
Here a difficult one. Racism is a cunt.

Humans are not racist but every one of us are tribalist.It really doesnt matter about your melanin levels, people divide themselves into tribes .

In other words the modern bollox of the mental condition taught in all schools,universities and every corporation ” Intersectionality” is a cunt without foundation in this country..

I dont remember being racist and strangely I love my tar brushed grand kids just as much as my arian ones..

Its hilariously weak in depth but has been taken up by every cunt with power. Tribalism accounts for it all from Celtic v Rangers to The National Trust V its members.

The word racism is a ridiculous English word that for some reason has been allowed to encapsulate the murder of people and disagreement of policy.

Nominated by: Smug cunt 

60 thoughts on “Racism

    • Most of the cunts I hate are white. Does this make me racist?
      I need the Guardian or the BBC to tell me.

  1. The weather will be openly viewed as ‘racist’ next.

    Snow is, by nature, white. Therefore the demented libfascists at the Grauniad and the hordes of social media mongs will ‘call out’ a phenomena of nature as ‘institutionally racist’.

    I also bet that these dribbling BLM masturbating cunts see places that get a lot of snow (Canada, Russia, Scotland) as ‘White Privilege’.

    The mind fucking boggles.

    • They’re free to go over there and argue the point. I’m sure the piss-poor Russians in particular would be most receptive to a bunch of cunts telling them they’re privileged.

      • I would love to see the cunts at the Guardian surrounded by irate and resentful Ivans. I would pay to see that.

  2. Manchester United and Leeds United today.

    This brings back memories. No love lost and what a rivalry it was. Football animosity at its best. I dare say the Leeds players will be up for it more than United’s will. I can’t see cunts like Rashford, Lingard, Shaw, Lindeloff and Jones having the passion and purpose of King Denis, Nobby, Lorimer, Kiddo, Bremner, Giles, Bestie, Bobby or Big Jack.

  3. Being born and brought up in our capital city I am now,
    officially , a minority…..48% white British. Round my way I would estimate it at as between 30-35%. I don’t have a problem with the blacks and there are only a handful of peacefuls, but the real cunts are the booshkas. Loud, mouthy, tracksuit wearing cunts, pissed most of the time and don’t have a problem begging in the streets, or demanding money with menaces, as the law would call it…..if there was any law.
    They are, of course, all white so does that make me a racist, a tribalist or what? I suppose we’ll have to let the experts at the Guardian and the BBC decide. They fucking will in the end anyway so it doesn’t matter what I think.

  4. Weird how all the countries that apparently have racism issues are the same countries that willingly opened their doors to diversity….

  5. Would it be described as racist to hate ISIS, I doubt it because their extreme ideology trumps racism.
    In the UK……
    I don’t like P Stanley’s, not because they are Muslim but because they are dirty slimy bastards. I don’t like Muslims because they are dirty slimy bastards. I don’t like blacks because they all have a fucking chip on their shoulder and blame everything on white.
    I don’t like all white people because some of them are scum bags.


    • I agree. Indians are on the whole OK. I grew up near an Indian Sikh family and they were great, I still keep in contact with them and they hate the Parking Stanleys as much as we do. That Sikh home is still one of the cleanest and well kept households I ever went in. But the Parking Stanleys are dirty cunts. My cousin manages a well known department store in Manchester. And she tells me that when they are not thieving or trying to get things on the cheap, they are stinking the place out. I once popped in to see her, and everything she said was and is true.

      • Quite so Norman.

        It’s their respective cultures and religious philosophies that find Indians and Pakistanis so clearly different from each other, even though they are virtually indistinguishable racially.

        A bit like the English and the Frogs.

    • Im racist because im shy.
      See? Now im the fuckin victim!
      2 can play the game.
      Now erect a statue of me.???

  6. Racist plays to the identity and victim politics of the UK and USA. It is used to shut down reasonable debate (BLM anyone?) and brand all non left ideals as far right. Leftyism is a strange idealogy. Racism bad. Islam cultural. Israel bad. UK and USA bad, but every tin pot repressive regime gets an easy ride. They have even turned on feminism in defence of degeneracy.
    Looking on, Putin, the CCP and assorted dictators and religious nutters are laughing their bollocks off at us.

    • There are and always will be people who hate others because they’re a different race or colour. They use it as an excuse, it doesn’t make sense but they need to hate someone and there’s nothing you can do about it.
      I’ve never thought that way but I’m sick and tired of being told how to think. You’re not going to change their opinion with a campaign or with the law, any more than you’re going to change mine.

  7. Just before the 1300hr news Wireless 4 saw fit, in between the weather forecast predicting flooding and World At One offering more Covid and a lecture on statesmanship from Gordon Brown (honestly!), they had time to feature a trail for Small Axe, narrated by a typical black yoof innit who is trying to change de world. EXxclusive to the BBC woke website, innit tbhough Racism is only something done by white people, unless you work for the BBC, because we are all Keir lovers aren’t we?

  8. Racism really needs to be linked to Genocide and some stern words need to be said to some of these rabble rousing twats that call everything racist. The principal of sticks and stones etc. I don’t condone vigalanties stabbing or beating people based on the colour of their skin.

    However I should be able to say Paki without the twitterati going up in arms. If someone called me a white honkey limey, i wouldnt give a shit.

    I dont care by the colour of your skin if you act like a cunt, dont work and have 20 kids for the taxpayer to fund. Then i get slightly racist.

    Even worse is when white liberals proactively encourage the break up of society by claiming your a racist and then invite loads of peacefuls in, who go on to terrorist atrocoties in some cases. Its these idiots who are racist by proactively genociding our own white christian heritage.


  9. Everyone is racist, just like everyone is coloured.

    It’s really just a matter of degree to which an individual is racist and what he or she does with the knowledge that he or she is racist that determines whether said condition is debilitating or not.

    I have no problem with those whose skin colour differs from my own. For me the problem lies in culture, usually cultures imported relatively recently by certain demographics and their expectation that I should feel positively disposed toward their alien ways.

    That and forced multiculturalism, predominantly celebrated by a disturbingly high proportion of my fellow indigenous whites, usually of the lefty woke stripe.

    • Nicely put Ruffles.
      A very festive parpin’ and a tootin’ Christmas to you too.
      See, I really am the kindest soul here.

      • Perhaps all the poor persecuted victims of alleged racism should move to the African continent and experience some real racism.
        Is that a burning white Zimbabwean farmer I smell?
        Things will be different when I storm to power – big hat, uniform, loads of medals, sunglasses, goons and henchmen a plenty – it will be grand!
        Need Sir Fiddler as Home Secretary though – instilling the values of white British colonial superiority to grateful Johnny foreigner! ??

    • I grew up in Leicester and in my year in primary school I think there was 1 black and 1 Indian kid. In the whole year of some 100 pupils. White British are now a minority but I don’t remember being remotely racist as the Asians took over the city. That has completely changed in the last few years, after being told repeatedly that I am racist because I’m white. Even now though I am only racist towards peacefuls and blacks.

  10. I used to be a really easy going bloke at the beginning of the year but now woke lefties, BLM, BBC, lockdown and rag head, soap dodging peacefully have turned me into a racist cunt. I’m now a minority victim of society. White , heterosexual, right wing and oppressed.

    • When I get really fucked off I go casino, win money and shag loads of hookers. Tends to improve mental wellbeing and the bastards have shut the casino now the rechid fucks.

    • We died in our millions to preserve freedom and stop tyranny, and I am increasingly thinking why did we bother?
      Won with blood, stolen with the stroke of a pen.
      There will be hell to pay when the people rise.

  11. Everyone is racist to a certain degree as RTCP said, however I’m whitey and blackie mixed into one big handsome racist cunt. Blacks and Whites can fuck off. ?

  12. M’dudu!
    Oh well, Sunday roast bushmeat here in the tower.
    Fucking non-reflective cunts.

  13. I’m not that struck on the next door neighbours.
    As an aside, I’m watching Talking Pictures TV at the moment. There’s a film just starting, ‘ We Dive At Dawn ‘ starring John Mills, made in 1943.
    Before it started there was a warning that some viewers may be offended, as it contains ‘ outdated attitudes and views ‘.
    What a load of old cobblers.
    Just Fuck Off.

    • As it’s a seafaring film, I’ve ordered extra rum rations.
      Bloody good show.
      Good afternoon.

      • Afternoon Jack,
        Im a victim of this racism malarkey.
        The Klu Klux Klan kicked me out for breaching their diversity charter.

      • Afternoon, MNC.
        Appeal to the Grand Wizard. I think he lives somewhere in Northumberland.
        There’s no one more diverse than you.
        It’s a fucking disgrace.

      • What did you do Miserable, bring the organization into disrepute by flashing on the moors in clan bedsheets?

      • The dog got mud on my sheets,
        So had to improvise LL!
        Only one at the cross burning in a Thundercats duvet cover.

        They said my outdated racist language was incompatible with a modern organisation!
        Kkk?…woke bumboys.

  14. These woke see racism in everything cunts will be censoring every song that was ever made soon enough. Changed titles could include

    Bleep is Bleep – Los Bravos
    Bleepbird -The Beatles
    Bleep Velvet – Alannah Miles
    Young Gifted and Bleep – Bob & Marcia
    Paint It Bleep – The Rolling Stones
    Bleep Coffee – Humble Pie
    Bleep and Evil (formerly Black and White) – Greyhound
    The Theme from Bleep Beauty – Denis King

    While Fuck Tha Police by N!gg@s With Attitude will stay untouched.

    • Bleepberry Way – The Move
      The Bleep Angel’s Death Song – Velvet Underground
      Bleep Sabbath – Bleep Sabbath
      Bleep Magic Woman – Santana
      The Red & The Bleep – Blue Oyster Cult
      Bleep Hole Sun – Soundgarden
      Bleep Water – Doobie Brothers
      Bleep Dog – Led Zeppelin
      Baby’s In Bleep – The Beatles
      Bleep Night – Deep Purple
      Fade To Bleep – Dire Straits
      Fell On Bleep Days – Soundgarden
      Back To Bleep – Amy Winehouse

      Good game Norman!

  15. The problem is that tribalism is encouraged and celebrated among all groups.

    Except whites.

    Whites are noticing and getting fed up with being verbally abused all the time due to their skin pigmentation.

    Which is the only race you can:

    Refuse job applications for

    Use their skin colour as a pejorative

    Limit numbers of for university places

    Blame for the crimes of other races

    Claim a reduction in their number is ‘diversity’ (and therefore, great)

    Claim an increase in their number abroad is ‘colonialism’.

    Have other races comment on how they behave and feel with impunity.

    Have the crimes of non whites on whites practically ignored by the media and at times, the authorities (Rape gangs, Kriss Donald murder etc).

    Have the ‘crimes’ committed by whites magnified to insane levels (see the George Floyd incident and Stephen Lawrence murder for details)

    Now that really is ‘systemic racism’, by the way.

  16. But racism is a terrible thing. I recall Bernard Manning back in the day in his Embassy club.

    He spotted a dark chap in the front row. The conversation went like this:

    BM: Ere fuck me lads. We’ve got a darkie in (audience ‘Waaaaaeey!’)

    BM: No fair play lad. You’re a brave cunt, I’ll give you that.

    BM: Are you having a good night son?

    Dark key: Yes.

    BM: Are you enjoying yersel’?

    Dark key: Yes thank you.

    BM: Beats swinging through fuckin trees dunt it?

    Shocking stuff.

    • That was 40 years ago and representative of that form of humour. I doubt people left the club feeling animosity to blacks.

      Fast forward to the identity politics playing out now, it is polarising society and making people feel animosity to blacks.
      Which is the intention behind it☹️

  17. Racist, I am a Racist! I know that because I have been told twice in just as many months.
    The first time I was arguing slavery and pointed out that Sudan outlawed slavery in 2007, not a shock just fact, that made me raciest.
    My next bump with my far right views came when my place of work was invaded by Celtic descendants of the mobile variety.
    A group entered and engaged in distraction tactics whilst one went over to fill his pockets.
    In the spirit of customer service I went over to help the poor lost soul in his selection apparently that made me racist, I was then joined by his friends who then harangued me and accused me of racial stereo typing.
    You just cant win.

  18. If I were a gambling man I’d bet on racism every time.

    Oh dear, now I will have gone and got epithets banned. At least BLM will remain immune from Pyrrhic victories.

  19. I got called a “lying Nazi” in the YouTube comments section last week.
    Never thought I’d end up regarding that as a compliment.
    The silly little snowflake cunt…

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