Dead Pool [189]

Congratulations to Norman who after many years of persistence( think he has picked him in every pool in my 6 years being at is a cunt) comes up a winner with Tommy Docherty former Manchester United and Scotland Manager who has died aged 92 after a long illness.

On to Deadpool 189.You know the rules:

1) Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next. It is first come first served. You can always be a cunt and steal other cunters’ nominations from previous pools.

2) Anyone who nominates the world’s oldest man or woman is a cunt who will be ignored.

3) It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4) If your pick has already been taken, tough titty. Pick someone else because we can’t be arsed to check.

So on your marks, ready….set…..go!

My Picks (Shaun) :

Dai Davies
Carlos Menem
Rush Limbaugh
Gerd Müller
Floyd Little

69 thoughts on “Dead Pool [189]

  1. Nicola Sturgeon…ok this is a wish
    Clint Eastwood
    Michael Caine
    Michael Hestletine …wish but possible.
    Dolly Parton

  2. Tuesday Weld.
    Peter Blake.
    Peter Cellier.
    John Clegg.
    Frank Williams. Vicar in Dad’s Army.

  3. Old reds raise a glass to Tommy tonight. He gave us the side that gave us some of our greatest memories, up and down the country causing havoc and mayhem, and a team we’d have happily died for.

    Couldn’t have put it better myself.

    • Just logged in and seen this-no tv or radio in my house today-been sweating in the Veg Garden.
      Glass of Single malt, raised.
      To the “Doc”

    • Well done, Norman. Tommy Docherty was a great manager.

      My five (still):

      Khaled Mashal
      Paul McCartney
      Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown
      Brian De Palma
      Wayne Osmond

  4. Camilla Parkyer-Bowels
    Jilly Cooper, pooper-scooper
    Joannaaah Plastic-Bumley
    Ton Koopman
    Daniel Barenboim

  5. Well done Norman

    Henry Kissinger
    Ted Dexter
    John Hemingway (The Last of the Few)
    Mohamed Al-Fayed
    Sir Phillip Green

  6. Dame Maggie Smith (legendary actress)
    Bernard Cribbins (wombling along)
    Virginnia Mckenna (actress & Joyce Adams lookalike)
    James Earl Jones (Luke….I am your father)
    Billy Dee Williams (Lando)

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