To add to QDM’s recent words on this particular subject, I’d like to say Channel 5 are cunts.
Their new series on Anne Boleyn really does take the piss and piss on British heritage and history. In this version Henry VIII’s ill fated second wife is black. And no, she is not of a Markle type hue, she is as black as the Ace of Spades and Darth Vader’s codpiece.
We will get all this crap about ‘diversity’ and ‘reimagining’, but this is not some woke ‘re-telling’ of a fictional story with fictional characters (although they are bad enough anyway).
Anne Boleyn was a real person. She was also Queen of England and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I. Surely someone of such historical significance and standing (however brief it was) deserves more respect and better treatment?
This isn’t another David Copperfield or Hermione Grainger piece of colour change bollocks. This is an actual former Queen of the realm who suffered a fit up worthy of the News of the World and an execution to follow, and what Channel 5 are doing is fucking outrageous and disgraceful.
Also,we all know what would happen if it were the other way about, don’t we? If Benedict Cuntberbatch played Nelson Mandela, or Michael Sheen as Malcolm X? We wouldn’t see the last of it and the ‘cultural appropriation’ sirens would be heard for miles.
Even if a white actor portrayed a low life like Saint Chicken Floyd George, the indignation and race card puling would be immense and go on forever. But it’s OK if ‘they’ do it, right? Wrong! The hypocrisy and double standards stink the place out as it is, but Anne was an English Queen and mother of another great and iconic English Queen and she deserves better. But she won’t get it from such two faced demented woke cunts. To hell with them.
God save the Queen.
Nominated by: Norman
Supported by Komodo
Illustrative of the above (already posted under BLM Shit, but so good I’ll post it twice)
…and another, this time from mystic maven
I think that Channel Five deserves a nomination, they’ve gone well down the path of wokedom. Not only did they have a black woman portraying Anne Boelyn, but apparently, according to my dear old mum, they featured a black woman playing a farmer’s wife in All Creatures Great and Small. The script writers put in some bullshit along the lines of ‘When I first arrived here, people were surprised to see someone like me’… yeah I’m surprised too, as there were no black characters in any of the books.
Obviously, fuck Channel 5 but also fuck these ūm Bõngő actresses too.
How dare they disrespect the history of our country.
Our country, not theirs.
All dårkiės parasiting off this country are unwanted guests, nothing more
Does anyone actually watch Channel 5? With hundreds to choose from it seems mental to watch such utter woke wank.
Of course 5 USA, home to harsh but caring Liv Benson, is utterly brilliant. Late night pervo hunting of the highest dramatic quality.
This has to be a fucking joke.
Well the actress playing this part should have said no it’s not historically factual and the actor playing Henry should have said no for the same reason.
These cunts are trying to re write history to make a minority feel good about themselves and brainwash children into thinking there were black and Asian kings ,queens royalty and knights in this country back then. There fucking weren’t so fuck of channel5 you lying, cowardly, supine ,pusillanimous cunts. Another example of cowardice dressed up as compassion, surrender dressed up as progress.
Lefty, pc, woke, self righteous pukes.
Utter utter cunts.
A perfect example of a ‘hate fact’.
History will be rewritten by the mass media and in another generation the people will believe this was always a multi ethnic country and even accept one day the white minority we are destined to become arrived here from a mythical land of white people and settled among the indigenous coloured folk.
Hopefully they’ll do a real life scene showing the cunt getting her head lopped off.
Or if it’s trying to be racially accurate, she’ll get knifed in an alley beside a KFC after administering an unenthusiastic blow job to the Duke of DeShawn, leaving her 5 multi-fathered children motherless.
“Henry! Where my dam wig at?
Yawl know dem motherfucker courtiers done stole it!
Anne Boleyn.
Revised history of the Tudors.
(Only a matter of time before Henry VIII is played by Stormz or Sir Lenny of Henry – DA)
…with 42″ inch rims and hydraulics on the leopard fur-lined royal coach.
Probably pulled by white horses to make things better. Cunts
Fucking hell that was funny ttce
She still fuckin dies though, right? How is that any different to a Hollywood film where the token dies first or horrifically haha. Didn’t think that through did they.
Still dies, but chokes on a chicken bone, pity the fool…
Isn’t she a bit well done ? Her clam must have worked some magic on the casting couch. Maybe we should get a white man to play Martin Luther king?
A posh whitey,
Hugh Grant or some other ducky darling cunt!
“One had a dream”…
“Malcolm X! How awfully nice to see you negro!”
The hypocrisy of these Cunts. Actors, luvies, tv stations and so on really leaves the stratosphere in terms of magnitude. They moan about a person who isn’t deaf for fuck sake playing a deaf person. Yet they don’t moan about totally rewriting history in full knowledge that in 30 years time youngsters watching re runs of this shite will actually believe Anne Boleyn was B lack… Why why why?
The actress in this pile of shite I suggest plays a Character from Africa circa say 1510 ad. Hmmmmmm “what’s that there aren’t stories of note from there during this time. Just walking miles to collect some water, shitting a field , that sort of thing.!! Hmmmmmm, wonder why that is????
World’s media TV Channel 5, Films, Faceshit, Twatter etc run by Cunts that really do want to fuck the Caucasian people right off, probably the planet, with this constant rewriting of historical facts into suiting the BAME bollocks.
The irony being that most are run by self-hating leftist, uber-wealthy Caucasians who live in their protected gated communities, while we prole-cunts are saddled with the results of their guilt ridden wokery and cuntritude.
Everyone knows that Anne was well stitched up by Thomas Cromwell (a whitey) who fabricated evidence of her fucking other blokes, including her own brother (all whiteys).
As she couldn’t produce a male heir, Henry (another fucking whitey) chopped her black head off.
An early lesson in the history of systemic raaay-sism. Thank you Channel 5 for bringing the truth to the woke generation. The right side of history.
It`s a disgrace. As a method actress I failed the audition for this part.
No doubt if we do end up seeing Anne having her chopped, there will be an outcry on Twatter from the usual suspects, demanding a police investigation on the basis that Anne was stitched up because she was “black, innit!”
More rioting and looting, statues of Henry VIII torn down etc. The BBC will do an “investigation” and suggest that Henry was a white supremacist/slaver etc.
All footballers will then spend 20 seconds bending the left knee for George, and then 20 seconds on the right knee for Anne
And so it came to pass.
Wanna laugh?
Type “European history people” into your search engine and select images.
The woke runs deep.
Hmm, just tried your suggestion Cuntlestiltskin, and I’m puzzled now as to which European country that lot came from.
Pretty sure it’s not Northern Europe, although Britain is starting to resemble the search engine results.
Fuck me google must have had a lot of brown crayons spare.. We’re fucked..
Further to this crock of BLM shit, it is now apparently also unacceptable for straight actors to play LGBTQ parts and able bodied actors to play Disabled parts:
How can you justify it? The clue’s in the word “acting”, you cunt.
Who will rid us of this fuckwittery? Acting in this country is finished.
This means you can only ask real serial killers to play the part of serial killers.
Actually, that might be a good idea. Would certainly wake these woke Hollywood cunts up, when they start ending up in pasties on the set of the latest Jeffrey Dahmer film.
Quite so, CB. In fact the only person who currently qualifies to play the part of Anne Boleyn (the spouse of a monarch) is Prince Philip. That said, he would also have to self identify as a woman.
That said RTC, you’d be hard pressed to find an actor who ISN’T LBGTXYZPLUSVAT.
Maybe they should promote actual black accomplishments like rap, oh wait the most successful rapper of all time is erm white, no problem we’ll get a black woman to play him in the movies.
Heavyweight Boxing’s safe, shit Tyson Fury’s white you say? Diggity damn!
Ok ok, I got a sure fire winner, Winston Churchill, he gotta be black with a name like that. Winston the steel drum musical.
Remake Brer Rabbit and cast Oswald Moseley as Uncle Remus, the tar baby as themselves and call it Brer Chiggun.
To be fair Jesus is often portrayed as a whitey with blonde hair and beard. Now, a bloke born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago couldn’t possibly have looked like that. But then Christianity, like all religions, is a load of made up bollocks. Nobody has ever claimed that Henry v111 healed the sick, fed thousands of cunts with a plate of bread and fish or rose from the dead. In fact everybody agrees that he was a massive cunt. That’s the difference between history and fiction. Sadly, so many wankers don’t understand that difference in these enlightened times.
He may of been olive skinned but he wasn’t black or an Arab. Much of the area was settled by Mediterranean Europeans who are believed to have migrated to Northern Africa including Egypt before our ancestors built stone henge.
So white people blacking up is racist, but turning white people into blacks is not only acceptable, but now obligatory?
Just as “operation black vote” was OK with “whiting up”, the hypocritical bunch of cunts. Plenty of images on Google. Because it’s not about “equality”, it’s ALL about in your face supremacy and the “special privileges” that come with that Orwellian “equality”. Oh, and don’t expect any “free speech” as if you look at the caveats and get-out clauses on the Cunt Creature Blair’s much vaunted “Human Rights Act”, we haven’t got any, while the fucking Plods make it up and “interpret” it as they see fit.
The “woke” cuntery has finally reached a level where I watch virtually no TV, when I do, the adverts are muted and at the first hint of woke cuntery or race bollocks, off it goes. Likewise with the radio that has been silent since June 2016.
If the “woke” cuntery was supposed to browbeat us against waaaycism, it, like the BLM fascists, has had precisely the opposite effect.
Once, I didn’t care, nor actually notice melanistic tendencies, now it’s so in yer fucking face you cannot escape it, likewise every fucking advert, poster with some one wearing a headbag hijab to show how the “peacefuls” are so well integrated.
Well done, the media, BLM, Antifa, the fuckwit left, you’ve undone decades of relative harmony.
Fuck them to Hell with an acid dipped barrel cactus for all eternity.
And the biggest cunts are those that watch it.
At last the sun is shining and the birds are singing, everything else can fuck off.
As soon as this wokery is announced, I make a special effort NOT to watch it. Indeed it is now so bad that my viewing list is down to Wheeler dealers, reruns of Top Gear, Columbo and New Tricks, with the odd game show thrown in. The DVD player is working overtime as is the HiFi and Music Magpie and CeX are doing very well from my purchases of secondhand, no royalties paid by me, items. The added bonus of no constant interruptions by preachy adverts loaded with subtle as a sledgehammer woke/race shite. Likewise I refuse to subscribe to ANY of the censorious, moral dictating, streaming sites, as they ain’t getting my money. I haven’t wasted my money on a propaganda filled newspaper for years, not a penny. Fuck the lot of them, time to go “off the media grid”. Yet despite all of that I have any number of reliable sources to get the real news, as opposed to the “approved” shite.
I like it.
It’s comparable to North Korea.
All unpleasant facts simply rewritten.
Nontheless,it is safer if everyone involved in this evil propaganda is rounded up and shot.
Then just deny it ever happened.
“It’s all the same to me” sang Lemmy. .
To be scrupulously fair Unkle, you have to say that from the header picture, the actress is the spitting image of the Queen in the portrait. A great bit of casting I’d say….
Why couldn’t this role have been played by a transitioned non-binary in a burka in a middle ages wheelchair? It really isn’t progressive at all. How disgusting.
Oh come on….. Surely you mean a transitioned non-binary, deaf-blind, Palestinian in a burka in a middle ages wheelchair.
Curious George
Joe young.
All fantastic actors, yet overlooked for goddamn whitey.
And of course, King Kong, dressed up like Dianne Abbott, swatting at biplanes* from the top of Tower Hamlets council offices.
* in 2020, the term “biplanes ” is undoubtedly exclusionist and offensive. They probably identify as “transplanes”.
Hahaha, great vision in my head right now Thomas!
For historical accuracy, there were only a few umbongos in England 500 years ago.
Mainly employed as shit shovellers, dick washers and toilet cleaners.
So in 500 years, they haven’t progressed at all.
They have managed to progress from the language still spoken in the land of their forefathers (clicks, whoops and whistles) to a sort of rudimentary bastardisation of English.
I still wouldn’t want one of the neaderthals near me though.
Maybe they could ‘reimagine’ Thomas Cromwell as hulking Lammy-esk statesman and then Henry VIII yelling “THOMAS! Whatchoo doin’ jigging an a jiving like a n*gger in da woodpile, defyin ma rule”.
I wonder what they’d say if the likes of Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Dick Turpin, Jack The Ripper, Ned Kelly, Adolf, Pol Pot and all similar historical (real or fictional) characters of ill repute were reimagined as jiggas?
I’d like to see Idi Amin and Robert Mugabe reimagined as
dark keys.
Oh, wait a minute they were weren’t they?
Nah! That’s impossible.
Bob & Idi were victims, Bertie. Corrupted by a pale-faced education system. If they’d been left alone to a traditional tribal upbringing of fly swatting, cannibalism, the art of shrinking heads, the skill of identifying different big cat poops etc I’m sure they’d have been paragons of virtue.
Casting is the problem. I mean in the sense of the old term ‘half cast’.
Maybe we should see her as a bronze cast of Anne Boleyn.
Terry’s oven comes to mind. This idea is ‘half baked’ you could say.
We should be colour blind when casting they say. But in historical dramas. How can you ‘suspend your disbelief’? You can’t.
For Shakespeare the only solution is all black casts or all white casts.
I think.
I object to Hamlet being played by a woman more than being played by a black man.
The only solution for today is to write exceptional scripts of our modern multi ethnic society creating believable characters where the ethnicity of the actors isn’t an issue.
Nah, far simpler to burn all the books, art, smash all the statues and declare year zero, after all, look how well that turned out in Germany, China, Russia Cambodia and that’s without the “peaceful” assaults on any culture that didn’t measure down to the level of their psychopathic paedo-“prophet” who had the morals of a polecat on heat..
Thinking about it we might end up having to go back to Ancient Greece where the actors wore masks. Or a revival of The Masque theatre popular in Europe in the Middle Ages.
The Noh Theatre in Japan uses marks as well.
There is a tradition there.
Maybe all this mask wearing for Covid is part of the ‘Great Reset’ for the acting profession
They Don’t Like It Up ‘Em Department –
Raised my spirits a little, that did.
And of course nothing to do with people being heartily sick of having this race shit shoved in their faces and rammed down their throats 24/7/365. Note, no such demands for, nor investigations by the Oakland Police and Mayor when the BLM/Antifa fascists attacked innocent people and vandalised public monuments. The turkeys voted and Christmas is coming, enjoy.
She should be so lucky, did she really look like that in real life?
I had to laugh at that article. The shoe is on the other foot now.
I wonder why the ugly bust was erected in California if the death was in Kentucky. Not to worry, when it’s replaced with the bronze one it’ll fetch a few dollars down the scrap yard, where it belonged in the first place.
When I saw Norm’s name attached to this, I immediately thought . . . . . . . . .
I know what this about!
It’s about the pies at West Ham’s ground – The Boleyn Ground!
I agree this a load of bollocks but let’s have it right…whitey has been whitewashing films for year’s. I remember whitey playing Geronimo or some cunt in a film and what abaaaaht Connery playing a Japanese man. Whitey has whitewashed many a factual person who was not white.
Go fuck yourselves. ?
That’s true B&WC. Rex Harrison playing a Chinaman in the something of the Seventh Inn comes to mind.
The arrogance of us whites.
There is something to ‘woke’.
Afternoon MP, how are you getting old chap? I assume Christmas was ok for you? I hope having the Covid 19 restrictions gave people a reason to ignore the commercial aspects of Christmas and think about why we celebrate it and its meaning.
Or Max Von Sydow playing Ming the Merciless:
Bit up and down tbh B&WC. There is sickness around me. All of it compounded by the pandemic. A testing time indeed.
Hope you’re well in yourself. Indeed all cunters.
At least Connery made an effort to look like a Japanese man.
This dârkiè bitch, by contrast, has done fuck all to change her appearance to remotely resemble the white woman she has bizarrely been contracted to play.
Henry, would youse stop throwin dat fried chiggun over yo shoulder at de dinner table!
Are culturally appropriating that south American Indian looking man in your avatar CC? It’s a whitewash. ?
I know nuffink abaaht it B&W. That’s a selfie.
White shite thought of this mockery of history. Woke cunts, who will be amazed their grandchildren will be looked upon as if they are dogs by we all know who. Fucking fools.