Arise, Sir Tony Blair (21)

Please forgive the source, but this made my bladder vent steam this morning. Fucking Jesus H Christ on a Harley. What the fuck are they thinking of? This piece of shit needs to be at the Hague facing a war crimes trial.

If this monumental piece of shit deserves a knighthood I truly do despair for my country.
Fucking Hell If your own sovereign dislikes you, do the honorable thing and fucking top yourself.

Nominated by: CuntyMort

70 thoughts on “Arise, Sir Tony Blair (21)

  1. I venture this is not the first time Blair has been on his knees before a Queen waving a big sword about..

  2. Look at that picture!
    “Why so serious?”
    Some men just wanna watch the world burn…
    The Joker made flesh.
    This cunt just wont flush will he?
    Theyll have to nail him in his coffin when he dies.
    The evil grinning cunt.
    Hahahaha hahaaa haa…???

    • He must have the most powerful toothpaste when he brushes those shit-eating grinders, as well as powerful soap to be rid of his hands’ bloodstains.

    • He looks like he has just done a really silent but violent fart and an old dear nearby has taken the blame

  3. Tony Blair…the cunt who set the cuntitude standard to unheard of levels and is the cunt most cunts are measured against.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  4. Hundreds of dead UK servicemen and women, soldiers maimed for life, the rise of ISIS, hundreds of thousands dead in the Middle East, an open door immigration policy which let in terrorists, murderers, rapists and other assorted shit, letting the banks and hedge fund managers run riot, native Englishmen becoming second class citizens in their own country and finally, his wife who makes a living out of accusing our brave soldiers of war crimes and defends the indefensible. A knighthood after that list??? You’ve got to be fucking kidding.

    • And the Good Friday sell out. Spilt blood, from soldiers, police, civilians, politicians and gentry. For fuck all.
      I’d throw the cunt into a pit of starving Wolfhounds.
      That’d wipe that cheesy grin off his chops.
      Cunto Numero Uno.
      Get To Fuck.

  5. Somehow, this boils my piss mods than anything to do with Brexit or Covid ever has. The cunt should be in prison.

  6. I can’t see the problem…. having a knighthood is the true mark of an establishment CUNT. (with one or two honourable exceptions – Ed.)

    Bliar described to a tee!

    • My thinking too. They can call him a god for all I care but it won’t stop him being a intergalactic standard cunt. Considering the company you’d be keeping, why would anybody in their right mind accept any honour?

      • I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve been offered a knighthood Moggie. Ironically the first time was during Blair’s second term.

        No way would I ever want to be associated with those lickspittling Sir Wankers.

  7. Fuck me…poor Kimodo’s liable to have a fucking gripper when he hears about this.

  8. Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, you have been found guitar of the following crimes.

    1. Prosecution of an illegal war.

    2. Using your position to alter the voting demographic to give your political party an advantage in future elections.

    3. Coining the term ‘the people’s princess’ in relation to Diana Princess of Wales and ruthlessly exploiting her death.

    4. Dr Kelly and the obviously fixed inquiry that followed.

    5. Being a right slippery smarmy cunt.

    It is my duty as a patriot and in the interests of maintaining the people’s faith in the law to sentence you to be immediately taken to the gates of Buckingham Palace where the people shall kick, punch and spit on you until you are dead.

  9. Beelzebub himself gets a knighthood?
    No words. Just no words.

    Except “cunt” naturally…

    • Farage for a knighthood.
      Love him or hate him it was his influence that got us a referendum.
      Blair needs whipping.

      • Cant quite put my finger on it but I dont trust Farage.
        Hunch hes a dodgy fucker?
        Might be wrong?

      • Im not quite sure if im honest Dick.
        He says all the right things but something’s ‘off’ about him.
        The stood around with a pint he never drinks doesnt help,
        I suspect he has pierced nipples and is possibly a satanist.

      • I remember watching my local M.P. when he came into my local before the election…Cunt ordered a pint but just budgie-sipped it….you could tell that he’d have been happier with a Babysham.

      • Hope im wrong, know hes well thought of on here,
        But cant help thinking hes not right,
        If I didnt know him and he started chatting in a pub id walk away, just gut feeling.
        Know what I mean Dick?
        Some people flick the warning signs dont they?

  10. Well Mr Blair, it seems, along with your expertise in many fields, you are now an expert virologist and immunologist.

    Call me Tony.

    Thank you Mr Blair. The BBC are very grateful for your time.

    You see, having the second jab isnt necessary so I am advising that one is fine, based on my specific knowledge of virus proteins.

    Amazing Mr Blair, perhaps those doctorate and professor fools at the various laboratories could learn from your wisdom.

    I am sure they could. But sorry no more probing questions. I know what you on the Today programme are like. That’ll be £10 000, cash only.

    Thank you once again Mr Blair. This is James Naughtie handing you back to the studio and guest editor Gina Miller.

    (Ron Knee is away)

  11. Christ Alive, that grin in the nom pic takes some fucking beating eh. Even Lionel Blair must be jealous that his namesake can do it bigger and wider than him. Looks like he’s had a cactus rammed up his arse sideways. In fact I was convinced the image had been photoshopped but on closer inspection you can actually see the shit still clinging to his teeth.

    Let’s hope Her Maj has a senior moment and accidently chops his fucking lug hole off. Treacherous son of a chimpanzee cunt.

    • He looks like the fucking Joker in that photo.
      The worst shit-eating grin I’ve ever seen.

  12. If you visit Saint-Cloud, France at any point in the future, be sure to drop into the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. You can see the 1 metre platinum-iridium bar that defines the 1 metre length. You can see in the next room the 1kg platinum-iridium weight that defines the 1 kilogram weight. In another room, you can see Tony Blair sat in a chair. He defines the SI unit of 1 ‘cunt’, to which all others cunts are measured by.

  13. Got a mate who is always saying Blair should be in jail, my reply always is “you voted for him 3 times, i never did”

  14. In Time Trumpet Claire Short, in 2031, reflecting on why Blair was always more popular than Brown. “Tony could shit in your hat and you’d buy him a drink. Gordon could buy you a drink and you’d want to shit in his hat; and if he didn’t have a hat you’d want to buy him one just so you could.”

    Tony Blair did more damage than Thatcher, and that’s saying something.

  15. Bliar really is a piece of shit. I always laugh when Momentum types complain about Rupert Murdoch and the “right-wing media” giving Liebore a hard time. Well, maybe Bliar shouldn’t have slept with Murdoch’s wife…..

  16. Just read the Mail link.
    If his lack of honour is blocking those other tossers from being similarly “honoured” then I wish Her Maj a long reign.
    But then there could always be a slip of the sword. After all age does bring shaky hands.

  17. A knighthood is a mark of approval from the ruling class. It is a mystery to me as to why anyone would want one of these tawdry baubles. ‘Sir’ Jimmy Saville?

    As to the twats who object to the word ‘Empire’ in their pathetic ‘awards’ the obvious choice of replacement is ‘Establishment.’

    I wonder if Blair washes his hands like Lady Macbeth when he sleepwalks? If the bastard can sleep at all. As I’ve said about his familiar Campbell, I would love to be on Question Time with this prick. Whatever the question, I’d look him straight in the eye and say ‘found those weapons yet?’ And when off camera I’d be making drinkie signs to Campbell and John Inman limp wrist signs to Blair.

    It’s worth recalling that Blair gave (alleged) thief Philip Green his knighthood.

  18. Her Maj will never forgive Blair for making her look a right cunt during the Diana business. She obviously wanted a dignified, private funeral but he needed a media driven hysterical “people’s princess” circus complete with Fat Reg banging away at the Joanna. You must remember the media thought he was God Almighty at that time, he even had Murdoch in his pocket!
    If this abomination comes to pass I don’t know who is going to weild the sword and offer their congratulations. Certainly not Her Maj. Charlie the Chimp?
    Prince Baldybollocks? I presume HRH Sparkletits would be more than happy to annoint Sir Tony from her throne of wokedom.

  19. She may be old and a tad doddery these days but the queen still recognises a complete cunt when she sees one , how blair and his advisor Campbell avoided a war crimes hearing in the HAGUE is anybody’s guess ..
    Two utterly despicable cunts………

  20. Labour, Tory or Liberal. It really matters not one jot; the bastards are just different breeds of porcine feasting from the same bottomless trough.

    If Boris and Co. really believed Blair was a cunt and opened eyes and ears to public outrage then Blair would instead be served with a family sized portion of fuck off. But no.

    Cunts to all men.

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