Margaret Keenan

Jocko Oirish old slapper currently luxuriating in attention after having been injected with the first free dodgy Pfizer Covid Jab “In The World”. Clearly no good for Alzheimer’s though because when interviewed on all networks the old biddy could only chortle on that it was free and she had done it for all mankind and when was she going to get her prize? A “free” out of season timeshare in Pria De Luz.

Nurses are organising a Go Fund Me campaign to raise funds of £150 for her Confirmation Fee to secure her Exclusive Limited Time Prize plus £25 handling charge to be sent by Wells Fargo to a Mr Bongo in Sierra Leone within 10 days.

Meanwhile Johnson, who is considerably less honest than Mr Bongo, is seen fart arsing it in an NHS coat puff puff fluffing away at how great Britain is for having delivered at massive cost a vaccine by Pfizer, a dodgy pariah among yank drugs companies, developed in Germany and manufactured in Belgium. Blighty’s part in all this? Put in shed loads of money and provided the first unpaid guinea pigs.

The NHS has bought up the world’s supply of super freezers to in which to store the unstable vaccine. Going to be vast numbers of those going begging in a few months time.

Why all this hoopla at this time some may ask. Surely not to throw a smokescreen over a Brexit rat out? Cheap second hand freezer anyone (after the Civil Servants have had theirs)?

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

90 thoughts on “Margaret Keenan

  1. Exactly.They are all sniffing at the trough.Blowjo will extend again the extension.Useless.Old Handycock wants the “lack of freedom” to last for months.I kid you not.I despair at these insufferable dicks.I’ve had enough.Everyone is tired of the same old bullshit.

  2. Im not sure whats being cunted here?
    But I can see why a elderly woman would volunteer for the covid vaccine.
    Never volunteer to go first for anything!
    Bide your time, weigh it up,
    Learnt this aged 8,
    Fools rush in….

  3. (To the tune of Black and Tans)

    ?Come out ya wrinkly hag, come out and take this jab I have, don’t you know you’re our Guinea pig, tested on you now, you might turn into a cow, or grown titties from your forehead?

    With a name like Keenan she’s probably a fenian cunt!!!

  4. She looks remarkably well preserved for a 91 year old….they’d be terrified that the auld trout dropped dead too quick….bet she’s nearer 50 than 90.

    They should have given it to that Capt.Tom…I saw a picture of that lazy old sod getting pushed around in a wheelchair the other day…not so fucking keen of walking when he’s not getting paid a million Pounds for every lap of his garden.

    • Ive issued a challenge to Major Tom, Dick.
      Hes growing lazy, resting on his laurels!
      Some bungee jumps, sky diving and swimming the channel will raise much needed charity money for starving marvins.
      Told him straight,
      He refuses? He may as well have shot them himself.

      • I wouldn’t expect too much,Mis. It took the idle bugger a hundred years to get off his bony old arse and do something last time.

  5. Interesting post, I was only telling a friend (over the phone, not a pint..!) the other day I reckon this is a diversion tactic regarding Brexit – what a couple of cunts BoJo and Handjob are…

    Just waiting for Dame Kweer to open her mouth and we have the perfect Xmas panto…

    • I bet the old tart is really 20 years younger. Another media scam, after all they wouldn’t want some turtle necked wrinkly old cunt would they.

  6. Ooh I see some cunting trouble ahead.

    Just for the record, I’m not ‘anti-vax’, I’m just anti this one that’s supposedly been developed, trialled and approved in less than a year.

    As for nanogenerian Ms Keenan, here’s hoping she gets some pigs in blankets and stuffing in her turkey crown this year.

  7. It’s not the 91 year old bint who needs cunting it’s the total wankers who clapped her. What a bunch of cunts. Next time I have to go to hospital I want a parade of nurses (obviously not to busy) to clap as I come out of the khazi

    • You need to make an appointment so they can fit you in between making Tik Tok videos.

  8. Could be worse, one of the Russian vaccine chiefs has been stabbed and thrown out of a window. Meanwhile back in China, the wheels of industry turn and world domination continues unabated. Meanwhile back in Scotland that fucking hag keeps on and on and on
    It’s a shit miserable day. Fuck off.

    • All pure coincidence. Just like Common Purpose never met back in May, despite the transcript being made available, then Cwm Taff Morgannwg Health Board came up with a ‘Mass Vaccination Plan’ (which I happen to have) by September, including reference to their ‘Response to Pandemics’ Plan dated November 2019.

      Just for the record, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Yes, ‘COVID-19’ is a real thing. My problem with it is that we don’t know what the ‘thing’ actually is, and in nearly a year, no-one’s been able to confirm or deny that.

      For the likes of the green-uniformed, you’re doing a great job which I wouldn’t want to swap with you for all the spunk in the world, carry on and do whatever you need to do to do it.

      • Too late – you’ve already driven the DCI away.
        I shall personally hold you responsible if he doesn’t return.

    • Well at least it’s nice to know I have a following of sorts.

      I was a complete, crossed the line cunt to DCI and I said as much. Yes I regret certain words and sentiments. Words don’t negate his living and breathing experiences.

      But crucially, they just don’t exemplify what it means for an entire nation of 70 million people who simply aren’t dying and filling the streets with bodies and necessitating mass graves, to be on lockdown, wear face muzzles and to take under year developed, untested vaccines.

  9. There does seem to something frightfully Orwellian about this particular shenanigan.
    That and they are a bunch of cunts.
    Just Fuck Off.

  10. As is often the case with Sir Limply’s musings, I am a bit baffled by the gist.
    Vaccine is good news for me and I understand the public choreography of it’s use.
    Brexit rat out? Well, the vaccine might be a convenient means to bury the details. But surely not? Boris is a model of honesty and straight talking. As we all know.

  11. I would urge people to research these new vaccines. These are not traditional vaccines, before you line up eagerly to get injected with one research the contents, research how much testing has been done, research how they have been cleared for use on the population.

    Your body, your choice but surely you want to know what your being injected with?

    As for ms Keenan, she’s 91 by now, off she expired overnight who’d give it a second thought?

    • I agree and would likewise urge anyone under 60 to consider why you would take something that could potentially fuck you up just so 87 year old Barbara can live an extra week, when you have a 99% chance of not dying. No one else’s health is my concern. They’re your rotting tits, you look after them Barbara!

      I would go one step further and cunt all vaccination quite frankly. If you read the history and look at the data, the idea that it is a triumph of science really does come into question. More than that, the fact its top proponents and financiers all seem to be connected back to the elite who themselves have always had a bent for eugenics and population control.. that should be a red flag.

  12. Surely this is racist/sexist/homophobic/trans…blah blah?

    They should have given the first injection to a black lezzer tranny non-gender, Guardian-reading dwarf, a survivor from Grenfell, and a big friend of David Lammy’s!

      • I wouldn’t use CNN as evidence of Fox’s wrongdoings Komodo. They’re rivals both ideologically and in terms of viewership. It’s like asking Hitler what he thinks of the Jews.

      • By exactly the same token, I wouldn’t use Fox as my source for anything whatever contradicting CNN.

        As some among us seem happy to do…

        …though even Faux News (sic) seems to have backed off a bit from the Trump is Jesus line…

  13. They contain ‘Luciferase’ (yeah light, sorry right) and DNA from an aborted 14-week old male foetus. So sorry, despite not having had any genus of prick in the longest juncture, that small prick to save humanity doesn’t sell it to me.

    PS – Word Oppress just attempted to fuck with me as per every few posts. It’s very easy, you just highlight your cuntery and copy it, then when the hammer comes, you clear down your history and cache, go back to IAC, put in exactly the same thing and click the button, and Bob’s your (hopefully not Drag Queen Story Hour) uncle.

    • You think that’s bad, just take a look at what goes into a McDonalds….probably the entire aborted foetus. Of a (wooo!) different species!

      • Thankfully I’ve never eaten anything from Mucky D’s in my entire life.

        I’m not a hypocrite though. I did used to enjoy a Wimpy’s cheeseburger. I’m under no illusions that they weren’t as shit, but at least you sat down and had table service.

      • I never took you for a squeamish cunt, WUTARWACIA?

        Not a problem though if you don’t want to take the vaccine.

    • I’m generally not squeamish in the slightest RTC. I guess the line comes into play of seeing real-life effects of ‘altruistic’ things gone wrong.

  14. There’s been a lot more controversial posts like this recently which poke the bear. I like it.

  15. Can’t be absolutely sure why Keenans being cunted here, except maybe for being overly optomistic and taking it upon herself to encourage the British population to ‘just go for it’ but I suspect that when you have a microphone in your face and realise you’re a celebrity all of a sudden you feel you have to say something significant for the record.

    I reckon Matt Hancock is the real cunt here for sniffling and wiping his eyes like a big girls handbag while watching old Keenan being a heroine. He then talks about people should do their ‘patriotic duty’ and go and get the jab when asked to do so. What utter hyperbolic shit! Now we’ve got a Government minister booing on camera and then fucking well patronising us. Matt (call me Dad) Hancock put your trouser belt away and stick to chastising your kids. Cunt.

  16. Vaccine or not, she’ll be rotten or ashes in the next few years anyway… I will be one day, like you too.

    I’m a bit socked that the nurses in the background were not doing Thriller for TikTok, what a missed social meeja op there?

    • I was just thinking about that Spanky, anyone who recovered was wheeled out of the ward to clapping and a guard of honour of bedpans, even better if some Sky or al-Beeb news team was there to cover it.

  17. Looks like the psy op on the gullible continues.
    New mutant strain allegedly, or conveniently, which is much more likely closer to the truth.
    Be afraid, be very afraid. Remain inside and please lock all your windows and doors.
    Or do we have them wide open when your 1 extra Christmas visitor is in the house with you so as the oxygen can circulate thus saving you from the deadly mutant strain??
    The very same oxygen we’ve also been encouraged not to breathe since July unless it’s through a tissue face nappy.

    Message to those in charge.
    Oh please do fuck off you psychopathic, power hungry, corrupt pack of cunts and shove your miracle vaccine and mutant strains up your arses.

    • It’s not even remotely convincing anymore. Yet there’s still many eating their Cheerios after these cunts have shat in them, day after day!

      I hope 2021 is the year these fucks get punted out of our solar system so we can start being human again.

  18. You pretty much summed up my thoughts.

    The only thing you missed was Hancock, Boris and his Princess and all the other Nazi contract awarding corrupt scum strung up outside a fuel station like Il Duce so we can throw stones at them.

  19. The Old dear was given her 15 minutes of fame, nice little publicity stunt by the NHS/Hancock. Why not publicise the fact the the UK was the first to approve the vaccine.

    It did go a little OTT after that but the faster they role the thing out the better because if your are pro or anti vac things aren’t going to get back to something like normal until a high proportion of people are vaccinated, older cunts and NHS/Care staff.

    • Bullshit. That is not the only way out of this. It’s also a fucking insult to freedom itself, that we should effectively be prisoners until we are coerced into putting something into our bodies. Have you lost your mind and do you actually understand what you’re advocating here?

      If you think this is going to end after vaccinations then you’re going to be bitterly disappointed as well. The writing is on the wall.

      • I am not advocating anything just giving the reality of the situation, you can kick and scream all you want but it’s not going to make any difference.
        I have no idea what will happen after the virus is controlled without restrictions, but one thing we know is that unemployment will be higher.
        All this conspiracy shit is ridiculous, I take a flu vac every year, I don’t ask for all the test data and side effects, I trust that the regulators do their job.

  20. “That is not the only way out of this.”

    Please expand on the alternative. Allow the pandemic full rein, and decline to put the IT cases in IT as that will swamp the NHS to the point when no other treatments will be possible? Handcarts outside the care homes, with shouts of ‘Bring out your dead?’

    You’ll change your fucking tune when you’re over 60, that I guarantee. Unless you are over 60 and can’t see your own advantage if it bites you on the bum.

    Yes, this is being catastrophically mismanaged, largely because the authorities are pussyfooting round the problem. This fucking virus will fester on, mutating, for another decade, if we cannot achieve a high level of immunity within, not only the UK’s population, but the worlds. And you’re playing silly buggers, and telling people the best preventive measure is, I don’t know, some kind of satanic plot to pollute your bodily fluids?

    I think ISAC is about to boot me for using the c word in your direction. You have achieved temporary parity with Blair in my eyes.

    (Tis Christmas – good will to all cunts please – DA)

    • Why not simply shield the vulnerable and get the army to assist with their needs? If it’s mostly people of your age and people with underlying conditions at risk then to me it would’ve made sense to use a more specific approach. It certainly beats my generation being in crippling debt for the next several years because of a virus which most of us will survive.

      • If you want it to still be around when you arrive in a risk group*, you’re going exactly the right way about it.

        * Maybe no-one told you that old age and infirmity are in the small print when you’re born?

      • You’re missing the point Komodo. I’m saying that any lockdown should’ve been applied only to those at risk with the virus being allowed to do its thing amongst the younger and healthy population until herd immunity is achieved. Yes people can get the virus more than once but it isn’t particularly common. Do you have any actual rebuttal or are you hiding behind snarky insults to disguise your lack of an argument?

      • That sounds great in theory, GTC, but you won’t stop young mxing with old. Its logistically impossible. If you are talking about shielding everyone aged over 60 until herd iimmunity comes about, you could be looking at a very long time indeed.

        Also what about those elder folk who need to visit hospital for treatment of serious medical cases or chronic illness?

      • That’s the stuff that would have to he worked out Paul. It’s just a rough idea but anything has got to be better than decimating the futures of millions like we have done.

    • The alternative is quite simple but it requires you to concede you’ve been lied to by the government.

      The data is there: this is no worse than the flu, it has been over for months, and what we have now is a casedemic built off overly sensitive testing and hysteria of the media/public. Sorry, but it’s true.

      Tens of thousands have been dying in recent years of flu, and the NHS was similarly overwhelmed because it’s a mismanaged pile of shite, but we didn’t destroy our nation for that did we.

      Take measures to protect care homes and the elderly, and open up again. It’s that fucking simple mate.

      • I suppose you all know that starting in the new term, your kids in school are going to be ‘tested’ weekly. Published by the government on 15 December.

        Do you all consent to your kids having a weekly, DNA-collecting swab, which can very easily break the brain barrier if you don’t know what you’re doing, being shoved up their noses by non-medically trained staff?

      • Your statement ‘it’s been over for months’ are you seriously saying that the Covid 19 virus is over. If that were true there wouldn’t be thousands of people being admitted to hospital.

      • And how is that different to any other year?! People get ill, especially of respiratory conditions and flu, at this time of year. Like, every bloody winter tens of thousands die of flu.

        Other illnesses have not just stopped. The problem is this testing malarkey is giving a totally fraudulent picture. Hence why the gov is keen to ramp it up further in schools post-xmas.

      • And another thing, you say ‘allow the pandemic full rein’/let it rip, as if this is the Spanish flu or Black Death when it is nothing of the sort.

        It really shows how little you’ve thought this through. Where are all the millions of bodies, huh? Why have shithole nations not been absolutely decimated, like India hasn’t? Why is this thing so contagious and deadly you need to jam a pencil into your brain to see if you have it?

        Everyone I’ve known who has supposedly had it has either had mild symptoms or no worse than a flu. The stats clearly, clearly show this is not a danger any significantly greater than the flu except to the very old and those with existing conditions.

        That is not justification for destroying the country and killing other people indirectly. Sorry, but you really need to try thinking harder at this point.

    • Komodo, will you please stop being the voice of commonsense and reason on here.

      I was hoping to cunt the vaccine as being developed as a collusive effort by Bill Gates, Tony Blair and George Soros as a means to enable population control. This will take place by a microscopic chip contained in the vaccine being detonated in the arterial system, causing instant hemorrhaging and death to all that take it.

      Blair, Gates and Soros will then take over the world and ensure that their celeb pals can live in peace, wherever they wish, globetrotting the world in jets and large-pertrol engined cars without hassle from hoi polloi.

      Or something like that.

      • Sorry, Paul. Sometimes I don’t realise how offensive I am. I identify as autistic, don’t hit me. I used to think I was an inhumane cynic, but I am realising there are people on here with a negative social conscience…and theyre a younger generation than mine. Maybe I should embrace a painful death, as they require. Someone sneeze on me, please.

        You know full well what the rules are regarding cunting cunters Komodo. Especially where personal topics like disabilities are concerned. If you’re not willing to accept the fact that some people have different opinions to you then you’re welcome to leave.

    • What a nasty old man you are Komodo. You’re just like Dio – you’re so concerned about your own problems that you cannot see that there will be a lot of people who will benefit negatively from the measures being taken

    • Still, I suppose it’s to be expected from boomers isn’t it? The way you lot crashed the economy in 2008 shows that you’ve always been a very greedy generation who only care about yourselves.

    • Well Ruff, when someone’s taking personal digs at me for the sole reason that I proposed an alternative point of view then I’m going to stand up for myself. I know you get on well with Komodo but its hardly the first time he’s been a wind up merchant.

      • I get on well with Komodo? Well, I suppose it’s true to say we haven’t been at each orther’s throats recently…

  21. I can’t seem to get a straight answer anywhere I ask but have ANY members of the cabinet had this vaccine yet?

  22. Take it if you want, if you are elderly then it’s a question of assessing the risk/reward scenario.
    Not for me – I have zero trust in politicians and “medical experts” who are getting rich off it.
    But it will be compulsory in everything but name soon enough.

    • I don’t think it will ever be compulsory but the vast majority of adults in the UK will take it and that should be enough to stop the virus.

      • And so it shouldn’t. Either be coercion or mandate. The very notion is quite simply pure tyranny, and anyone advocating for it is devoid of humanity and should be sent to a desert island with all the other soulless fuckups.

      • Loads of people on the site seem to be at each other’s throats at the moment. This oancrmi has really brought out the worst in people and Komodo is a textbook example of that.

      • I think K’s been most restrained. Unlike his antagonist (not you) who would test the patience of a saint.

        Btw, what the fuck is oancrmi?

      • Well, sorry but as someone who has Aspergers that remark about identifying as autistic comes across to me as a personal attack about my disability. That’s what I’m upset about RTC – I’m not being antagonistic for the sake of it.

  23. Pfizer’s main vaccine warehouse was broken into last night.
    The authorities had been tipped off that a Russian gang were looking for supplies of COVID vaccine. They were relieved to find that boxes of viagrâ had been taken in error.
    Police are searching for a gang of hardened criminals.

      • Yeh! I know – 10 feet under ground!
        Seasons greetings Dick.
        I trust your illegal still has been set up to cover any shortfalls over Christmas?

      • Oh it’ll be a long time before my vast wine-cellars run dry,Bertie. Hope you’ve got all stocked up before the panic-buyers strip the shelves.

  24. My folks, both in their 80s and mum has COPD, had their 1st injections last Tuesday. Apart from some discomfort at the injection site, they’re both doing great with no side effects at all so far.

    Not promoting or dissing the vaccination, just reporting what I know.

    Cheers – IY.

    • Good news Imitation. Do your folks live in the US of A? Has there been any timescale of when the US will be vaccinated enough to stop restrictions, so we can travel to the States again? Been seven years since I last went, really want to go back to Vegas and get off my tits big style.

  25. I don’t think that any of you are taking this virus seriously.My aunt has just died from it.
    The reason that it’s spread is because assholes without masks are going around supermarkets,coughing their guts up spreading their filthy germs.There is NO FUCKING MEDICAL CONDITION in existence that prevents someone from wearing a mask……actually there is one…when I have diagnosed someone as being a CUNT.
    Most of the cunts that don’t wear them are the same shit-sacks who are all part of the “rentamob” brigade who feel that they must turn up at every protest -gathering even when they don’t know what the hell they’re protesting about.
    Basically they’re just sticking two fingers up to authority because they don’t want to do as they’re told. If people masked up and maitained social distancing instead of having a massive get -together in Old Compton Street there wouldn’t be a need for a Tier 4.
    The same applies to anti-vaccination cunts who state that they’re not having one because it means giving in to “government control “ whatever the fuck that means . Next they’ll be telling us that the jab contains a microscopic implant that transmits all their thoughts to the government…..well in that case they shouldn’t have typed in searches on g00gle like “ where can I find an 83 year old escort who wants to 5h1t in my mouth?”
    I go around with a mask that I’ve written the following on , “I am wearing this because I’m not exempt “ no-one is unless you’re a cunt”
    Oh dear,I’ve just written something that goes against the views of 99% of my fellow cunters.
    If only my aunt had worn a mask.

    • Well Cuntator, you’re welcome to try and get a mask on my severely autistic brother if you want. He won’t even wear a hat for more than ten seconds though so it might be a bit tricky. Whilst I’m sorry for your loss to claim there aren’t some medical conditions (muscular dystrophy and bronchitis being others off the top of my head) that prevent you from wearing a mask is not only totally wrong, but actually kind of bigoted as well. And if that’s your attitude then the people in your life are probably worse off for knowing you.

      • He or she will no doubt be spouting the same sanctimonious drivel as they’re getting on the train. People that intransigent are lost. Government by emotion for the last 23 years has got us where we now are.

      • In that case why would you want to take him somewhere where he would be at risk of catching the virus ?
        As for being “bigoted” , I would have thought that this would be compulsory for anyone posting on here.
        Merry Christmas.

    • Because he deserves to have just as much of a life as anyone else – he doesn’t really know what the virus is but he has the capacity to choose where he wants to go. Despite his disabilities his health is surprisingly good too so thankfully he’s not at high risk. Apologies if I overstepped the mark but not everyone who doesn’t wear a mask is taking the piss. Besides, everyone else wears one so it isn’t much of a problem anyhow.

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