Beth Rigby & Kay Burley

What a pair of sanctimonious moronic libtard cunts. How up your own arse must you be to spend months bemoaning Dominic Cummings breaking lockdown rules to…erm…break lockdown rules? Now being cancelled/deleted/de-platformed etc etc, ad nauseam. Gotta love the left eating itself. Fucking cunts!

For the record, Rigby would get it all ends up, Burley not so much.

(Full story here – NA)

Nominated by: West Cuntry Cunt

…. and this from Just a bloke

Kay Burley

This remain witch hounded Mr Cummings for his travels in lockdown. Demanded his resignation and ran it as a story more important than life its self.

The cunt then decides lockdown is not for those on the TV and gets caught. Calls it an error of judgement and fucks off on full pay for 6 months. Wow what a punishment. Was there a mob outside her house ? No that behaviour is for the tolerant , liberal toss pots who actually listen to twats like this.

What a cunt.

…and another, this time from Fuglyucker 

I would like to nominate the got some of their own treatment for once cunt that is Kay fucking Burly,

I’m sure you know Sky news, s favourite attack dog, this is the vicious, argumentative cunt that could start an argument in the loo by herself, no matter how wrong she is she will chisel, nag, whine, harass and nitpick until who ever the victim is says the wrong thing and then off she goes like a fucking ginger Duracell bunny with a scorching case of thrush.

Anyway this bitch is such a cunt, she practices do as I say not as I do, it’s backfired on the horrible cunt, she is to important to abide by distancing rules and got caught and has now suspended,

Sky have realised that nobody wants to watch this cunt, they probably have their own nagging ball and chain that they can’t turn off at home, unlike Kay Bully who has me reaching for the remote control like fucking Quick draw McGraw,

anyway let’s hope this poisonous rattlesnake never finds her way back onto the screen unless it’s on I used to be a celebrity please remember me…… Goodbye Kay don’t let the door slam on your droopy tits on the way out….. Fuck off….

….and a very late entry by Vernon Fox

Kay pee pants Burley.
Kay Burley the Sly news “journalist” has been caught out blatantly breaching lockdown rules.
Ordinarily I would say “good – fk these plastic dictators and be free of their evil nonsense” but not on this occasion, as brain dead Burley and her partner in grime Beth “Uh? So wat ya sayin’ is” Rigby have engaged in a prolonged, malicious and spiteful vendetta against Dominic Cummings for his little sightseeing tour and have constantly pressed to get him sacked – as it turns out they did not need to as he was slain by another demented and unelected harridan by the name of “Princess Nut Nuts” but this is beside the point really.
Burley has “apologised for her mistake” – it was not a mistake, it was a deliberate act of arrogance by a hypocrite snake who thinks the rules are just for the silly little poor people.
And on a final note – KAY! – you are sixty years old, stop dressing like you are 17, it’s embarrassing – and PLEASE no more facelifts, one more and you will have a pubic hair moustache and if the botox actually allowed you enough movement to articulate your eyelids you would be crying tears down your back.
Kay – you are a cunt!

73 thoughts on “Beth Rigby & Kay Burley

  1. I love this!
    Preachy, judg£m£ntal, lefty sneerers, caught out by ignoring the rules they advocated.?
    6 month ban, hehehe
    Serves you fuckin right!
    And the fact no neck Beth was there as well, truly magic!!
    Be hard for attention whore Kay,
    Hope Riggers blames her and starts a lifelong feud!!?

  2. So an extended Christmas holiday on full pay, hiding away at her million pound gated house in the Cotswolds, must be awful.

    Can’t see how she can be taken seriously now, if she ever was. Unlikely to be able to take any politicians to task over their actions anymore, so Loose Women beckons, and Beth Rigby is a tranny looking cunt….

    • TT JRC@ – Burley has flown off first class to Bransons £1500 a night private African game reserve.

      • Doesn’t surprise me at all the the cunt Kay Bully is happy to shoot unarmed animals, hopefully she will get kidnapped by a gang of poachers, spit roasted and then sold to the chinks for using her parts as medicine, maybe a potions to stop gobshite wives, you never know….

  3. As hilarious as all the other hypocrites who were seen at pubs/funerals/family shindigs weeks after Cummngs did his car quest. These two ugly Scary Marys are gruesome to behold, aren’t they. If they were the trophy at the end of the race, I’d begin walking backwards. I wonder what Burley chats to the barber about whilst she’s having a shave.

  4. I wouldn’t touch these 2 bints if they were the last “women” left on Earth to kick start the human race.Chuck them under a bus.Horrible hags.

  5. It’s lovely when hypocrites get found out, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving pair of cunts than these two quarry faced hags.
    They are both relentless in their sneering contempt. Burley, with her constant interrupting and chivvying, and Rigby, who looks like a docker in a frock, has a vast repertoire of eye rolls and knowing smirks.
    Suspended on full pay, how will they cope ?
    Get To Fuck.

  6. Kay’s a nasty old Trout. I’d happily drag her out by the hair and despatch her with my Luger. Know fuck all about t’other so maybe a hospital visit to stich her bits back up.

    • Burley is not worth a wank. As for Rigby, defo a gender-bender, non-binary freak whom stinks of hypocrisy.

  7. When I was young I used to dream about being a barber. I would practice for hours in my bedroom using a microphone as a hairbrush….

    • Off-topic…

      What’s the difference between the Channel Tunnel and Katie Price’s cunt?
      Harvey would only get stuck in the Channel Tunnel.

      • In other news today there have been reports that a thousand Israeli soldiers have entered Jordan…
        Please feel free to make up the punchline yourselves.

      • “Phase 3 of destroy the the Goy”

        Irony is that they’re getting support from the rag heads now. Reminds me of Gadaffi at the Arab league summit warning them about America and the West and calling for unity. Twats like Assad laughing at the time. Looks at the mess that cunt is in now.

        Fucking Jews. Responsible for most of the shit that happens.

      • @cupid

        ……….4 have returned unscathed, 16 confirmed dead, 980 more feared lost.

        When asked by representatives of Israel for a comment, Jordan replied:

        “Last time I go on holiday ere, the kids can’t get hot dogs and the fellas are useless “

        Her son Harvest, sorry Harvey, commented:

        “Hello U CUNT”

      • Price has had so much cock she could give birth to Harvey at his present size and not even flinch. Her box looked not too bad on her sex tape years ago. Now it must look like a butchers dustbin.

  8. I think this was all pre-planned by Burley. I read that she’d been out celebrating her 60th birthday … I’d to re-read it as I thought it must have said her 70th birthday ..
    She’s now been sidelined for six months … call me cynical, but the next six months gives her a chance to head down to Harley Street for another nip and tuck on her ‘boat race’ and a fair bit of recovery time from Sly News not to be sitting there like she’s gone fifteen rounds with Mike Tyson ..

    • Nancy Pelosi asked her plastic surgeon for a bum lift and he lifted it onto her shoulders.

  9. Burley is fucking off to South Africa. But I have to say she must have some dirt on Sky exec because who would give her a 6 month suspension on full pay, even though she’s as guilty as fuck!

    • I was wondering about that. She’s “agreed” to be off air for 6 months, but if she’s on full pay, how exactly is that a punishment for breaking the rules and bringing Sky into disrepute (not that anyone would notice)? Doesn’t seem like any great hardship being paid not to work.

    • Having dirt on the gaffers and getting away with murder is as old as prostitution. The leathery old cunt is a dab hand.

    • The Sky exec who suspended her on full pay has probably been filmed licking Kay Burley’s minge. That’s the dirt she has on him.

  10. Am in the fortunate position of never having actually seen these cunt so I am trying hard to give a fuck. Nope, sorry, fuckless.

  11. Kay’s just jetted off to South Africa on her hold, may as well used her unexpected leave.

    Wish I understood these left wing commentators.
    She will probably tweet about the need for greater use of renewables whilst there, write about the exploitation of black South Africans whilst being served cocktails by a black servant in the hotel.

    These cunts dream of a new feudal system where the rest of us live in poverty in hovels like peasants from the Middle Ages whilst they benefit from the wealth and technology the rest of us are not allowed.

  12. Kay ? Worth a shag. Then sack. Beth. Fucking hell I would need a spint and a weeks supply of blue pills. Both utter two faced cunts sack em.

  13. Yes but suspended on pay!! Fucking bitches should be fed to the dogs. Still I hope if they go back to work they interview Jacob Rees Mogg…..

  14. SLY NEWS will give it six months, let the dust settle and bring the sour faced highly unlikeable bitch back like nothing had happened. Why six month ? Just sack the Cunt.

    • Just the same as any scandal from people in the public eye. From Politicians to film stars. Lay low, keep your head down and the dullards will soon forget. And they do.

  15. Apparently, Philip Green has invited Burley and Rigamortis to spend Christmas with him on his yacht.
    His motives are not yet clear. It’s either to offer them modelling jobs, to try to tap them for a loan or form a threesome.
    Phil’s hoping to win the lottery when he finds they have six matching balls between them.

    • With a bit of luck Green has pissed Mossad off somehow, and he ends up like Robert Maxwell. They would be collateral damage/bonus however you look at it.

    • Rigamortis. Hahaha. Good one, Sir Bert.

      Maybe Phil Green is going to pull a Robert Maxwell? Watch this space.

  16. What would please me and despair me in equal measure, would be be for these two cunts finding themselves replaced by a pair of c00ns during their payed absence. Imagine Kays face on hearing that. She’d shake like a shitting dog and her mouth would pucker like its arsehole before laying the cable.

  17. It will be a good excuse for sky news to shoehorn a darkie onto the front line.

    They are very sorry…. that they got caught ???

    • Yep. Spot on, Sick. There’s being sorry and then there’s being sorry for being caught. Two very different things.

    • Think they did that eons ago with Gillian And Gamal. Often on together weekends. Fucking egg and spoons!

  18. I remember Burley on TV-AM. She was as frumpy as fuck. face like an anvil. She’s had loads of work done, no doubt about it. More fibreglass than the Arndale Centre in the 70s.

    Of course the old witch will get away with it. When I think of how Richard Keys and Andy Gray were hauled over the coals and hung out to dry over one daft remark. Yet this botox filled hag will give it all the ‘Women’s trouble’ bollocks and boo hoo a bit and all will be forgiven and forgotten. Old fucking slag.

    • When approached for comment kay replied
      “I’ll get you my pretty!
      And your little dog too!”
      Before cackling maniacally…

    • That’s a great point about Keys and Gray, Norm.

      That silly cow lineswoman is still showing up to EPL games I understand. She has NO business officiating the men’s game. The males are bad enough without her adding to the problem.

  19. It seems they won’t end up as meth whores unfortunately but it’s a nice Christmas wish.

  20. I have no idea who these to old hags are and I would rather eat my own shit than pay for shitty SKY TV to watch them.

    If I wanted to listen to the opinion of an asshole I would ask my own.

  21. Pair of fucking ugly, leftie, hypocritical, bitches should be sacked from Sly News and fined by the fucking cunting useless filth

  22. Despite what we think about Cummings, for what it’s worth Durham police ‘investigate’ and did not press charges and I think said no crime was committed.
    This pair of witches then spent 6 months screeching to high heaven about the governments approach to lockdowns and demanded more and more draconian rules to be brought in. They shrilled long and loud for Cummings to loose his job, be nicked etc and every ‘question’ at the government briefings were an attempt at ‘gotcha’ journalism. This pair need hoisting by their own petard and when finished, I’m gonna strap em in a chair with a sponge on their heads. Power on full until Burly melts and Beffs cock falls off.

  23. Six months on full pay?

    What fucking ‘punishment’ is that? I’m guessing they can’t fire her for legal reasons. I’m guessing that Sky just won’t renew their contracts when they end?

    Sky used to have a good policy of only employing fit birds, particularly on the Sports channels.

    Sky need to go for two hot birds in their 20s with big knockers and long legs. Not that I’d watch, but I don’t like the idea of rough old birds on the telly.

    Good to see these chippy madams shown up like this though.

  24. I feel a bit sorry for Rigsby.
    Shes not got a neck,
    A terrible thing for a posh girl.
    Never to wear a necklace,
    Or a poloneck jumper,
    All the other girls wearing those choker necklaces at the school disco and Beth having to wear hers as a headband,
    Like shes in fuckin Jefferson Airplane or something.
    Poor cunt,
    Only bird I know has to cut eye holes in a scarf…

  25. What would please me and despair me in equal measure, would be be for these two cunts finding themselves replaced by a pair of egg & spoons during their payed absence. Imagine Kays face on hearing that. She’d shake like a shitting dog and her mouth would pucker like its arsehole before laying the cable.

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