lowest attention seeking cunts in the universe.
I recently read a statement from the UN about world population. According to the “Worldometer,” as of December 2020, there are 7.8 billion humans on the Earth.
Of those 7.8 billion, the D-List Duchess, is clearly the most self absorbed, self aggrandizing, self righteous cunt of them all.
And fortunately, for her she found the one cunt in 7.8 billion, who is too stupid to see it.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Don’t believe this attention seeking gold digging cunt for a millisecond….
A convenient occurrence, leading to the postponement of the trial – and easy enough to set up and carry through, one would imagine.
Halfwit: ‘We need another kid sooner or later. One is never enough.’
Megain: ‘No way. You don’t want us to have a damn “spare”, do you?’
Halfwit: ‘Ugh. Hadn’t thought of that. But it’s expected from people of our standing. Kate and Wills had–‘
Megain: ‘I told you, never to mention their names again.’
Halfwit: ‘Sorry. But … you know …’
Megain: ‘Wait a second. Didn’t your cousin Zara have a miscarriage or something?’
Halfwit: ‘Yes, two actually. Poor thing.’
Megain: ‘This could work out after all. Look, we need to postpone that trial. Why don’t we tell them I’ve had a mis?’
Halfwit: ‘Yes, I see what you mean. Postpone the trial for personal reasons, announce the miscarriage later, get the family off my back, oodles of sympathy for us both.’
Megain: ‘For ME, you jerk.’
Halfwit: ‘Yes, yes of course. You are so right darling.’
Megain: ‘I’ll handle this. All you need do is forget we had this conversation.’
Halfwit: ‘Yes, darling. Lucky one of us has brains.’ (gwaff-gwaff)
Megain: ‘Shut your mouth, pond life.’
The whore needs to be boiled in piss.