(Good luck with this one. – DA)
I’m going to cunt perspective.
I know some of the more academic cunters (although always courteous and respectful) will probably roll their eyes and say something along the lines of “who gave this idiot books and internet, someone please make him watch TV again”, but I’m consumed with the paradoxical problem that the more I learn and think, the more I realise how fucking stupid and ignorant I am. It’s like taking a bite from a cake and every time time you swallow a mouthful, the fucking thing gets 10 times bigger….
As you’ll probably gather, I haven’t taken the inspiration of this cunting from any book, it’s just what I’ve realised through my journey recently.
I apologise in advance if you’ve heard the same crap from the first week of an amateur philosophy class or something….. I’m not an intellectual, I’m just an electrician.
I’ve been thinking, and one thing I’m wresting with at the moment is perspective.
Is there a “good” side or an “evil” side?
Or just winner and loser….
Is what we think we know, fact, or someone else’s perspective of truth.
The truth is not the same from different perspectives….
Fact is true, truth is subjective…. or is it the other way around?
A fact has to have context (surely). Truth is the context of a fact. Truth is subjective depending on perspective.
That’s what I’m thinking about tonight… Help me….
Since I cancelled my BBC licence I’ve been reading as much as I can (Solzhenitsyn, Orwell, Frankel etc, got some Dostoevsky but its a bit over my head at the mo… and I’ve got some Aristotle on order, can’t wait to read that) and I’ve spent A LOT of time on telegram. I really want to see how people think and how they’ve come to their conclusions. I’m not an academic or intellectual, but I’m fascinated by humans, in all our splendour and cuntitude…
I follow communists, Nazis, libertarians, all types. (Surprisingly, of all those, libertarians are actually the most bat-shit crazy).
Weirdly, I’ve learned that there are many sides to every story and 2 sides can be totally conflicting, but both still true… it all depends on perspective.
I’m sure the more intellectual cunters can give some better examples, but here are a few of my own…
Take the British empire for example….
From my old perspective, it brought technology, education, infrastructure and medicine to less advanced peoples. It saved far more blacks from diseases and early deaths than it killed from war or slavery.
We were told during the Brexit referendum that we would be poorer, loose our infrastructure, investment, health service and standing in the world. I chose sovereignty.
So now I take a different perspective on the British empire. Was it good or bad?
As a consequence of that I actually don’t hate David Lammy and his ilk for hating white people (not for that anyway, he’s still cunt coz he’s here, he should slag us off from Africa if he hates us so much). From their perspective though, whites conquered them, and for that we will never be forgiven.
I feel the same way about him and his people by the way. I know what’s coming.
Are communists worse that nazis? Who killed more? Does it matter?
Both cunts, depends on perspective.
Is religion about spiritual atonement or territorial / ideological conquest?
Both true, depends on perspective. Again, no religion rose without blood all over its hands, but would you regard old biddies at the soup kitchen as conquerors?
You might say “liberal values built our great society”.
That would be true.
You could also say “liberal values are destroying our society”.
That would also be true.
You might say “liberal society is degenerate and immoral ”
True I guess, but relative to what?
Was George Floyd a criminal that got what he deserved, or a victim of police brutality?
Both are true.
Do blacks have a higher prison rate because of racism or the fact that they have a degenerate culture?
Both are true to a degree. I have a perspective, but others have a different one.
Is social justice about helping the marginalised, or persecuting the non believers?
I know my thoughts, but again, perspective.
See why I think perspective is such a cunt?
As much as I wish I could, I don’t hate others with different views, as we all view the world from a different angle.
Why can’t facts just be facts?
Why can’t cold hard stats have no context?
They can, but most are meaningless without it….
From the perspective of the fact comes “the truth”, which may seem like gospel to that individual, but complete bollocks, or even “evil” to someone else.
So we choose our truths subjectively based on objective facts. But those “facts” (more often than not) are in fact someone else’s truths, fed to us through someone else’s perspective.
We all choose our perspective, or have it engraved in our thinking through education, media, environment, upbringing or experience.
Who’s to say one individuals experience is more valid than another’s?
Why view anyone (to a degree of course) as evil rather than a victim of perspective?
Facts are nothing without perspective.
Or am I just tying my brain in knots over nothing, or trying to understand people that don’t deserve to be understood?
This is all making me glad I didn’t choose a more intellectual path in life as, although I’m enjoying reading lots of books now, I’m not studying them, so although I ponder the ideas and think about them for a short time, it tends to go in one ear and right out the other. And the more I learn, the more confused I become about the world.
Maybe I’m better off as an electrician, with a simple life.
Yea, think I’ll stick to being a peasant, crack open that nice bottle of Whitby IPA I have in the fridge, and then go up and shag the lass…..
A simple life is better, maybe I’ll even plug myself back into the matrix one day…..
Orange man bad.
Diversity is our strength.
What demographic replacement?
Religion of peace.
That evil, this good…..
BTW if you think that was all bollocks, fine.
I am…. quite, quite drunk.
Nominated by: Deploy the Sausage
Tesla or Edison?
Edison robbed his work didnt he?
Quick at the patent office Thomas.
And Tesla played keyboards for Sparks.
@Les Mis :
Another genuine lol moment.
This elephant ain’t big enough for the both of us…..
Your mate been banned?
Fiddler said something before,
What did I miss?
@ Mis,
His disruptive trolling bit him on the arse, last I’d read was the police nom, after that.. shrug ?♂️
Defo a WUM stirring to provoke.
Sporting or Benfica?
Thank fuck for Aristotle.Plato is wank. Iv always found builders (including lovely and clean) electricians far more intelligent than any other cunt iv met. Its the problem solving I think.
Life’s not that serious. We all die in the end.
Harris Tottle.
Owned the Lyceum?
Your having a bubble!..
Great respect for electricians at least live ones. Recently had to fix a trailer plug, logic def required just for that so kudos for big jobs.
Great respect for electricians at least live ones. Not much perspective there either get right or kill a client.
What the fuck has that got to do with Mickey Mouse’s dog?
May I recommend the history of the Crusades by Runciman.
All three tomes are a very good read and offer the persective of both sides.
Highly enlightening.
A little pro-Islamic for my tastes.
But that’s just my perspective…
Tell that to the 19 year olds who got into Lancaster bombers day after day.
er that was supposed to go to Bertram.
Great nom DTS.
“There are no facts, only interpretations” Nietzsche
Our view of the world will be completely different to that of millennials cos they have nothing to compare it to and don’t know any different.
All the libtard/woke bullshit will soon become the norm.
In 30 years time no one will complain about it because those with a different perspective will all be dead and gone.
All down to Plato and his Philosopher king shit. The cunts that now they now best when in actual fact are just cunts.
Brave nom DTS!!??
The more intellectual cunters like myself are glad to have you.
I once had a coffee table made of perspective,
Much safer than glass.
But NEVER put yourself down,
Your the equal of any man,
I never assume some egghead bookworm type is my better,
At the end of the day im taking his dinner money not him mine.
Im lucky really rugged good looks and a genius.
If you want to be seen as intellectual, but get bored of the dusty old books, etc
Do what I do!
Wear a dicky bow and specs!
Try and look deep in thought,
And if someone states a fact
Say “but is it?”
Within 4 month youll be shortlisted for a nobel prize.
Thats how I got mine.
But mines in cash converters.
It doesn’t count if you printed all the accreditation of a dodgy internet site even if you did do a fine job of framing them Miserable.
To be honest it was a piece a piss LL.
Also got a award for my dissertation on the futility of existence and the impact of biomolecular advancements in 21st century science.
Just blagged it ….?
Excellent idea mnc…. maybe a pipe too. One of those big curly one’s like sherlock…. a thoughtful look, a raised eyebrow and a puff of smoke….
Good thing Robin Bastard is now banned (cheers head admin by the way). He likely would’ve been even more insufferable than usual on this one.
Ha ha, he’d have had a field day with it!
Do you have the evidence for this General? Is it permanent or is it a
Burley ban i.e. out for a year?
It’s a pity really but he couldn’t see that it was not for putting forward an opposing view – which is fine. It was the abrasive way in which he did it.
It must be difficult for you General, running with the hare and hunting with the hounds?
(And that was his downfall – winding too many people up with snarky and provocative remarks, probably for the purposes of wrecking a perfectly good thread – DA)
I just hope Vernon Fox comes back!
Robin well upset him.
(He will soon enough – DA)
So old Throbbin’ Barsteward has fucked off?
He was a spikey bugger. That said perhaps he was a she – ‘they’ came across as a little hot-headed/emotional/hormonal.
Paul, do you remember Robins first visit to ISAC?
Me and him got into it over Nurse Cunty?
He was really pushing her,
I lost it a bit, Admin could of banned me for it,
But was sticking up for another cunter so got a pass.
Funny bloke, doubt he works in hospitality??
I have returned from my sex tour of Tenby Fishguard MNC!
Good nom by the way DTS – one thing we learn is that however much knowledge is acquired it is like a grain of sand on a million mile long beach and there are few things which are black and white (apart from our esteemed contributor B&WC of course! ?)
Philosophy on the other hand – well it’s all Greek to me!
Where the bleedin ell have you been?
Had us worried sick!!
Id give you six of the best if you wasnt a black belt?
(Glad yer back mate!????)
Welcome back Vern. Your absence would be IsAC’s loss.
Poor Robin, I don’t this particular nom would have been his bag, he was more of a traditionalist ?
And he took all the shit on the chin.
don’t think this
Why is it that I type what’s is my head but the fucking iPad doesn’t see it… iPad get some perspective.
He ate his own shit.
He did indeed but with an unwavering passion ?
Good nom Deploy.
People often say you should “keep things in perspective”. They really mean keep things how they like it, or how they see things themselves. They also say “on the other hand”. Why the fuck anyone should want to see things how some wishy-washy, indecisive, shilly-shallying, bedwetter cunt sees things I have no idea. Better to be a decisive person of action.
Snowflakes find this approach threatening, which is a bonus. Think how they cried when The Donald won the Presidency. A man of action and not a hapless vacillating twat.
Remainers v. Brexiters are a case in point. The former are always trying to “keep things in perspective” eg must have a deal, or worrying what Johnny Frenchie might think. The Brexiter just wants the fuck out.
Of course, you may fuck up and get it wrong sometimes, but at least you wont wind up like the gibbering cunt who lives at No !0.
‘People who see both sides of a question see absolutely nothing’ Oscar Wilde.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realised the world can be seen through a million perspectives.
Mine and 999,999 wrong ones.
This is something the great Cloughie might have written.
Was that merely a SwiftKey™ typo, Bertrando, or have you been bitten by the bug?
An absolute shower.
I did regret that TT!
I changed the letter ‘z’ in realised from my American joke book but cringed when I left in “gotten”, an Americanism I deplore.
Good lad. That’ll teach you for your Ctl-V (copy / paste) nefarious laziness.
A true blight, that is
My pespective is well blurred after reading and digesting this rather good nom. The thing is, I know what you’re saying but I dont understand you, and I have to agree and disagree at the same time. I may need counselling…..
Brain is aching.
Communist deaths out number nazi death deaths by several factors. BUT remember they are both cheeks of the same arse. Marx as a lot to answer for. Yet the old cunts grave is grade 1 listed. Dig the cunt up and drop him in the channel. Have a good Christmas cunters, depending on which way you look st it. Bah Humbug.
It really doesnt matter if your getting a bullet in the back of the head because of race or class . Its all the same.
Fuck me DPS, I can’t comment on this, I need fire as it again when not surrounded by dogs and noise.
Start with ethics e.g. Ten Commandments.
Thou shalt not kill is a good starter. So Nazis bad, Stalin bad. Not a matter of perspective if you have guiding ethics. Some things fall easily into good or bad buckets.
Should I have gone to war to kill a Nazi or turn the other cheek? Some things are grey.
My compendium of black, white and grey is out soon priced 99p from all bad booksellers.
I enjoy being one of life’s pessimists.
That way, I’m always right or pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
Interesting nomination, Deploy. Its proximity (both temporally and contextually) to our exchange a couple of weeks ago – in which I recommended as a bog read Bernard Williams’ Morality – suggests you’ve been subsequently tussling with concepts of “knowledge vs belief”. If you recall, at that time I mentioned concepts such as “justified true belief”, Popperian falsifiability. See: http://is-a-cunt.com/2020/11/pseudoscience/#comment-481595
Centrally and crucially you ask:
but then state:
and finally reflect:
At school, I preferred studying subjects like maths, chemistry, physics rather than history, languages and law precisely because in the first three (the natural sciences) facts are facts whereas in the second three (the humanities, more-or-less) so-called facts are open to interpretation (or as you put it, “perspective”).
It is curious that as my life turned out, I never did anything to do with the natural sciences (which I found and still find much more understandable and straightforward), but ended up working on those other three areas of languages, history and now law. Which are altogether much less clear-cut and often so horribly open to interpretation as to be effectively meaningless and merely a vehicle for a bloody good argument (I’m think of my adversarial barrister work there).
Funny old world, but definitely keep on reading the books, Deploy. Best wishes with it. The strange thing is, once you start to understand the basics, the more you learn the easier it gets. Especially with such as mathematics, the foundations must first be absolutely perfectly understood before progress in understanding can follow.
Dont complicate it TT.
Its all very simple,
Be good
Work hard
Keep your head down an eyes open,
Be loyal to kith an kin.
Get plenty of fresh air.
My book explains it all very clearly.
Sounds a bit ….. too simple MNC, why art thou on ISAC ?
The Yorkshire cunts have it in a simple phrase
‘If ever tha does owt for nowt, do it for thisen’
Its true though Sicky!
That there ive given is the recipe for a happy life!
That and a few pints of bitter.
I remember happy ?
Brighton pride?
I’ve got morality on my list of books to get, I think its next in the queue…. thanks for the suggestion Terry ?
The reply I made a couple of days earlier than the above link contained more than a few reading suggestions, additional to Bernard Williams’ excellent toilet library reading matter.
On reflection, I hope it was not responsible for your inebriated philosophising as evidenced in this nevertheless excellent nomination. I fear, however, it may have played a part in your IPA-fuelled musings.
As teachers annoyingly – but correctly – were apt to berate their pupils: don’t try to run before you can walj. Alcohol has a nasty habit of tripping one up, as I can myself most richly attest! Beware the false fluency it so cheaply bestows.
Have a. look at Chalmers Johnson. There’s quite a lot on YouTube. Also Noam Chomsky, although he frequently disappears up his own fundament these days, and is much less sharp than is desirable. See if you can find Why We Fight, a 2005 documentary by Eugene Jarecki, in which Johnson is a talking head “for the prosecution”.
Top nom, DTS ? Looks like you found that sweet spot of philosophical drunkenness.
The truth is always relative. What holds true today may be proven wrong tomorrow, and proven true again the day after, depending on our perspective. The truth itself never changes though, only our conclusions.
Don’t go looking for truth in politics. Politics is theatre, and the theatre has owners. We’ve been trying to reform it since the Greeks and we’re still making the same mistakes, because the problem is us and our psychology. Same goes for all these environmental wankers.. the earth is fine, we’re the ones who are fucked!
There is no good and evil. Only ignorance of ourselves. The question that very few humans ask and follow through to its conclusion is, who is the one having the perspective in the first place?
Perspectives are interesting, but they’re like a hall of mirrors.
I’ll be honest, I was absolutely plastered when I wrote this ??
It was still an interesting nom and well worth a read DtS! ?
Seems really coherent though, you must be a distinguished drunk indeed.
I’m a basketcase drunk so I’d be cross eyed and typing with one finger like an absolute mong.
Perspective-being both colour blind & and electrician=trouble.
My stepfather (a highly qualified engineer) used to use an old joke when talking to plumbers or electricians:
What do we call a plumber? An engineer with half a brain.
What do we call an electrician? A man with the other half.
He was a cunt too?
My perspective on life improved immensely and everything became clearer after one, single, life changing event:
Lovely nom, DtS. It’s great when people really look at what they’re thinking and are honest about it. (without exaggerating its significance and teaching it as philosophy)
In vino veritas, indeed. You say –
“Yea, think I’ll stick to being a peasant, crack open that nice bottle of Whitby IPA I have in the fridge, and then go up and shag the lass…..”
Maybe you’ve got Voltaire on your reading list?
If I glance at the header pic I just see three beaks.
Its like a advert for a falconry show.
That was for the Phil Green nom?
Must be tired…
”Surprisingly, of all those, libertarians are actually the most bat-shit crazy”
Really? Do go on.
This reminds of that punchable cunt trombone who had his ‘work’ exhibited in the Tate or some dump like it. This self satisfied twatmangle submitted this total piece of meritless valueless crap and he called it a ‘tree’. When asked why he called it a tree, the spunkbubble smugly crowed like Viz’s Spoilt Bastard, ‘Because I say it’s a tree!’
Well, it wasn’t anything like a tree. It was actually a glass of water (a glass of fucking water!!!).Yet the mongs at the Tate let the cunt get away with it and labelled it as a tree. Liberal fucktard cuntbubble chinless hooray fanny lunacy at its finest. Blighty is fucked, no danger.
I paid £280k for that piece and it’s nor a tree?
I really must be a cunt???
To be a Cunt…or not to be a Cunt…?
That is the question.
Hey DTS,
For a variety of reasons I didn’t get to respond in a timely manner. But this is a great nom. It’s thought provoking with real world implications.
Hats off to you!
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Just trying to get some perspective on moderation of a ?? nature