James O’Brien (8)

Somehow, miraculously, James Obrien has only received a quite underwhelming, one ‘cunting’ on this most prestigious of websites. This simply won’t do. Today, I correct this flagrant injustice by nominating Obrien, not once, but a whopping 5 TIMES!!!. I don’t know how I’m going to justify this bending of the meritocratic physics of this website. But, one cunting will never suffice.

Alas, I’m hoping that my verbal volleys and linguistic nut shots on James will mount such a devastating deluge of beatdownery, such an orgy of rhetorical violence, that the rules of the ‘…is a cunt’ universe will be ripped apart and tally it as at least 4 cuntings for James.

He’s such a colossus of cuntiness – such an exceptional case of the cunts – IMO he deserves to be on the ‘Mount Rushmore’ of cunts (along with arguably Tony Blair, Gary Lineker, Diane Abbott et al). How he has slipped under the radar of this website (a place seemingly so tailor-made for him to be featured) for so many years is probably a mystery of the ages. No longer. His cuntery is uniquely loathsome and must be heralded as such for all time.

For evidence of this, look no further than his daily call-in show on LBC. It’s such hard listening you’ll wish that you were subjected to two hours of Jimmy Car’s soul-shattering, choked inward laugh instead of James’ bloviating, self-righteous, bleeding-hearted smugness. He is so cocksure of his own moral rectitude, so enamoured by his own intellectual pedigree he has to wear a near-constantly scrunched face of exacerbated contempt for the world to signal just how ‘not good enough’ everything is. It’s like a congenitally defective bulldog with a lego brick in its sock. I think his face might be the single most ungrateful point in the universe.

Poor ol’ James, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, sensing all the world’s pain. If only they could just do what he says and it would all go away. I picture him, up at 2 am, unable to sleep again, trying to block out his own neurosis with thoughts of himself as Woke Emperor of the World, Left-Wing Superhero, Captain Woke, there to right the evils of the world by pwning middle-Englanders with one stroke of his rhetorical mastery at a time.

This man even had the audacity to write a book called ‘How To Be Right’ with no hint of irony or self-awareness. One senses that a man like this isn’t much interested in free thought, but that everyone must agree with his prescriptions for the world, lest they fall into the bracket of wrong thinkers ripe for his ire. To him, there is right and ‘wrong’ think, in true Orwellian style. No humility, no missing of details, no bias, no possible way he might be slightly off by a whisker, no possible way that the other side might be on the money from time to time. None of that. His omnipotence and omnipresence is so, well, ‘omni’ he is like the universe itself.

And, low and behold all of his political opinions line-up neatly within the purview of a socialist, Guardian-reading, Pro-EU agenda. He throws around words like ‘fascist’ ‘racist’ ‘homophobic’ ‘Islamophobic’ like confetti and plays down the violence, censorship, lies of the Left, goes softball on left-wing sacred cows and becomes a fawning sycophant when in the presence of other left-wing bigots and liars like himself. What’s worse is that people actually buy his books and adopt his intellectually dishonest style of debate as a way to feel empowered and somehow badass, egging him on as a true prince for their side. In truth, he owns NO ONE in a debate because the debate simply never happens.

Instead, he berates, interrupts, scoffs, sneers, childishly harangues and bullshits his way through caller’s sincere attempts to reason with him as a way to APPEAR to have won. This is childishness you’d expect from a 9-year-old, narcissistic bully, not an adult of 40.

I’ve never hated anyone more than him. And that includes Piers Morgan and CJ De Mooie off Eggheads. They are unmitigated cunts. But, James takes the gold medal – by far. In fact, he’s an Olympic cunt. He’s the Sir Steve Redgrave of Olympic Cunts. And that’s why I’m giving him 5 Olympic cunts. It should be orders of magnitude more but Steve Redgrave’s athletic window closed too soon to keep up with Jame’s prolific and evident cuntishness.

By way of catharsis, I direct all readers to a youtube video of Jacob Rees Mogg calmly, soundly and effortlessly putting James O’Brien in his place on youtube, on his own turf, to the point of near mental breakdown. Look it up. There cannot be a person more designed for James to hate and he sends James packing on his arse.

Anyway, I don’t know if I can really do a cunt like James justice here. But, please lay in some extra digs in the comments to finish the cunt off. Lovely.

Nominated by: Flappy Cuntlips


…and this from GILES EVANS 

James O’Brien MUST have been fiddled-with as a kid (a big “allegedly” added here – DA). I can’t get my head around just how much attention-seeking bollocks he spouts-out. It’s beyond fucking parody.

Is this what a public-school education gives-us? If I could be bothered I’d love to ask him how he can justify thieving a living. I doubt he has ever done an honest days work in his entire life.

Plus he’s an ugly looking c*nt. Hand him a fishing-rod and put him in your front-garden. He’s a perfect Gnome.

88 thoughts on “James O’Brien (8)

  1. Most excellent nom. James O’ Brien is indeed a cunt of galactic proportions and worthy of a Mount Rushmore likeness. One consolation is that since the Brexit vote O’Brien looks like a man on three bottles of whiskey a night who wakes up in his clothes.

    I can’t take LBC anymore, stopped listening to it. Nick Ferrari was Ok in the early morning but then O’Cunthead takes over followed by dire fat lefty Shelagh Flabberty. I can’t bring myself to listen to them. I realise this puts me in danger of surrounding myself with an echo chamber but really, life is for living, not listening to O’Brien.

    I have Talk Radio on now which seems to be an all day anti-lockdown station – tremendous stuff.

    • Im only aware of James through ISAC,
      Know hes not popular with cunters.
      I don’t listen to radio as I own a television.
      I say own, meant rent.

      • Lol that reminds of Radio Rentals and when people used to rent washing machines and stuff like that.

      • We still rent both washer and drier. Given how shoddily built even the more expensive modern appliances are, it works out cheaper than buying…

      • @ Miserable – you can listen to LBC on television. Freeview channel 732.

        However, I agree with Cuntologist: TalkRadio is WAY BETTER!

      • Thanks Ruff,
        But reading some of the things you and others cunters say about James, im going to give it a miss.
        Ive spread my HATE far and wide and its at breaking point frankly,
        James is just that bit much.?

      • I always buy appliances for next to fuck all off fuckface marketplace. My best one yet was a Miele dishwasher up for spares and repairs as it was showing a fault code and pissing water all over the floor . £20 they wanted. It retailed at £950 new.
        A new o ring on the inlet solenoid and happy days. Had it for about 3 years now and it’s the bollocks. You can’t even hear it when it’s running. Also got a two year old Samsung American fridge freezer for £80 as the door wouldn’t close on the freezer. Replaced the hinge for £20.
        On another little money saving hack. I buy a freezer just before Christmas on book face for about £30 to put in the garage and use for the extra Christmas meats etc. Come January I sell it for at least the same as I paid for it. Free rental . Happy days.

      • Hehe remember that?
        Renting a telly?
        When I was a kid my grandad an nana took me for a week in Blackpool.
        When we got to the guesthouse my grandad had a big row with the landlady,
        Called her “a fuckin robbing old cow!!”
        He stormed off leaving me an my old nan there for the rest of the week.
        The cause?
        50p meter on the telly!??

      • Back in the 80s I used to have to fit and remove the coin meters on rental sets.
        Great fun drilling holes in a brand new telly… ?

      • My parents had one of the 50p electric metre back in the day.
        Often they’d run out of coins for the thing.
        Used to get sent or more likely forced to knock round the neighbours on the random nights the thing flopped, armed with a pound note to swap for 2 x 50’s so we could get the lights back on.
        It was grim up north.

      • Life was simpler then though. You went in a cafe and asked for a coffee, you got a coffee, not 500 different choices with a similar amount of types of milk.

        Then, if you wanted a burger, you went in Wimpy and sat down to eat your burger and chips with a knife and fork. Like quality people. None of that throwing your Maccy D’s wrappers out of the car window on the way home.

      • Robin@
        Just take your own knife and fork to McDonald’s then it doesn’t spoil your dining experience!!

      • But of course.
        Dining linen, napkin rings,
        No point dining out rough,
        As Baden powell said
        “Be prepared!”?

      • Yes life was simpler, Wimpy great, dials on a phone, potatoes lasted for ages, three channels on telly, books were a thing, Still had atrocious wallpaper and green baths, power cuts, flares and platforms. Shudder.

    • Being constantly right about everything and lecturing us mere mortals on our supposed shortcomings has indeed taken it out of him Cuntologist, O’Shithead looks like a depressed walrus in the pic. The embodiment of a cunt and all round EU fanboy, he won’t feature on Mt Rushmore but can make IsAC’s ‘Wall of Cunts’.

  2. I don’t listen to LBC but I have seen a couple of videos of this clown on Youtube.

    I concur with Flappy and Giles. O’Brien is a massively smug cunt. He makes me glad I don’t listen to LBC. I’m just surprised one of his guests hasn’t punched the twat on the nose.

    • If you want to feel your ears boiling, and then start shouting at your ipad, there are some videos of his radio show on Youtube.

      Be warned though – you will want to kill him.

  3. This cunt thinks it was and is the fault of the thousands upon thousands children(including one of mine, it a long story )that were and are victims of Jihadi rape gangs. When this story first came out the cunt refused to allow me on his show. I fucking hate the cunt. He also supported exaro news with the lies of Tom Watson and Carl Beech. A massive cunt. He is one of the only people id give a good beating to if I ever met the cunt on the street.

  4. After the colossal intellectual tome that is “How to be Right” O’Shithead has a new book out in time for Xmas…..”How Not to be Wrong.” I’d buy it as a present for someone but there is nobody I hate that much.
    I have avoided listening to this Public School fake commie bastard for about 2 years. I did tune in the day after the election just to hear him cry but after 10 minutes of blaming it all on Steptoe and the “right wing media” (who the fuck are they?) I couldn’t take any more of his sanctimonious psychotic babbling. Fuck me, he’s such a commie bastard even the BBC had to get shot of him.
    O’Shithead loves the EU and immos. He has dozens of immo friends apparently, who are always telling him stories about the terrible racist treatment they receive in this fascist police state. I didn’t know there were that many immos in Chiswick and as they must be as rich as O’Shithead you’d think the coppers would treat them with a bit more respect. Tut tut.
    Oh, he’s a cunt alright…..and a bare faced fucking liar. Listening to him and his arselicking simpleton callers you would come away with a very distorted picture of the world. By the way he’s even been called a cunt on Mumsnet! Seriously! That takes some doing.

    • The BBC didn’t get shot of him, if you believe the Cunt himself …


      He maintains he left because of his strong anti -Brexit / anti- Trump feelings … Hee Haw, pull the other one you cunt, if he thought he could get his nose in the BBC trough he’d sit tight like the rest of the BBC cunts until they die.

      I mentioned before I couldn’t get to the radio quick enough to shut it off when I heard the cunt fire up his daily shite on LBC … Now, I just take the radio to an empty room, leave it on with O’Brien squaking away .. tell him ‘That’s right James, you’re always right James, tell them how it is James .. there’s a good boy .. and click the door shut for three hours.
      I did hear the sanctimonious cunt the other morning, I believe when Dominic Cummings left Downing St., refer to Carrie Symonds as Boris’s CURRENT partner. I’d be the first to give a wry smile if I heard Mrs O’Brien was getting it large from a big buck ‘fellow’ daily through the week between the hours of 10am and 1pm.
      Mrs BMP is the most reasonable person I know, giving more than an even crack of the whip to anyone, even when in doubt … I told her to listen to LBC for one of J O’B’s shows .. she didn’t last an hour and a half before asking me .. ‘Who is this rude Cunt ?’ .. It was the first time I ever heard her swear …

  5. Some little known facts about James O’Brien:

    1. He’s white, and therefore a racist.
    2. He chose to marry a white woman, therefore not only a racist but homophobic and transphobic too.
    3. He’s a Roman Catholic, therefore turns a blind eye to the ubiquitous kiddie fiddling within said organisation.
    4. He enabled his woman to bear 2 white kids, therefore he is a climate change denier and cares not one jot about the planet.
    5. He’s of Oirîsh descent and therefore thick as pigshit.
    6. His parents had him adopted cos they were ashamed of having a white baby.

    • 7. He’s a privileged, middle class champagne socialist who lives in an ivory tower with his mates Lily Allen and Gary Linecunt and is therefore perfectly qualified to talk on behalf of white working class people and their love of uncontrolled immigration.

  6. Great nom.

    James O’Brien.
    Listened here and there to him on LBC over the years.
    The most irritating, sanctimonious, overtly pc, arrogant, sneering, condescending bastard I have ever had the misfortune of hearing on any so called phone-in talk show, ever.
    He mutes callers who attempt to debate him or counter his right on views.
    He talks over and down to any callers he deems beneath him. (which is pretty much all of them)
    Claims to love mass uncontrolled 3rd world immigration into the UK but he himself of course, chooses to live in mainly white Chiswick. (naturally)
    Just the usual type of hypocrisy ridden cunt that dominates the airwaves so nothing unusual there.
    He also celebrated like a petulant spoilt child when Farage was given the boot from LBC.
    There is some old YouTube footage out there of Frank Lampard tearing him a new one. (if it’s still there – I haven’t bothered to check lately)
    I think it was something regarding Frank’s split from the Mrs and the resulting custody of the kids etc. (if I remember correctly – I could be wrong)
    Basically O’Cunt stuck his oar into the fellas business and family problems, publicly bad mouthing him like an old busy bodying gob shite over the back garden fence.
    Something that was fuck all to do with him or of any interest to any normal person.
    Kudos to Lampard as he basically told him where to shove his opinions.

    O’Brien is one monumental cunt and deserves more recognition of his supreme cuntishness on this fantastic site.

    • I remember the Lampard call, a fucking classic. The cunt shat himself, backtracking and apologising profusely. I can’t imagine Lampard listening to that cunt so somebody must have tipped him off. Yet another cunt who hates O’Shithead.

    • Mate, that call from Lampard should’ve ended O’cunt. Career right down the tubes. Had it happened today there’s a strong chance it would have. But, what am I saying? Left wing bigots nearly always get s second, third and fourth chance to be cunts.

      The most nauseating thing about James is even when he is FORCED to backtrack he still maintains an aura of sanctimony, self righteousness and moral pride, as if his contrition is further evidence of his ability to be morally correct. “See? This is humility. Aren’t I so much better than you. I’ve even apologised. Bet you couldn’t”. It’s all from a very dark and weasley place. He really should go to a ayawaska retreat and work his shit out. I’m not kidding.

  7. Such a well crafted nom there Flappy….dripping in antipathetic venom.
    Have never listened to the cunt,as previous scribes on here have advised against for blood pressure and piss boiling health reasons. So,having been thought a cunt i now indeed know he is a Mega cunt twat of the firstt water and shall continue to avoid.

  8. Another Mick that has washed up on these shores. This cunt needs taking home and burying alive in a peat bog with a potato in every orifice.

  9. He’s an excellent asset to the anti EU camp, he’s turned more people in to Brexiteers than Sir Nigel

  10. Bravo cunters, Bravo. I can feel your pain listening daily to this sanctimonious cunt. Can we not stitch him up to our peaceful friends by insinuating he said Allah is a cunt?

  11. He’s an excellent asset to the anti EU camp, he’s turned more people in to Brexiteers than Sir Nigel of the Farage

  12. James knows best, he’s smarter than us, he understands issues better than we do, he has more empathy than us and feels more deeply than we do. I feel i should put forward a reasoned balanced argument as to why James is a weasel, why James is a shit stain in the underpants of broadcasting.

    But I won’t, if anyone needs evidence of my appraisal of James, they should listen to one oh his broadcasts.

    Lord Haw Haw 2020……….cunt.

  13. I cannot even look at this arrogant scowling Cunt without wanting to throw a punch at him.
    Like most Lefties they have to have a figure of hate that they are always on about. But now the Donald is moving out and Brexit is almost done who is this piece of sanctimonious piece of shit going to vent his anger on next ?

  14. Whilst he has achieved fuck all in terms of being a cunt through action – you would never know he even existed without a radio – in my book he is a top contender for the biggest cunt of all time.

    Gets paid silly money to sniff his own farts in the studio and jerk off under the desk to the sound of his own voice. He is the epitome of the liberal middle class urbanites, remamiacs, clean freaks, simps (wife didn’t take his surname lol), pencil necked smug will-never-shut-the-fuck-up arrogant twats.

    I’d gladly donate to a campaign to have him cancelled from the airwaves, and from life by getting beaten to death with blue passports. The cunt!

  15. James O’Brien is a wrong’un shit cunt.
    He is a dangerous cunt as well, as he is so deluded and thinks he is right abaaaaaht everything.
    He no doubt wakes up and looks in the mirror and say’s to himself ‘Cmon James…you are one of the most important people in the world. They need you James.’
    I sometimes catch him on the radio and he is such an I’m always right, expert on everything, I always win cunt. Interrupts everyone and I am sure he could talk non stop for 5 days and not get bored of his own voice.
    This cunt didn’t get bullied enough at school and obviously didn’t ever get a slap.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • I just told hubby about this nom because we both despise O’Brien. Hubby wanted me to share with you that O’Brien ‘is not just a cunt but a shit cunt’. Alas BWC has beaten us to it!

      • James has that effect on most C, wherever he goes he will stand out. He is a truly universal cunt.

      • That made me realise there isn’t a category for Lifetime Achievement Cunt Award – could go to James!

      • B&WC should try and befriend O’Cunt’s wife. So when the cunt is dribbling his gallon of wet faecal matter from his mouth between 10am and 1pm, daily, B&WC can be probing Mrs O’Brien’s cocoa flower with his infamous tongue.

        Now even I would gladly listen to O’Cuntchops with a wry grin, knowing his wife was getting a sturdy hammering whilst the cunt was bleating on the airwaves, ad-nauseum, about nothing more than a pile of steaming dogshit.

        You need to take one for the ISAC Team, B&WC!

  16. I have to admit that I have never ‘enjoyed’ the offerings of this chap; rather like I have not enjoyed syphilis.

  17. James O’Shithead (or Lord Haw Haw’s idiot bastard son, as he’s known here at Creampuff Manor) is the Derren Brown of the phone in show – a linguistic I llusionist, highly skilled at misdirection, finishes off his long opening rants by saying “I want to keep it friendly today” then immediately launches abuse at anyone foolish enough to ring in and take the bait. O’Shithead is not interested in truth or getting to the heart of the matter or understanding anyone with an alternate point of view. The show is a fucking con.

    Ironically one of his favourite catchphrases (usually re Brexit) is “compassion for the conned, contempt for the conman.”

    He uses clever semantic tricks to throw off balance anyone attempting to articulate any argument he doesn’t want to hear. Start saying something remotely contrary to O’Shithead’s worldview and he’ll interrupt and shout you down before you can get another word in. Unlike Sir Nigel, who was sacked from LBC at O’Brien’s repeated demands, he is rude, aggressive and condescending by default, deliberately confuses issues, patronising to the Nth degree, there really is no end to his sheer cuntishness…

    And the most insidious type of hypocrite – a well educated one – thereby having no excuse.

    • An excellent summary of the cunt that is O’shithead ©️Ruff Tuff Creampuff.

    • That’s the thing with James is his argumentation is juvenile. It’s done in such a way as to appear like he is correct. An illusion, as you say. But, it’s cheap parlour tricks. He’s an educated idiot who is deeply unconcerned with probing callers for their true thoughts – or even aiding them on live radio – rather more opportunistic in capitalising on any error of performance or hesitation. He also commits a fallacy by which he takes caller’s poor showings (he deliberately sabotaged) as representative evidence of all who share their view. Classic strawmanning. If he was at all intellectually honest he would attempt to ‘steelman’ his callers, guide them through the unnatural process of live radio, let them speak, make a few errors and hone in on their purest sentiments. But, he doesn’t. He’s a cunt who needs therapy, quite honestly.

    • He isn’t well educated at all, he thinks he is, and talks like he is, but it’s just someone else’s bullshit this cumguzzler is just regurgitating.

      Classic pseudo liberal smoke and mirrors.

      • Like it or not, O’Shithead received a highly prized education, first at Ampleforth College, an exclusive public school, and later at the LSE where he read Philosophy & Economics.

        Whatever else he is, he’s not unintelligent or stupid. But if you want to make excuses for his cuntishness by citing a poor education, well that’s your prerogative.

      • Exactly, he’s very smart. He’s just very disingenuous and blind to his own rank bias. It’s okay to have a bias but without an objective understanding of human cognitive distortions we ALL fall prey to, you miss a vital social component: humility. And this leads to strident self-righteousness and in the most extreme examples, facism. He’s that bad.

  18. James o Brien was adopted, even his own birth parents couldn’t stand the ginger cunt, that says more than a thousand words to me,

    • I really wanted Nigel to stick a loaded revolver in O’Brians gob and blow his fucking head off live on air.

      Good Evening Ruff

      • Evening all.

        The best LBC interview was O’Shithead v JRM. O’Shithead thought he had JRM on the ropes at the end of the interview, asking him to give yes or no answer to a contextual question, for the benefit of the listeners, hoping he would get one up on JRM.

        JRM wasn’t having any of it – he retorted with “I answered your question and I’m sure the listeners were paying better attention than you”. You could see the stress O’Shithead was under – plucking his straggly beard with his fingers was a giveaway. The cunt.

      • That was a brilliant moment. JRM is a very calm customer. And quick too. Watching O’cunt feel the pressure of his ideological tribe, telling him internally to get one on Mogg, and seeing him fall back on his old tricks, only to be called out on them in real time by Mogg…its simply wonderful. No words. The fact it’s Mogg, whom JOB likely despises, adds extra joy to the equation.

  19. Attended Ampleforth College – fees of £36,486 a year (current median wage in the UK is £30,420).

    Philosophy and Economics at university.

    Lives in Chiswick – 85% White British (Greater London is 45%).

    Ho hum.

  20. Only listened to the cunt once, for a few minutes. It was all I could stand. The nauseating, condescending cunt would have made me do myself a mischief, had I listened any longer.
    He should be drowned in a vat of Gina Miller’s month old piss.
    Toot sweet.
    Cunt of cunts.

  21. If James O’ Bellend ever interviewed Andy Burnham, I think the Cuntometer would go nuclear and then explode.

  22. Many years ago I called O’Bollocks a “self opinionated arse” live on air, before they had the 8 second delay. I claim my prize.

    O’Bollocks tried playing it down but not before several other callers had agreed with me.

    • Please say that’s on YouTube somewhere…

      And well done. I fathom that most people have the urge to do the same but not the constitution to stomach or expose themselves to the fetid shit that liberally falls out of this cunts face to do it.

      You deserve a medal

  23. A more than worthy cunting but I’m fairly certain the cunt O’Brien has been cunted on a number of occasions.

    In fact I’d say a couple of years ago on ISAC he was was more regular than my bowl movements.

    O’Brien is on a sinking ship and the reason its sinking is because he scuttled it. There’s a finite amount of time that you can insult your audience before they kick you in the nads.

    This bastard cunt lives in Chiswick, the cunts house is valued at £1.2m.

    The cunt and it’s wife have a business called ‘Scrambler Media’.

    A cursory look at the cunts accounts show Directors Loans which are in essence a way to avoid paying tax

    And let’s not forget this cockroach went to Ampleforth College, current fees £36k a year.

    O’Brien is beyond a cunt.

    So his background and education means he’s perfectly poised to preach to all and sundry about life.

    Fortunately though there’s a really effective way of dealing with pock marked cunts like O’Brien and that’s simply to press the fuck off button.

  24. Look closely at the eyes, one is red , like someone, possibly his wife or one of his felching gerbils even, had given him a jab.
    The other is dead, soulless and questioning of his own bollocks, not even he believes himself. He belongs in a malevolent, self loathing version of ‘Pseuds Corner’.
    Give him a proper shoeing next time, don’t hold back.
    Verdict : Cunt.

  25. Of all the cunts I hate…and their numbers are legion…Jobbie is, I think the only one that if I passed him on the streets or saw him on the tube, I would be unable to regrain from giving him a proper Lewisham battering. The obnoxious ferret faced little cunt.

    • He’s rich as fuck and so prob has a chauffer to avoid the riff raff. The cunt knows there’s a world of bad karma lurking everywhere for him.

      • Just like so many of these “Socialists”. Plenty of money to cushion them from what “socialism” does to us ordinary pleb cunts. O’Bollocks is a prime example of the smug, middle-class look-how-good-I-am virtue-signalling Islington cunts who appear at every demo demanding “Reffoooojeeezz Welcome” “Free Palestine (of Jews)” “Fair shares”, showing their own gentile self-hating racism by kneeling to the BLM Fascists and of course with XR, to “save the planet” as long as all of the green shit doesn’t affect them. I’ll bet that a majority of the Islington anti-road-closure mob are these same cunts who voted for and campaigned for “something to be done” and have discovered that there shat on their own doorsteps. O’Bollocks and his smug ilk were, are and always will be cunts.

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