Slapheads with Ponytails

Just been watching The Universe on Sky History 2. Excellent stuff. However, there was a bald man with a ponytail. I stopped caring about what he said because of his monstrous faux pas.

No. Just fucking no.

You are bald. That precludes your ability on a social level to grow a ponytail.

In essence, he is a cunt.

Caveat. I’m a slap ‘ed.

Nominated by: Dark key cunt

60 thoughts on “Slapheads with Ponytails

  1. These sad bastards like to refer to them as “Samurai ponytails”.
    If you’re seriously balding, at least have a classy Frank Bough combover…

    • Yanks like these dont they?
      And some on council estates in the north.
      Twin the slaphead pony tail with cowboy boots and its a given the blokes
      A) on the register
      B) a workshy cunt
      C) a billy bullshit type

      Its hard to accept your going bald, I know, my heads like a tennis ball a dogs chewed,
      But you cant beat it,
      Shave down to the grain.
      Besides its 30odd years since ponytails were fashionable!!

  2. I started going bald at 18. Obviously freaked me out at such a young age. Then I got up one morning and thought ‘fuck it’ and shaved it all off. Continue to shave it off to this day. Life’s too bastard short to worry about it. There’s a lot more serious things in life to be worried about. By the way the bloke in the picture looks a complete bell end.

    • True. Bonio and the so-called ‘Edge’ both had ponytails during U2’s Joshua Tree and Rattle & Cunt period. Say no more.

      They also both had ridiculous hats too. Utter cunts.

    • I don’t watch strictly but saw the result on the news. The bald, ponytailed Bill Bailey moves like a wardrobe, as stiff as a wire brush. I have never found him funny either but now he will be a big star courtesy of his dreadful dad dancing.

      Another reason to forget 2020.

    • Cuntle@
      My left knacker is the absolute spitting image of Bill Bailey.

      Just saying.

      • My nudger is moving so slowly at the moment. I was observing it the other day and it looked like Whitty’s head withdrawing slowly into its shell.

    • I think the psychology is, hair is masculine. If you don’t have it in one place, you have to compensate by having it somewhere else. You have to feel sorry for those who are so worried about their image but they’re not doing anyone any harm.

      • Head hair is feminine. Women worry far more about their barnets than men.

        Most men I know don’t give a fuck.

  3. I’d enjoy walking up behind this idiot and snipping the the elastic band with some nail clippers and watch his hair do a Mick Miller?


  4. The bloke in the picture is Jessie Ventura. Pierce Morgan interviewed him but it was obvious he is aware Ventura apart from being a former governor and gun advocate he is also an ex pro wrestler, oh and a decorated navy seal.

    Few bald cunts can get away with that look but Ventura is one of them. I started losing my hair in my mid 20’s but shaved it anyway so it was no biggie.

    • Can’t beat Jessie firing that big fuck off gun in Predator. “I ain’t got time to bleed”.

    • Jesse Ventura star of Predator and Running Man.
      “This’ll make you a G0dammed sexual tyranosaurus!”

      IIRC he also had some conspiracy theorist programme

    • Gulp….er so sorry M..M..Mr Ventura..b..b..but that band looked as if it was too tight and d..d..damaging your nice hair…….sir!? sssshhit

    • Special exemption also for Reggie Bannister from the Phantasm horror films.
      He does look ridiculous but I’ve always thought that was the whole point of him ?

  5. Terry-Thomas (Honeydew/CS/Whatever his name is this week) has been uncharacteristically quiet the past few days.

    Did he get himself banned again?

  6. Great cunting.

    I lost my hair because of Paul Gascoigne. Hear me out. During Euro ’96 I dyed my hair white like Gazza. I got some fanny too, let me tell you. However,my hair started falling out a few weeks later. Within months I had a big bald patch.

    I decided I wasn’t going into Bobby Charlton comb over territory and got some clippers and gave myself a number ‘0’. Have done the same every 2 or 3 weeks since.

    The thought of slaphead ponytail fills me with horror. It’s like going into a nightclub in your mid 50s and trying to pull 20 year old birds. Sad.

  7. See also manbun. Though I’d rather not. My venerable poll has a piebald, or skunk-like appearance. Not only will it not fall out but it can’t decide what shade of grey/white it wants to be. From one angle it looks as if I am wearing a yarmulke and I get envious looks from passing 4X2s.
    My natural look is so weird I have no need to enhance it further. The pictured cunt – no doubt as woke as all get out – would benefit from that thought.
    But, f’r fuck’s sake, a rainbow tee shirt with a suit is the crime to end all sartorial crimes. The pigtail is just the shite on the toilet seat. To Fiddler Hall with him, and let loose the hounds.

  8. Danny devito likes a slaphead ponytail!
    An hes a midget.
    He cant do anything right Danny.

  9. Didn’t Peter Stringfellow sport one at one point?

    He liked a challenge. Someone once told him to stick to only dating twentyeight year olds, and in no time he’d found twenty.

  10. If you’re going bald you have two options, shave it off or look a cunt. There are fewer distressing sights than a man dragging a couple of strands of limp thin hair over an otherwise shiny head, and you know he’s only fooling himself.

    • The young bloke in Aldi is completely hairless,
      He draws eyebrows on.
      Think hes like that swimmer Duncan wotsit.
      Some trauma or something.
      Don’t know if he can swim though.

      • When I saw that Scotty totty Gail Porter on TV, talking about her Alopeacia , my first thought was:

        “I wonder if her minge fell out?”
        Told you I was a dirty cunt?

  11. The “Terry Nutkins” or the “Francis Rossi”. Both extremely absurd hairstyles that should be rewarded with no less than a boot in the gonads.

  12. Jesse Ventura is actually a very articulate and knowledgeable guy with a libertarian/anti woke slant, so in my book he can wear his Barnet however he wants.

    Bill Bailey on the other hand is a piss smelling Corbynista weirdo, so in my book he can suck a fart out of my arse.

  13. Where I went ponytails are quite popular. I saw so many of them. Lots of different colours.

    It was a pony sanctuary.

  14. Arsenal & England sometimes goalkeeper had a pony tail. The useless cunt. Says it all really.

  15. As I can remember Ben Elton saying, ‘it’s called a ponytail, because underneath it there’s a arsehole’.
    Fine for girls/women, but not men, however much hair you have.

  16. Once, when I was minding my own business in the boozer, some pissed up harridan pointed at me exclaiming to her fuck-pig ugly mates ‘look at his fuckin’ head!’ To which I replied, ‘Wait until you hit menopause trollop, you’ll have so much hair that you’ll look more like a fuckibg chimp than you’re already acting.’
    That shut the cunt up.
    Of couse, I was politely asked to leave the premises because I was behaving in an intolerant manner.
    Cunt, again.

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