Free Shit for Children

Not content with free meals now it’s also free presents for “children in need”..what a load of shite. No child should need charity in this Country…there is a benefit’s system which provides for them. If the parent chooses to spend the benefits on lip-fillers and tacky tattoos, that’s tough. It’s usually a single Mother with a litter of multi-coloured,obese,ill-mannered, “got issues” brats.

All this charity shite does is encourage these inadequate parents to again think…”It’s up to someone else to look after my brood”…they believe that their responsibilities finish after getting inseminated by some chavvy druggie or Rastus after a night out on the piss with “the girls” ( a collection of hideous sows and mentally deficient slags). They have no respect for themselves,their revolting offspring or the Cunts who foot the bill for their pointless existence.

I know that a lot of the toys mentioned in the newspaper article will be cheap tat that the manufacturers will have donated to clear their shelves..if I had a warehouse full of spare toys,I’d burn the fucking lot before I gave them to charity.

Cunts…utter Cunts.

PS… “Nana Norah” (from the article) can shove her “It’s nice to be nice” mantra up her arse.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

48 thoughts on “Free Shit for Children

  1. Give em’ naaht! sniveling little bleeders! Little fucking snot factories!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all……..except kids! ………little cunts!

  2. A very festive and heart warming nomination Dick, Charles Dickens obviously based ‘A Christmas Carol’ on a chance festive encounter with a 19th century ancestral Fiddler who also owned several workhouses and cotton mills.

  3. Don’t give lazy children free gifts. Send them up the chimneys to earn them.

    P.s Admin, when I read the title of the nomination, I thought it was about handing out free cowpats to all the children.

    When I read it, I thought it was about some new bartering system. – NA

  4. Hopefully included in each toy box is a desperate suicide note from the equivalent aged Chinky child who helped assemble the plastic tat.

    “Dear western child of the higher grade race, enjoy your fucking shitey Lego. I lost 7 fingers and a leg assembling this for you, and now I’m going to crawl inside the plastic press machine for a nap. Cunt!”.

    Merry Christmas

  5. We can’t all be Scrooge. There’s a whole new class of Covid victims, small businesses and self employed who have lost their hard earned incomes through no fault of their own.

    So there’s a benefits system? The base of socialist power where we all pass our responsibilities to the state and can step over the homeless and needy because it’s someone else’s problem.

    We all like to be cynical cunts on here but the fuck them attitude is exactly what allows us to be divided and ruled.

    It’s easy to think it will never happen to me but things can happen in life and it can be you.

    The cold shoulder of a heartless society is not going to treat you any differently.

    This isn’t about charity it’s about the death of family and community the support systems eroded and broken to pave the way for reliance on the state.

    The great reset aims to replace you’re current wealth and assets with universal income, that’s subsistence money just like all the cunts on benefits get now. This time next year a few cunters may have joined the cunts in need of a handout.

    Merry Christmas one and all.

    • I’m ahead of the curve and bought no presents for anyone this year, getting ready for the new age of the Greta Reset next year – fuck that slaphead scrotum Bozo and his Amazon empire!

      Make the most of today folks, 2021 could be a right mountain of crap!

    • Wow Marcus, you look surprisingly like a certain cuntstable that regularly gets the horn on this site. He wont like the cultural appropriation you are displaying toward him. For my part, I hope the sword of Queen Liz doesn’t accidentally ‘chop orf your head’ when you get that knighthood. Merry Christmas.

  6. Sir Fiddler a shining light, mentor to the miserablessed, taught Scrooge and Norbert Colon all they know/knew. Breathtaking!

  7. Why do they need toys? they will already have drunk / high parents to keep them amused.

    A quick raid by the Police should brighten the afternoon before the dealers come round to pick up their Billie Hoke deliveries.

  8. Greetings everyone!
    ? I’m still waiting for the snow to fall
    Doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all. ?

      • Did you not hear LL?
        As we’ve filled our house quota, Cuntfinder General kindly offered him a place at his for the day. I hope he hasn’t got a granny knocking around there as COVID will be the least of his worries. Says he’s gonna post me later to say whether he’s been naughty or nice.
        ? ??

    • PS
      It’s officially a white Christmas as snow has fallen in Yorkshire and Durham.
      Get your sled out Mis and be prepared.

  9. Fiddler you blackhearted rotter!
    I’m with Nana Norah,
    Its Christmas,
    Give the little fuckers whatever they want.
    Then take it off them Boxing day.
    Merry Christmas Dick!??

    • I don’t think the brat across the way from me will have to wait ’til boxing day to lose a prezzie. Clearly he’s got a new bike and by the looks of it has ridden straight into the passenger door of daddies 6 month old Range Rover whilst trying to do a wheelie.
      Santa may not have left me a present but The Lord, who moves in mischievous ways his practical jokes to perform, has made my day.
      P.S. Can can all you cnuts stop with the Merry Christmas nonsense. All the goodwill* is freaking me out. Remember who you are.
      * except for the welcome back sentiments regarding the surprise return of Mr Stroker. Hope it isn’t a fleeting visit.

  10. ” a collection of hideous sows and mentally deficient slags”

    When I read that I immediately though of a current TV advert, lots of pink in it, with a bunch of tarts in it grinning like a monkey,, that has seen a bag of nuts jumping up and down on a sofa singing “I’m so excited” – they have probably just experienced the producers French tickler, but they are advertising something called “Woycher” – the ad pisses me off so much I don’t even know what it is.

    • You probably “enjoy”
      Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Marc Jacobs
      as much as I do. I bet Richard E I Addio, the shit brown man in the shit brown suit, uses it as aftershave.
      The other Marc Jacobs ad is shite as well.
      We’re all perfect…
      A load of ugly, fat, Joey Deaconesque, toothy sploshers.

  11. Walking the dog through town and one line from a film kept repeating in my head.

    “Yorkshire, a third world country.”

    Cheered me right up!

    • Pphhwwooaarrgghh!
      Down boy!
      Let’s hope this creature goes for a month’s prison visit and gets the anal reaming it ‘so richly deserves’.

    • ‘Exposing himself and brandishing a baguette?’

      What the fuck?

      And they say trannie-ism is not mental illness. Celebrate it they say.

      “It puts the lotion in the basket.” That film had them about right (don’t see it on the telly much nowadays do you lol?)

  12. In the words of Noel Coward, after Humphrey Bogart’s 5-y-o son had dropped a brass tray on his head –

    “Do you know what I am going to give darling little Stephen for Christmas? A chocolate covered hand grenade.”

    Komodo Festive Ordnance, Inc, is working on this.

  13. Talking of free shit for children, Marcus Rashford has got an MBE.
    For what? Winning next to fuck all? Never scoring over 20 goals in a season? Doing Black Panther salutes on live television? Being a cunt?

    I recall it took the game’s number one gentleman, Munich survivor, European Cup winner, World Cup winner, league champion, legendary goalscorer and absolute hero, Bobby Charlton over twenty years after his career ended to get a knighthood. Yet this sanctimonious little prick gets an MBE and he’s done nothing of note on the football field? Britain today, eh? They can stick it.

    Merry Christmas cunters and gentlemen. Bah Humbug!
    Scrooge was God!

  14. Same as food banks. Had a discussion once with a boss about donating food. Take the cunts Tesco with their collection point, HOW COME THEY MAKE OVER £1BILLION PROFIT, then want you to buy stuff off them and donate it. Fucking cunts, why dont they give food out of the profits.
    Happy Christmas cunters, let’s make 2021 a better cunting year.

  15. Free stuff for kids? Everything’s free on benefits street. Houses, cars, utilities, food, fags, booze, drugs, scratchcards, all free. Now even more free stuff.
    These cunts have more disposable income than I ever will.
    The only time they knew there was a pandemic was when McDonald’s had to close. Remember the unbridled joy and massive queues when they reopened?
    Those cunts.

    • Free shit for kids? I’ll donate mine too. I promise not to flush until scooped it all out. And that’s all they’ll get from me.

  16. I’ll donate the shit from under my fingernails, after I’ve spread the horse shit on the garden. Oh and they can have the steam off my piss too. Now fuck them all to hell. Merry Christmas cunters..

  17. A truly great festive cunting.
    The sort of free for all Magic Money Tree mentality is completely corrosive to the moral fibre of the nation.
    Put them in labour camps.

  18. Merry Christmas lol. Scrooge is a massive gay when compared to the ‘bah humbug’ levels shown by Lord Fiddler.

    I’d pay good money to see him give the Queen’s Christmas speech.

  19. I hate destitute cunts, especially ones that have a massive brood and talk about how hard done by they are and they had no choice but to produce a fucking litter when they have ‘owt in their pockets to feed them. Holding their hands out like fucking paupers expect people like to to give them free shit and donations, go fuck yourself. You want something, earn it.

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