Reading that nomination about Toni Standen and her pretending she had cancer boils my water hotter than a kettle.
Cancer is a can of can’t. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even people pretending.
My nana, Dog bless her, she died of cancer. She never drank alcohol or smoked (I’m not knocking those that do).
I hate those adverts ‘Let’s tell cancer to fork off. We’re coming for ya! Ya can of can’t!’. It would be good if we could but we can’t. I don’t think that would work.
Cancer treatments.
Dearest admin, I know it’s a short nomination.
Nominated by: Spoonington
(Please respect the nature of the subject matter with your comments please – DA)
Cancer is a proper cunt, and much more of a cunt than Covid 19, Kent Kovid and Laahndahn Covid combined.
I would guess we all know someone who has or has had cancer and unfortunately they reckon one in two will get it. One thing that’s not in doubt is all the missed check ups, operations and treatments missed during the last year will cause many deaths (many of which sadly could be avoidable).
Lost my mother and three of my closest friends to cancer. It is indeed a cunt.
Only the worst kind of lowlife scum would pretend to have cancer to get sympathy or money, what utter cunts, they need spit roasting by Romanian beggars the cunts fuck em….
I know there are people who might make jokes about cancer but if cancer were a joke it would be fair to say it’s a sick joke. Very common in occurance, very varied in age range, very varied in type, very long in duration, very severe in suffering.
A better joke would be dying of heart failure in your sleep but that would be too fucking easy I guess.
Afternoon TITS, when are these scientists going to come up with a cure for cancer then? Cancer research must got a million a day on donations yet they can’t come up with much…is science failing in the fight against an illness that’s been abaaaaaht for ages?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Science doesn’t know everything but religion doesn’t know anything.
On a serious note though, if I were a conspiracy theorist (which I am becoming more and more by the day) I’d say that much of that money gets creamed off into Swiss bank accounts, wasted by big pharma and that the lack of progress with curing cancer is a cynical attempt to help keep the population down.
Or it could just be that geneticists don’t fully understand the coding, and regulatory processes which cause cancer. Even though the genome was fully sequence something liek 20 years ago, it’s no easy task identifying which base pairs and sequences do what. That requires much testing on a mass scale.
Hopefully in time all the various forms of cancer will be fucked off.
Perhaps they should ask god for the cure. After all, he made it, and doesn’t mind who he gives it to either, even kids.
Is it in the cancer charity’s interests to find a cure?
“At the turn of the century there were estimated to be as many as 620 different organisations helping people coping with cancer or researching treatments”
That’s a lot of CEO’s out of a job.
Arms dealers require conflict.
Charities require unscrupulous, amoral greed driven cunts.
Sorry for the cynicism.
This is the link I used.
@Cuntlestiltskin Don’t apologise. Your cynicism is perfectly well-placed.
TITS, Hit the metabolism or use engineered cell therapies. If Lyell does an IPO I would likely invest
Thanks for the link but if you scroll down so far then you hit a pay wall and I’m not in the mood or financial position to pay.
As for using engineered cell therapies…. seems legit. As for hitting the metabolism, what does that mean? Please explain.
TITS, It’s free to register. Dr. Klausner is one of the co-founders. He also co-founded both Juno Therapeutics (I was an investor) and GRAIL.
Deregulated metabolism is one of the ten hallmarks. It is also far more homogeneous across different types and stages than the genome instability, which varies from cell to cell, tumour to tumour, and person to person
Another benefit is potential synergy and likely fewer side-effects
Given how totally fuck nasty and merciless cancer is, and how many people die terrible deaths from it every year (nearly 10 million worldwide), I have often wondered why we rely on charities to try to deal with it’s consequences and find a cure. Surely a worldwide effort similar to that currently trying to sort out a nasty cold would be entirely appropriate? Or is the industry behind cancer treatment so important and sustaining so many people that it is more important than finding the cure?
I fully expect this to be a controversial view, but it really bugs me.
A tough call. Given the money involved comparing research to treatment.
That said, the people helping at ground level are fantastic. My Mums Proff held his head in his hands in despair when he could do nothing more.
Cancer is the biggest cunt apart from some people in the history of the world. I have personally lost many relatives to this cunt. Mrs ecunt has successfully fought this cunt. It’s a all-time massive astronomical mega Cunt. Good nom.
My wife was diagnosed with it at just 54, 4 weeks ago and already has had 3 courses of Chemo she needs to have fucking 10 more.
I hope for the same result as Mrs Ecunt, and would hope any cunt that fakes it dies only of the death of 1000 cuts.
Covid has nothing on this cunting disease I lost my mum to it and honestly if I knew where god lived, was ready to set fire to the cunts house.
Sorry to hear about your wife, I hope she, you and your family all get through it.
Thanks TITS I really hope so.
May I suggest getting Mrs KC some CBD oil.
It really helps.
OB – I did not know this I am going to buy tomorrow many thanks ??
KC, to give a bit of background on this.
We got some for my Mum, who didn’t like the taste and refused to take it.
At the same time my Mum was going downhill, a friend’s Mum was diagnosed with a tumor that was about to cut off an artery.
Long story short, I gave my Mum’s supply to my friend’s Mum. She takes it religiously and at the time of writing her tumor has not grown and she says she feels fit and well with the appetite of a revenous Lion.
She was given 3 months and is still with us 18 months later.
The CBD oil will make your wife slightly chilled out. It can help with the anxiety and soften some of the nasty side effects of the chemo.
If used along with a high alkaloid diet, the results have been generally positive in terms of stopping the tumor growth and in some cases actually reversing the growth.
Please do your research on this as I am not a doctor. There is plenty of evidence out there.
I truly wish you both the best of luck and hope you send the cancer packing.
Off topic…where’s Titslapper? A veteran cunter like myself yet he doesn’t seem to be abaaaaaht.
Regarding cancer, I tend to agree with Peter Cook & Dudley Moore, aka Derek & Clive:
DEREK: You’re going to go out laughing, are you?
CLIVE: No, I’m going out fucking …..
DEREK: Fucking shitting yourself with fear!
CLIVE: Shitting myself with fucking fear and fucking cancer, which God so kindly provided. Without that we wouldn’t have a way to die, would we? Fucking good of him not to torment us with being eternally young and being able to fuck everyone. No! He gave us this great gift of fucking cancer, that’s very kind. I wouldn’t have thought of that if I’d been creating the universe, would you? Bung in cancer? No, I’d have left that out.
Innit! When a human parent purposefully makes their child ill it’s called Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and usually results in being arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned.
Must be nice to not have to be held accountable by anyone I guess.
Great Post , you beat me to it.
Wort of all though is that fucking cough
As a current sufferer having my next jabs this week and also having had some postponed because of covid runny nose yes fuck cancer but fuck covid and its believers more
My dad has bone marrow cancer, he’s in remission at the moment.
Told at best he had 5yrs left 6 and half years ago.
When he was in Christies he ate like fuck, a shrew decision on his part because you lose a lot of weight.
I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone, it is indeed a cunt.
One of the reasons I have distaste for the atheists despite being a non believer myself,
Go to Christies where a mans dying and debate with him and his family theres no god,
See what answer you get!
Some times things are that dark that you need some form of solace, no matter if its true or not.
I couldn’t give a fuck if theres a god or not, but some need that belief.
Sounds like the good old “there are no atheists in fox holes” argument – atheists/skeptics aren’t unfeeling robots, they just have a different, some might say more stoic approach to grief (which is just another coping mechanism and that’s perfectly okay).
Ultimately if opium is the opiate for the body (as it was with my grandad while he was dying of lung cancer/pheumonia), then religion is not only the opiate of the masses but also the opiate for the mind.
Nothing wrong with that if it grants a person comfort and that’s not a stance I oppose.
My stance is whether or not something is true and I doubt even that complete knobend Dawkins would be so tactless as to debate a dying man and his family especially considering what christian fundies said about his friend Christopher Hitchens’ supposed recantation of non-belief on his deathbed.
I guess violating the 9th commandment is okay if you say it about an atheist cunt who died of throat cancer..
Lost my parents and my sister to this horrendous disease. No words can describe just how big a cunt cancer is.
Two of my grandparents died of it and one friend at 23. It’s a roulette wheel with random picking. We simply have to enjoy life as much as we can.
Hope you had a Merry one, Ronnie.
Aye up Captain.
Yeah, great Xmas, aside from a bad case of flatulence brought on by overindulgence (the bastard’s had a cunting).
Hope you had a good time yourself mate!
Cancer is a fucking giant cunt.
I don’t believe there will ever be a cure as it is not an alien virus or bacteria, but due to a fault in the body’s programming.
Sadly many cancers reocurr and science has not yet found a way of disabling the faults in the genes to prevent this.
I reckon the future will see treatments of the symptoms, i.e. controlling tumours as opposing to eradicating the disease itself.
A very bold choice of cunting Spoons.
I can talk about many subjects but this area to me remains one of the last taboos, as it is to many people.
Perhaps this is where mankind falls down in its reluctance to confront and openly discuss the matter in depth.
It’s one area that’s virtually impossible to make a tasteful joke about although I’m sure many left wing so called comedians have attempted it.
See, in mentioning it, I’ve not managed to say the word once.
No laugh, no smiles, no emojis. Just a hope that this evil condition will be wiped out in my grandchildren’s lifetime.
They were collecting for cancer research when I was a lad and it’s incredible that there’s still no cure. I assume they’ve found some ways of alleviating it and some sorts are treated effectively. It’s a matter of time but that’s something a lot of people unfortunately don’t have.
My grandparents and parents died of cancer, and I guess I could be next if I was to believe in hereditary diseases, even though I don’t smoke.
Boris spends billions on this Covid shitshow, while sidelining cancer sufferers – what a cunt!
but then again my cynicism for certain Cancer Research charities knows no bounds. We keep on donating billions and yet they always want more, teasing us by saying “we’re almost there!” But you know as soon as they do find an answer funding will dry up and the CEOs will be skint!
Fuck them all!
Two Grandparents died of cancer. In my view, another reason to stop the foreign aid budget. I can think of better things to spend £20 billion on. Cancer research, blindness and deafness research, dementia research, motor neurone research. Sorry if I’ve missed anything off but you’ll get the gist.
It’s been pretty bad in my family too now I look back.
My step cousin died of testicular cancer when he was 33, my auntie died of bone cancer when she was around 60, my maternal grandad died of lung cancer age 70, my maternal nan had skin cancer in her 70’s, had her lymph nodes removed when she was knocking on 80 and died of bowel cancer when she was 84, my paternal grandad died of some blood cancer when he was about 85 and had comorbid bowel cancer too.
My paternal nan died when she was around 80 of wounds sustained in a car crash because of my grandad’s arrogant refusal to give up driving. I’m not sure whether that’s much better than cancer though.
Oh and my uncle died when he was 66 of some organ cancer which I can’t remember although I’m surpised liver failure didn’t get him first considering his drinking habot made me look like a lightweight.
My young lady died of cancer some years ago – she was no millionaire, would probably not be regarded as anything special except to me, but I loved her with all my heart and it destroyed me – I did not think it was possible to feel this pain.
I miss her every second, and it hurts me grievously.
Cancer is indeed a cunt.
I have no further comment.
A real cunt of a thing MrF.
Heartfelt sympathy to you, and indeed to every other cunter who’s been there.
I hope and pray that I live long enough to see this fucker get fucked.
Cancer is indeed a king of a cunt. I’ve lost my dog, cat, and dear mother (recently) and her/my “doomed group” friends to cancer.
The horror of terminal diagnosis (afflicting all my in experience) and the subsequent impact on everything around, during and after is something that cannot be appreciated until stricken.
This cunt still keeps me awake at night with nothing but upsetting memories.
Kick that cunt to Mars.
My daughter is a radiotherapist. I’m very proud of her.
That is all.
Three Aunts and my Mum in the last five years.
Two grandparents and my Rottweiler.
Cancer is indeed a cruel, heartless cunt.
Same here, Odin’s Balls.
My mother and my aunties Margaret, Mary, Alice and Suzanne.
Toni Standen should be fried in a vat of acid.