59 thoughts on “Chris Whitty

  1. I can’t wait for someone to knock on my door with Blue Rosette and ask for my vote in 4 years or so. Shut the fucking pubs and ask for my vote fuck off you bunch of petrol banning cunts.

    if only a short Austrian was looking to be elected

  2. There is something else going on.
    MPs sent home, next day London Tier 4. How can they now vote on EU deal?
    See U tube – The Spider’s Web
    Cunts, the lot of them
    Big Al

  3. It’s a shame Brian Cant from Play Away is no longer with us. He could have played him in the film version of Covid 19.

    I feel rather sorry for him, an academic brought into all this shit. He also looks like the demon in Quatermass And The Pit which is unfortunate. At least he is better than the Scottish guy Jason Leitch who sounds a bit like a Ned and his sidekick Dr Gregor Smith who looks as if he is about to announce that the world is going to end.

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