What a pair of sanctimonious moronic libtard cunts. How up your own arse must you be to spend months bemoaning Dominic Cummings breaking lockdown rules to…erm…break lockdown rules? Now being cancelled/deleted/de-platformed etc etc, ad nauseam. Gotta love the left eating itself. Fucking cunts!
For the record, Rigby would get it all ends up, Burley not so much.
(Full story here – NA)
Nominated by: West Cuntry Cunt
…. and this from Just a bloke
Kay Burley
This remain witch hounded Mr Cummings for his travels in lockdown. Demanded his resignation and ran it as a story more important than life its self.
The cunt then decides lockdown is not for those on the TV and gets caught. Calls it an error of judgement and fucks off on full pay for 6 months. Wow what a punishment. Was there a mob outside her house ? No that behaviour is for the tolerant , liberal toss pots who actually listen to twats like this.
What a cunt.
…and another, this time from Fuglyucker
I would like to nominate the got some of their own treatment for once cunt that is Kay fucking Burly,
I’m sure you know Sky news, s favourite attack dog, this is the vicious, argumentative cunt that could start an argument in the loo by herself, no matter how wrong she is she will chisel, nag, whine, harass and nitpick until who ever the victim is says the wrong thing and then off she goes like a fucking ginger Duracell bunny with a scorching case of thrush.
Anyway this bitch is such a cunt, she practices do as I say not as I do, it’s backfired on the horrible cunt, she is to important to abide by distancing rules and got caught and has now suspended,
Sky have realised that nobody wants to watch this cunt, they probably have their own nagging ball and chain that they can’t turn off at home, unlike Kay Bully who has me reaching for the remote control like fucking Quick draw McGraw,
anyway let’s hope this poisonous rattlesnake never finds her way back onto the screen unless it’s on I used to be a celebrity please remember me…… Goodbye Kay don’t let the door slam on your droopy tits on the way out….. Fuck off….
….and a very late entry by Vernon Fox
Kay pee pants Burley.
Kay Burley the Sly news “journalist” has been caught out blatantly breaching lockdown rules.
Ordinarily I would say “good – fk these plastic dictators and be free of their evil nonsense” but not on this occasion, as brain dead Burley and her partner in grime Beth “Uh? So wat ya sayin’ is” Rigby have engaged in a prolonged, malicious and spiteful vendetta against Dominic Cummings for his little sightseeing tour and have constantly pressed to get him sacked – as it turns out they did not need to as he was slain by another demented and unelected harridan by the name of “Princess Nut Nuts” but this is beside the point really.
Burley has “apologised for her mistake” – it was not a mistake, it was a deliberate act of arrogance by a hypocrite snake who thinks the rules are just for the silly little poor people.
And on a final note – KAY! – you are sixty years old, stop dressing like you are 17, it’s embarrassing – and PLEASE no more facelifts, one more and you will have a pubic hair moustache and if the botox actually allowed you enough movement to articulate your eyelids you would be crying tears down your back.
Kay – you are a cunt!
I loath these liberal sneering lefty London elite types.
Both of them want a load from me…. A number 3 BB load from my fully choked Duck Master at close range right in the Puss, a cheaper and more effective facelift (read: removal) than any Harley Street outlet…..
They can’t sack them because they are wimminz. If they were blokes they would be down the road before you could blink. ( unless they were benders obviously)
Also the lefties look after each other and cover each other’s arses. You have to give them that.
And that odious cunt Lineker: lecturing all and sundry about wearing masks. Then the hypocritical fuck is caught in his local Waitrose without a fucking mask. The ex-goalhanging smear of slime’s excuse? ‘Old age’.
Well, my neighbour wears and Covid mask and he’s 72. Oh, and have any videos or pictures of ‘Rashid’, Lineker’s ‘refugee guest’ surfaced yet?
No, and they never fucking will, Because he is a bullshitting cunt.
The security should have stopped him going in. Or, better still, taken him out the back and beaten seven shades of shit out of the jug eared slimeball.
The Master of Sky News Skeletor Burley has finally got her comeuppance Sky says she’s not been suspended though she’s on leave with full pay for 6 months?
Beth Rigby (is it a man is it a woman ? ) It’s been put on holiday for 3 months.
The gossip on the street says lockdown lifting these two are available for panto as the 2 ugly sisters. ?
Skeletor is presently on holiday at Branson’s luxury retreat in Africa. Rigby on the other hand is currently back home in Essex?
These two old trouts should have been sacked by Sky Burley defiantly has something on one of the directors otherwise she would have been gone.Sanctimonious leftie remainer hypocrites the both of them Bring back Sarah Jane Mee ASAP . ??
No doubt we can look forward to Kay Bully releasing her book, like Lilly the musical mong or Katie Price, s riviting reads, 500 pages on being a cunt all her life….. Can’t wait….. Not
Now that the witch from Chortlon and the Wheelies has been jettisoned, how about those Sky cunts get a bit of fluff to present the news? Someone who actually looks good and who has nice tits will do.
Rigby with definitely get it – with a fucking cricket bat. What the devil are thinking, man? Looks like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle.
Sat near the Rigsby cunt on a train a while back. Fat slag with the body profile of a slug. Mouth on it like a cairo khazi. Apart from the mouth slash cunt red lippy wore all black with black fingernails. Hallmark of a lesbo.