In a year of outrages, this takes the fucking mince pie. Care Homes are being told by Local Authority Nazis that they cannot put up Christmas decorations. This despite it being clear that dangers of surface transmission of Covid 19 are negligible if any. Who the fuck touches Christmas decs anyway, other than tiny kids and cats?
Read all about this massive cuntery here:
People who have not been able to visit their relatives all year can now enjoy Christmas safe in the knowledge that their loved ones will not. Of course the cruelty is compounded by the fact that it is likely to be the last Christmas for many of these people, Local Authority? Fucking SS cunts., more like.
Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
Another example of the pure cuntitude that has swamped us because of a virus that has killed some very old and infirm people about three weeks earlier than if it had not been around.
One day We will look back at this time with utter horror. For it has been a time when the cunts of this world made us all suffer their little moment of paradise and we all had to live under their bullying bullshit rules and live their wanky lives. However a word to all of you Covid loving cunts out there, we shall not forget who you are or the rules you made up and we shall kick back and take back what is and always has been ours. Meanwhile you can fuck off back down your holes.
What a load of bollocks. If the Chinky Lurgi can be carried on Xmas decorations it can be carried on anything, including any cunt who walks in and out of the place. There’s an advert on the radio currently telling us to open all the windows to “blow away all the covid particles”.
What fucking covid particles? How the fuck did they get in there in the first place? Somebody must have brought them in so we’ve all got them all over us anyway. They must think we are fucking stupid or something. The Chinkies started a rumour recently that they had found traces of the lurgi on food packaging. That soon died a death when the rich cunts decided it would cost them a shitload of money if we stopped buying fish fingers and oven chips. I’m sick and tired of all this bullshit. The only reason i’m going to open all the fucking windows is to shout “I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE.”
“Chinky Lurgy” indeed Freddie.
My early morning blurred eyesight read that as that hot MILF Cherie Lunghi….. enough to raise anyone’s spirits on a cold December morning!!
No matter how bad they get im not putting my mum or dad in a care home.
Not putting them at the mercy of some Nurse Ratchet nazi and some minimum wage umbongo to mistreat,
Fuck that.
Those poor old souls denied the most basic Christmas due to penpushers and mardarses.
Whoever made this decision?
Some egghead cunt?
Well hope you die screaming in a puddle of your own piss,
You fuckin robot.
“That crazy nurse man.”
“Nurse Ratchet is the finest nurse we have in this institution”
“Yeah, but she’s a bit of a cunt, know what I mean Doc?”
Pity that Nurse Ratchet series on Netprix was a load of bollocks…I stopped watching after the first few episodes and swicthed to Fargo…much better, senseless killing.
Rules are there to be broken. What utter fucking mealy-minded codswallop. I would really love to see the evidence driving this rule.
Covid is not only a potentially dangerous virus, but it would appear that the mere notion of the disease robs supposedly intelligent people of the modest powers of common sense they already have. This edict has been dreamt up by Cuntcils; who would have thunk it, eh?
So it is an unacceptable risk to have Christmas decorations but an acceptable risk to force care-homes to accept Covid-positive patients ?
Remember Cunters… “Protect our NHS….ship infectious Old Farts back to their care-home”
….and slap a ‘Do not resuscitate” order on them while you’re about it.
Ah mindless controlling bureaucrats..
The Pen is Mightier than The Sword?
A nice rapier to the chest should settle that.
The mithering cunts.
Logically, if decorations can carry the disease then any staff are also not allowed to put up decorations or even touch the fuckers in shops. And the decision makers had better not be putting any up either or they will be potentially contagious and should self-isolate for the next 10 years at no fucking pay.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Covid. It’s about control and the Left’s desire to destroy our heritage and traditions. These are evil Leftist cunts bent on the destruction of Western Civilization. To do that they must:
Lock down the old folks. Isolate them. Deprive them of their family. Deprive them of their traditions. Deprive them of their heritage.
Christmas is bad and it can kill you. We know what’s best for you. Obey and you will live. Disobey and you will die.
Once the old people are forbidden to celebrate and discuss the past then the young people can be re-educated.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
If this country’s populace hadn’t morphed into a mass of spineless virtue signalling cowards, fed on a diet of moronic slavery to the idiot box and fake news, cowering under their beds and accepting total control of their lives then we could live real lives.
99.5% chance of surviving.
95% of deaths with serious health conditions already present.
200 direct deaths under the age of 40 out of 66 million population.
Average age of deceased is one year older than average age of death anyway so in effect, catching it can make you live longer.
And still we fret and submit.
I hope the next one indiscriminately wipes out two thirds of the world, rich and poor, we deserve it for being brainless saps.
It does make you wonder how much longer they can keep this charade going though, round here apart from a few cunts wearing masks while driving and walking you wouldn’t know there was a fake scamdemic on at all.
I wish the Council would slap a banning order on outdoor Christmas decorations…particularly those belonging to attention-seeking Wankers who are doing it for “Charidee and to cheer everyone up”….Fuck Off…the sight of strings of cheap Chinese lights,tacky inflatable Santas and plastic reindeer doesn’t cheer me up…it makes me want to run amok with a fucking chainsaw.
They can ban indoor ones too…load of shite.
Dick, where I grew up we had what was voted ‘Britains worst Christmas tree’,
The Brinnington twig!!?
It was in the papers a few times,
A sorry looking half bald fir with a string of lights just thrown on it.
Google it, you see better ones thrown out in January.
Morning Miserabke, morning all.
Just looked up Brinnington Twig.
Ho ho! No expense spared on that one eh!
Probably got it from some dodgy xmas tree sale in a car park somewhere! ?
Cuntalugs, it sheds after a few days, looks like a bog brush.
Cheeky cunts that Stockport council!!?
Looks like the ones that I used to supply to an Irish lad who flogged them in The Midlands…he used to take two wagon loads of tops from Sitka that had been felled weeks before..any crap would do as far as he was concerned. I used to get a fiver a top but he flogged them for 25 so I suppose he could afford to chuck a few away.
Morning Miserable
Morning All
You were Sid James’s PhD student and I claim my £25.
But your recycling credentials are great. Greta would be proud of you.
The Govt. should set up a scheme where local busybodies could go around peeping over fences and through “Crimboidiots” letterboxes….neighbour could shop neighour….fines could be issued…homes of transgressors closed down, occupants chucked out on the street and made bankrupt.
Now that would really get me in the Christmas spirit….particularly if they gave me a yellow hi-viz jacket and perhaps a flashing red nose to wear as I “did my bit” and “educated” these lawbreakers.
My wife told me not to bother arseing about getting the decorations out of the loft this year and there are just a few knick-knacks in the living room. Suits me.
So decorations and other inanimate objects can spread it, but children can’t. Fucking bollocks. It fucking appalls me when I see the little cunts running amok in a supermarket, no mask, coughing and spluttering while their entitled retarded parents make at most a token effort to corral their wayward offspring. They should ban the little cunts, as there is no need to be there.
Grab a roll of clingfilm off the shelf and wrap the germ ridden little cunts heads up in it. Lack of oxygen is a first rate cure for ickle Tarquin or Jemima.
Local Authorities are fucking Nazi at the best of times, COVID allows them to go fell gestapo on us.
They will get worse now they are losing millions in tax revenue.
(the National Care Foundation)
Amidst all this jabber about “wiping things down”… had nobody thought about simple UVC sterilisation techniques? As a private individual, I have been using a variety of germicidal UVC devices since January². (Up until then, such luxuries were exclusively lavished on my shubunkins, oranda and Siamese gourami).
I should point out that TTCUTS’s assertion
is sadly counterfactual, in fact it is total bollocks. As one who had the dubious privilege³ of the kind of medical briefing usually reserved for the Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms, I can assure everyone here that touch contact is actually the main way such viruses are transmitted outside of a home environment (and note that a “home environment” includes sneezing under-16 brats by definition).
¹ it would seem all but de rigeur to trivialise or infantilize everything. We’ve (??) always had a penchant for euphemism, but it’s really out of control now.
² when it looked like the shit was about to hit in January, I started using a hand-held 6 Watt UVC wand I’d had for years. By March, I’d bought (cheaply, on eBay) three 36 Watt ozone generating lamps for whole room use. I have now a cellar “wallpapered” with high-reflectance Visqueen™ and equipped with several naked 70watt HID quartz burners (you remove the outer glass envelope and get copious UVC). Use that for shoes, coats, shopping, parcels &c
³ believe it or not – in 2003 I was in Beijing learning Mandarin when the first SARS coronavirus outbreak occurred, from bats in Yunnan via civet cats (ie much the same story). That had a lethality of ~8% (cf covid-19 0.5%). All Embassy staff were briefed by the FCO’s Medical Welfare Department, who flew out in late Feb 03. Their advice was clear. Aerosol contact was a low risk if you kept your distance from LE staff (which you tended to anyway), avoided busier bars (and NEVER trust the glassware!), NO nightclubs or crowded markets. Woven masks offered no significant protection (to the wearer) and actually conveyed risks of their own (facial touching & false sense of safety). Overwhelmingly, the main risk was touch contact then touching eyes, nose or mouth. Some of these people actually were experts (I seem to recall one Dr Viv Thornton from Porton/FCCU really knew his stuff. As he said, your best defence is to remain 100% mindful 100% of the time. Hard work, but liveable – briefly.)
So your main risk now is melanoma!
Well it would be, if I slept in the cellar with the lights on…. I decided against continuing my perhaps slightly hysterical in-room deployment due to legitimate concerns about ozone concentrations – hence the dedicated cellar approach. [That would be a very dangerous environment indeed for the unwitting houseburglar &c – photokeratitis within seconds, nasty cataracts thereafter.]
The in-room 36w lamps I selected have safety PIR detectors – mainly for the cat’s benefit – and are both IP-switched and via 433MHz remote – plus they’re pretty tame at ~10w ERP (at best). Would you like to buy them?
Actually, K, one shouldn’t joke about melanoma as it probably is a risk. Throughout my late 20s, 30s, and most of my 40s I was perpetually as tanned as an old Etonian’s bum, due to an excess of regular holidays in the sun, skiing and generally emulating Prince Charles’s lifestyle. HRH was as leathery as John Wayne’s saddlebags when I met him around `95 – which perhaps should have been a warning.
Is there anyone who’s anyone you haven’t met CS?
There is a joke which concludes as the Pope emerges, accompanied, onto the balcony in St Peter’s Square –
“Say, who’s that guy with Charlie?”
Charlie is in our midst.
Not met Charles, my dry cleaner’s best friend yet Riff Tuff. Can’t say it is a badge of honour in any way, but yours is a rather weird approach. Do you wish you met these cunts yourself, I wonder?
(although quite a few of these “cunts” I did meet were – or seemed to me- quite OK. Peter Mandelson, whom I met several times in Chongqing, is a memorable and notable exception.)
Charles, your dry cleaner’s best friend, doesn’t sound much like someone who’s anyone CS, so irrelevant to my enquiry, CS.
“but yours is a rather weird approach”
Que le fuck?
“Do you wish you met these cunts yourself, I wonder?”
I wouldn’t give any HRH the time of day.
Except Kate – I’d give her my knob 24 /7, no holes barred!
PS: Just heard your mate Manglebum on the radio, saying it’s vital that Labour vote for the EU trade deal when it comes to Parliament.
Clearly he has inside information as to how bad the “deal” will be for the UK, and good for the EU…
That’s a lot of paragraphs, RTC. Charles from Norwich is also unknown to me, so I suppose you kind of missed
my point there. My dry cleaner knows him well, and he is at least as famous as Peter Fenn (as I mentioned to you a few weeks ago) and I do indeed know Mr Qireshi (my cavalier dry cleaner, that is). And he’s not very well known beyond NR3.
Meeting “famous” chaps like HRH¹ was a side-effect of the job, but not a source of pride, joy, interior warmth – but ipso facto often quite memorable.. It seemed like fun to begin with though, and it’s true that many of my colleagues were embarrassingly star-struck throughout their careers. I think going to Cambridge helped me be less agog (or Magog!) Your “strange approach” is popping up asking your initial, slightly peevish question. Why would you do that? Fuck knows. Nor does he care, but it was a tad gratuitous. I certainly wasn’t begging the question (that I was aware).
My “friend” Mr Mandelson wasn’t. I seem to recall mentioning him before on isac. He was a proper wrong-un, and had such an aura of menace I coined the phrase “Ready Brek kid”. This clearly struck a chord at the Embassy in Beijing and I was a bit worried he’d find out it was of my coinage, but he never did.
These days, the only well-known people I meet are usually only featured in mug-shots by local newspapers in the context of sentencing. Quite a few do make the big time, but again only briefly before disappearing for a decade or two. Not a dry cleaner amongst them, but one chap last week got quite a Shpock fencing his stuff on Gumtree. And 240hours CS (community service) and a £95 victim surcharge (it went up in April).
¹ for your further erudition
Not sure where this ‘ban’ is, but it’s certainly not the case in the area I work. We’re in and out of care homes every day, (‘she fell about two weeks ago, got straight up and has been mobilising and carrying on normally since. No, she didn’t hit her head and she’s not on blood thinners. We called 111, just in case. Sorry they sent it as a CAT 2’), and they ALL have Christmas decorations up. All of them.
“Things they do look awful cold, hope I die before I get old”
These little Hitlers make Ebenezer Scrooge look like Father Christmas.
Takes ‘Bah Humbug’ to a whole new level.
Killjoy cunts.
Quite right too. Never mind all this Xmas frippery when people are being persecuted by being misgendered on Twitter. Each care home should show the rainbow emblem of gay pride and transdickery. I am with the local authorities on this one.
Yeah, let the Nazis die. They all voted brexit anyway.
The script from The representative of “Hudson Healthcare” cane straight of the pages if a George Orwell novel.
Who the fuck says “festival” rather than Christmas?
Oh yeah, non white Western European’s with a penchant for eating from Alan’s snack bar ?
I totally agree with the comment about kids running amok in shops and supermarkets, massless-no logic employed in this “pandemic”……
Here is the answer to everything.
How very ironic. My local community council newsletter this month urges all householders in the town to plaster their* abodes with lights because Covid!
There are now acres of Chinese LEDs festooning every brainless cunt’s gaff in the area. I’ll have a look and see if our care home has complied – even if it hasn’t, its neighbours are probably blinding the grannies if they look out of the window.
* Or: the bank’s.
Another reason why I fucking hate Christmas. Bit off topic, I can’t go for a fucking pint in a boozer in Sheffield yet there were 11,000 crammed into Meadowhall Shopping Centre on Saturday coughing and mingling close to one another. You couldn’t make it up. Boris, you are indeed a full weight turd of the highest order.
The people who hid Anne Frank ignored the rules.
The people who murdered Anne Frank obeyed the rules.
FUCK lockdown, masks, the rich getting more as we get screwed, plastic nazis and their hard on rule book, fuck being ordered about and lied to and fuck greedy self serving puppets working to destroy MY Country where residence has been paid in blood, control vax and politicised rodent police.