Meghan and Harry

Let’s have a would you please just go away cunting, for the “don’t tell us we’re not royal” couple, Mrs. and Mr. Markle-Spencer-Hewitt, the Dick and Dickess of Suckit.

According to the Sun, these two woefully woke, attention whores have announced the creation of their own “End of the year Honours List.” The criteria and categories include; “…charitable service, science, literature, racial justice, gender equality, environmental stewardship, youth empowerment, health and mental health.”

As of this writing, no name has been announced for this new formally royal order but “papers” have been filed in the US to recognize, legalize and legitimize this pathetic scream for attention.

I and others are already referring to this “honour” as “The Formally Royal Order of the Snowflake.” Alternative names like “The Brave New World Order of the Woke” or the “The Hollywoke Knaves of Social Justice” might also be appropriate.

It seems these two malcontents, just never stop with their self aggrandizing schemes. Their continued, clueless, cuntishness is beneath contempt and makes them an easy target for those who see through their self righteous bullshit.

In fact it’s so easy to cunt the Witch of Woke and her Halfwit familiar, that in lieu of their own Sussex Shit page, maybe IsaC should put a moratorium on more Markle-Spence-Hewitt nominations…at least until the Queen takes away their titles.

Speaking of the Queen, I can only imagine what she must be thinking when she heard they are establishing their own “honours” list.

Merry Christmas to all.

Nominated by: General Cuntster 

44 thoughts on “Meghan and Harry

  1. It would be easier on us all if these 2 were eradicated from this planet and my ‘dishonoured’ list on Jan 1st. Utterly irrelevant but still given attention. Abducted by Aliens, poisoned, shot or cooked in Terrys oven, I care not which is chosen, just silence them once and for all.

  2. A Top Cunting. These two fucked off to a land of 300 million wankers and from the comfort of an 11 million dollar house , tell us how to live our lives. Fuck Off.
    Some Ginger and a D list former actress have no right to spout their Woke shit to a world with bigger problems. Like the fucking pubs being shut.

    The only award I am interested in is the most successful Speakeasy since prohibition.

    Did i mention they are both Cunts ?

  3. If you win one do you get to fuck the darker one or do you get fucked by the ginge? asking for a friend who has been short listed.

  4. A wannabe and a once-was so delusional they think they’re on a par with the Queen. Kudos to anybody that manages to track down this pair of pathological recluses, the search must be intense.

  5. How fucking desperate are these cunts? And who are the cunts that are buying into their fantasy?

  6. I don’t need any cunt with 16 bathrooms and a swimming pool telling me I need to be a raindrop to heal this parched earth….

  7. Ah yes, my favourite cunts who are such fucking cunts it seems that cunting them is just a statement of the bleeding obvious. I’m wondering who is buying into this publicity machine General? Over here we have proper Royals…Her Maj, Phil the Greek, Charlie the Chimp, Prince Baldybollocks ( we don’t mention Randy these days obviously) etc etc.
    It must be your mob who are providing the interest and money to feed this pair of publicity hungry cunts. I’m blaming you Yanks for all this bullshit General. The sooner you find another John Wilkes Booth or Lee Oswald the better.
    Could you ask them to knock off the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens while you’re at it?

    • Yes there are too many cunts here across the pond who buy into this cuntiful horseshit. We have enough “famous” cunts already. Can’t you take them back??!! Christ they both sicken me.

  8. Rumour has it that if the multi million pound deal woke podcast and the sickeningly woke honours list goes well, Princess Meghan has told her Prince that he won’t have to sleep in the garden shed anymore.

  9. I welcome the Markle-Spencer-Hewitt honours. Basically, it will be a list of the world’s biggest shysters, fakes and fucking bastard cunts. Saves me writing it out myself.

      • How dare you! Are you suggesting that Sir Lewis doesn’t deserve his great honour?

      • I don’t understand why she’d even consider giving an honour to a racist cunt who doesn’t even want to live in this cuntry. I have even less understanding why the same rich, racist cunt is more deserving than some poor old trout who has unswervingly volunteered for charities for 50 years. There are many people who deserve awards, but getting rich shouldn’t be a qualification.

  10. I wonder when Mrs. Hewitt will demand her own Trooping the colour?. I an just see her sitting on an ass, with a dustbin lid in one hand and a lightstick in the other with a kiss-me-quick crown made out of tinfoil. On second glance it won’t be an ass, it will be Harry on all fours with a clip-on tail.

  11. The law of diminishing returns is working well for this pair of publicity gluttonous fuckwitts.

    With every wankerish attempt by them both to promote some quasi-Royal, half-arsed scheme, comes a new wave of ridicule and the reinforcement that everything they do is borne out of complete desperation.

    I predict in a couple of years, these fuckwitts will be no longer a US power couple. Markle will be sucking cock in adult movies and Hewitt will be back in the UK, in exile, living with his Uncle Andrew , in a real life 2 1/2 Men setting.

    • Yes.

      I thought they wanted to get out of the limelight and just live their own lives?

      Apparently not.

      If it cheers anyone up, I never hear about them — except here.

      • Yep, it’s perfectly obvious that they crave Royal life after all and are trying to establish an American Royal status and behave like monarchs. Absolutely ridiculous. This has got to end in a very embarrassing way for the pair of them.

  12. Not these cunts again? They’re on here more than the fucking Daily Mail. Give them their own page, like the beeb or the Covid bullshit.
    Seriously can’t stand the fucking sight of them anymore.
    Tunnel, drunk frog driver, paps, goodnight.

  13. I’m assuming all winners will be strong empowered wimminz of colour with a sprinkling of sexual degenerates, his Royal Wokeness with the now familiar look of an Islamic State hostage and Sparkle Tits nodding approvingly.

  14. The best cunting you can give these cunt is totally ignore them. They live for publicity of any kind.

  15. I bet all the suck ups are queuing round the block for a ‘Order of the Hewitt’ or a MME (Member of Meghan Empire).

    What a pair of self important wankers.

  16. Merry Christmas to you too, General.

    Pretty soon Henery Hawk of Hewitt and Meghan Markle Shaft In Africa Honey Child Ike and Tina We Shall Overcome Colour Purple Robertson’s Jam Jar Howdi Do Dere Wait Melon Song Of The South Fried Chiggun Eldridge Cleaver Fucking Ono of Sussex will have their own ISAC space. Just like BLM and the BBC.

  17. Cunters rejoice, The trusty white Fiat is being refurbished as we speak. Any road tunnels down Hollywood way general? Asking for a friend who specializes in removing stubborn stains.

  18. These two publicity prostitutes make even the Beckhams look self effacing. And that is no mean feat.

    Of course, none of this is Henery Hawk’s idea because he doesn’t have any ideas of his own, his revolting opportunistic bovine crab of a wife sees to that. Quite obvious that he does what she orders him to and that he has no say in anything whatsoever. The ginger knackered fuckwit is blatantly pussywhipped to buggery. A shadow of a man and a disgrace to the realm and Great Britain.

    • I’d like to think that he at least now knows just what a colossal fuck up he made marrying this attention seeking trollop.

      • I think slow boy is realising that with every day and has for a while.
        And when it does end it will be unpleasant – Me Gain squealing on the Ellen Degererate show how racist the Brit royals are, how she was ostracised and marginalised by evil Kate, she only had 14 servants and even Prince Andrew had more – there were always teenage girls dressed as maids going into his room etc etc.
        Mongle did this for money, ego and self promotion, and daft lad fell for it despite warnings from senior advisers and Family members.
        Plank and skank – I hope the grubby money is worth selling your self respect, history and happiness for.

  19. The Yanks are real suckers for the British royal family – even its shitiest members.

    They probably believe every word Prince Paèdo said in that interview with Emily Mateless and that he’s an innocent victim of revolutionary republicans.

  20. Boil these 2 in 10 day old horse piss.And afterwards drag them through the streets tied to a steamroller.Media attention seeking whores.

  21. Far too much to hope for that the halfwit’s paternity might be proved. I’d love to see Meagain disappear at the speed of light…

  22. I was wondering what happened to our legendary cunter, Ron Knee!

    I think Ron might have been tempted by the lure of the dollar to write the scripts for these two cunts Netflix documentaries? If you’re reading this from Hollyweird Ron then good luck mate. Milk it for all you can!!

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