Here’s a prime example:
Filthy, disease-ridden, free loading, violent, criminal ‘economic migrant’ scum arrive on our shores illegally and are often aided and abetted by the Coast Guard. No passports, no identity papers, no money. Nothing. They just show up with their hands out and the authorities welcome them in. They’re given medical attention, food, shelter and dog knows what else. All at the tax payers’ expense, after which they set about pillaging the welfare state while setting up child grooming gangs and stab-a-Brit competitions. Sound familiar? You know the sort, Linecunt’s friends.
Contrast that with this:
Dale McLaughlan (from Scotland) was working away from home in the Isle of Man. Special work permit and all that since the Isle of Man is effectively cut off due to Covid. Basically no visitors unless you have special permission. He meets a lady while out one evening and a little romance develops. He subsequently returns to Scotland. He then applied to the authorities asking for special permission to visit the Isle so he could see his lady. He’s told to fuck off. So he applies again. Once again, told to fuck off.
Undeterred, he gets hold of a jet ski and rides the waves from Whithorn, on the west coast of Scotland, to Ramsey, on the east coast of the Isle of Man. Took the poor bugger 4.5 hours! He got himself tested for Covid before he left. Negative, so he’s no threat. Upon his arrival, he met up with his woman and they went out on a date. Long story short…plod shows up, arrests him, he’s up in court and is subsequently jailed for 4 weeks for entering the Isle “illegally”.
Dale McLaughlan sounds like a proper British name, unlike Abdul Mostabbed. So a British citizen, going from one part of the British Isles to another, assuming all risk to himself and not involving the Coast Guard is raked over the coals for initially trying to do the right thing and being given the finger, then goes around the problem while being proven to be no risk to the Isle’s residents. Yeah, he broke the rules, so perhaps a fine or a suspended sentence. Nope – JAIL TIME!
Presumably if he’d shown up in a rubber dinghy claiming he was fleeing the tyranny of wee Jimmy Krankie, he’d have been given food, shelter, money and a police escort to the nearest school.
Nominated by: Imitation Yank
seconded by: Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt
I want to cunt the Manx Government.
This is the first time I’ve been that fuckin’’ annoyed to cunt something that isn’t connected to my dear homeland.
A Scot, Dale McLaughlin has been jailed over Christmas because he visited his girlfriend on the island by travelling over from the West coast of Scotland on a jet ski!
The Manx cunts require that you should apply to enter the island during COVID.
Fuck the Manx cunts. I know the island well, through taking school parties there many years ago. They won’t get another penny from me.
The island is a British Crown dependency but Boris should send over a gunboat to free him and free the people. Fascist Manx bastards.
Hats off for Dale, no motivation like a woman to get you acting all milk tray man.
I like the Isle of Man, although not been since the 80s.
Like to go again, but not by jetski.
I have no sympathy for that Cunt on the jetski. He risked not only his own life but the lives of people who might have had to turn out to rescue him.. ( he had only a few minutes fuel left and can’t even swim). He the went to 2 nightclubs with his girlfriend and risked spreading the “pandemic” to everyone on the Island.
He’s no hero,he’s a thick,selfish Wanker…cut his knackers off and deport him.
He cant swim?!!!
Jesus! He must of really wanted to get in this birds knickers!
Minnie the manx.
Hopefully he’ll get all the rumpty-pumpty that his heart could desire while he’s locked up.
Big Winston in D-block’ll be priming his pump at the thought…do they even have Sooties in the IofM ?…if they do they’ll undoubtedly make up the vast majority of the prison population.
…them and The Gays.
Think the lags in the IOM are mainly in for livestock rape and not honouring the solstices.
I stayed in a old farmhouse with no electricity just gasmantles and a grave in the back garden for a sheep called ‘Ashley’.
Taught to make rabbit snares and sharpen a knife.
Best holiday I ever had!!?
@Dick 9.27
You’re soulless! You’ve obviously never been that much in love before that that it physically hurts to be parted from the one you love. ?
I think it’s the most romantic, chivalrous act since the days of the Milktray Man ad.
The story doesn’t reveal that Dale also believed his life was in danger if he remained in the oppressive, fascist state north of the border. If he’d washed up in a dinghy, he would have been feted as a hero.
The Manx have a fear of invaders going back to the Viking hoards.
In 850 AD, the Viking warrior Bjorn MISERABLESON invaded the island, raping and pillaging. This 6’ 8” giant of a man created fear wherever he went. He was also responsible for introducing beer to the islanders and set up the island’s first brewery Okells.
Miserable Beardstrom aka the ‘Manx Flasher’.
“You’re soulless! You’ve obviously never been that much in love before that that it physically hurts to be parted from the one you love.”…
moving words ( well they certainly moved me…all the way to the shithouse afore I threw up) indeed from IsaC’s very own Barbara Cartland…and you’re wrong…I was very much physically hurt when I was parted from my much-loved Hunter as we attempted to clear a large beech- hedge while chasing a Basil Brush…my monocle even popped out I came down that hard.
Afternoon,you soppy old Sod.
🙂 .
Be stout Dick!
If people ask you how’s your love life going, tell them . .. . .
You’re holding your own!
But then again the same could be said for the Dinghy Express gangs
Aye…I’d cut their knackers off and deport them too.
Not much Christmas peace and goodwill in the Dick household, lol
My thoughts entirely, Dick.
Hear Here R.T.C and Mr Fiddler.
You are Tony Abbott and I claim my £5.
4.5hrs on a jet ski. Didn’t think they had fuel tanks with that endurance.
The sand people in northern Calais will be doing the sums….
The sand people are easily startled.
But theyll be back
And in greater numbers….
Alec Guinness
Petrol Can, pre planning.
I recently went to Daneland to visit my kid and give him his Christmas presents.
Flight and car hire £200
Covid test £200
Parking, petrol and sundry items £100
On my return, I get a threatening text message telling me I need to hibernate for 14 days or face a massive fine. Apparently plod could show up at random to check I am home.
In order to get into Denmark I needed my kid’s birth certificate, christening certificate, national insurance card and a negative covid test, taken within 72 hours of arrival.
Border control at Copehagen airport checked the lot.
To get back into England, I needed to print out a three page form with every detail on. Flight number, seat number, time of arrival, home address etc.
No one bothered to check any of this at Heathrow.
I should have just rocked up on the beach at Folkestone with no passport or ID and I would have been given a free covid test, free bed and board, free pocket money and a free taxi ride to a four star hotel with room service on tap.
And a new passport and identity. Could come in handy having two
I’d like to see a picture of this bird. She must be sizzling fucking hot to inspire this highly dangerous Milk Tray Man behaviour. Either that or Dale is a right soppy cunt.
Speaking of Milk Tray Man, when did he finally disappear?
The ads were hugely popular in the 70s and 80s, but no more!
But then again I suppose if we had one today, not only would the chocolate have to be preapproved by woke watchdogs; and the person doing the delivering would have to be a person of colour, gay, one-legged trannie-in-the-making gangster
If you think about it Techno, Cadbury were way ahead of their time. If I recall on the ‘calling card’ that Gary Myers used to leave behind, he was just a black shadow of a figure with no hint of him being white. Clearly a 70s box ticking exercise in early diversity and white social cleansing.
….just realised. Cultural appropriation. A black shadow portrayed by a white man. Very bad. Rewrite history, the Milk Tray man never existed.
It is in the papers Freddie. Not bad looking and a pair of tits you could lose yourself in for weeks.
When I finally get to go back the city I am getting a fucking jetski and going up the Thames Estuary
4.5 hours, that’s legendary range for something I assumed would run out of fuel in about half an hour.
Let’s see how Greater Anglia likes that.
On the one hand fair play for breaking stupid bullshit rules, fully support that.
On the other, what a fucking simp. Putting your life at risk just for a dip in the fish pie is the height of cunt. No pussy is worth your life.
He’s got the drive of a salmon heading upstream to spawn. After they get their rocks off they (at least the pacific salmons) all drop dead
Am surprised the Isle of Mann, hasn’t been trashed by irate woke feminists and assorted LGBTQblahs
Expect a rename of Isle of LGBTQblah any time soon
The legal system legitimises having one side getting rapists, murderers and pee-doughs off the hook. That’s all.
He should have claimed asylum on arrival, silly cunt.
Must be some good pussy or he don’t get much pussy? She will fuck him over sooner or later.
Four and a half hours in the open sea on a jet ski.
He’s a cunt.
The Isle of Mann.
Lots of thick racist cunts.
Racist against the English, that is.
I spent a lot of time there in the 80’s.
Some highlights:
-watching pro IRA oirish cunts with buckets, going around the pubs, collecting “for the cause”.
-being told that English are cunts and being classified as-
“A when I” – because most Manx cunts have never bern it done anything of any significance and therefore have a massive chip on their shoulders.
“A come over” – used as a derogatory term against English people who visit.
“A stop over” – again a derogatory term for English people who choose to make it their home.
-experiencing superstition on a level not seen since 17th century Cornwall. At leat Cornwall has better scenery ?
If The Scots ever wise up and go after wee Krankie with pitch forks and flaming torches, a fast jet ski to Ramsay might be the answer.
They would give her a warm welcome and with her anti-English bile, she would “fit in”.
They’ve also got a 3 legged idol and eat their cats tails.
The kippers are supposed to be alright.
Try smoked mackerel instead of kippers – much more meat, hardly any bones and a beautiful taste – highly recommended!
I’ve been living there for years, so being English, I class myself as a ‘leftover’.
Bat chinky negative. Did he break the sacred tier system or not?
Fair point about the lifeboats, doesn’t stop them escorting stabber parasites though, or teaching Bangladesh wimminz to swim or buying burkinis for some raghead West African country, fuck the woke RNLI, I won’t need their service being a non nautical type.
He should have just taken a dinghy.
Meanwhile the toffs can, as usual do as they like :
Lola ,bet she tastes just like cherry cola!
Fuck me! Not guilty!!
She can do whatever she wants far as im concerned!♥️♥️♥️
Jesus-Mia has gone all “Titanic” on us-falling for a toff on a boat ?
Leonardo di Miserable-your the “king of the world”.
Watch out for icebergs in the Irish Sea ?
Not fucking Mia.
Fucking phone?
Fuicking hell, just saw her pic in the Dail Fail, wearing a bikini and looking demur
Excuse me for 5, maybe 6 minutes, while I take a closer look at the errr,,, fabrics that were made for that ill-fitting bikini… and eerrr, yeah that’ll do
That is something I would happily spend lockdown smashing the back out of.
The naughty little minx.
Smack her arse for her and buy her another bikini ?
The bint should have been rewarded for showing out! ?
Merry Crimbo Cuntle ?
She’s a real ho ho ho Ruffles.
Happy Christmas to you and yours too.
Parp! Toot!
Having reviewed images of this lads “Helen” of Ramsay (the face that launched a thousand jet-ski’s), I have to conclude:
Manx Biffa.
In a busy pub, full of younger folk in the 1980’s, I mentioned to some local lads that there were some decent looking birds-but they were all a bit tubby.
They told me that when girls reach 16 or 17 they discover two things that pile on the weight.
What’s that, asked I?
“Spunk and Guinness”
True story-still makes me laugh?
Nice to see the Manx are still living in the 50’s. Face it, if you’re a comeover and not a Local People, you are liable to get the full weight of the law dropping on you. Should have flogged the cunt. Nonswimmer, jetski, open water? Cunt squared.
The only time I’ve visited the Isle was for the TT races back in the 80s and 90s.
The events were great, but the locals were, by and large, total cunts to “outsiders”. Quick enough to take your money, but their attitude stunk.
fuck them
The cunt hardly knew her……
Another true story to illustrate the Manx inteeeerleeect:
I was informed, by a group of locals, straight faced, the Island sinks 4” into the Irish Sea every TT fortnight, due to the weight of all the tourists.
They weren’t taking the piss-they actually believed it?
If you want to freak a Manx cunt out, say Rat (Ringies / Ring tales), Pig (curly tale) or fat cunt (Manx women)?.
Superstitious, bastardised race made up of Oirish/vikings/Spaniards.
The water ski idiot is a twat, nothing to do with Covid and the Scamdemic but I just think he’s a total and utter 100% gold plated shit stain.
I for one wouldn’t have batted an eyelid if the cunt had gone to the bottom and fish had eaten his eyeballs out and his overactive cock had been attacked by angler fish.
For me, this guy is getting close to cunt of the year.
Leave the poor, horny cunt alone. The guy was only after his Nat King Cole and went to some lengths to slip her a length. It was foolhardy but never involved any lifeboats/men getting endangered and his pre-trip Covid test ensured no nasties got into the local Manx population. He’s been released today but sent back to darkest Ayrshire without seeing the object of his desire. He’ll probably have a J. Arthur on the ferry, as he dreams of his hot air balloon trip. I’ve been to the Isle of Man loads of times and always got on well with the locals, although most young women there are as fat as fuck.
Exactly, Smeggy. I assume he got tested and his negative result prompted his daring do. The point of the nom was to highlight the fucking contrast in how he was treated to how illegal immigrants are treated. I’m not saying he was right or justified. Only that there’s not a huge amount of difference between what he did and what the illegals do and yet he got jail time and the illegals get welcomed in and are fawned over like they’re fucking royalty. It’s sick!
Some being a bit harsh on the poor dopey sappy cunt. Who among us has not done something completely daft in the pursuit of something warm, moist and inviting. For those who haven’t seen what he wanted to ride when he finished his ride (see what I did there?), here’s a link to the Sun featuring some pics of the lady in question. I would.
Still my favourite bit is, “The roofer had just ten minutes of fuel left when he arrived at Ramsey harbour after he assumed the journey would take just 40 minutes.” How the fuck can you be that wrong? Forty minutes turned into 4.5 hours? I think the clues are “roofer” and “assumed”. Plus who the fuck bothered to check how much fuel was left in the tank? Why would you even want to know that?
It’s a great story and thanks to cunters for the reminder about Milk Tray Man. Gosh – thems were the days. Do they even still make Milk Tray?
I’ve seen women who were worth shagging and some who were worth a wank, but I’ve never seen one who was worth four and a half hours on a jet ski. If I’d found a woman like that I’d have married her.
I once shagged a young woman in a pedalo, in Magaluf Bay – does that count?