Arise, Sir Tony Blair (21)

Please forgive the source, but this made my bladder vent steam this morning. Fucking Jesus H Christ on a Harley. What the fuck are they thinking of? This piece of shit needs to be at the Hague facing a war crimes trial.

If this monumental piece of shit deserves a knighthood I truly do despair for my country.
Fucking Hell If your own sovereign dislikes you, do the honorable thing and fucking top yourself.

Nominated by: CuntyMort

70 thoughts on “Arise, Sir Tony Blair (21)

  1. I fucking hate that grinning murdering cunt with a passion, i hope some mad cunt , preferably a peaceful one, takes him and his fucking family out, and i don;t mean for a fucking free meal, the bastard evil cunt

    • He does ‘win’ the award for 2020’s ‘Smug’ Grinning Cunt !

      Schofield & Owen Jones runners up – Wankers !

      He can take his ‘opinions’ & shove them right up his rancid, corrupt, self-important Arse !

  2. Have no respect for U.K. honours system anyway. The thought of Tone getting a knighthood proves why. But fair do’s if her maj inserts the sword up his arse to the hilt I will not complain.

  3. Pity the COTY voting is nearly over. He’d have been a shoe in if this had happened a few months ago.

  4. That shitstain on the arse politic needs only to be wiped and flushed. For services to….? African, Middle Eastern, Balkan and ‘Stan dictators? Bombardier and Gulfstream crews? Silvio Berlusconi? The fucking EU?

    God grant me a fleeting glimpse of the greasy cunt through a 6X50 atop a Mannlicher 6.5mm carbine. What a coruscating cunt, and cunt again, the cunt.

  5. Dame Miranda Charles-Lynton: for services to itself. Reminds me, I need more cream for my sigmunds.

  6. Arise Sir tony of shitstain-on – the wold, in the county of fuckingnowhere., hang the cunt and be done with it.

  7. Now that dark key extreme cunt Lewis Hamilton is now sir cuntalot I wonder if he will move back to the uk. Why do we hand out knighthoods to cunts like this who clearly do not want to belong to this country but happy to take all the good parts.

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