Hollywood Hypocrites

Hollywood hypocrites deserve a nomination.

From Alyssa Milano, to Bill Maher to a whole stream of other overpaid, egotistical living sock puppets, Hollywood’s ‘elite’ have spent the past couple of weeks urging Americans to come together because it’s ‘#Timetoheal’. Yep, after four years of calling the ordinary American citizens who dared to vote for Trump, all kinds of names, they’re now calling for everyone to forget that they’ve been a bunch of cunts since at least 2016.

Milano has been one of the worst. She’s accused Trump voters of being KKK, Fascists, Nazis, far right and White Supremacists and before the election, she said that anyone who voted for Trump should be tried for treason. That’s how she thinks democracy works, vote for the candidate I endorse, or you’re a traitor and you deserve to die in prison.

Now it’s “I’m ready for us to come together because it’s #Timetoheal”. Maher has also been making similar noises, criticising Antifa, BLM, Defund the Police and the riots…sorry…’fiery but mostly peaceful protests’, when just a few months ago he, Milano and dozens of other so called celebrities were fully supporting them. Ask Minneapolis how defunding the police is going.

Happily, Trump voters have seen these olive branches for what they are, a cynical attempt to get people to watch their shows and movies again, because that means money in the bank. These far left dickheads are being told exactly where they can shove their fake attempts at ‘coming together’. Hollywood types have spent the past four years burning bridges with their traditional audiences, in favour of far left loons, and they ain’t getting rebuilt anytime soon.

It’s a sign of how shallow these fuckers are that they can spend four years slagging people off, and then pretend none of it happened, whilst expecting people to forget.

Nope. What they need to do (and I guarantee that they’ve never thought of, and wouldn’t do even if they had), is to make a full and sincere apology.

Like I said though, they won’t do that because they don’t think they did anything wrong. They think when the pandemic is over, everything will go back to normal. It won’t. The American public made Hillary pay for the insults she hurled at them prior to the 2016 election, and they’ll make Hollywood pay for the past four years, and the egotistical cunts will deserve it.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw 

83 thoughts on “Hollywood Hypocrites

  1. Im surprised Hollywood hasnt been the scene of a terrorist attack?
    Its a modern day Sodom populated by pretty vacant folk,
    I was a jehadi I’d make a beeline for it!!
    Id never pay to go the pictures nowadays or buy a DVD as its funding these Ducky yank cunts.

    Come on terrorists have some ambition!
    Get in the movies!
    Bomb Hollyweird!!?

    • There is probably a Jihadi sleeper cell in Hollywood Miserable, just waiting for Slow Joe to take charge so the FBI’s finest are on a diversity in the workplace course and BANG! They will be bombing botox clinics, vegan pet cafes and drive-thru nose job centres en masse.

      • Id enjoy that LL,
        Terror in Bel Air!?
        Soon change their views when the mansions on fire!
        In WW2 film stars were a different breed,
        They set up a club for service men, your uniform was your ticket in,
        Free food and coffee
        Free cigarettes
        And got to meet and dance with the stars of the day.
        Imagine that now?!!

    • Not much point in attacking the great and good of hollywood just fucktards and ego’s. Would not give an airborne act of copulation if the whole fucking lot of them and their supporters got fired up Satan’s arsehole by a pack of jihadi critics. “Time to heal” my arse, you cunts should suffer long and hard.

  2. Too right, QDM.

    It makes me laugh that these Hollyweird cunts act like they actually give a fuck about the ordinary American family or working people. All this ‘Time to heal’ shit. They don’t give a toss about who lives or dies, and they certainly aren’t doing it for the benefit of ordinary Americans. They are all ulcerous opportunistic corrosive self serving vermin who live in gated mansions and have stretch limos and armed security. Their ‘loyalty’ to woke and the left is both false and sickening. They are also all cunts with less morals than a sewer rat. Habitual coke fiends, marriage wreckers, serial cockgobblers, and obnoxious twats who treat people on the street and restaurant/airline/hotel staff like crap giving lectures on morality. Just like the Me Too/Time’s Up trip was pure self serving shit (knicker dropping Tinsletown celebrisluts afraid of being grassed up by Uncle Harvey), this Time To Heal crap is no different. Everything is about what they can get out of it, it always was. Fucking cunts, every last one of ’em.

  3. Now Uncle Joe and his lot have won, I wonder if the Saturday Shite Live mob and slags like Skanklett Johansscunt and Alec Baldwin will do piss takes of Biden and Che Kamala like they did of Big Don and Ivanka?

    No, I don’t think they will. Fucking cunts.

    • Cunts News Network and the rest of Americas major networks will be at a loose end too, a lot of these so-called ‘journalists’ (left-wing activists to the rest of us) have had Trump Derangement Syndrome for so long a sudden withdrawal might finish some off.

    • I imagine the next four years will be more of the same. Instead of ‘isn’t Trump a cunt’ it will be ‘wasn’t Trump a cunt’, anything to keep attention away from that senile crooked cunt. Biden and pals are going to get the same easy ride they had in the election. If that laptop had had photos of Biden spit roasting a baby with his son the press would still have ignored it.

  4. Look up Russel Brand and Mathew Mcconaughy . A shit fest of such magnitude. “We must all meet in the middle”. Like the last four years on both sides of the pond are irrelevant. Go fuck yourselves…………..WAR

    • Well, Russell Brand called Owen ‘cunt’ Jones ‘this generation’s George Orwell’.

      What else needs to be said? The man is a fucking gaping cunt of the highest order.

      • Russell Brand is the thickest cunt on the internet.

        Plays up like he’s some kind of fucking guru. He literally hasn’t got a fucking clue.

        Orwell detested commie bastards and the policing of language (political correctness) so he would’ve fucking hated a little socialist twat who tries to tell people what they can and can’t say like Owen fucking Jones.

      • If you listen to the cunt his questions are so long winded, they are not questions. It’s just all about him. Typical junkie

      • Owen Jones would be this generation’s George Orwell, if George Orwell had been a retarded, fascist drama queen.

    • They should meet in the middle, middle of the Atlantic having been turfed out of a helicopter together.
      They could hug each other for comfort on the way down and remember Pinochet during the descent.
      Russell Bland, what a cunt.

      • That’s a ridiculous notion. A helicopter hasn’t got the range. Try a C-130 Hercules. Straight out of the ramp.

  5. Everybody knows that within eighteen months an African, American, Indian, Caribbean woman of colour, who also looks Latino or Hispanic will be the big cheese….

  6. Hollywood actors used to be good at being rich and famous.
    Sports cars.
    Playboy centrefolds.
    More drugs.

    Now they still have all that but but want to tell other people what to think and do.
    Have an overdose and shut the fuck up.

    • Dead right, Tez. Also, the cunts can’t even get their tits out properly. Oh, they still do it. But always on a crappy phone, making out with faux outrage that they’ve been ‘hacked’ and ‘violated’. Of course, this is all done on purpose. They get ’em out for publicity, but they can’t even be honest about it. Slags.

      • Yeah Hollyweird!
        Get yer tits out honestly!!
        Im looking at you selma Hayek!
        Let them puppies feel the breeze!???

  7. Fortunately, being a Hollycunt puts them in the premier league for suicides.
    my “script” for this, would include:

    -Russell Brand choking to death, whilst trying to deep-throat a 10″ dildo

    -Alec Baldwin, inconsolable at Russell Brands demise, overdoses on cocaine whilst wanking to “Rock of Ages”.

    -Tom cruise to freeze to death in the back of his wardrobe, the fucking Narnia boy.

    -Tom Hanks to have an “accident”, just before he is due to testify in the Maxwell case.

    -Scarlett Johansen to drown in a bath of semen, at Snoop Dog’s BLM party.

    -James Corden to “burst” at the next award ceremony-coated the entire front three rows of celebrecunts in a mixture of shit and half digested deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, resulting in further deaths.

    One can but hope??

  8. The demise of Hollywood is a wonderful thing. It’s always been a hotbed of sleaze, batty business, rape, kiddy diddlers and drugs. They should have never opened their mouths about politics as Ricky Gervase said ‘they know fuck-all about the real world’. I can’t watch several great films anymore because I stand the woke pricks in them. Robert Deniro is a good example and I’ve heard a great story about that twat from a reliable source. I couldn’t repeat it as I don’t want to be sued, but if you get invited to see him in a hotel room, don’t go.

    • I heard a rumour De Ziro likes being wanked off with 2 slice of Warburton’s toasty loaf while a cat licks his harris?

      You looking at me?
      Get fucked Ducky!?

    • De niro is a classic example of a person who lives his life by the rule of:

      “Try EVERYTHING in life, except Incest”.

      • Yeah right.
        If ever theres a man whos sampled incest its DeZiro.
        Thats why he always pulls that weird face.

  9. Time to heal?

    Of course, they only say that when they win.

    I say ‘fuck that’ in 50 foot high flashing neon capital letters.

    The republicans should spend their entire time in opposition blocking every law the Dems try to push through and to put as many of their cunts on trial as possible. On jumped up charges? Do it. They did. Fuck the cunts.

    They should also never shut up about the voting fraud that went on in the election (real or imagined, I don’t care). Keep going on about kid sniffing and the stuff Biden’s son got up to (allegedly).

    Make the cunts’ lives hell and try to block absolutely everything they try.

    Fuck them and their ‘time to heal’.

    I’m sure the cunts would’ve said the same had Trump won the presidency.

    Fuck off.

  10. A well deserved and long over due cunting.

    Hollywood has long den a den of lefty, degenerates embodying hypocrisy and immorality. Their influence is America is waning every year.

    The entire culture into little more than a cult of self absorbed, clueless cunts who believe themselves superior to the general public. They lecture the rest of us about what insular cretins we are, yet they refuse to abide by their own idiotic politically correct, dogmatic ideals.

    They give each other awards to make themselves feel good about their worthless virtue signalling bullshit.

    Why do you the Markle-Spence-Hewitts moved there?

    Merry Christmas to all. ?

    • Damned right. By this time next year, cinema chains will all be gone anyway, so hopefully these pusfucks, starved of attention, will have no other option than to begin committing suicide, that bitch Alyssa Milano first.
      It’s a shame that Bennett didn’t slit her throat in “Commando”!

      • Wotcha Thomas-I likes Arnies old films-they were so fucking bad and corny, that they were watchable for the laughs.
        Some of his one liners were classics?

        The running man is hilarious ?

      • Oh yes indeed; I couldn’t choose between “The Running Man” and “Total Recall”, both utterly fantastic.
        What’s your favourite film, by the way?
        Mine is “Aliens”.
        And I have it on good authority that Dick Fiddler’s is “Brokeback Mountain”.

      • Predictably, I like the Godfather 1&2.
        Like classics like “The Devil Rides Out”, “Spinal Tap” and classic war films.
        Not many real “superstars” now-all too busy virtue signalling☹️

      • Thomas the Cunt engine you look remarkably like my grandad and he was a top cunt too. So thumba up.

      • Now, Bennett wouldn’t have hurt a fly whilst he was too busy concentrating on how to bum John Matrix to death.

    • Actually they are very insecure narcissists who have crawled to the top by dumping on everyone else. It’s dog eat dog. They are the worst people in the world and hide their corruption with virtue. They are Marie Antoinette.

    • You Yanks are going to get your own honours bestowed by the half wit and the half breed. You lucky bastards.

      • Hey Cuntstable,

        I just nominated the Dysfunctional Duo for that very thing:

        The Formally Royal Order Dystopian Dimwits*

        Merry Christmas to all. ?

        *Just one of a number of names I’m proposing for their Dis-honors (American spelling) List.

      • As an unrelated aside…I’m really having trouble today with my posts. Grammar…spelling…punctuation.

        I don’t know if it’s user error or auto correct but I’m making less sense than usual.

        Merry Christmas to all. ?

      • Breaking news***
        Lefty preaching cunt Kay Burley suspended of air from Sky News, after breaching Covid rules on her drunken 60th Birthday bash.
        Hypocrite Kay and others including ISACS pinup Beth Rigby have had a bollocking,
        Sure Kay had plenty to say over Dominic Cummings?
        ‘do as I say not what I do’….

      • I truly hope this is the beginning of the end for Burley. She really is a cunt and I hear that others in the Sky newsroom have also been waiting for something like this and they don’t want her back.

        As I said, I hope this brings Burley down. But cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast…

      • ??
        The problem with being a woke, lefty cunt, is eventually you will fall victim to your own regime?

        Great news?

      • She’s apologised of course, blaming the need to spend a penny, or some such bollocks.

        I wonder how she’ll react when people start throwing the same kind of bile and hatred at her as she did to people like Cummings?

        I bet she will play the victim card/mental health/or the good sexism card as a last resort


  11. Fuck Hollywood and our own bunch o self idolising luvvie cunts. People believe in Hollywood magic because Hollywood keeps pushing that line to the masses.

    Behind the facade it’s a toxic narcissist empty shell that produces more junkies and prostitutes than it ever will ‘movies’.

  12. Should be a new vote, Hollywood cunt of the year.

    Robert DeNiro.
    Mark Ruffalo.
    Her with the big wet minge
    Dwayne Johnson
    Larry David etc

    Something else they all have in common…..CUNTS the lot of em.

  13. Does John Wayne still make movies? Not exactly the greatest actor but at least his films had a certain manly charm.. Cunts today I couldn’t name one actor under 40. pointless virtue signalling pathetic useless cunts.

  14. The last people on Earth who should be lecturing us on poverty, inequality, racism and carbon fucking footprints.
    Fucking cunts. All films these days seem to be aimed at kids and wokies so they can flush themselves down the economic toilet if they want.
    Plenty of good old films to watch. There are lots of films i’d like to see again on the big screen. Has anyone in the cinema business thought of that?

    • Hell yeah, Freddie. I’d love to see “Predator” on the big screen again. Tons of 70s-00s films would be amazing to re-see at the cinema.

      • Yeah, you could have a double bill of “Zulu Dawn” followed by “Zulu” and charge a couple of quid more than for a single film. Have a 3O minute intermission where you can stock up at the bar.
        It wouldn’t work in Londonstabistan though. I can’t see it going down well at my local…… the Brixton Ritzy!

      • General Cuntster, i stilll think fraud is prevelant in the elections..

        Keep going you will win. Dont trust ths tinkers.

        UK & USA

        Merry Christmas.

    • Thats a cracking idea Freddie.
      Do a old style pictures,
      A cartoon,a short film, main feature.
      Id go regular!
      First up, Duel with Dennis weaver.
      Then after intermission and a choc ice, Clint in Magnum Force
      Or Dirty Harry.

      • Planet of the Apes (Charlton Heston original)
        Superman (1978 Richard Donner version)
        2001 (Kubrick masterpiece)
        The Magnificent Seven
        Enter The Dragon
        Sweeney and Sweeney 2
        Carry On Follow That Camel (Phil Silvers)
        Get Carter
        Every Which Way But Loose
        Terminator and Terminator II
        Gimme Shelter

      • Evening MNC. Years ago, went to the local flicks, double bill, Dirty Harry followed by Magnum Force. Ice cream in the intermission. Marvellous.
        You could stay in the pictures all day too, if the fancy took you. None of this watch the film then out you go, you could stay in till kicking out time.
        I once took a carrier bag full of booze in and watched Apocalypse Now, three times.
        Happy days.

      • Evening Jack,
        Not been for a few years but me & missus Miserable used to go a small independent cinema, had the big curtains, intermission,
        Woman selling choc ices,
        Was great?
        Dunno if its survived the Corona lockdown though…

      • Me and Ethel went watching Joker. Got told off by Ethel, when Joker was doing his dance to Gary Glitter’s ‘ Rock and Roll ‘, I grabbed her hand at the appropriate moment, thrust it into the air and shouted ” Heeeey ! ”
        She wasn’t amused.
        Some startled young uns gave us a funny look.
        Debbie would have laughed.
        I’ll take her next time.
        She’s lots more fun than Ethel.

  15. Hard Times Charles Bronson
    Jaws Robert shaw
    French connection Gene Hackman
    And classic fight night
    Rumble in the jungle!
    Thrilla in Manila!

    • Fucking hell-I think a bit of wee came out, thinking of those classics?

      Bob Hoskins in his British films too-saw them first time around ?

  16. Harper Valley PTA

    Three things in a sentence I appreciate about our Dolly.

  17. You could have those birds coming around with a tray, with the little light in the middle selling choc ices, ice cream tubs and cartons of orange juice. Then your mates could open the emergency doors in the bogs so you get in for nothing!
    Ahhh……happy days.

  18. And what happened to those ladies with a torch who used to show you to your seat? We could do with that in our age of social distancing. If you were with a bird they always put you in the back row.
    My early sex education took place in the back row of the Odeons in Barking (now a mosque) and Dagenham (now a supermarket). We didn’t have trannies coming into school lecturing us about the joys of sticking your willy up some bloke’s shit canal.
    Bring those days back I say !!!

    • Don’t forget the old Pearl & Dean commercials and the “pah pah pa …..” jingle that went with it.

      Speaking of those corny ads, you’d have the “after watching this film why not visit your local curry house just round the corner from this cinema!”

      Then you had those p0ncy B&H ads, with a huge gold f&g packet dropped from a helicopter and into a swimming pool.

      Then you had the trolley dolly at the bottom of the aisle with a tray of ice creams and bottle of Kia Ora

      Best of all, there were no chatty kids prattling on while the film was on, or fucking about with their phones back in the day.

  19. We used to have Saturday morning cinema club-crappy black and white films and quizzes-dirt cheap, pick n’ mix that didn’t take the piss on price??
    Happy days indeed?

  20. Ahh……Saturday morning pictures. You paid 3d extra to go in the Upper Circle, grabbed the front row so you could gob on the cheapskates below.
    That’s how you learned not to be a muggy prick in those days…..don’t put yourself in a position where cunts can gob on you. A simple lesson.

  21. Just seen PSG v Istanbul champions league match has been suspended cos the fourth official apparently said something racist to one of the Istanbul staff.
    So all 22 players walk off the pitch.
    Playground stuff really
    Grow some balls and get on with it you bunch of pánsíés.

    • Apparantly, Millwall players refused to ‘Take the knee’ in a match, tonight!

      Fucking marvelous. Team Of The Year.

      • I wouldn’t give them too much credit Gene. They had a rude awakening in the Derby game and realised how close they came to seriously pissing their own fans off.

        I suspect it was more a case of self preservation rather than anything more noble.

        But then I am a cynical old sod!

      • The fans get the credit then, Millwall board threw them under the bus v Derby with a pre match statement that fucked off the fans, who made their feelings felt in regards to the players taking the knee.
        If they didn’t change something it would have happened again, so they did, which is what you saw tonight.
        Fans even kept it together after QPR celebrated their goal by taking the knee and raising a fist right on the touchline, but i doubt you’ll hear much about that.
        Plenty of shit over the years but tonight im proud to be Millwall.

      • Never thought I’d ever say this, but Viva Millwall.
        That little ‘dispute’ we had on 16th September 1974 is now forgiven.

  22. Just a short evening thought.
    I’m 52 years old and in my lifetime I don’t think the world has ever been as fucked up as it is right now.
    Good night.

  23. Hollywood is full of Hypocrites and Sleepy Joe Lovers ??
    Best bet with the United States is leave the two faced fuckers to it now Sleepy Joe IRA Loving Biden is taking office because it will be business as usual now the Democrats are taking office UK to the back of the queue ??

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