Match Of The Day 2

Match Of The Day 2 – 13/12/20

An equality cunting for the above, please for having a wimminz footballer, Alex Scott as a pundit. You, luv, have never played at the level you’re commenting on so your input is invalid. Linekar might be a goat-jugged smarmy cunt but at least he’s played at the highest level. She’s the equivalent of a first-aider commenting on a surgeons performance on a triple bypass. The only thing I want to hear from you, sweetheart, is asking how many sugars I want in my fucking tea. And, as I type this, there’s a fucking bird commentating on the Brighton/Leicester game. Excuse me whilst I have a stroke. Is there fuck-all sacred, left?

Fuck off.

Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt

87 thoughts on “Match Of The Day 2

      • Steal my wallet? Does she collect moths?

        I’ve heard Alex commentate and she can be as inane as the best of the male commentators.

        It’s not her fault she’s the recipient of social justice points. The premier league is dependent on income from selling TV rights. I don’t for a moment believe the people running football clubs give a fuck about who’s commentating on games if the money keeps coming in.

        If one club stood up and said “we aren’t interested in PC bollocks, men’s football belongs to men and shouldn’t be diminished by the presence of wimmin.”, that club would be financially ruined as the woke media refused to pay for or broadcast games involving that team.

        If the premier league as a whole did it 20 teams would be bankrupt as the whole league was deplatformed. That’s the reality of today, speak up and it could cost you a hard time or more.

        From black actresses playing white historical figures to women squawking through the match the woke are calling the tune.

      • Big Ron was ace. Signed Robbo and Remi, brought the great Arnie Muhren to Old Trafford, and those first dozen games of 85-86 are still some of the best football I ever witnessed. One of the stars of that run was Peter Barnes of all people. He flew like a coke sneeze.

        Ron sadly lost it in his last year at United. He bought cunts like Colin Gibson, John Sivebaek, Terry Gibson and Mark fucking Higgins.

        Still have a soft spot for Big Ron though. Barcelona 84 and the 85 FA Cup run have secured that.

    • Garth Crooks is morphing into and now closely resembling a Dr Who Sontaran.

      Men commentators for mens sport, women commentators for women’s sport. No exceptions.

      Regarding women wanting equal rights and equal pay, they should rightly receive the same prize money as men however when (and only when) they compete directly against men. Then let’s see how good they are. It’s only fair.

  1. I saw this nice lady on the telly with some blokes at Wembley.
    I thought it was a fashion show or summat.
    Football commentators that are wimmin? Yes but topless is mandatory.
    I might watch a bit then.

  2. Women’s football ⚽️ fuck me where do I start. I sincerely believe that I could pick a pub team that could wipe the floor with the national team. No don’t think about fucking arguing I have played in “pub” teams that had more than a smattering of ex pros and good non league players. And there are many pub teams out there through out the country just the same.

    Women kids everyone should be able to play and enjoy football. What should not be allowed is the constant bull by MOD Bbc cunts suggesting that the should parity between men and women’s football. Absolute bollocks. Daft cunts.

    Can I have a Kit Kat with my cuppa ☕️ love. No sugar. There’s a good girl.

  3. She can’t go ten seconds without saying ‘actually’.

    Wimminz in the studio commenting in the men’s game is just another nail in modern football’s coffin.

    The woke bastards ruin everything.

    • And she also says ‘sumfink out of nuffink’.

      And somehow got the job presenting QoS.

      Obviously purely on merit, of course.

    • Hi Bertie,

      Apologies for referring to you as MNC in a response in a previous thread this morning.

      DCI Gene is to busy having a stroke over Alex Scott, he is probably at the stage where he is frantically looking for the tissues.

      • Evening Wanksock. I’m not sure whether it’s a compliment or not to be confused with MNC!
        I would like to work Alex Scott down the channels. If I was in the same team as her, I would probably be playing alongside her in the hole. ?

      • What Bertie! All this time your not a northern 6’8 bearded, casual racist and flasher?

      • Hi LL. I like to think I’m just a little more mature than that.
        Mis has been out all day on his sled in the Peak District and his Ma has just called him in for tea.?

  4. I wonder what a panel of Cloughie, Malcolm Allison and Jack Charlton would’ve said if she opened her gob in the studio near them.

    I think they would’ve all just started pissing themselves laughing, to the point they’d have to go for an advert break. Poor lass would’ve been in tears.

    • That was a hell of a panel CB.

      Somehow I don’t think the beeb would appreciate Malcolm blowing plumes of cigar smoke in Alex’s direction when she was offering her insight

      • I was too young but I have seen the 70 and 74 itv world cup panels on some videos I ordered a few weeks ago.

        Fucking brilliant. Why? Because they actually argued with each other and made some controversial ‘no fucks given’ opinions

        Clever casting though.

        Jack Charlton: Loudmouthed outspoken and stubborn cunt.

        Brian Clough: Loudmouthed outspoken and funny cunt.

        Malcolm Allison: Loudmouthed outspoken womanising cunt. Usually had had a few by the time the show started.

        I read that Allison once rewarded his players by throwing a naked porn star into the team bath after a win.

        Fucking legend lol.

        Now what do we have? I could fucking weep.

  5. There are probably dogs reacting badly to the high pitched whiny assed voice emanating from telly boxes up and down the country when this is on.

  6. Good nom DCI.

    Women’s football is a hundred levels below the men’s game so I’m sorry Alex, your insight into top level men’s football is as useful as some gobshite from the pub who played 5 a side once.
    Box ticking at it’s worst for me.

    Having said that, I definitely would though.

  7. Jeezus H Christ, here we go again.

    If I wanted my eardrums assaulted by the incessant angle-grinder whining of an underqualified, opinionated, entitled harridan, I’d simply phone the missuz.

    Stay out of male spaces, you wimmimz and your enablers are REALLY starting to PISS us OFF.

  8. The mute button is active whenever some wimminz is doing footie

    That said, I’d love to take her up the corner flag!

    • Maybe you could dub some classic John Motson while having your wicked way with her Techno, “I think this could be our best victory over Germany since the war” is a personal favourite.

  9. I think you have hit the nail on the head, DCI Gene. All this stuff is being blanket bombed over the media to induce strokes, heart attacks or other such fatal consequences in what we might call ‘normal men’. As a result, the woke will inherit the earth and the scum (as they see it) that is ‘normal men’ will be banished forever.

    That is why they are doing it.

    I hope they don’t prevail.

    • The peacefuls will inherit the earth and when the woke start becoming victims of peaceful intolerance they’ll be yelling for the ‘scum’ to fight for them. Of course, it’ll be far too late by then even if the ‘scum’ didn”t tell them all to fuck off.

  10. Women are cunts. Blokes leave girlie games like netball and rounders to the girlies. Why the fuck do bitches want to play what is clearly a blokes game? Same with those men only clubs, what bloke in his right mind would want to go into a woman only club? I don’t want to talk about knitting and periods ffs. Why the fuck are they interested in infiltrating blokes worlds? Nosey cunts. Fuck all of them. Women’s football isn’t women’s football, it’s just football played by women, badly.

  11. I like women (mostly) but there are some areas where they should be obscene, not heard. Punditting and commentating on men’s football is one of them. I abhor this ever increasing nonsense, with BBC’s Robyn Cowen being absolutely unlistenable. Her voice is fucking terrible and her football knowledge is less. Sky?, BBC?, BT Sport? – bunch of cunts.

    • I don’t know about her voice but, having looked her up because I have no idea who she is, she definitely has a face for radio.

  12. We cunted this wailing banshee – and all similar ‘token’ lady experts a few days back.

    At about that time, Mrs Sugden caught me snarling and spitting at the telly when some silly girlie was being invited to add her ‘incisive analysis’ – and just trotting out a list of wank cliches.

    Yet again, I took time to explain to my good lady – in slow, patronising language, designed to offend and belittle – just why it was so wrong, wrong, wrong for these unqualified, squawking harridans to be allowed to interrupt my enjoyment – every man’s enjoyment – with their asinine, ill-informed drivel.

    Mrs S considered my statement and then responded with a most uncharacteristic, but nonetheless astute observation:

    ‘It’s not just the women. That Chris Kamara is as thick as pigshit; he’s worse than any of them. Smarmy Scouse Cunt.’

    Curmudgeonly bastards both, we snuggled up on the sofa to argue about Antiques Roadshow and shout at the cunts pretending they didn’t care how much their clock was worth.

    • You missed an open goal there, Gunner S.
      Kamara is from Middlesboro (per WikiP) not Scouseland.
      You could have put Mrs S in her place for daring to have an opinion at all. Who does she think she is?

      • Thank you DD, I am grateful for your wisdom and insight.

        I had no idea where the cunt was from (Kamara that is, not Mrs S), but apparently he was on the wireless talking about his Christmas Album (yes really!) and Mrs S Googled him.

        As is the custom, and now that she is nearing the end of her 40-year matrimonial probation, I do on occasion allow her to offer comment and opinion on Sundays once her duties are complete and the staff have been dismissed.

        A weakness on my part; I will try and be more assertive in future.

      • And you need to sort her swearing out.

        Mine only talks about fluffy kittens and what I want for tea.

  13. Don’t like it? Stop watching it. Same with this taking the knee crap. If people stuck to their principles things could change, but while most people continue watching this shit, or paying for sky sports, or going to matches it will carry on, and get worse.
    There is no easier way to protest than this. Switch off. Once the big money starts to dry up, and the sponsors start to worry, they would soon start listening.

    • Quite right GJ.
      I can’t believe that like minded and right minded people are still interested in football after what’s happening to it since march and the kneeling shit. I’m surprised that quite a few cunters on here keep banging on about it yet are very vocal about St Floyd of George and BLM matters. 50 years a gooner and now I hope they and all the other cunt clubs go bust and put an end to this shit. I will never watch it again.

      • I agree, I do not watch it anymore. But I can’t help but comment as these cunts have ruined something once sacred to me.

        I’ve now started collecting old games and shows. There’s enough to last several lifetimes if you know where to look.

        Better I spend my money there than on Sky and BT to promote their bollocks.

        But I will call them (Sky, the MSM, whining race baiting footballers etc) cunts for ruining the sport.

  14. Good to see you back DCI! ?
    I do not watch Womens football, because it is awful.
    I cannot watch people who are not very good giving an “expert” opinion – Man or Woman.

  15. At least I’ll no longer be contributing to this load of horseshit.
    Finally got off my idle arse and cancelled my telly licence.
    Fuck the BBC!

  16. I watched a women’s game once. It was how I imagine electrocuted lepers chasing after a bus might look. All over the fucking place.

    • Haha, brilliant CG!
      The ISAC football team of wheezing geriatric over 60’s could annihilate these daft whores.
      There’s an amusing comment under the video: “the defenders scored more than the strikers!”

      • Wotcha Thomas:

        I hope you well-did Santa bring you anything nice?

        The thing is, if those “howlers” were a wimminz pub team, we could have a little sympathy. However they are supposed to be professionals and even internationals?

      • Evening CG, Santa might be bringing me some action with a 35 year old hottie in the next couple of days. She’s 13 years my junior!
        I’ll let you know how I get on….
        How was your Chrimbo?

      • Geddin.
        I am now going to plant a “worm” in your head:

        When you are about to rump this lady, imagine a collection of IsAC cunters, standing by the wardrobe, decked in football scarf and 1960’s rattles, shouting such encouragements as-

        “Go on son-make it count”
        “Come on Thomas, down the throat”
        “There’s only one Thomas Cunt eng, only one Thomas Cunt eng!”
        Sorry Thomas!

        Re: Christmas-I have had better. In the words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about thaat”.

    • Brilliant CG.

      Laughed my arse off. That was the women’s game at mostly international level. The highest level. And we’re supposed to take them seriously?

      Fuck off lol.

      • Thomas, don’t get you hopes up. If Santa thinks you’ve been a naughty boy since Christmas that “35” year old might turn out to be Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeers stand-in, the one rarely heard about called Mincer (aka Mincer the Brown Nosed RavingQuêêr).

  17. The shrill Lisa something or other saw fit to give batting advice to a guest commentator during a recent Big Bash game. The guest commentator was Brian Lara! Mr Lara is a real gentleman but how he kept his calm i’ll Never know. Mrs Guzzi sat in stunned silence at the silly cow’s impudence .

  18. To be fair men’s football is hardly played by men anymore is it, players who dive on floor at the slightest touch, and a bunch of self righteous woke prats.

    Most of the cunts playing it don’t give a shit about fans.

  19. I know what you’re saying about female pundits and commentators DCI, but if I had to listen to one, it would be her. And if I had to do one, it would be her. Wouldn’t mind at all. I’d be up there before Chris Kamara could finish wanking over her.

  20. We get it in rugby too. Union at any rate. What the fuck does a female ‘rugby player’ know about hairy arsed 18 stone cunts kicking shit out of you?
    Let them comment on women’s sports like ice dancing, strictly or formation swimming by all means, but for fucksake keep them away from proper sport.

    • I haven’t seen the Union “kick and clap” for a while but League has Tanya Arnold as a presenter rather than commentator, Cuntstable. To be fair to her she knows her stuff and doesn’t try to tell the boys their job and is easy on the eye. She also has a big advantage* in that she has a deeper voice than the usual irritating sqeaks one hears from female sports presenters** so is nowhere near as annoying when she speaks.
      As for hairy ar$ed 18 stone male players, I’d sooner get kicked and trampled by a pack of them rather than be belly flopped on by the female equivalent
      Some big lasses there.

      * Disadvantage of deep voice = unkind accusations of trännyîsm
      ** Clare “Bernard” Balding doesn’t count as female (thats more milk float equine than human)

      • TT DD@ – Tanya Arnold is an excellent commentater – knows her stuff, does her research and genuinely passionate!
        She has been around forever and I haven’t heard her call it wrong yet.

    • Agree about Tanya on league. She doesnt talk as if she knows what it’s like, so no problem. And she is enthusiastic.

  21. I would rather have Alex Scott than Micah Richards, both were top class defenders (???) but only one has half a brain.

    Richards is a fucking embarrassment every time he open his mouth, fuck knows why he is employed by the BBC (maybe cos he is black init)

    Would like to give Alex Scott a through ball.

  22. I hate to have to say this but after today’s misery of tiers and brino we live on a planet and in a country that is inverted, has no justifiable sense, is criminally insane and unless we RISE UP and start resisting then we are well and truly fucked

    Alex Scott maybe pretty but for fuck’s sake guys, let’s get real – i reckon we’ll be in full lockdown till spring and then it will be too late – the nwo are coming for us and those complying with tyranny and paid by furlough are our enemies because they are enabling the tyranny to escalate – that’s it, i’m pretty well done here, this is a war against us all and it’s not fucking on!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Big Ron was ace. Signed Robbo and Remi, brought the great Arnie Muhren to Old Trafford, and those first dozen games of 85-86 are still some of the best football I ever witnessed. One of the stars of that run was Peter Barnes of all people. He flew like a coke sneeze.

    Ron sadly lost it in his last year at United. He bought cunts like Colin Gibson, John Sivebaek, Terry Gibson and Mark fucking Higgins.

    Still have a soft spot for Big Ron though. Barcelona 84 and the 85 FA Cup run have secured that.

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